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《Unit1Will people have robots导学案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit1Will people have robots导学案.doc(15页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Will people have robots?Section A(1a2c) 编者:徐 清预习案预习导学教学建议 提前自学是学生在老师的引导下自主学习,老师课前要进行相应的指导,确保学生在规定的时间内独立完成。学习建议 在文中勾画出单词和短语,思考语法聚焦中的问题,标记好疑难,准备课上探究解决。一、词汇精粹1.机器人 2.everything 3.纸 4. few 的比较级 5. they will = 6.树木 7.在家学习 8. be free 9. 100年后 (两种表达)10. free time 二、听力内容预测学习建议 请仔细观察1a上面的图片并认真阅读对话内容,完

2、成下列题目。1. What are the two boys talking about? 2. la:猜测他们同意的内容,同意画A,不同意画D。 三、语法聚焦学习建议 熟背下列句子,总结语法现象。1.Will there be less pollution? No,there wont2.Will people use money in 100 years? No,they wont1.结合语法聚焦部分的例句,尝试缩写句子:Cities will be very big and crowded.= 2.两组句子表示什么时间发生的动作? 教学建议 老师要指导学生在预习过程中积极动脑思考,尝试自

3、己总结词汇与语法的规律和用法。预习自测一、词汇精粹1. People will have (机器人)in their homes.2. Will people use the subways (100年以后)?3. E (一切)will be easy to get.二、语法聚焦1.翻译:将会有更少的污染吗? 2.请对第1题中的问句作出肯定回答: 3.few的比较级 ,little的比较级 。我的疑惑?请你将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决。探究案导入新课 方案一:The teacher draws a timeline on the blackboard

4、. Ask students the following questions:What will be different in your life one year from now?Will you be in the same school in a year?Will you be still in my class?How about the things in ten years?We are going to talk about more than five or ten years. Lets see what life will be in 100 years in the

5、 future.方案二:以robots为话题切入。找一段关于机器人的视频,与学生探讨将来机器人的样子。最后问:Will people have robots at home?洗耳运动此部分是围绕教材听力材料设置的,直接使用教材磁带即可。一、听对话,完成1b中的问题。 二、听2a对话,判断正误。正确写T,错误写F。1. The woman thinks less pollution will be good for the earth. 2. The first girl thinks there will be less free time 3. The last boy thinks the

6、 city will be big and crowded. 三、听2a对话,完成2a,2b中的题目。 角色表演我来当老师:小组内推选一名同学当老师,其他当学生,以课堂为情景,谈谈自己对将来生活的预测或看法。要求:1.老师的扮演者要及时评价或总结某个同学的观点。2.可参照P2-P3听力上的对话内容,运用其中的重要句型,进行交流。3.表演时注意运用手势和表情增加对话的灵活性和多样性。教学建议 教师可根据实际情况帮助学生设置多种情景。例如:答记者问、分角色表演等。为了减少课堂时间的浪费、保证课堂展示效果,建议老师在课前(提前一天)进行培训, 让小组提前做好准备。示例: Will people in

7、 100 years? Yes,they will. / No,I dont think so. Will there be ? Yes/No I think there will be more/less/fewer Thats true. / I dont agree with you.质疑探究学习建议 请同学用5分钟时间认真思考这些问题,并结合预习中自己的疑问开始下面的探究学习。教学建议 1.在预习任务比较少的前提下,可以让学生在预习阶段思考这些问题,课堂上再进行讨论。2. everything 作为不定代词可联系其他不定代词学习。3.探究重是一般将来时的意义、结构和各种句式,以及与其他

8、时态的区别。探究点一 单词和短语1. everything pron.一切;每件事物(1)Everything will be free.一切东西都将是免费的。(2)Not everything is easy.并非每件事情都简单的。(3)We should do everything important carefully.我们应当认真做每件重要的事情。思考:总结everything的用法。(1)everything作为不定代词,作主语时,谓语动词用 (单数/复数)。(2)当everything用于否定句时,表达的是部分否定还是完全否定? .(3)形容词修饰everything时,要放在ev

9、erything的哪个位置? .2. paper n.(1)Books will only be on computers,not on paper. 书将只会写在电脑上而不是纸上。(2)Could you please give me a piece of paper? 你能给我一张纸吗?(3)Scientists handed in their papers on the survey last week. Paper意为 时,为可数名词。3. in 100 years 一百年以后(1)Will people use money in 100 years? 一百年后人们将会使用钱吗?(2)

10、Can you finish your homework in a week?你能在一周之内完成作业吗?思考:(1)in + 一段时间表示什么时间发生的事情? .(2)若提问in a week,需用疑问词 。拓展联系:After也可表示在多长时间以后,能和两个句子中的in替换吗?为什么? 4. live to be(1)从课本中找出含有该短语的句子: (2)总结live to be的意思 ,后跟 。即时练习:1. Han Xins child an adult(成人)in 3 years.A. becomes B. become C. will become D. became2. This

11、report has 80 altogether.A. papers B. paper C. piece of paper D. pieces of paper3.翻译句子:他活到了108岁。 探究点二 重难点句子和语法重难点句子探究1. There will be fewer trees. 将会有更少的树。2. There will be less pollution.污染会更少。思考:(1)fewer是 的比较级,less是 的比较级。(2)两者都表示少,可以互换吗?尝试总结它们的区别: (3)表示“多”的形容词有 ,它们的区别: 重难点语法探究1. Kids will study at

12、home on computers. 孩子们将在家用电脑学习。2. Kids wont go to school. 孩子们将不去学校。3. Will there be less pollution? 将会有更少的污染吗?4. There will be more pollution.污染会更多。思考:仔细阅读P96,自学一般将来时的用法。(1)一般将来时表示 某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经常或反复发生的动作。谓语动词由 构成。结合以前学过的内容,总结一般将来时往往与哪些时间状语连用。 (2)will在名词或代词后常缩写为 ,will not常缩略为 。(3)请总结将来时的一般疑

13、问句型及其肯定与否定回答。(分普通句型和there be句型) 拓展联系:be going to 也可用于将来时,区别在于be going to 更加强打算、计划、意图做某事。即时练习:1.翻译句子:将来老师会用电脑教学生。 2. People will have robots in their homes (改为否定句) 3. There are two cinemas in that town.(用next year改写句子) Section A(3a-4)预习案教材助读一、一轮阅读做题目1.阅读P4:3a,判断正误。(正确写T,错误写F)(1)Sally had short hair f

14、ive years ago. (2)Sally will have a daughter in five years (3)She wont have a car 2.再次阅读3a,完成填空。 二、二轮阅读找难点学习建议 在文中画出单词、短语、重点句型和交际用语。根据语境猜测含义或根据含义写出英语。(一)单词、短语1.建筑物 2. in college 3. play the guitar (二)句型1. What do you think Sally will be in five years? 2. I think there will be more tall buildings. 3.

15、 And there will be fewer cars and more buses. 我的疑惑?请你将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决。探究案导入新课 方案一:复习形式The teacher shows a few pictures and asks students whether the people in pictures will or wont do something.Students will answer the questions according to the tips beside the pictures.Then the

16、teacher asks them:Will youin the future? What will you do in five years? Today we will use our imagination to describe others and our future life.方案二:比较形式The teacher tells the differences of himself or herself between the past,present and future. Then ask students to look at the pictures on Page 4 a

17、nd tell the differences.教学建议 学生在课堂之初应当对本节课所要学习的内容有所了解,建议老师导入之后解读本节课的学习目标或任务。帮助学生在各个环节做到心中有数,从而提高课堂效率。质疑探究学习建议 请你认真浏览并思考探究案中的问题,结合自己在预习中的疑问开始下面的探究学习。探究点一 单词和短语1. will v.将,会,要 Ill be sixteen years old next week. 下周我就十六岁了。思考:Will是一般将来时的标志之一,作为 动词,通常置于 (原形)之前,与其一起组成句中的谓语,表示 。Ill是 的缩写形式。2. five years ago

18、(1)Five years ago,Sally was in high school.五年前萨莉在上高中。(2)When did he become a teacher?他是什么时候成为一名老师的? Five years ago五年前。思考:(1)five years ago意思是 ,指现在还是过去? 。(2)提问five years ago用哪个疑问词? (3)five years ago 通常用在句子中的哪个位置? 3. be in high school(1)Well be in high school in one and a half years. 一年半后我们将上高中。(2)含有该

19、短语的课本原句: 思考:(1)be in high school意思是 。(2)猜一猜“在小学”、“上大学”怎么说: 即时练习:1. I finish the work tomorrow.A. would B. have C. / D. will2.Where is Tom? He is school.A. on B. at C. to D. of3.翻译句子:威尔先生一个月以前写了这本书。 4.对画线部分提问:He came here there days ago. 探究点二 重难点句子探究1. What do you think Sally will be in five years? 你

20、认为五年以后萨莉会干什么?思考:(1)do you think相当于一个插入语,起解释说明的作用,如果去掉它,把原句变为疑问句会是 (2)说明:加上do you think原先的疑问句要用 语序,即主语在前,谓语在后。(3)in five years 是 的意思,句子用了 时态。2. I think there will be more tall buildings.我认为将会有更多高大的建筑物。思考:(1)I think 表示谁的观点? ,后面的句子用了 (2)there will be是there be的 时态,意思是 。(3)我们学过的there be与have都是“有”的意思,你能结合

21、以前所学,总结一下两者的区别吗? 即时练习:1.你认为他喜欢什么? What do you think ?2. There have lots of apples in the room. 3. Do you know have our summer holiday? Next week.A. when will we B. when are we C. when we willSection B(1a-2c)预习案教材助读一、听力内容预测1. Who are talking? 2. What does Joe want to become in the future? 二、阅读对话(一)单词

22、、短语1.航天员 2. rocket 3.车站 4.飞行 5. take的过去式 6.月亮 7. apartment 8.太空站 9. near here (二)句型1. I live in an apartment across the street from here. 2. Well,actually its kind of boring. 3.is that a picture of you? 4. So,Joe,what do you think your life will be like in ten years? 5. How did you get to school? 我的

23、疑惑?请你将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决。探究案导入新课 Ask a student to introduce the changes of himself. Others listen carefully and correct mistakes after the report.Listen carefully and correct mistakes after the report.Teacher:All of us are growing up and changing. You have your own childhood and you

24、 will do lots of things in the future. Lets look at Section B(1a-2c)and learn about the changes of Alexis.介绍用英语:I was a little boy years ago. I liked and the Now I am a middle school students. I will be 教学建议 此部分对话较长,为了减少听力过程的障碍,建议在听之前带领学生熟悉一遍单词。洗耳运动学习建议 先感知问题,再有目的地去听,边听边记录要点,听不清的先暂时放弃,做好标记,听第二遍时重点解决

25、。1. Listen to the dialogue in 2a and check.(听2a部分的对话,判断正误)(1)Joe and Alexis know each other well.( )(2)Alexis lived in an apartment before.( )(3)Joe is a computer programmer.( )(4)Joe lived in a house in the country ten years ago.( )2. Listen again and number the pictures 1-3 . 3. Listen to the dial

26、ogue again,Finish the questions in 2b. 质疑探究学习建议 请同学认真思考下面这些问题,并结合预习中自己的疑问开始下面的探究学习。教学建议 简单的探究点可以不讨论,只需核对条案即可,如fly,space。探究点一 单词教学建议 老师指导学生自主学习,时间根据具体情况而定,然后进行同学之间的一对一交流,或学习小组内部的合作探究。1. space n.(1)The table takes up a lot of space.这张桌子占去很多地方。(2)There are lots of stars in space.太空中有很多星星。思考:(1)space是 名

27、词同,它有两层含义: 和 。(2)你能写出多少个关于space的短语?试试看! 2. fly v.飞行(1)Tomorrow we will fly to Beijing.明天我们将飞往北京。(2)Can you fly a kite?你会放风筝吗?(3)Look,there are so many flies in the room! 看,房间里有这么多苍蝇!思考:(1)fly作为动词,过去式是 ,现在分词是 ,它的第三人称单数是 。(2)“飞往某地”如何表示? ,“从某地飞到某地”呢? ,如果某地是副词,如here,there,还需要加to吗? (3)fly作为动词除了表示“飞”,还有什么

28、意思?举例说明: (4)fly还有什么词性,是什么意思? 即时练习:根据汉语提示完成句子1. I will (乘火箭)to the moon (在将来)。2. People may work (在太空)in 100 years.3. (飞机从新疆飞往南宁。)The plane Xinjiang Nanning.4.(他喜欢与他的朋友放风筝。)He likes with his friends.教学建议 (探究点后即时练习的使用)即时练习应该在探究完问题后马上完成。教师给出答案以及必要的点拨。探究点二 重难点句子探究Ill live on a space station.我将住在一个太空站上。思

29、考:(1)该句用了什么时态,是一定会发生的事情吗?(2)live 是及物动词还是不及物动词?(3)后面的介词on可以用其他介词代替吗?为什么?请结合上述问题,综合陈述该句子的结构和其中的语言特点: 即时练习:翻译句子1.简想要住在乡下。 2.这种鸟栖息在水里。 Section B(3a-4)& Self Check预习案教材助读一、一轮阅读做题目1. Answer the following questions.(1)Why will Ming live in Shanghai? (2)What will Ming do when she becomes a reporter? (3)Why

30、will she live in an apartment with her best friends? (4)When will Ming dress more casually?2.完成课本的表格题。Ming in ten yearsJobPetsSportsPlacesClothesreporterparrot,many othersgo skating,go swimmingShanghai,Hong Kong,AustraliaSmart clothes,a suit(during the week),casual clothes(on the weekend)二、二轮阅读找难点学习

31、建议 认真阅读第6、7页。画出单词、短语、重点句型和交际用语并结合语境猜测其含义或找出与含义对应的单词、短语。(一)单词1. fall 2. 记者 3. 宠物 4. probably 5. 西装 6. dress 7.非正式地 8. even 9. write的过去式 10.我自己 11.面试;面谈 12. predict 13. come的过去式 14. sound 15.公司 16. think的过去式 (二)短语1. in fifty years 2. take turns 3. live alone 4. keep a pet parrot 5. go skating 6. look

32、smart 7. wear a suit 8. World Cup 9. a piece of paper 10. for fun 11. twenty years from now (三)句型1. In ten years,I think Ill be a reporter. 2. Ill live in Shanghai,because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it. 3. I might even keep a pet parrot! 4. On the weekend,Ill be able to dress

33、 more casually. 5. What will the weather be like tomorrow? 6. Which movies will win awards next year? 7. Predicting the future can be difficult. 8. There are many famous predictions that never came true. 我的疑惑?请你将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决。探究案导入新课 Guessing game:Guess what the people or thing

34、s will be in three days or the years.教师提供几幅动植物或人物现在的图片,提供时间限制或关键短语。让学生猜测它们未来的状况。例如:给出小蝌蚪的图片,问学生What will they be in a few days?质疑探究教学建议 (探究点的使用)1.建议老师先让学生读一遍短文,完成课文理解之后再探究重、难点。2.可针对学生探究过程中普高存在的问题再设探究点,帮助学生加深对知识的理解,拓宽知识面。学习建议 请同学用5分钟时间认真思考这些问题,并结合预习中自己的疑问开始下面的探究学习。探究点一 单词和短语1. fall v.(1)Ill live in S

35、hanghai,because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it.我将住在上海,因为我去年去了上海并爱上了它。(2)Study hard,or youll fall behind.好好学习,否则你将落后。(3)Be careful not to fall down.小心不要摔倒。(4)Its fall. And the leaves begin to fall.秋天到了,叶子开始凋落了。思考:(1)fall作动词时,意思是 ,构成的短语有 。你还知道fall构成的哪些短语? (2)猜测一下例句4)中它的词性及意思: 2.

36、 as prep.& conj.(1)As a reporter,I think I will meet lots of interesting people.作为一名记者,我认为我将会遇到许多有趣的人。(2)I was coming in as he was going out.我进来的时候,他正出去。(3)As you werent there I left a message.因为你不在那里,我留了个信儿。思考:(1)由例句(1)总结as的意思及其用法: (2)例句(2)和(3)中as作连词,意思分别是 和 。(3)尝试用另外的连词代替例句(2)和(3)中的as: 3. alone adv.单独地;孤独地(1)I dont like living alone.


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