外研版小学英语三级下册《Module 10 UNIT 1 There are fifty children in my class.》精品教案(一起点).doc

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1、第六册Module 10 Unit 1 There are fifty children in my class 语言功能:认读100以内整十数的单词;描述在一定范围内的事物个数; 能够用英语听懂简单的加法并用英语表述答案。 学习任务:1、能够听说认读抄写或仿写下列句子:How many children are there in your class? There are fifty.How many boys? There are twenty boys.2、能够仿说和运用下列句子:Whats plus? Its.3、能听说读写的词语:how many(1-3), girl(1-2), b

2、oy(1-3), children (2-9)运用任务:描述周围事物个数的情况;演唱童谣;朗读、表演课文;能够认读100以内整十数的单词,并能灵活运用;听简单的加法题抢答。 模块分析:这一模块在单词方面把数字的范围进一步扩大了,教师在教学中着重应该注意对于一些比较容易读混淆、读错单词的纠音,如“fifty”等。在句型方面,难度不大,如 “What plus ?” 教师只需进行算式的板书学生便能很快地理解该句式的含义。Step 1: Warm up.1、Greeting.T: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Ms. Yang.2、Free talk.T: Im a

3、 new English teacher for you. This is a new classroom for us. Its very big. What can you see in the classroom?S: I can seeT: How many ?S: There are (如果学生说到teacher、desk、chair等数量较多的事物时,教师可以说There are many in the classroom. Maybe there are more than 解释more than,We cant count them now. But we can count

4、them after class.)Step 2: New.1、How many are there in your class?T: How many boys are there in your class?(教师边板书边说问题,并引导学生进行跟读)S: There are (学生边说教师边板书,并引导学生进行拼读练习,然后将学生的答案记录下来: boys)T: How many girls are there in your class? S: There are (将学生的答案记录下来: girls)T: Now practice with your partners.(学生进行pai

5、r work,反馈2组练习结果)2、fortyT: How many children are there in your class? (将刚才记录的数字用示意图的方式进行总结)S: There are (将学生的答案记录下来: children)(如果学生能说出forty,教师就进行表扬:Super! A new word, but you can read it! Now children, together: forty.同时出示课件教授forty。如果学生说不出来,教师则直接进行教授:No matter! Its a new word for you: forty. 同时出示课件教授

6、forty。)T: How many children are there in your class? (引导学生齐读)S: There are 3、How many children are there in Sam and Amys class?T: How many children are there in Sam and Amys class? There are 2 answers.(出示课件,引导学生读出备选答案。如果学生能说出fifty,教师就进行表扬:Wonderful! You know it! Together children: fifty.同时出示课件教授fifty

7、,引导学生通过发音fif + ty进行记忆,并进行拼读练习。如果学生不能说出fifty,教师则直接进行教授: Never mind. There are fifty. 同时出示课件教授fifty,引导学生通过发音fif + ty进行记忆,并进行拼读练习。)T: How many children are there in Sam and Amys class? Listen carefully, then answer my question.(播放CD-ROM)S: There are fifty.T: Lets check. Good job.4、How many boys are the

8、re? How many girls are there?T: How many boys are there in Sam and Amys class? And how many girls are there? There are 4 numbers. (引导学生读出备选答案,在学生说出thirty之前,教师提示:Look at this number: thirty.教授thirty,引导学生通过发音th + ir +ty进行记忆,并进行拼读练习,引导学生说出35:thirty-five)Lets guess. How many boys?S: There are T: How man

9、y girls?S: There are T: Now listen and check the answers. (播放CD-ROM)T: How many boys?S: There are 30.T: How many girls?S: There are 20.5、How many children were there in Sam and Amys class in England?T: There are 50 children in Sam and Amys class in China. There are 30 boys and 20 girls. But last yea

10、r, Sam and Amy werent in China. They were in England.(点击课件出示In England)It was different in Sam and Amys class in England.(单词卡片教授different,解释说明Sam和Amy在英国的班级中学生人数与中国的班级不同)How many children were there in Sam and Amys class in England? How many boys and how many girls? Listen carefully and fill in the b

11、lanks. (播放CD-ROM)T: How many children were there in Sam and Amys class in England?S: There were 30.T: How many boys and how many girls?(如果学生能够回答,就引导学生读出文中的相关句子,并让全班进行跟读;如果学生不能回答,就再播放CD-ROM的第四幅图片内容,请学生听完后回答,并让全班进行跟读)S: There were 15 boys and 15 girls.6、Listen and circle the numbers.T: There are many

12、numbers. Lets read them.S: 50, 30, 20, 30, 15, 15.T: Now open your books, turn to page 38. Listen and circle the numbers.(播放CD-ROM,学生找到相关的图片并读出句子,引导全班学生进行跟读)7、Listen and repeat.T: Clever children! Lets read the text. (播放CD-ROM,让学生进行跟读)Step 3: Practice.1、Activity book: P38 2T: Now open your activity

13、books, turn to page 38. Part 2: Listen and circle true or false.(播放2遍CD-ROM,学生进行判断。核对答案时先引导学生齐读题目,再集体回答,如果题目本身是错误的则引导学生说出错误原因)2、Summary.T: Good job! Now children, look at the numbers. Read them together.(学生齐读)What difference can you find out?(引导学生从单词拼写和读音两方面进行归纳)T: Look at this number. Whats this?S:

14、 14.T: And this number?S: 40.T: Pay attention to these words: 14fourteen, 40forty.(教师引导学生接着说出其余几对数字:1660,1770,1880,1990,顺势出现100,教授one hundred)3、Students book: P39 2T: Children, you know so many numbers. Now open your books, turn to page 39. Part 3, look at this picture and answer my question. How ma

15、ny apples are there at School A?S: There are 50.T: You can talk about this picture with your partners. (学生进行pair work,反馈68组练习结果)4、Guessing game.T: Excellent! Look, children. A farm. There are many animals on the farm. What are they? Listen carefully and say the animals as quickly as you can.S: Cows,

16、 dogs, ducks, pigs.T: There are many animals. How many dogs are there on the farm? How many pigs? How many ducks? And how many cows? You can use these numbers. There are Now practice in pairs.(每个问题由四个组的学生分别回答,猜对即可获得奖励,最后一题由全班问,每组学生共同回答)5、Summary.T: Today we learnt about numbers: How many are there i

17、n your class? There are You did a good job. All of you are very clever. So youve got lots of fruits in your groups. How many fruits are there in your groups? Lets count.(引导全班同学一起问How many pears/ apples/ oranges/ peaches are there in Group ? 并做出相应的回答,教师对获胜组进行表扬)6、The numbers about Beijing Olympic Gam

18、es.T: Children, there are many colorful numbers about Beijing Olympic Games. Which number do you like? Which number about Beijing Olympic Games do you want to know?(教师根据学生的描述进行点击)(1)There are 35 signs in Beijing Olympic Games.(2)There are 21 foreign cities for Beijing Torch Relay.(3)There are 113 ci

19、ties for Beijing Torch Relay in China.(4)The diameter of the medals is 70 millimeters.(5)There are 81 days left for Beijing Olympic Games.(6)There are 37 sports places in Beijing Olympic Games.(7)205 countries will join in Beijing Olympic Games.(在说到第7条的时候点击课件出现:So weve got more friends here in China

20、.)Step 4: Homework.1、Listen to the tape 5 times, then read the text 5 times.2、Activity book: P39 4 53、Make a short dialogue with your friends, then write them down.板书设计Module 10 Unit 1 There are fifty children in my class.A B C D?How many are there in your class? childrenThere are boys girls教学反思本课是新

21、标准英语第六册 Module 10 Unit 1 There are fifty children in my class.本课的语言功能是认读100以内整十数的单词;描述在一定范围内的事物个数;能够用英语听懂简单的加法并用英语表述答案。本课的重点句型是How many children are there in your class? There are fifty.使学生了解生活、热爱生活。一、教学设计开课时由Free talk.引出本课文本中谈论的主句型,符合三年级学生的特点,能迅速使学生熟悉新环境,消除学生的紧张感,引起学生的兴趣,并能直接引出课文内容,对文本中的重难点进行分割处理。在


23、学习的兴趣。在课的最后我又设计了一个Numbers about Beijing Olympic Games的练习,将数字的难度稍加提高,让学生在说的基础上了解北京奥运会的相关情况,并以文本的最后一句。在整堂课中,我注意了学生的合作学习,小组练习的次数比较多,给与学生充分的说的时间。二、不足之处一堂课下来,对比课前预设和课堂实际教学,我发现自己的教学存在以下问题:1、学生在表述数量How many ?时,由于学习的词汇有限,所说的句子不多,时常重复。我应该从实际出发进行拓展,帮助学生更多的表达,学生会更有兴趣,练习的面会更宽。2、说的时间还是不够多,这节课我自始至终想多创造让学生说的机会,比如读句子时引导学生说,对话练习先放到小组里面让学生说再反馈等等,但是还是有不足之处,有时因为时间有限学生说的稍慢的我就会补上,不知不觉还是把学生说的时间占用了,因而在以后的课堂中会把梯度设计的更合理,使学生能够能说并且干说,有话可说。避免因为难易程度不合适出现类似“拔苗助长”一样的老师代替学生说的情况出现。


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