湘少版英语四级上册unit3 look at this elephant.doc

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1、Unit3 Look at this elephant教学设计执教者:陈倩(鳌洲小学)教学目标(1)知识目标巩固学过的单词elephant monkey tiger bird big beautiful 学习新单词mouse funny strong small 能理解,会说句型 Look at this ,its a dog.(2)能力目标 能准确表达动物类单词和描述性单词;能根据图片描述动物的特征,并作出动作。(3)情感目标培养学生爱护动物,珍惜生命的思想教学重点 准确运用形容词big small strong funny beautiful来描述动物教学难点 运用所学形容词对动物进行描述

2、,区别this和 that教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1. Sing a song “Good morning”2. Greeting.3. Use four animal toys to ask students like this” Whats this? Its a tiger” Step 2 Lets learn1. T: Where are there many animals?Ss::In the zoo T:Now ,Lets go to the zoo.(幻灯片1)2. 出示四张图片(老虎、猴子、鸟、大象)引导学生用句型 “Its a tiger/a monke

3、y /a bird /an elephant” 介绍图片。最后,出示老鼠图片,通过比较mouth的发音和写法来教学。3. Play a game ( find friends )从举手的学生中选出10位学生参与此游戏:请5个学生拿动物图片站在一边,5个学生拿动物单词卡片站一边。先让拿动物图片的学生找图片单词的朋友,再让拿动物单词卡片的学生找动物图片的朋友。如果找对了,及时给予一颗小星星表扬。4动物模仿秀展示动物大象图片给学生们,让举手的一个学生戴上大象头饰表演并复习描述性单词big,如果模仿得很像,及时给予一颗小星星表扬。并进行这样的对话:T: Whats this ? Ss: Its an

4、elephant. T: Its big. (幻灯片2)展示老鼠图片给学生们,让举手的一个学生戴上老鼠头饰表演并学习big.的反义词small, 如果模仿得很像,同样及时给予一颗小星星表扬。并进行这样的对话:T; Whats this ? Ss: Its a mouse. T: Its small. (幻灯片3)展示猴子图片给学生们,让举手的一个学生戴上猴子头饰表演并学习funny., 如果模仿得很像,同样及时给予一颗小星星表扬。并进行这样的对话:T: Whats this ? Ss: Its a monkey. T: Its funny. (幻灯片4)用同样的方法表演老虎和小鸟,学习了形容词

5、strong,复习了形容词beautiful,得到如下的对话:T: Whats this ? Ss: Its a tiger. T: Its a strong.(幻灯片5)T: Whats this ? Ss: Its a bird. T: Its beautiful. (幻灯片6)5.Lets practice the phrases 根据图片翻译成英语短语,然后大声朗读a big elephant a small mouse a funny monkeya strong tiger a beautiful bird(幻灯片7)Step 3 practice(1).老师展示动物玩具,学生快速

6、说出短语(1).老师展示动物图片,学生快速说出短语Step 4 Lets listen and say 1.区别this和 that 老师手里拿着大象玩具,老师指着说:This is an elephant. 学生手里拿着老鼠玩具,老师指着说:That is a mouse. 小结:this指较远的人或物 that指较远的人或物(幻灯片7) 2.讲解句型 “Look at ,its 老师指着手里的大象玩具,说:Look at this elephant, its big 。老师指着学生手里的老虎玩具,说:Look at that tiger , its strong。用同样的方法练习这个句型3

7、.Listen and repeat (Open your books page 9)par t A ,first listen to the tape carefully, then listen and repeat.4.老师带读,学生跟读做动作 Look at this elephant, its big.Look at that tiger , its strong.Look at this bird, its beautiful.Look at that monkey, its funny.5.学生齐读并做动作Step 5 Give advice T: Since animals make our life colorful,what should we do? S:We should take care of them and regard them as our friends .Step 6 Draw a conclusion本节课我们用图片和动物玩具复习了elephant monkey tiger bird big单词,学习了mouse funny strong small,运用游戏法强化句型Look at this elephant。


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