人教版高二unit 10 Frightening NatureUnder the Volcano阅读课教学设计.doc

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1、人教版高二unit 10 Frightening Nature阅读课教学设计 Under the Volcano是人教版高二unit 10 Frightening Nature中的阅读课文。作者以给朋友历史学家Tacitus写信的形式描述了叔叔Pliny在一次火山喷发中的死亡经过。Pliny不顾个人安危营救朋友,并在旅途中把自己的见闻记录下来,为后人留下宝贵的研究资料。从Pliny身上学生可以学习乐于助人、勇于奉献科学研究的精神。本节课的教学目标是:在理解整篇文章的基础上,提高学生阅读的能力和技巧。并学习如何描述事情的具体经过。结合本课的教学目的和要求,笔者设计了以下的教学步骤,并在实际教学中

2、取得了不错的教学效果。 Step 1、Warming-up:T: I want to introduce a friend to you. He is our close friend. He is around us every day. Everybody calls him “Mr. Nature”. Mr. Nature is very emotional, he is like a child. Sometimes he is very happy and cheerful, but sometimes he is very naughty or behaves very badly

3、. T:Do u believe so? Ok, lets see some pictures. When he is very cheerful, how does nature look like? (show some beautiful pictures to the students and get the students to have the idea that nature is very beautiful.) -beautiful, calm, peaceful,friendly.T:But is it true that nature could always rema

4、in beautiful and calm? No, sometimes he will get angry. What will happen if he gets angry? -Earthquake. What else will happen if he gets angry? ( show the students one picture about earthquake, getting them to say more about natural disasters.) - frightening, ugly, unfriendly(设计目的:把Nature拟人化,通过一个可爱的

5、卡通人物的形象引出Mr Nature,把Natrue赋予人的一些特征,显得亲切,活泼,新颖,吸引学生的注意力,引起学生的兴趣,激发学生的阅读动机。通过自然发怒来引出自然灾害,切入本课的背景,火山爆发。)Step 2: ReadingPre-reading: Introduce some background information about Vesuvius to the students. (Mount Vesuvius, which is probably the most famous volcano in the world, is situated just above the G

6、ulf of Naples in southern Italy. Vesuvius also happens to be the only active volcano located on the mainland of Europe)Introduce Pompei-the small town near Vesuvius to the students.Introduce Uncle Pliny to the students.(a Roman nobleman, scientist and historian. ) (设计目的: 运用多媒体,使用一些图片和地图给学生简明介绍一下本篇阅读

7、材料的背景,进行适当的补充,让学生对维苏威火山和主人公及故事的发生地庞比镇有一个非常直观的了解。)While Reading:Skimming:Task 1 :Decide whether the following sentences are true or false. If they are false, correct them and give reasons.1. A volcano erupted on the 24th of August in 79 BC in southern Italy.2. My uncle planned to save his friends wif

8、e Rectina.3. My uncle went to rescue Pompy after saving Rectina.4. The flames came from the homes of farmers who had left in a panic with the kitchen fires still on.5. They decided to try the open air instead of staying in the house.6. It was night when the volcano erupted.(设计目的:让学生快速阅读课文,根据阅读内容判断正误

9、,并解释理由,使信息内化。通过快速阅读,培养学生捕捉文章的具体信息。)Task 2:Ask some detailed questions according to the different parts.1Read para. 1&2 and answer the questions.1.For what reason did the writer write the letter? 2. What does the writer mean with the last sentence in the last paragraph of the letter ? A. It is no eas

10、y task to be a history writer B. He reminds Tacitus of his uncles bravery C. Hes sorry that he cant tell Tacitus more about the eruption.D. He leaves it for Tacitus to decide which parts are important for his history book.(设计目的:从某种意义上来说,阅读就是作者和读者的交流。通过与作者的“交流”,让学生推断作者的写作意图。以选择的形式(Multiple choice),进一

11、步内化摄入的信息,提升学生的解题能力。)2Read paras 2-6 carefully and pay attention to the order of things about what my uncle did during the volcano eruption. .DateOn the 24th of August in 79 AD in southern Italy.What happened:The eruption of the volcano called Mount Vesuvius.First A cloud of unusual size & shape risi

12、ng from a mountain drew my uncles attention and he wanted to see it from closer at hand.NextAfter receiving a letter from his friends wife Rectina, he changed his mind to save her.ThenIn spite of the danger, he turned back to rescue his friend Pompy and help calm down the other people. FinallyMy unc

13、le wanted to get out of the danger but failed. He was dead.(设计目的:本部分为文章的中心段落,具体描述了叔叔在这次事件中的经历。通过表格的形式来帮助学生归纳事件发生的具体过程,熟悉文章的主要内容,并用自己的语言来回答问题,使信息内化。)3After filling in the blanks, ask the whole class to retell the story using the information in the form, paying attention to the conjunction words: Firs

14、t, Next, Then, Finally.(设计目的:要求学生对故事进行简单的复述,并引导学生注意对描述事件发生的同时应该使用一些过渡的关联词。这是一个语言输出的过程。)Post reading:Task 1: The uncle of the writer was not afraid of what was happening. How do you know? Give three examples that show he had no fear.He wrote a report about all he observed during his trip.Rescue Pompy

15、, calm down, bathed and had dinner, sleep, etc.Sleep after baths and dinner, told the flames came from the homes of farmers who had left in a panic with the kitchen fires still on. (设计目的: 让学生寻找一些具体的例子来支持某一观点,让学生学会信息之间逻辑关系的处理和判断。)Task 2: And What do the words in bold refer to in these paragraphs.the

16、one: the windthe other: my uncles friend Pompytheir: flamesThey: scared people(设计目的:让学生掌握这些代词在文章中所起到的作用,体会到在描写事件的时候,代词的使用是很有必要的,甚至可以让我们的文章更具美感。根据学生知识层面和语言结构等特点,采用学生小组讨论共同寻找答案的形式来完成任务。)Task 3:Read between lines:1. The sight of it awoke the scientist in my uncle and he decided to go and look closer at

17、 hand. What does “the scientist” mean here?A. A person who is a scientist.B. The spirit of being a scientist.2. what started out as a trip for knowledge now calls for courage.3. He looked more asleep than dead.(设计目的:帮助学生理解一些复杂的句子,理解作者字里行间的涵义,进行深层次的阅读。选择题的设计是为了帮助学生理解,降低难度。)Step3: Discussion:1. What i

18、s the direst reason for Uncle Plinys death?2. Do you think Plinys actions were wise or not? (设计目的:激发学生的想象力,培养他们的发散性思维。通过阅读课文,让学生了解主人公的品质。达到对学生进行情感态度和价值观方面的教育目的。)Step 4: Story-telling:Are you familiar with the story? Can you tell the story in English? (设计目的:教师应能够挖掘阅读材料。教师在屏幕上打出一些图片,通过一个大家熟悉的故事司马光砸缸来让

19、学生尝试描述一件事情的经过。运用在本课中学到的关联词:First, Next, Then , Finally.让学生达到将知识学以致用的目的,培养学生的阅读后的语言输出能力。)Step 5: Homework:1Finish exercises 2& 4 in SB, page 77. 2Write the story in your own words.(设计目的: 让学生在学完了课文之后对表示描述火山的词汇进行总结,并对刚才口头表达的故事用书面的形式表达出来。训练学生的书面表达能力。)课后反思:高中阶段的英语教学改革在听、说、读、写全面发展的基础上,由初中阶段的听说领先转为读写领先。阶段重



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