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1、Test One Part II Vocabulary (10 minutes)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer She et with a single line through the

2、 centre. 21. His career was not noticeably _by the fact that he had never been to college. A) prevented B) prevented C) hindered D) refrained 22. When trapped in drifting sands, do not struggle, or you will be _ in deeper. A) absorbed B) pushed C) heaved D) sucked 23. To _ for his unpleasant experie

3、nces he drank a little more than was good for him. A) commence B) compromise C) compensate D) compliment 24. All visitors are requested to _ with the regulations. A) comply B) agree C) assist D) consent 25. The captain _ the horizon for approaching ships. A) scanned B) scrutinized C) explored D) swe

4、pt 26. The vast majority of people in any given culture will _established standards of that culture. A) confine B) conform C) confront D) confirm 27. Although he was on a diet, the food _ him enormously. A) inspired B) tempted C) overcame D) encouraged 28. His argument does not suggest that mankind

5、can _ to be wasteful in the utilization of these resources. A) resort B) grant C) afford D) entitle 29. If you want this pain killer, youll have to ask the doctor for a _. A) receipt B) recipe C) subscription D) prescription 30. Some fish have a greater _ for acid water than others. A) tolerance B)

6、resistance C) dependence D) persistence 31.In previous times, when fresh meat was in short _, pigeons were kept by many households as a source of food. A) store B) provision C) reserve D) supply 32.As Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, I have directed that all measures _ for our defense. A) had

7、 been taken B) would be taken C) be taken D) to be taken 33.A thief who broke into a church was caught because traces of wax, found on his clothes, _ from the sort of candles used only in churches. A) had come B) coming C) come D) that came 34.After the guests left, she spent half an hour _ the sitt

8、ing room.A) ordering B) arranging C) tidying up D) clearing away 35.I was _ the point of telephoning him when his letter arrived.A) to B) on C) at D) in 36.In no country _ Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day. A) other than B) more than C) better t

9、han D) rather than 37. A lorry _ Janes cat and sped away. A) ran over B) ran into C) ran through D) ran down 38. The project _ by the end of 2003, will expand the citys telephone network to cover 1,000,000 users. A) accomplished B) being accomplished C) to be accomplished D) having been accomplished

10、 39._ evidence that language acquiring ability must be stimulated.A) It being B) It is C) There is D) There being 40.Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply _.A) appreciated B) approved C) appealed D) applied Test TwoPart II Vocabulary (10 minutes)Directions: There are 20 incompl

11、ete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choice marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.21. It was found that the diet of older people is often _ in vit

12、amins. a) shortb) inadequatec) deficientd) failing22. The drivers attention was _ by a child running across the street. a) destroyedb) distractedc) desertedd) disturbed23. Although he knew little about the large amount of work done in the field, he succeeded _ other more well-informed experimenters

13、failed. a) whereb) which c) thatd) what24. The drowning child was saved by Dicks _ action. a) acuteb) alertc) profoundd) prompt25. It is hoped that the prisoner will be released through the _ of the president himself. a) conventionb) preventionc) interventiond) interference26. The studios pay very l

14、ittle attention to the low-budget movies that used to be so _ for the studios. a) advantageousb) profitablec) beneficiald) helpful27. I caught a _ of the car before it disappeared around the bend. a) glanceb) glimpsec) peepd) sight28. His tastes and habits _ with those of his wife. a) combineb) comp

15、etec) coincided) compromise29. From the available data it may fairly be _ that the writer flourished in the 15th century. a) presupposedb) presumedc) assumedd) supposed30. “When are you going to mend that broken window?” “Dont worry, Ill _ it one of these days.” a) get around tob) get down onc) get

16、over withd) get up to31. You should have put the milk into the ice-box, I expect it _ undrinkable. a) becameb) had becomec) has becomed) becomes32. You will be sent to prison, if you _ the law. a) defyb) detectc) deprived) devise33. With all its advantages, the computer is by no means without its _.

17、 a) boundariesb) restraintsc) confinementsd) limitations34. I _ to one daily newspaper and one weekly magazine. a) prescribeb) subscribec) described) transcribe35. One must handle those dishes carefully, for they are very _. a) brittleb) vigorousc) slimd) vulgar36. These figures are not consistent _

18、 the results obtained in previous experiment. a) tob) withc) ford) in37. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, _ a sudden loud noise. a) being thereb) there wasc) should there bed) there having been38. The old woman from the country was _ by the noisy crowds and traffic

19、 in the big city. a) inducedb) ridiculedc) bewilderedd) enchanted39. He once again went through his composition carefully to _ all spelling mistakes from it. a) abandonb) eliminatec) diminishd) withdraw40. Many university courses are not really _ to the needs of students or their future employers. a

20、) gearedb) relativec) associatedd) qualifiedTest ThreePart II Vocabulary (10 minutes)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choice marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on th

21、e Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.21. By _ computation, he estimated that the repairs on the house would cost him a thousand dollars. a) coarseb) rudec) cruded) rough22. Your story about the frog turning into a prince is _ nonsense. a) sheerb) shearc) shieldd) sheet23. I could see

22、 that my wife was _ having that fur coat, whether I approved of it or not. a) adequate forb) intent onc) short ofd) deficient in24. The _ runner can run 2 miles in fifteen minutes. a) commonb) usualc) averaged) general25. One of his eyes was injured in an accident, but after a _ operation, he quickl

23、y recovered his sight. a) delicateb) consideratec) precised) sensitive26. As an excellent shooter, Peter practiced aiming at both _ targets and moving targets. a) standingb) stationaryc) stilld) stable27. In American universities, classes are often arranged in more flexible _ and many jobs on campus

24、 are reserved for students. a) scalesb) patternsc) gradesd) ranks28. The insurance company paid him $10 000 in _ after his accident. a) compensationb) installmentc) substitutiond) commission29. The political future of the president is now hanging by a _. a) threadb) cordc) in its base.d) rope30. The

25、 statue would be perfect but for a few small _ in its base. a) mistakesb) weaknessesc) flawsd) errors31. Why should anyone want to read _ of books by great authors when the real pleasure comes from reading the originals? a) themesb) insightsc) digestsd) leaflets32. Parents have a legal _ to ensure t

26、hat their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age. a) impulseb) influencec) obligationd) sympathy33. Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a _. a) scarcityb) minorityc) minimumd) shortage34. David likes country life and has

27、 decided to _ farming. a) go in forb) go back onc) go through withd) go along with35. Jack was about to announce our plan but I _. a) put him throughb) turned him outc) gave him upd) cut him short36. I am sure I can _ him into letting us stay in the hotel for the night. a) speakb) sayc) talkd) tell3

28、7. Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply _. a) declinedb) lessenedc) descendedd) slipped38. The republication of the poets most recent works will certainly _ his national reputation. a) magnifyb) strengthenc) enlarged) enhance39. Recently a number of cases have been reported of young chil

29、dren _ a violent act previously seen on television. a) modifyingb) duplicatingc) acceleratingd) stimulating40. This kind of material can _ heat and moisture. a) deleteb) compelc) constraind) repelKey/参考答案 Test OnePart II Vocabulary (20%)21.C 22.D 23.C 24.A 25.A 26.B 27.B 28.C 29.D 30.A31.D 32.C 33.A 34.C 35.B 36.A 37.A 38.C 39.C 40.A Test TwoPart II Vocabulary 10%21. C22. B23. A24. D25. C26. B27. B28. C29. B30. A31. C32. A33. D34. B35. A36. B37. C38. C39. B40. ATest ThreePart II Vocabulary 10%21. D22. A23. B24. C25. A26. B27. B28. A29. A30. B31. C32. C33. B34. A35. D36. C37. A38. D39. B40. D


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