新编英语教程3 Unit110练习册110课答案及书本第一部分连词题.doc

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1、 Unit 11. Fume smoke or vapour ; offensive or suffocating gas2. sandy of the colour of sand ; pale reddish-yellow3. somehow for some reason or other4. stale dry and unappetizing5. dingy dirty-looking ; not fresh or cheerful6. proceed go ahead7. bloodshot full of blood ; red because the small blood v

2、essels are swollen or broken8. dismayed made afraid or discouraged at the prospect of trouble Unit 21. rage be very angry2. a vegetable plot a small piece of land for growing vegetables3. croaking rough and harsh4. murmur speak in a low but not clear voice5. wind down lower ( the car window ) by tur

3、ning the handle6. gesture of despair movement of the head or hand to show helplessness7. brutal cruel8. quarantine the period of separation from others so that the disease cannot spreadUnit 31. globe world2. circle move around3. indirectly not straight to the point ; in a roundabout way4. idle talk

4、talking about unimportant things5. coincidence a combination of events happening in such a way that it seems planned or arranged6. hastily in a hurry7. demand ask forcefully8. roar speak in a loud, deep voice Unit 41. will the legal statement concerning the disposal of ones property after death2. si

5、gnature persons name written by himself3. literary of literature4. supposition a guess5. playwright dramatist, a person who writes plays6. vague not clearly known7. confirm prove the truth of something8. verse poetry Unit 6 1. outlay a spending of money2. refill a new filling3. theoretically in theo

6、ry4. uranium heavy white metal which is radioactive, a source of atomic energy5. bonnet metal lid on the front of a car6. submarine a ship that can stay under water7. radiation the process in which energy in the form of rays is sent out from atoms8. synthetic not naturally produced ; artificial Unit

7、 71. pose as pretend to be2. pest an annoying thing3. suspense and anxiety state of being anxious and uncertain about something unknown4. fidgeting moving about restlessly5. assure make somebody believe, feel sure6. apace quickly7. inquisitive chatterbox a person who is curious about other people an

8、d talkative8. obstinacy and willfulness stubbornness and pig-headedness9. escapism that which makes one stay away from unpleasant reality10. justify give a good reason for Uint 8Shelter- f. protection;a building offering protectiondust-jacket-h. a loose paper cover put roung the hard cover of a book

9、 for protectionbecome engrossed in-d. have ones attention completely taken up byContent-e. satisfactionBrowse-a. read here and there in books especially for enjiymentVariety -b. collection of different kinds of thingsapart from -g. besadesTempt-c. attract Unit 9Fledgling-j. young and inexperiencedSp

10、ectacular-e. very impressiveAdroit -g. quick and skilfulComa-i. unconsciousness due to injuryFlurry-a. sudden excitementRecuperate-b. get back ones strengthmassive hemorrhage-c.l osing a lot of bloodFragile-f. easily injured or brokenConcussion-d. (an)injury to the brainPermanent-h. lasting for a lo

11、ng time or forever Unit10Cudgel-c. short,thick stickBuck-g. lower ones head or body so as to avoid being hitPlacatory-f. submissive,undisturbedNegligently-h. carelesslyWry-b. twistedBawling-a. loud,rough shoutingPandemouium-d. (scene of)wila and noisy disorderGramophone-e. record-player Unit1 P121.

12、It is an excellent photograph of Mrs. Johnson.George, her son, has decided tomake several 2. There was a temporary 3. This muslin is beautiful! But its so flimsy. Is it ?4. The helicopter came to rescue the the plane crash as soon as thelocal authorities received the radio message.5. Have you seen t

13、he school in the suburbs of London?6. A proverb says that a little 7. He was tall and muscular. Obviously he has a perfect .8. At the end of the interview the young man overcame his about his salary.9. The headmaster opened the door and looked at the with an air ofdisapproval.10. His efforts for an

14、early proved to be a failure because he had to make suchan awkward journey. Unit 2 P281. 2. While (cross) the street, you must keep your eyes open.3. (damage) during the war, the airport has never been usedagain.4. t possibly pay him a visit.5. 6. (walk) through the fields, one can take a look at th

15、e wild flowers.7. We didnt think he was very old, 8. She was wheeled to the hospital,(follow) by her children.9. The children went to the park, a mile away from the school,(sing and talk10. I am sorry to have kept you (wait) for two hours. 11. Can you hear the children (shout) in the next room?12. H

16、e whispered “Watch out” at the same time (try) to make as little noise as possible.13. The little girl sat in a corner in deep silence, (let) her doll dangle at her side.14. (Find) the room unlocked, we immediately went in. Unit 8 P122 A1. We havent seen him for more than ten years and I find him a

17、(change) person, He has become a 2. In the (qualify) teachers will be sent here.3. There lived an unusually (determine) farmer in the nearby village.4. In order to improve our (lead) comrades in our department have made a 5. Taking a camel ride was a 6. Teaching is a more (demand) job than working a

18、s a tourist guide.7. The child, very (please), cleaned her (soil) hands and went to bed with her lovely toy.8. Your unwillingness to cooperate with the doctor has made the case even more9. The (interest) spectators sat watching the (excite) football match for an hour in spite of their (soak) clothes

19、.10. After a (tire) day ta work, the (tire) woman sat in the park enjoying the beautiful sunset with a pleasant smile on her face.B1. The doctor insisted on (give) the patient an immediate operation2. (fascinate), we watched the sun 3. If you practice (sing) often, you will know how (do) it without

20、(make) such an exhibition of yourself.4. Peter hated (keep) to his bed. He missed (play) with his friends and never failed(be) at the window (see) them (climb) the apple-tree.5. Would you mind (open) the window?6. I persuaded him (take) care of the child while I went I really could not depend on his

21、 7. I oughtto tell (tell) my secretary to post the letter for me this morning but I was busy (prepare) a speech and I forgot 8. “Would you like ”“I would preferAs a rule, I prefer (read) to watch (watch) TV.”9. “Yesterday I found one of the pages in the book I bought you change it for me?” “Im sorry

22、”10. Reference books are not allowed (take) out of the teachers readingroom.11. “The (clean).”“You neednt tell me, I havent time”12. “It is no use our (wait) for him any longer. He doesnt know the way sohe wont come.”“But the film is worth ”“Hell regret ”“Im sure hell show up at any minute. He knows

23、 howused (be) a tourist guide in this city when he was young.” Unit 9 P138 A1. Boxing has been a controversial topic of conversation for a long time, itssupporters say that it is mans instinct to wish to show that histhan that of his opponent.(STRONG)2. They maintain that this instinct makes boxing

24、a sport that is fine and 3. They also say that it is very good for young boys to learn how to defendthemselves in case of 4. Those who wish to see the of boxing say just the opposite.(ABOLISH)5. They declare that it is 6. Professional fighters are particularly criticized, but even more so the promot

25、ers ofboxing matches who, it is said, make untold out of the sufferings of the boxer.(WEALTHY)7. But it must be realized that boxers too can make a lot of money, and a good fightercan look forward to a comfortable if he is sensible.(RETIRE)8. And it is that a famous boxer can attract far more specta

26、tors that eventhe most famous pop singer or film star.(DENY)9. Even the most cant fail to be affected by the exciting atmosphere ofan important boxing match.(EMOTION)10. Although we may not always approve of the motives that lead a man to take upprofessional boxing as a career, we cant help admiring

27、 his in the ring.(BRAVE) As a rule In a gesture of despair At such short noticeIn hostile silence Claim Keep to ones bedCling to No exception to Help outSpoil If only1.As a rule southerners prefer rice, whereas northerners prefer steamed bread.2.Everyone must get up at six to do morning exercises an

28、d those who stay up late are no exception to the rule.3." Keep to your bed for three days,drink a lot of water and take two pills after each meal,"the doctor said to him.4.When Mary had broken several plates for the third time on the same day,her mother spread outher hands in a gesture of

29、despair.5.The little boy clung to his mother, and kept asking her to tell him a story.6.She spilt some milk on the desk and spoiled our new tablecloth/7.It is said that"the cursed cave" has already claimed many lives.8.Mr.Smith helped out with the milking on the farm.9.We received three da

30、ys notice to vacate the house as the rent was overdue.Jack was sitting in acorner in hostile silence because it was unreasonable of landlady to ask us to move out at suchshort notice.10.Our room is in a terrible mess. If only mother could be here/ As if It so happened Caught up withLoses Coincidence

31、 Make any differenceExtraordinary concurrence of events On the contraryGains Purple with anger1.Does it make any difference whether you do it alone or with the help of others?2.It does seem a happy coincidence that April 23rd was Shakespeares date of birth as well as thedate of his death.3.My watch

32、doesnt work properly,sometimes it gains and sometimes it loses.4.I dont think that Chinese youth are a "lost generation", on the contrary, they are a vital force inthe realization of the four modernizations.5. The fact that China won so many gold medals in the 1996 Olympic Games shows that

33、 we havecaught up with the world advanced level in some sports and games.6.Having been brought up in England,the young Indian man spoke as if he were a native Englishspeaker.7.It so happened that on the day when she visited the great,remarkable castle in Britain,I wasthere too. What would you call i

34、t ? id call it an extraordinary concurrence of events.8.On hearing my comment on his work,he yelled, purple with anger. Am doubtful Its effects will be felt Are equal toTo sum up Be well on the way There is much outlay onExcept Worth1.the human brain is able to work in many different ways it can cla

35、ssify all kinds ofinformation;it can think creatively,it can make astonishing scientific and technical progress. Tosum up,it is a complex and delicate part of the human organism.2.A computer can do nearly everything that man can do except for one thing,i.e.,it cant thinkcreatively.3.This article is

36、of great value in our work.It is worth our studying thoroughly.4.Many people say that Chinese herbal tonic may not give quick results,but its effects will be felteventually.5.People in many countries like to have pets.They keep cats,dogs,fish,birds,tortoises,guinea pigsand even snakes and monkeys.As

37、 a result, there is much outlay on pet food and accessories. 6.As we all know,sports are not just for participants;they are for spectators as well.Many people enjoy being"fans "or "supporters "of one team or one particular sportsman.As a matter of fact,the popularity and fame of

38、many professional sportsmen are equal to those of the greatest Hollywood movie stars.7.I am doubtful about your ability to understand different gestures.8.If we have sufficient funds and support,well be well on the way to researching space exploration. At the end In the middle of Be engaged in Justi

39、fy himself Conclusion Keep thinkingDraw Rush Dreadful necessity Show particular aptitude Itch Something for nothing Ignore Strong-minded Indiscreet enoughAt the end of the trial,we kept thinking of one thingwhat conclusion can we draw from this trial?The defendant was young man only in his late twen

40、ties,who showed particular aptitude for mechanical engineering.Many a time he was rushed in to solve some complicated production problems when he was in the middle of a meal or (was) engaged in some experiments.But two months ago,he was indiscreet enough to get involved in gambling.After he had got

41、something for nothing for a number of times,he felt so happy that he even justified himself by saying that it was only a recreational activity that he did in his spare time.He ignored the repeated advice and kind criticism from his parents,colleagues,and schoolmates.He was not dreadful necessity eno

42、ugh to quit gambling.When he saw a game of cards being played,he would itch to take someones place.Finally he got deeply into debt and,out of dreadful necessity, he began to steal money from the factory safe.He was caught red-handed and tried in court. Be shocked to the core Recall Get . Nowhere Sway from side to side In particular There was a fatal note of pleading Mount What was the worst Nail down After years of struggle as a lawyer,Ruth had saved enough money t


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