初级中学八级英语下册《8B Unit 5 International charities》Period 3 Reading(2)&Vocabulary教案 牛津版.doc

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1、8B Unit 5 International charitiesPeriod 3 Reading(2)&VocabularyTitle(课题)Reading (2)& VocabularyType(课型)New(新授) Period(课时)3Supporting theories(理论支持)1建构主义学习理论。以学生为中心,强调学生对知识的主动探 索、主动发现和对所学知识在原有经验基础上的意义生成,教师由知识的传授者、灌输者转变成为学生主动建构知识的帮助者、促进者,学生学习的合作者。教师改变以前单向控制教学活动的角色观念,创建一个令学生舒适的学习环境,鼓励学生探究客观世界中复杂和真实的问题。

2、2任务型教学。以学生为主体、教师为主导、训练为主线,面向全体,分层教学,充分体现教学的实效性、双向性和引导性。采用灵活多变的教学手段,培养学生的学习兴趣。3情境教学法。教师通过创设情境,引出新语言知识,引导学生 观察、总结,感知新语言知识的主要特征,在情境中,学生易于接受,乐于接受,并对该语言知识形成进一步明确的认识。与此同时,学生学习氛围和谐、融洽,并能促进师生之间的情感交流。4合作学习。提倡合作与交流,增强集体意识和荣誉感。注重学生的能力培养,力争课堂的优质高效。Aims & Demands(教学目标)B: Language skill (语言技能) To describe ORBIS a

3、nd the work of an ORBIS doctor.C: Feeling (情感态度)To make the students more interested in charities and encourage them to do something for charities.Key points & Difficulties(教学重、难点)1.To use the new words, useful phrases and sentence patterns correctly to describe ORBIS and the work of an ORBIS doctor

4、. 2.To use suffixes to create nouns and use them in context correctly. Teaching methods(教学方法) Task-based teaching method Aids: 课前准备(教具、活动准备等)Blackboard, computer 教 学 设 计课前延伸 1. 翻译下列短语。2. 熟读单词、课文,能根据课文内容提问并回答问题,小组合作复述课文。3. 预习词汇。 (个人思考,小组讨论,待课上求助)养成自学习惯,培养自学能力。 Teaching Plan (授课计划)Studying Plan(学习计划)A

5、ims(设计意图)课内拓展 学StepWarm up & Revision 1.Greetings2.Useful phrases (ppt)(1)影响全球约四千五百万人 (2)百分之八十的失明病案(3)无钱医治 (4)一架飞行的眼科医院(5)志愿者医生 (6)演示(实施/ 做)手术(7)把它当作教学中心(8)学习有关眼科手术 (9)观看手术录象 (10)通过训练当地的医护人员(11)给150位病人做手术 (12)过去常常一天只做两三例手术(13)现在习惯它了 (14)对真得很感激(15)为此感到骄傲(16)继续他们的工作(17)提高病人们的生活 (18)如此以至3. Work in grou

6、ps and try to say something about ORBIS and Dr Mas job.Group OneS1: ORBIS is a charity that helps blind people. S2: Blindness affects about 45 million people around the world. S3: Many people cant afford to go to hospital.S4: ORBIS uses a flying eye hospital to visit them. S5: ORBIS doctors perform

7、operations on the plane. Group TwoS1: Local doctors and nurses can come to the plane to learn about eye operations. S2: Dr Ma operated on 150 patients on the plane during his last visit.S3: People are really grateful to their work.S4: ORBIS needs money to carry on with their work.S5: We can send don

8、ations to ORBIS.检查学生对单词、短语掌握情况,为复述Reading做好铺垫。采用抢答形式, 激发学生学习兴趣和竞争意识。学生五人一组,复述课文,每人一句,进行故事接龙。给三分钟准备,让学生排练,请学生上台表演,其他学生点评。老师进行综合评价,着重表扬。引导学生将所掌握的语言知识转化为实际运用能力,增强实践能力,培养创新精神,同时以故事接龙的方式让学生觉得生动有趣并培养学生的合作精神。导Step II Presenta-tion 1. Complete the sentences (ppt)a. ORBIS doctors _ many patients. The patient

9、s do not have to pay for the _. (treat)b. Many people are _. Most cases of _ can be cured or prevented. (blind)c. The doctor will _ on the patient. He will perform an _. (operate)2.Work out the rulesForm nouns by adding ment , -ness, -ion to other words treat treatment blind blindness operate operat

10、ionmove movementorganize organizationill illness 检测学生预习情况,引导学生发现问题、总结规律,培养自学能力。 导Step III Practice1.Fill in the blanks in Part A on page 80.(Choose a few students to come to the front of the classroom and write their answers on the board. Ensure that all the words are spelled correctly. Ask students

11、 to check their own work)2. Read the words in pairs and try to learn the words by heart.3. Complete Daniels e-mail on page 80. 4. Check the answers and then read the passage.让学生在操练中更加熟悉后缀的用法和单词的拼写。适时进行过程性评价。练Step IVProduc-tion1. Complete the passage. (ppt)ORBIS is an international _ (organize). It u

12、nderstands that the public needs _ (educate) on eye care. ORBIS is able to provide good and free eye _ (treat) to patients. The doctors of ORBIS on a flying eye hospital examine the eyes of patients. They give them medicine or do _ (operate) on them. The doctors try their best. They have cured many

13、cases of _ (blind). Before blind people can see again, their lives are filled with _ (sad). People get excited about even the smallest _ (improve).The doctors and nurses treat the patients with _ (gentle). People will remember the _ (kind) of the doctors and nurses forever.2. Work in groups and make

14、 short stories or sentences with the verbs, adjectives or nouns.S1: The old woman is kind to us. We all like her because of her kindness.S2: Many companies advertise on TV. I dont like watching TV because there are too many advertisements.S3: Bob likes collecting stamps. He has collected over 500 st

15、amps so far. He often shows his collection to us. S4: Last weekend, I took the coach to Suzhou. I felt sick all the way. I didnt enjoy the trip because of my sickness.S5: Last Friday, we organized a charity show to raise money for Project Hope. Project Hope is an organization that helps schools and

16、students in poor areas. Many people donated money. The donations have been sent to Project Hope.1.巧妙将Reading和 Vocabulary结合起来,巩固、加深理解Reading,并让学生在新的语境中灵活运用新学的知识。2.尊重学生的个性差异,分层要求。合作交流,取长补短,集思广益 。教师巡视、了解,点拨有困难的学生大胆开口,引导优生发挥才智。充分体现面向全体学生,注重他们整体素质的提高。课后提升Step V Assign-ment控制作业量,既落实双基,又重视知识面的拓宽和能力的提升。(关心学生的认知发展)Blackboard design (板书设计)Unit 5 Reading (2)& VocabularyForm nouns by adding ment, -ness, -ion to other words treat treatment move movementblind blindness ill illness operate operation organize organization


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