初级中学八级英语下册《8B Unit 5 International charities》Period 2 Reading(1)教案 牛津版.doc

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1、8B Unit 5 International charitiesPeriod 2 Reading(1)Title(课题)Reading IType(课型)New新授课Period(课时)2Supporting theories(理论支撑)1.多元导入激趣激思。美国教育心理学家霍华德加德纳提出的多元智能理论认为,个体身上独立存在着与特定的认知领域知识范畴相对较小的多种智能。课堂教学的导入是关系到教学成败的关键之一,我运用多元情境化教学策略,将英语课的开始从直观的图片和学生生活中的话题导入,使教学内容一下就调动起学生的多种智能,引发了学生的思考。这样的课堂导入,激趣激思,使学生在愉悦情趣之中学习


3、者,学生学习的合作者。提倡合作与交流,增强集体意识和荣誉感。注重学生的能力培养,力争课堂的优质高效。Aims & demands(教学目标)Key points & difficulties(教学重、难点)1. learn to make sentences with “sothat”2. used to do和used to doing 的区别3. learn something about what ORBIS doesTeaching Methods(教学方法) Task-based approach Situational Teaching MethodAids: 课前准备(教具、活动

4、准备等)1. Get some information about OBBIS, World Wide Fund for Nature, Oxfam and UNICEF. 2. make up a dialogue about a trip to sp.教 学 设 计课前延伸1. Read the new words after the tape and try to spell and get the meanings of the new words.2. Think about the difficult questions individually.3. Discuss about

5、the difficult questions in groups.让学生通过听磁带,预习生词,会拼写、知词义。通过个人思考,小组讨论等形式解决预习中的疑难问题。本环节旨在养成自学习惯,培养自学能力。(课内拓展) Teaching Procedures (教 学 过 程)Teaching Plan(授课计划)Studying Plan(学习计划)Notes (备注)课内探究学Step OneWarming upAsk the students if anyone knows who works for a charity. If so, which charity they work in a

6、nd what they do.通过谈论慈善组织进行热身,激发学生兴趣,为新课谈论奥比斯做铺垫。Step Two Presentation1. The teacher writes “ORBIS” on the blackboard. Ask Ss what they know about ORBIS or whether they have heard of it before. Talk about blindness and how it might affect a persons life. 2. Listen to the tape about the reading, and t

7、hen ask Ss to read the text by themselves. After reading, do the following T/F questions.1) About 45 million people are affected by blindness and they are all cured.(F)2) ORBIS doctors do operations in the local hospital.(F)3) Dr Ma dislikes his work because it is too tiring.(F)4) Dr Ma hopes people

8、 can support their work by sending donations to ORBIS.(T)通过谈论奥比斯让学生初步了解有关奥比斯的一些情况,接着感知课文,在语境中结合图片呈现新语言项目,有利于激发学生兴趣,焕发学生激情,避免课堂的沉闷。教师引导学生合作探究。然后再用T/F questions来检查学生的理解效果,并帮助学生加深对课文的理解。导Step ThreeFurther understanding Ask Ss to read the text again and ask them some questions to check their understandi

9、ng and encourage Ss to think more about the topic. 1) How many people does blindness affect around the world? Where are they mostly from?(Blindness affects about 45 million people, mostly in poor countries.)2) How many sick people can be cured or prevented?(About 80 percent of the cases.)3) Why do m

10、any people not receive medical treatment?(Because they do not have the money for medical treatment.4) Why do ORBIS doctors prefer to work on a plane?(Because many patients cannot afford to travel to hospital, so ORBIS doctors have to go to them.)5) How many operations did Dr Ma perform during his vi

11、sit?(150)6) Is it hard work for him?(Yes, it is.) 7) Is the plane only a place to perform operation?(No. Local doctors and nurses can come to the plane to learn about eye operation.)8) How do people feel about their work?(People are really grateful to their work.)9) What does ORBIS need to carry on

12、with their work?(ORBIS needs money to carry on with the work. We can send donations to OEBIS.)可采取小组抢答形式,每答对一个问题给所在小组加分,激励学生争先,进一步强化对课文的理解。Step FourPractice1. Ask Ss to do pair work. They practice the interview and perform Dr Ma and the interviewer. (Three or four pairs perform the interview.)2. Ask

13、Ss to find out the language points in the conversation and analyze them.3. Tell Ss to work on their own to complete Part B1.4. Ask five Ss to read out one word and its definition. Tell Ss to check their own answers.5. Tell Ss to read the interview on pages 76 and 77 again, and use the information th

14、ere to help them complete Part B2.6 Ask one student to read out Amys article, pausing at the blanks. This student asks the other Ss for the correct words to complete sentences.采用小组合作探究的形式进行,有利于降低难度, 培养合作精神。加深理解,提高能力,让学生学中乐,乐中学。同时注重尊重学生的个性差异,分层要求。在学生操练过程中,教师通过观察、询问,有计划地点拨学困生,鼓励其大胆质疑;有针对性地向优生提出深层次的问题,

15、使他们的聪明才智得到充分发挥。通过以上多种形式的操练,这一环节旨在让学生对所学课文有更深入的了解。 Step FiveProductionFour students a group, suppose they are Dr. Ma. One student tells the story about the work of ORBIS.学生四人一组活动。以马医生的身份讲述他的工作。让学生用自己的语言讲述所学内容,以达成语言输出目标。课后提升Step Six Assignment学生四至六人一组活动,讨论如何设计网页或广告,选择课文中的哪些信息及如何编排文字。让学生把所学内容运用到实际生活中。板

16、书设计Blackboard design (板书设计)Unit5 International charitiesNew phrases:medical treatmentoperate onbe used to sth./doing sth.carry onafford to used tobe grateful toPatten sentences: Many of our patients are so poor that they cant afford to travel to hospital.When I worked in a hospital, I used to do onl

17、y two or three operations a day.Its hard work and we need to work very quickly, but Im used to it. Youve done such an important job that people must be really grateful to you.Im proud to be able to help so many people.Modern medicine is developing so quickly that we can treat and cure most eye problems and improve the lives of patients.


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