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1、高三课标综合(OC)2016-2017学年第8期(总第3340期)出版日期 2016.8.19B1-2版阅读理解: 篇次体裁题材关键词词数易读度细节理解推理判断写作目的标题归纳写作手法词义猜测主旨大意段落大意文章出处A应用文请求信mom; weak; teeth; height; internship27379.921、22备223备1B记叙文阿黛尔Adele; overcome; alcoholism; awards; learned33255.524、25、26备选27C议论文夏令时DST; health; sleep; unhappy; abolish34653.13128、30备选29

2、D说明文手机程序T2; deep breathing; apps; mental2915635333234备选套题阅读理解平均长度 311 平均易读度 61.1B1-B2版第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A From: MommaGloDate: Sun, July 31, 2016Subject: Garys internship (实习)To: Tuck Lanson, CEO TuckLansonCDear Tuck,Gary is excited to start

3、his weeklong internship at Lanson Corp. tomorrow! It occurs to me that there are a few small issues that may (or may not!) arise during his time there. Im sure everything will be fine, but Im his mom. And moms worry.Gary is weak in the math department and thus has anxieties about tasks related but n

4、ot limited to numbers. Ive given him $15 for lunch, which should cover a sandwich and chips, but he may get worked up when a cashier asks him for money or he attempts to count his change. Perhaps you can send someone to negotiate these dealings with him?My son has very large teeth and a small jaw (颌

5、), and when he was 12, the dentist pulled four of his molars to prevent overcrowding. Now he wears a wire object in his mouth with four large artificial teeth, which he has to remove to eat. Doing so makes him extremely embarrassed. Is there somewhere he can dine by himself so no one will catch sigh

6、t of his situation?While Gary is of perfectly average height for his age, he feels short. This causes him to misjudge where his head and feet are relative to the ceiling and floor. If Gary requests help fetching something off a shelf within his reach, please help him. As his doctor says, we all have

7、 our own realities, and his is as valid as yours or mine.And thats all! Thanks again, Tuck. We can hardly wait.All the best,Gloria21. When dealing with numbers, Gary may feel _.A. excitedB. worriedC. encouragedD. uninterested备1 The underlined word “molars” in Paragraph 3 refers to _.(如采用,请为molars加下划

8、线)A. big teethB. small bonesC. wire objectsD. facial muscles A。词义猜测题。根据本句中的the dentist, four以及下一句中的four large artificial teeth可推测,牙医应该是拔出Gary的四颗“大牙”,因此Gary的牙箍上有四颗大的假牙。22. Why may Gary ask for help in reaching something? A. Because he thinks he cant reach it.B. Because he is too short to reach it.C.

9、Because he thinks its not his job.D. Because he is too lazy to try.备2 What can we infer about Gary?A. Its hard for him to get along with others.B. Its difficult for him to take criticism.C. He is working at Lanson at present.D. He is overprotected by his mother.D。推理判断题。在邮件中,Gloria提到了Gary的三个问题。这三个问题都

10、不是什么大事,按理说Gary应该自己解决,但是Gloria却为此专门给公司首席执行官写了一封电子邮件,由此不难推测,Gloria对Gary过度保护。23. Why did Gloria write the email?A. To offer advice.B. To make requests.C. To show thankfulness.D. To express complaints.B On November 20th, 2015, Adele Laurie Blue Adkins, publicly known as Adele, broke records with the rel

11、ease of her album 25. In merely a week, 25 becamethe first albumto sell more than 3 million copies in the United States. In spite of the astonishing records she has achieved, Adele had to overcome alcoholism, low self-respect and anxiety to become this respected, global icon (偶像).Adele was born on M

12、ay 5th, 1988. Despite a troubling childhood, Adele developed a passion for singing at a young age. At only sixteen years old, Adele wrote and composed the popular song, “Hometown Glory.” Later, after graduating from the Brit School for Performing Arts and Technology, Adele pursued music by publishin

13、g songs on PlatformsM. Soon, Adeles talent caught the attention of Richard Russell, head of the music label XL Recordings. After signing with the company, Adeles career skyrocketed. Not only did she win several awards, her first album, 19, released in 2008, received great praise as well. However, Ad

14、eles personal life was in a mess. “I often got drunk,” Adele said, “I had forgotten the words to my own songs. It was the worst thing ever.” Due to her alcoholism and homesickness, Adele cancelled her 19 tour in the United States. Nonetheless, the singer coped with these issues by keeping singing. O

15、nce she moved back to London, Adele gave up drinking and recorded her second album, 21. Released in 2011, it was an instant success. However, critics frequently made fun of the singers weight and shamed her clumsy body. Worse, Adele needed a “long period of rest to avoid permanent damage” to her voi

16、ce. However, Adele didnt stop singing. Following her throat microsurgery, the singer came back at the 2012 Grammy Awards and won several awards.There is no doubt that Adele overcame all the difficulties to become such an influential musician. On what caused her to keep singing, she claims, “The main

17、 thing Ive learned in life is that you get what you put in.” 词汇处理北师大、外研 release (发行) 24. Adeles musical career took off after she _.A. joined XL RecordingsB. wrote “Hometown Glory”C. graduated from the Brit SchoolD. published songs on PlatformsM25. How did Adele deal with alcoholism?A. By having a l

18、ong rest.B. By continuing to sing.C. By travelling to the United States.D. By seeking comfort from her fans.26. According to Paragraph 3, critics often laughed at Adeles _.A. body image B. singing style C. strange voiceD. bad memory备选 We can infer that Adeles albums were probably named after _.A. th

19、e number of songs in the albumsB. the number of awards she had wonC. the age when she released the albums D. the age when she produced the albums D。推理判断题。根据文中的Adele was born on May 5th, 1988和On November 20th, 2015 her album 25, her first album, 19, released in 2008以及her second album, 21. Released in

20、 2011可知,发行首张专辑19时,阿黛尔20岁;发行第二张专辑21时,阿黛尔23岁;发行最新专辑25时,阿黛尔27岁。根据常识可知,每张专辑从筹备到发行需要一段时间,因此阿黛尔的专辑很可能是以她创作专辑时的年龄命名。27. What lesson can we learn from Adeles experience?A. Grasp all, lose all.B. No sweat, no sweet.C. Strike while the iron is hot.D. It is no use crying over spilt milk.C James Proud, a Britis

21、h businessman who settled in San Francisco launched a Twitter campaign called “Stop DST”. Daylight saving time (DST) refers to the time during the summer when clocks are one hour ahead of standard time.“Daylight saving was created to save energy, and it doesnt really do that,” Proud said, “but whats

22、 even worse are its negative health effects. Its both outdated and harmful.” Daylight saving has been linked to a surprising number of health issues such as heart attacks, but Proud has a particular interest in the topic because of its disruptive (破坏性的) effects on sleep. Last year, German researcher

23、s suggested that our body clocks never really adjust to daylight saving, which causes a host of health problems. Till Roenneberg of Ludwig-Maximilians University said that because of DST, “The majority of the population has severely decreased productivity, decreased quality of life, increasing chanc

24、e of getting illness, and is just plain tired.”The week after daylight saving also witnesses a sudden increase in fatal (致命的) traffic accidents, according to the University of Colorado. It is believed that this is caused both by disrupted sleep schedules and the shift of daylight hours from the morn

25、ing to the evening.“Daylight saving is an economic tradition. And all economic choices involve achieving a balance,” said behavioral economist David Gerard. “Even if we decide to abolish daylight saving, there would be a large number of unhappy people.”Some such people are shift workers, students an

26、d parents of schoolchildren, all of whom get to enjoy an extra hour of daylight after work or class with DST. Plus, restaurants love the extra evening sales DST allows.Daylight saving has also been linked to lower crime rates, due to the “deterrent effect” of longer daylight. Basically, more light i

27、ncreases a criminals chances of being seen by witnesses or police, which discourages criminal activity. Gerard also pointed out that an extra hour of daylight has vastly more influence in the American South, where the sun sets earlier, even in the summer, than in the north. That is why residents of

28、southern states may value DST more.28. What causes Prouds greatest concern?A. DST resulting in disorder in peoples sleep schedules.B. DST not keeping up with economic development.C. DST stopping people from working productively. D. DST not helping to save energy any more.29. How is Prouds viewpoint

29、supported in the text?A. By interviewing experts.B. By making comparisons. C. By providing general rules.D. By presenting research findings.30. What was Gerards attitude towards DST?A. A bit doubtful.B. A little worried.C. Fairly objective.D. Strongly opposed.31. Which of the following is related to

30、 the deterrent effect of longer daylight?A. Fewer traffic accidents.B. Fewer criminal activities.C. More people shopping after work.D. More people eating in restaurants.备选Whats the best title for the text?A. Why is daylight saving time questioned?B. Should daylight saving time be canceled?C. Can day

31、light saving time please all people?D. How does daylight saving time influence people?B。标题归纳题。文章第一段以“取消夏令时”运动作为引子,在随后的三段中讨论了夏令时给人们的健康以及生活带来的负面影响;第五段表明无论继续执行还是取消夏令时,都会有人反对;最后三段讨论了夏令时给哪些人带来了福利以及夏令时使得犯罪率降低。由此可以看出,文章从正反两方面讨论了“是否应该取消夏令时”。D One of my proud parent moments occurred a decade ago, when my old

32、er daughter, who had learned a breathing technique to help her calm down, taught it to her fifth-grade classmates. As it has been known for thousands of years, deep breathing can help reduce anxiety while improving focus and energy.Sounds simple, right? But the truth is that many people dont know ho

33、w to do deep breathing. So its a good thing that theres an app (应用程序) that teaches this technique.Its called Breathe2Relax, and it comes from, of all places, the Department of Defense which explains the militaristic (军国主义的) but sometimes frightening-looking avatar (虚拟化身) in its video. The National C

34、enter for Telehealth & Technology, T2 for short, develops research-backed, technologically based treatments for mental health issues. Creating apps to help improve service members mental health makes sense, says psychologist Julie Kinn. First, employing a technology that service members are already

35、carrying around and can use easily and privately helps overcome the greatest barriers to obtaining psychological treatment. Plus, its cost-effective. One app can reach hundreds of thousands of people, military and civilian (平民). Breathe2Relax has been downloaded more than 500, 000 times, for free. F

36、rom the home screen, users can watch a video teaching the basics of deep breathing. Then they can set up the app to conduct the exercises; selecting preferences, which include how many seconds each breath should be, is easy. And theres a section to learn more about the biology of stress and how deep

37、 breathing helps.Breathe2Relax is not the only hit from T2; the Mood Tracker has been downloaded nearly 200,000 times. And development continues: One of T2s latest projects is an app that will use proven treatments to reduce nightmares (噩梦).Lets just hope it features a different avatar.词汇处理北师大 删“(军国

38、主义的)”、“(平民)”外研 删“(军国主义的)”、“(平民)”、“(噩梦)”32. The author writes Paragraph 1 to _.A. show the importance of deep breathingB. share one of his parental experiencesC. bring up the topic of the textD. attract target readers33. The author probably thinks that the avatar in Breathe2Relaxs video _.A. doesnt l

39、ook very attractiveB. should be updated regularlyC. is not the same as other apps avatarsD. should be made according to users wishes 34. Whats Paragraph 4 mainly about?A. The developing process of Breathe2Relax.B. The procedure for using Breathe2Relax.C. The advantages of Breathe2Relax.D. The popula

40、rity of Breathe2Relax.35. According to the text, what do apps developed by T2 have in common?A. They deal with mental health.B. They provide the latest treatments.C. Its pretty cheap to download them.D. Civilians are banned from using them.备选 In which part of a magazine can we read the text?A. Techn

41、ology.B. Lifestyle.C. Military.D. Education.A。文章出处题。通读全文可知,本文介绍了一款教人们深呼吸的手机应用程序,故最有可能出自一本杂志的科技栏目。阅读理解B篇文章由Michelle Liu提供 河北 王海娥 本报采编中心(听力材料及参考答案见下期B4版)套题参考答案及解析21-25 BABAB 26-30 ABADC 31-35 BCACA 阅读理解:第一节:A篇(人际关系)本文是应用文。为了让儿子实习能够顺顺利利,操心的妈妈给公司首席执行官写了一封电子邮件。21. B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的has anxieties about tasks

42、 related but not limited to numbers以及随后举的例子不难看出,Gary在做跟数字有关的任务时会紧张、担忧。22. A。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的he feels short. This causes him to misjudge where his head and feet are relative to the ceiling and floor可知,Gary觉得自己低,不能正确估量自己的高度,因此他会觉得自己够不着某个东西而寻求帮助。23. B。写作目的题。根据文中的Perhaps you can send someone to negotiate

43、 these dealings with him, Is there somewhere he can dine by himself so no one will catch sight of his situation以及If Gary requests help fetching something off a shelf within his reach, please help him可以看出,Gloria写这封电子邮件是请求公司首席执行官给予Gary帮助。B篇(文娱)本文是记叙文。文章介绍了阿黛尔如何克服酗酒、不自信以及焦虑,最终成为全球偶像。24. A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的

44、 XL Recordings. After signing with the company, Adeles career skyrocketed可知,与XL Recordings签约后,阿黛尔的事业有了突飞猛进的发展。25. B。细节理解题。根据第三段中的Nonetheless, the singer coped with these issues by keeping singing可知答案。26. A。细节理解题。根据第三段中的However, critics frequently made fun of the singers weight and shamed her clumsy

45、body可知,评论家们经常嘲笑阿黛尔的体重和身材。27. B。主旨大意题。通读全文可知,阿黛尔克服了种种困难才成为了全球偶像。再根据最后一句The main thing Ive learned in life is that you get what you put in可知,阿黛尔的经历告诉我们一分耕耘一分收获。C篇(社会)本文是议论文。文章讨论了夏令时是否应该被取消。28. A。推理判断题。根据第二段中的but Proud has a particular interest in the topic because of its disruptive effects on sleep可知,

46、Proud最关心的是夏令时对人们睡眠的影响。29. D。写作手法题。根据第二段内容可知,Proud认为夏令时对人类健康有害。第三段中Till Roenneberg的研究表明夏令时使大多数人工作效率降低、生活质量降低、患病几率增加并且容易劳累,证明了Proud的观点;第四段中科罗拉多大学的研究表明夏令时影响人们的睡眠,也证明了Proud的观点。故本文通过列举研究发现支持Proud的观点。30. C。推理判断题。根据第五段内容可知,Gerard认为夏令时就是一项经济传统,是个折中的选择。他本人并未对夏令时表现出支持或反对的态度,而是以客观的立场表明无论继续执行还是取消夏令时,都会有人反对。31.

47、B。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的lower crime rates, due to the “deterrent effect” of longer daylight可知,更多的白昼时间带来的威慑作用使得犯罪率降低。D篇(科普知识与现代技术)本文是说明文。文章介绍了一款教人们深呼吸的手机应用程序。32. C。写作目的题。作者在第一段中介绍了自己的大女儿教同学们深呼吸的经历,其目的就是引出深呼吸这个话题,从而介绍一款教人们深呼吸的手机应用程序。33. A。推理判断题。根据第三段中的the militaristic but sometimes frightening-looking avatar in its video以及最后一段内容可知,Breathe2Relax视频中使用的虚拟化身带有军国主义色彩,有时候有点吓人,所以作者并不喜欢,因此他希望T2最新研发的程序能使用一个不同的化身。34. C。段落大意题。根据第四段内容可知,本段主要介绍了这款应用程序的优点,包括携带方便、保护隐私、经济划算、易于操作、可以根据个人喜


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