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2、连接过渡作用的词语特别多,而且这些词语出现的频率相当高,所以整篇文章的结构层次特别清晰。中国人的思维方式属螺旋型,因此写作时倾向于先围绕主题外围阐述评论,然后以反复而又发展的螺旋型形式对主题展开论述。这种方式强调思维的连贯,因此很多情况下并不需要用过渡词语来表现,所以中国学生很少注意过渡词语的运用,结果写出的语段缺乏连贯性。因为过渡词语的巧妙运用使得新概念三的文章语句连贯,过渡自然,比如:However,as the evidence began to accumulate,experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate,for the des

3、criptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.(Lesson1)模仿这一句话的结构,我们可以在Global Shortage of Energy Resources中运用这样一句话However,as the worlds population is growing rapidly,we are facing the danger of running out of energy resources,for the mass waste of energy by

4、human beings is increasing at the same time.通过不断的模仿练习,我们将掌握各种过渡词汇的运用,从而突破以前只会写简单句的尴尬,逐渐适应写出漂亮的复杂句。不仅做到句子内部逻辑结构清楚,而且做到句子之间逻辑结构清晰,过渡顺畅,连接自然。二句式的多样性仅仅只注意了逻辑层面的文章还是不够的,要想拿到7分以上的高分,我们必须在语言的多样性和句式的变换上下功夫。新概念三同样为我们提供了很多模仿性极强的经典句式。1文章开头运用同位语对所论述的核心名词进行解释Mr.Taylor,the owner of ajewellery shop was admiring an

5、ew window display.(Lesson6)如果要写一篇关于环境污染的文章,我们可以这样开头Environmental pollution,a phenomenon which lasted anumber of years,has grown more and more serious.2以副词开头的句子平时写文章我们习惯于副词紧靠所修饰的动词,殊不知灵活运用副词可以使文章的表达增色不少。Inevitably you arrive at your destination almost exhausted.(Lesson 44)在一篇关于能源问题的文章中,我们可以运用以副词开头的句子

6、。Eventually our natural resources,however abundant,will run out.3以介词短语开头的句子In democratic countries any efforts to restrict the freedom of the press are rightly condemned.(Lesson 45)在以论文中,我们通常会写不同的人对于所议论的这个问题有着不同的看法这句话In discussing this problem,different people have different opinions.4当句子的主语,宾语过长时,我

7、们可以使用it充当形式主语,形式宾语,从而平衡句子结构。It is disturbing to think that adangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.(Lesson 1)(it充当形式主语)当我们要批驳一个错误观点时,我们可以这样表达It is hard to believe that some people should have such astupid idea.Radio and television have made it possible for advertisers to ca

8、pture the attention of millions of people in this way.(Lesson 26)(it充当形式宾语)以Getting to know the world outside the campus为题目的作文中,我们可以这样开头With the development of our society,the campus is no longer anivory towerand students find it hard to confine themselves to the campus.5独立主格结构一般用在描述型的文章中可以使表达更生动。Th

9、e silence was suddenly broken when alarge car,with its headlights on and its horn blaring,roared down the arcade.(Lesson 6)要描述一个月黑风高的夜晚,我们可以这样写With the breeze becoming stronger and the moonlight giving the lake asinister appearance,the night grew more dangerous.6分词的运用令文章行文简洁,明快。Not wanting to fright

10、en the poor man,Mrs.Richards quickly hid in the small storeroom under the stairs.(Lesson 13)(现在分词作状语表示原因)在How IFinance My College Education中可以这样写Not wanting to seek help from the loan programs,I decided to offer instruction as atutor.三使用形象的修辞语言修辞是加强表达效果的一种语言手段。灵活运用修辞不仅可以使文章的内容更加形象化具体化,而且可以提升文章的档次,给与

11、阅卷老师良好的印象。1比喻:这是最常见的修辞方式,是以两种具有共同特性的事物或现象进行类比的一种修辞手法。It was as clear as daylight then that burglars had forced an entry during her absence.(Lesson58)我们在描述学生的生活很忙碌时可以使用比喻的修辞手法They are as busy as abee.2夸张:夸张是以超越实际的概念烘托或渲染所要强调的事物的一种修辞手法。We resolve to get up earlier each morning,eat less,find more time

12、to play with the children,do athousand and one jobs about the house,(Lesson 50)在文章中提到两个差别很大的观点时,为了使表达更加形象而生动我们可以这样写:These two opinions are different from each other in athousand and one ways.四语言的美感新概念的文章不但结构清晰,行文流畅,而且语言极富表现力和感染力,令人体会到英语本身那风情万种的一面。阅读并且模仿这样的文章,不仅可以提高我们对于英文写作的兴趣,而且提升我们的英文功底。Nothing can

13、 be compared,he maintains,with the first cockcrow,the twittering of birds at dawn,the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures.(Lesson 41)这一连串的描述生动地向我们展示了一幅黎明时分的田园风光。模仿这一句话,我们可以描写一个英俊的男子:Nothing can be compared with his bright eyes,great nose,red lips,and broad shoulders.如果我们稍作改动,把broad shoulders改成supple knees,那这句话就可以用来描绘一个美丽的女子。依靠新概念三来提高我们的写作水平和技巧犹如站在巨人的肩膀上可以令我们站得更高看得更远。MSN空间完美搬家到新浪博客!


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