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1、自然发音的拼读规则 以初中单词为例英文是由26个字母组成的拼音文字,因此字母与发音之间有对应关系,也称“自然发音”。换句话说就是,我们只要了解并且掌握了这些对应关系,学会自然发音,拼写英文单词会变得非常容易,对英文学习、提高英文成绩有很大作用。虽然这些规则不能拼读正确所有的单词,但是80%90%英文单词都能通过自然发音拼读出来。根据一项针对美国和亚洲等地小学至大学学生的调查结果,偏爱视觉学习的占29%,偏爱听觉学习的占34%,偏爱动觉学习的占37%。在学习过程中,调动的感官功能越多,学习越有效。VQ快速背单词软件就很好地把视、听、动三种结合了起来:屏幕显示刺激视觉记忆,真人发音跟读刺激听觉记忆

2、,而键盘拼打单词刺激动觉记忆,让学习事半功倍,单词想忘记都难!我们这套教案根据自然发音编写,并且以VQ快速背单词初中2200词为例,分十次课讲解自然发音规则,希望同学们认能把它利用到背单词中,促进学习。十次课程设计如下:第一课 辅音字母的发音与拼读的对应关系1第二课 元音字母a,e,i,o,u的发音3第三课 分离母音组(开音节)a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e4第四课 母音组合ai, ay, ,ee, ea, oa 的发音5第五课 字母组合oo, ou, ow, ie的发音6第六课 母音加r的发音&三个字母组合的发音are, eer, air, ear7第七课 混合音s+子音&子

3、音+l,子音+r8第八课 th,sh,ch(-tch),wh和ce,ci, ge,-y的特殊发音9第九课 其他组合tion, sion, ous, gh, -sure, -ture10前 言字母拼读法开始学习之前,首先要弄清楚几个概念:1. 元音VS辅音元音,又叫母音,是在发音过程中由气流通过口腔而不受阻碍发出的音。与元音相对,气流在口腔或咽头受到阻碍而形成的音叫做辅音,又叫子音。2. 元音字母VS辅音字母元音字母,也称母音字母,是指语言里起着发声作用的字母。在英文26个字母中,A、E、I、O、U是元音字母。辅音字母是一个和元音字母相对的概念。所有非元音字母的,一般都是辅音字母。3. 音节及分

4、类音节是听觉能感受到的最自然的语音单位,有一个或几个音素按一定规律组合而成。英语中一个元音(I我)可构成一个音节,一个元音和一个或几个辅音结合也可以构成一个音节。音节按读音可以分为开音节和闭音节1) 开音节:以元音字母结束的音节。开音节可分为绝对开音节和相对开音节(1) 绝对开音节:以 发音的元音字母 结束的 音节。例如:we, hi, yo-yo(2) 相对开音节:元音字母+辅音字母+不发音的e字母,构成的音节。 如:take, make注:在开音节中,元音字母发“字母”本身的音,例如hi|hai|, use|ju:z|2) 闭音节:辅音字母+元音字母+辅音字母 构成的音节,如:leg, c

5、ross注:在闭音节中,元音字母不发 “字母”本身的音。4. 重读音节音节按重读可以分为重读音节和非重读音节(也称次音节)。重读音节: 指在双音节或多音节词中有一个发音特别响亮的音节,叫重读音节,用重音符号“”标于相应位 置,其他音节为非重读音节,如begin |bigin|,单音节词作重读处理,但不标重音符号。第一课 辅音字母的发音与拼读的对应关系字母辅音发音规则例词Bb单词开头bee bag book bed robot table job rob club -mb, -btbomb comb tomb climb thumb doubt debtCk注:ckcook coke cap b

6、ackpack attack black track snack kick lick pick sick stick thick trick check neck lock block clock dock rock sock shock knock duck luck suck yuck rocket wicked pocket sce/ciCelsius certain ceiling center once since police sauce dance fence princess process excellent receive receipt scenery scented s

7、cience scissors exercise excited medicine Dd单词开头Dad desk dog different middle old F(ph)f单词开头food fish face favorite fox front辅音组合physics physical photo graph telephone elephant dolphin alphabet trophy biography orphan pharmacy pharmacist Gg单词开头girl game gift give gate forget goHh单词开头Hat hen hill han

8、d house hey hour honor honorable honest honesty heir exhausted exhibition ghost spaghettiJd 单词开头jam jeep jump jet jarKk单词开头kite kid kiss kitty kindkn-know knee knock knob knife Lllion look letter lamp lace Mmman moon map mangoNnnet nut nail nurse now nice -ngEngland danger change penguin sing finger

9、 song strong young Pppen play panda peach park lip mop prompt pigPsychology Qukw单词开头queen quick quiet quiz question equal quit quarter liquid quality Rrrat rabbit rain robot rose rise rice raceSsSun sky star snow swan sing SaturdayTttea table toast televisioncastle whistleVvvase visa violin van Ww单词

10、开头wind watch window water wood womanwr-,write wrong wrist wrap Xksox box fox ax fax fix mix taxi experience excitement expensive extra expert expect explore exclaim exchange extremely exit gzex-后接元音exam example exhausted exactly exotic Yj单词开头your young yummy yearZz单词开头zoo zebra zero zipper zip第二课 元音

11、字母a,e,i,o,u的发音在26个英文字母中,相对于辅音字母,元音字母个数非常少,而元音必须与辅音拼读才能组成单词,所以元音的发音变化很多,然而这些发音也是有规律可循的,掌握好这些发音规则,对单词记忆作用非凡。字母发音发音规则与结构例词A-a-, a- 后或前后有辅音的单音节和重读音节apple crab ant and ax jam math backpack practice Glad than candy bath bank balcony track lamp matter catch plant many active pants parroteia-e开音节中Nate face

12、race amaze vase date name 在次音节中Africa above accompany advantagea在s、th、ph、f前面fantasticwa-, wha-中want what Ei:e-e, -e等开音节he we theme e-e-, e-后或前后有辅音的单音节和重读音节elf egg elephant bed bet get jet let net pet set vet wet yet helmet together vegetable educate dress lesson fresh rest test west message festival

13、 negativei/ 在次音节中elect select Iaii-e, -igh, -ild, Rice wild highi-i-, i-后或前后有辅音的单音节和重读音节Indian ill insect in win drink pink sink cousin basin big pig king kitty middle music finger with little lift finish publish dish fish rubbish disagree visa vitamin在次音节中holiday beautiful family animalOOo-e, oaNos

14、e stone boat coast-o-, o-后或前后有辅音的单音节和重读音节Octopus ox box job hobby knob hog mop drop hop shop stop top pot hot cloth spot hotel popular robot pond 在m,n,v前money some come won Uju:u-eUse muse cute cube tube-u-, u-后或前后有辅音的单音节和重读音节Russia up cup us bus uncle under until umbrella cut but nut bun fun gun ru

15、n sun bug rug tug cupboard club such punish hungry number subway subject study drum must trust brush butter bungee jump lunch supper rubber sudden hurry hunt luck suck truck fund dumpling yum 在次音节中August 第三课 分离母音组(开音节)a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e r母音组发音例词A-eAmake snake cake name ace page plate chocolate

16、baseball date place E-eEEve steve Chinese these themeI-eIbike like five ride smile O-eOCoke joke rose home smoke U-eUuse cute cube muse tube introduce produce A-ace: ace lace shoelace place palace race face surface space brace -ade: made grade roller-blade fade jade trade -age: age cage language mes

17、sage damage sausage stage baggage luggage village-ake: bake bakery cake take lake make snake shake sake wake mistake earthquake -ane: bane(克星、祸根)Dane(丹麦人)fane(神殿)lane(小巷)pane(窗格)-ame: came dame fame game name lame same shame -ale: sale tale whale scale male female-ape: tape shape cape escape grape -

18、ase: base baseball vase -ate: late chocolate date classmate teammate state hate plate celebrate fortunate private create considerate participate decorate grateful communicate separate pollinate operate cooperate debate donate rate ice-skate estate concentrate E-ese: these Chinese Japanese-ete: Pete

19、complete-eve: eve steveI-ice: ice nice rice price -ide: ride side beside hide guide decide wide worldwide -ike: like hike bike Mike childlike -ile: smile while pile Nile mobile mile -ine: line fine mine shine on-line dine gasoline -ite: kite write white excited unite bite site -ive: live alive dive

20、drive survive arrive five O-oke: coke joke -one: phone telephone bone cone alone tone postpone-ome: home Rome-ole: hole role whole pole -ope: hope rope telescope-ose: close those nose rose suppose enclose -ote: note vote U-ube: cube tube-uce: reduce produce introduce -use: use reuse confuse refuse m

21、use -ute: cute第四课 母音组合ai, ay, ,ee, ea, oa, oi, oy的发音字母组发音结构与规则例词ai字母Aai-tail wait nail mailbox rain paint pain gain sail sprain fail grain explain chain mountain remain afraid daily certain maid detail exclaim faith complainay字母A-ayMay play gray away pay today spray delay relayee字母E-ee/-ee-bee see t

22、ree three keep sheep jeep beef teeth feel speech seed cheek agree street feel queen cheese bungee sweep greet wheel succeed fleet indeed sheetea字母E-ea-seat please clean teacher easy leaf cream least jeans release speak dream season mean bean tease breathe beach steamed realize ideal decrease reasone

23、-ea-Weather ready breakfast healthy sweater headache feather Instead leather measure heavy breath treasure oa字母O-oa-Coat boat goat road throat goalkeeper coach toastau August sauce caught Australia oi -oi-noise voice oy-oyTroy boy toy destroy第五课 字母组合ou,oo,ow,ie,ue,aw,ew的发音字母组发音结构与规则例词ouau-ou-mouth s

24、outh house mouse cloud about out mountain amount sound round around announceu:d-ouldcould would should -oughtBought brought fought thought oou:-oo, -oo-too zoo bamboo noodle choose loose goose moon soon spoon balloon noon room pool cool wool tool school food root u-oo-Book cook good wood foot boot o

25、wau-ow-cow how now brown crown frown down town shower power flower crowd allow u-owlow blow slow follow fellow yellow pillow show row grow throw window know snow bowl bowling iei:-ie-Piece field belief relief chief believe audience movie viewai-ieLie tie die untieueju:-ue-Tuesday due tissue continue

26、 issue rescue value argueu:Blue true clue cruel ewu:-ew-Screw crew chew drew ju:Phew review few newsawawDraw drawer straw awful第六课 母音加r的发音ar, er, ir, or, ur &三个字母组合的发音are, eer, air, ire, ore, ear 字母组发音例词ar:Mozart army argue art regard cigar architect carpenter er:重音节her term person clerk nervous des

27、sert serve certain desert expert perfect 次音节winter summer teacher mother letter soccer member computer finger butterfly shower dinner western Germany fiber energy Internet ir:girl bird bluebird first shirt skirt third stir dirty dirt circus or:born popcorn horse short sport report airport passport f

28、ork pork afford record cord corner forward north order orbit orphan according form inform normalur:fur urgent curve surf purse burn turn turtle hurt surface survey nurse hurdle purpose burgerarecare bare share prepare spare airair hair pair wheelchair downstair fair repaireeri deer beer pioneer chee

29、r volunteer engineer careerireaifire hire admire desire tired inquire retire inspireore:more store sore score explore furthermore therefore bore shoreearidear near year clear hear wear pear disappear bear:early learn research heart earth pearl searchereihere mere sincerethere where第七课 混合音s+子音&子音+l,子

30、音+r 混合音s+子音字母组例词sn-Snake snail snack sneeze snow snowboardsm-Smile small smell smoke smart sw-Swiss swim sweet sweep swing sweatersk-Sky skate ski skill skip sketchsp-Speak spell sparrow spin speed space sport spaghetti spend special spider speech spicy spoonful spot specificst-Study stir star start

31、 steady story store stove stay station stepstr-Street stream strike strong string strange straw stretch 子音+l字母组例词bl-blackboard blue block blanket blow blind blast bluebird blame bleed roller-bladecl-club clean clerk clear close clap cloud climb clown clue clinic cliff clarinetfl-floor flag flute fla

32、t flavor flee flood flight conflict float flashgl-glad glass globe global glove glue glazepl-play plain plane planet place plate platform plan reply please plastic plenty sl-sleep slide slow slave slip 子音+r字母组例词br-British brush brown bright bring brave breathe bridge brick zebra celebrate bronze bri

33、lliant icebreaker abracadabra cr-crab cream cross crown secret crowded crisp create crash cruel crew crygr-grandparent graph grade greet great grain grape ground grow grateful grab regretfr-French fridge fresh free friend frown fruit frighten frog from fry afraid frontpr-prize pride practice praise

34、prefer press pretend present prison product protect dr-dress drink dragon drop draw drawer drive drum dry dream drama drugstoretr-trip train track truck true truth tradition trouble travel treasure trousers transport第八课 th,sh,ch(-tch),wh和ce,ci, ge,-y的特殊发音字母组发音规则与结构例词th 单词开头或结尾think thank thin/thick

35、mouth tooth month math thing both bath healthy cloth throat north athlete theatre earth method thousand truth youth nothing author theme pathway worth thriller faith strengthen 单词开头或结尾father mother brother other gather the then than they either other clothes feather thus rather sh Shrek ship sheep s

36、hop shy shower shake shine share shore shrimp shave establish ashamed shoelace shelf sheetwash dish push fish brush fresh trash crash rush stylish rubbish punish selfishch chair child chicken chocolate cheer chain choose check chart chant chopsticks championship challenge chef cheat charity chew eac

37、h beach teach kitchen touch coach watch catch sketch stretch launch whw why when who whisper wheel while whistle whale white hhwho whose whom wholeci ssPacific civil cigar city accident pencil scissors specific participate ge 多位于单词结尾处age cage huge page large cabbage orange-dge 单词结尾处fridge bridgeyai

38、单音节单词结尾my by cry dry fry try sky shy why fly i 多个单词结尾lily baby candy bunny sunny 第九课 其他组合tion, sion, ous, gh, -sure, -ture字母组合发音例词-tion vacation station tradition dictionary national congratulation suggestion mention position education determination imagination intention attention emotion destinatio

39、n unification fiction animation tuition solution prescription immigration -sion mission compassion depression expression professional -ture temperature future adventure architecture culture departure literature -sure measure treasure leisure -gh(igh, eigh, ough和aigh)时high light bright fight night frightened sight tight flight night weigh weight height neighbour straight ought through thought bought taught fEnough cough rough laugh -oussdelicious precious jealous generous serious nervous dangerous famous various curious envious


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