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1、 Unit 1一、 不定冠词a/an1、不定冠词a/an与可数名词的单数搭配,表示“一”,指某一类人或事物中的非特指的“任何一个”。2、a 用在以辅音音素开头的词前,an用在以元音音素开头的词前。例: I am a deputy manager / a teacher / a student / a policeman. I am an information technlogy manager / an accountant / an engineer. a university an honest man an umbrella二、与work连用的介词1、work with 和谁一起工作

2、You work with a person .2、work for 受雇于;为而工作You work for a company .3、work at + 小地点 在哪里工作 I work at a school . 4、work in + 大地点 在哪里工作 I work in Beijing .三、动词 be1、be: am , is , are 其形式随主语变化人称代词单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称I MeWeUs第二人称youYouYouYou第三人称he/she/ithim/her/ittheythem第一人称单数后面用am I am from China.第二人称单数后面用ar

3、e You are English.第三人称单数后面用is He / she / is a manager. It is in Shanghai.复数人称后面(不管是第一、二、三人称)都用are We are Chinese . You are teachers. They are American.2.否定句:在动词be后面加notI am not a manager. You are not a teacher. He is not Chinese.3、一般疑问句:将动词be放在句首He is Chinese. Is he Chinese? Yes, he is. No, he is no

4、t.I am a manager. Are you a manager? Yes,I am. No, I am not.4、特殊疑问句:who / what /when /where / how + 一般疑问句句式My name is Wang Hua.What is your name?I am from Nanjing . Where are you from?I am 35 years old. How old are you?5、在口语中,可以用动词的缩略形式 I am Chinese. Im Chinese. you are youre he is hes she is shes i

5、t is its四、代词1、人称代词:用于代替人或物人称代词单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称I MeWeUs第二人称YouYouYouYou第三人称he/she/ithim/her/ittheythem第一人称单数后面用am I am from China.第二人称单数后面用are You are English.第三人称单数后面用is He / she is a manager. It is in Shanghai.复数人称后面(不管是第一、二、三人称)都用are We are Chinese . You are teachers. They are American.2、物主代词:是表示所

6、有关系的代词,也可叫做人称代词的属格。分为形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词。(1)形容词性物主代词:表示所属关系,相当于形容词,在句中只能做定语。形容词性物主代词单数复数第一人称My 我的Our 我们的第二人称Your 你的Your 你们的第三人称His /her / its 他、她、它的Their 他们的My name is David.Your job is in London.His parents are from Italy.Her mother is from Russia.Our dog is 8 years old.Your cat is 2 years old.Their h

7、ome is in London.(2)名词性物主代词:相当于名词,可在句中单独承担句子成分。名词性物主代词单数复数第一人称Mine 我的Ours 我们的第二人称Yours 你的Yours 你们的第三人称His/hers/its 他的、她的、它的Theirs 他们的That is not my bag. Mine is black.(3)在名词后加 s 表示所属关系 ,“谁的”普通单数名词在词尾加 s The boy s teacher词尾已有s的复数名词在词尾只加 The teachers room词尾不带s的复数名词在词尾加 sMens clothes复合名词表示几个词共同的所有关系表示几

8、个词各自的所有关系五、第三人称单数形式指当主语是第三人称单数、时态是一般现在时的动词形式。一般动词加sHelps,stays,likes,lives,works以ch,sh,s,x,o结尾的动词加esWatches,wishes,guesses,fixes,does以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词变y为i再加esCarry(carries), study(studies)第三人称单数形式词尾s的读音:六、名词的单数与复数英语中名词有单数、复数之分,一个以上为复数。1、规则变化一般情况加sBirds,shops,lakes,dogs以ch,sh,s,x,z结尾加esChurches,dishes,c

9、lasses,boxes,quizes以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词变y为i,再加esFactory(factories),fly(flies),family(families),baby(babies)以o结尾的名词加esTamatoes,heroes,potatoes以f / fe结尾的名词变f /fe为v,再加esLeaf(leaves),life(lives),wife(wives)2、不规则变化 Man-men woman-women child-children Tooth-teeth foot-feet mouse-mice ox-oxen七、动词like的用法表示喜欢做某事,可以

10、用“like+doing”形式I like playing football.动词加ing的几种方式:大多数动词直接加ingReading,eating,talking动词以“辅音字母+不发音的e”结尾要去掉e,再加ingWrite(writing),dance(dancing),arrive(arriving),leave(leaving)动词以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母要双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ingRun(running),put(putting),sit(sitting),stop(stopping)动词以l结尾通常双写l,再加ingTravel(travelling)八、

11、电子邮件的开头和结尾开头结尾不认识Dear Mr Manning,Yours,Lily认识Hello,XiaoyanHi,Bob!Regards,DavidLove,Polly九、文化点滴在美国人眼里,一个人的年龄、工资、婚姻状况等属于个人隐私,一般不要轻易询问。十、重要句型介绍自己Im- My name is- Im from- I am an accountant.询问他人情况Whats your name?Whats your job?Are you from-?Is your father American?表达喜好I like swimming.The plane leaves at

12、 18:25.The flight number is CA5027. Unit 2一、 行为动词1、 否定句:do not(dont) , does not (doesnt) + 动词原形I like swimming.- I dont like swimming.He / she likes swimming.- He /she doesnt like swimming.2、 一般疑问句:在句首加do / does Do you eat in the canteen at lunchtime? - Yes,we do. Does Xiaoyan like flying? - No,she

13、doesnt.3、 特殊疑问句:疑问词 + 一般疑问句句式 Where do you have lunch ? When do you finish?二、时间表达法1、频度副词常见得频度副词有never(从不),sometimes(有时),often(经常),usually(通常),always(总是)频度副词在句子中的不同位置:(1)在动词be之后:I m usually ill on planes.He isnt usually ill on planes.(2)在实意动词之前:I sometimes go to London.(3)在含有助动词的句子中,置于助动词之后,实意动词之前He

14、doesnt always work on Tuesday.2、介词:at , for , in , from-to-(1)at:在时刻(某点时间)She arrives at 7 oclock.I have coffee at breakfast time/ lunchtime /dinnertime.(2)in:在期间I work in the morning /afternoon/ evening.(3)for : 在某段时间 I go swimming on Tuesdays for two hours. 作为 She likes fish for breakfast.(4)from-

15、to- 从某一点到另一点的持续时间 He works from 8 in the morning to 6 in the evening .3、12小时表达法(1)表示整点过130分用past(晚于,过)12.10 It is ten past twelve.12.30 It is half past twelve.(2)表示离整点还差129分用to(在之前)9.40 It is twenty to ten.(3)表示“一刻钟”可用a quarter5.15 It is a quarter past five.3.45 It is a quarter to four.(4)表示“半小时”常用h

16、alf7,30 It is half past seven.(5)表示“午前”用am,表示“午后”用pm,表示“在中午”用at noon9am 上午九点9 pm 晚上九点三动词have的三种主要含义1.具有(特点)I have black hair.2.拥有(东西)I have a car.3.吃,喝He has lunch in the canteen.Would you like to have a coffee?四、重要句型 Unit 3一、序数词(构成)1、多数由基数词加th构成Fourth sixth seventh tenth hundredth2先将基数词中ve变为f,再加thF

17、ive-fifth twelve-twelfth3.第二十、三十、四十 将基数词中的y改为ie,再加thTwenty-twentieth thirty-thirtieth forty-fortith4.不规则的:One-first two-second three-third eight-eighth二、指示代词(前面学习了人称代词、物主代词)单数复数This 这个These这些That 那个Those那些1.通常this/these 指离说话人较劲的物品(近指),that/those 指离说话人较远的物品(远指)。指示代词既可以单独使用,也可以与名词连用。These people are m

18、y friends.That is Frank near the door.2.指示代词可以用于表达对比的意义This is my coffee and thats yours.These people are my friends.Those are my husbands friends.3.指示代词可用于强调That is really stupid!Those are no good at all! 那些没有一点用I really dont like this!三、不定冠词和定冠词的区别1、不定冠词a/an与可数名词的单数搭配,表示“一”,指某一类人或事物中的非特指的“任何一个”。a

19、用在以辅音音速开头的词前,an用在以元音音素开头的词前。(unit 1)2、定冠词the与可数名词的单数、可数名词的复数和不可数名词搭配,指独一无二的事物或已被提到的人或物。(1)独一无二的事物 the sun the first floor(2)特指 These are the books I like.(这些是我喜欢的书,特指)四、there is / there are 句型的使用1.表示“在某处有/存在”,如果后面名词为复数,动词用are,如果后面名词为单数,动词用isThere is a man in the office.there are two plants in the ho

20、use.2.一般疑问句:将is/are置于句首Is there a fax in the office? 回答:Yes, there is. No,there isnt.Are there any plants in the reception?Yes,there are. No,there arent.五、楼层的表达 英国美国On the top floor 顶层On the top floor 顶层On the First floor 二楼On the second floor 二楼On the ground floor 一楼On the first floor 一楼Underground

21、 地下Underground 地下六、表达提议(unit 2)1.Would you like sth? 或者 Would you like to do sth?例子:Would you like a newspaper? Would you like to have a coffee? 肯定回答:Yes,please. Yes , I would, thanks.否定回答:No,thank you. No,I wouldnt,thanks. 2.What would you like to do ? 或者 What would you like ?回答:I d like I d like a

22、 glass of wine, thank you.3. I will (Ill ) do sth.Ill buy the drinks.七、介绍他人八、酒吧里的饮酒文化 Unit 4一 现在进行时1.(1)表示此刻正在发生的事情或正在进行的动作He is talking to a customer.(2)也可表示这一段时期正在进行的活动,虽然在此时此刻这个活动可能并没有进行。Li Jun is working on a new database at the moment ,but right now she is sleeping.标志:(1)be doing (2) 时间词:now ,

23、right now , at the moment2.肯定句: 主语+助动词be + doingHe is talking to a customer.3.否定句:be 后面加 notHe is not talking to a customer.4.一般疑问句:be 提到句首Is he talking to a customer?5.特殊疑问句:疑问词+ 一般疑问句句式Who is he talking to ?二Have got 的用法1.表示“拥有(东西)”,与have 意思一样I have a car.= I have got a car.2.否定句:have 后面加 notI hav

24、e not got a car.3.一般疑问句:have提到句首 Have you got a car?三、any 的用法通常用在疑问句和否定句里:1.Have you got any sisiters?2.I havent got any sisiters.四、谈论工作What do you do? 回答: Im an accountant. Unit 5一 澄清意思询问一个词是什么意思,用meanWhat dose “sml” mean?回答:It means small.Does“pm” mean morning?回答:No,it means afternoon.二 提出建议(第25、2

25、6、31、32页)回顾:1.Would you like sth? 或者 Would you like to do sth?例子:Would you like a newspaper? Would you like to have a coffee? 肯定回答:Yes,please. Yes , I would, thanks.否定回答:No,thank you. No,I wouldnt,thanks. 2.What would you like to do ? 或者 What would you like ?回答:I d like I d like a glass of wine, tha

26、nk you.3. I will (Ill ) do sth.Ill buy the drinks.新知识点:4、What about doing ? What about seeing this flat?5. How about doing?How about going to an estate agent?6.Why dont you do ?Why dont you go to an estate agent?回答: Well,I dont know. Yes, thats a good idea.三 询问价格1. How much do sth cost?回答 They cost

27、How much does sth cost? 回答It cost 2How much is it? 回答It is How much are they?回答They are Unit 7一、 问候语how are you?的应答二、 It takes (sb) some time to do sth句型How long does it take (sb) to do sth?三、 表达批评 Too +形容词,表示“太” Not+形容词+enough,表示“不够”四、 电话用语五、 安排约会六、 委婉地拒绝七、 乘坐交通工具1、Take a plane, take a bus, take a

28、boat, take a taxi, take (the) lift, take (the) tube 2、By plane, by bus , by boat, by taxi , by lift, by tube, on foot Unit 8一、情态动词can表示允许1、 肯定形式:can +动词原形2、 否定形式:can 后面加not3、 一般疑问句:can 提到句首二、一般现在时和现在进行时状态动词三、祈使句表示请求和指令1、 肯定形式:动词原形开头2、 否定形式:句首加dont四、表达歉意五、描述天气Whats the weather like in + 某地?Its六、描述城市W

29、hats +城市like?London is busy,noisy,crowded and exciting.But its too expensive.七、形容词构词八、方位介词On in under above next to in front of behind Unit 9一、表示各种店铺的词汇及构成1、Supermarket 超级市场 bank 银行 post office 邮局 Chemist(s) 药店 greengrocer(s) 蔬菜水果店 newsagent(s) 报刊经售点 cafe 咖啡馆2、构成(1)由经营商加s构成,表示经营者的处所The butchers= the

30、 butchers shop The chemists= the chemists shop (2)直接写经营商的职业The butcher =the butchers 肉商、肉店 the chemist =the chemists 药剂师、药店二、 合成词:由两个名词合成的名词Newspaper newsagent bedroom basketball footballHomework policeman 三、 方位介词Next to 仅靠旁边 near 靠近,附近 between 在中间 opposite 在的对面 on the corner 在拐角处 Outside 在外面四、 定冠词和

31、不定冠词1、不定冠词a/an与可数名词的单数搭配,表示“一”,指某一类人或事物中的非特指的“任何一个”。a 用在以辅音音速开头的词前,an用在以元音音素开头的词前。(unit 1)2、定冠词the与可数名词的单数、可数名词的复数和不可数名词搭配,指独一无二的事物或已被提到的人或物。(1)独一无二的事物 the sun the first floor(2)特指 These are the books I like.(这些是我喜欢的书,特指)五、问路与指路1.Where is+ 场所?问路:Where is the bus stop,please?指路:the bus stop is outsid

32、e the greengrocers.2.Where is the nearest+ 场所?问路:Where is the nearest supermarket,please?指路:The supermarket is over there,opposite the caf.3.Is there a /an +场所?问路:Is there a bank near here?指路:Yes,the bank is on the corner,near the station.或者Yes,there is.Theres a bank on the corner,near the station.或

33、者Im sorry,I dont know.4.How do I get to +场所?问路:How do I get to the bus station?How do I get there?指路:You take the number 38 bus.5.问路:Where do I get on?指路:You get on at the greengrocers.6.问路:Where do I get off?指路:You get off at the bus station.六、 短语动词短语动词是固定词组,由动词加介词或副词组成,其作用相当于一个动词。短语动词需整体记忆,因为其意义并非

34、该动词组成部分的意义之和。They get up at 10 oclock. 起床They get on the bus at the station. 上车They get on well together. 相处They get off the bus at the swimming pool. 下车I must get off to work. 动身,离开Sam gets about a lot. Hes in London today and last week he was in Edinbuigh. 走动,旅行This rainy weather gets me down. 使情绪

35、低落其它短语动词如:Come across 遇到某人,某物 find out 发现 ring up 打电话 wait for 等待 get back(home/to the flat) 回到(家/公寓) go in/out 进入/出来 look (aroud) for sb or sth (四处)寻找某人或某物 bring(sth) back 带回(某物) put on (weight/a coat) 增加体重/穿上外衣 put up (a poster) 张贴(海报) work out 锻炼身体 work off (通过锻炼)减肥七、 谈论人的外貌和性格特征1、 what does he l

36、ook like?2、 Whats he like?八、 描述人的胖与瘦 Unit 10一、 表达提议(unit2,3,5,10)回顾:1.Would you like sth? 或者 Would you like to do sth?例子:Would you like a newspaper? Would you like to have a coffee? 肯定回答:Yes,please. Yes , I would, thanks.否定回答:No,thank you. No,I wouldnt,thanks. 2.What would you like to do ? 或者 What w

37、ould you like ?回答:I d like I d like a glass of wine, thank you.3. I will (Ill ) +动词原形Ill buy the drinks.4、What about doing ? What about seeing this flat?5. How about doing?How about going to an estate agent?6.Why dont you do ?Why dont you go to an estate agent?回答: Well,I dont know. Yes, thats a good

38、 idea.新知识点:7、shall I +动词原形Shall I help you?(我能帮你吗?)Shall I get some apples?(要我弄些苹果来吗?)二、 可数名词与不可数名词在英语中,名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。在词典里,用C和U标示,C表示可数名词,U表示不可数名词。例如:prawnC,milkU1、 可数名词:可数名词的复数一般都在词尾后加s,也有些词需要经过一些小变化再加s,还有些词是不规则的。回顾:英语中名词有单数、复数之分,一个以上为复数。(1)、规则变化一般情况加sBirds,shops,lakes,dogsapples,prawns,peas,orang

39、es,lychees,cups,litres,kilos以ch,sh,s,x,z结尾加esChurches,dishes,classes,boxes,quizes以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词变y为i,再加esFactory(factories),fly(flies),family(families),baby(babies)以o结尾的名词加esTamatoes,heroes,potatoes以f / fe结尾的名词变f /fe为v,再加esLeaf(leaves),life(lives),wife(wives)(2)、不规则变化 Man-men woman-women child-childr

40、en Tooth-teeth foot-feet mouse-mice ox-oxen2、不可数名词:water,food,toast,tea,oil,milk,coffee,juice,rice.可以说:some water或者 lots of water3、 可数名词和不可数名词都可以用some来修饰。There are some oranges on the table.Id like some rice,please.4、不论是可数名词还是不可数名词,如果用一个表示量的词来修饰时,要用of,例如 A kilo of rice (一千克米) a carton of cream (一盒奶油

41、) a cup of tea (一杯茶) a bag of apples (一袋苹果)5、在餐馆点咖啡或茶的时候,也可以说two coffees,two teas,意思是two cups of coffee 或two cups of tea,表示两杯咖啡或两杯茶。三、 动词need(作为实意动词时)1、 need+动词不定式(need to do)I need to buy a carton of cream.She needs to buy oil.We need to get some oranges.2、 need+名词I need some oil.He needs a bottle

42、of wine.We need oranges.3、否定形式:同其它实意动词一样,need前加dont或doesntI dont need to buy any rice.She doesnt need any peas.4、一般疑问句:同其它实意动词一样,在句首加do或doesDo you need to buy a carton of cream?Does She need to buy oil?四、 询问数量 how much? How many?1、 How many?用于询问可数名词的数量。How many apples do you want?How many oranges wo

43、uld you like?2、 how much? (1)用于询问不可数名词的数量。How much water shall I buy?How much rice do we need?(2)询问价格How much is it,please?五、 Some 和any1、 some表示不确定的量,意思是“一些”,可修饰可数名词和不可数名词。多用于肯定句中,也可以用于表示请求和提议的疑问句中。Id like some water.We want some oranges.Could I have some oranges ,please?Would you like some tea?Do you want some win


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