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1、 XX学校英语导学案 时间:2015.3执教人:班级:五三、五四编号:5B31审核:课题: Unit3 My school calendar A Lets talk 课时安排:第一课时课型:对话课 Learning aims(学习目标)1. 我能通过看图片、听录音、小组练读等活动,按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并理解对话大意。2. 通过阅读和联系情境,我能在情景中运用句型When is? Its in 询问并回答某个活动在哪个月举行Important &difficult points(重难点)1.了解四月、五月的主要活动,以及短语sports meet, Easter party, s

2、chool trip的意思;2.实际运用句型When is the party? Its in April.来表达自己。CONTENTS(学习内容)METHODS(学法指导)知识链接Step1 Warm up1. Warm up2. ReviewStep2. Show learning aims1.我能通过看图片、听录音、小组练读等活动,按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并理解对话大意。2.通过阅读和联系情境,我能在情景中运用句型When is? Its in 询问并回答某个活动在哪个月举行。3.能够在语境中理解生词及词组a few fun things, sports meet, East

3、er, trip的意思,并能正确发音。w W w .x K b 1.c o MStep3. Self-study通过看图片、问题设置、听录音、自读等活动,初步理解对话大意。Mike: We have a few fun things in spring. After the sports meet, we have an Easter party.Zhang : When is the party?Mike: Its in April. We have a school trip, too.Zhang : When is that?Mike: Its in May.Zhang : Cool!S

4、tep4. Group work通过阅读和联系情境,我能在情景中运用句型When is? Its in 询问并回答某个活动在哪个月举行。read together1. listen and answer听对话,回答问题:How many activities do you hear?2. Look at the two calendars , guess 看图,猜短语意思: Whats the meaning?sport meet, Easter party, school trip3. read and find 读对话,回答问题:(1) When is the Easter party?

5、w W w .x K b 1.c o M(2) When is the school trip? (3)Are April and May in spring? 1. Read the dialogue in groups and play in roles. 组内读对话,选出读得最好的一对伙伴。或者评选组内背书冠军。2. Task: Write and talk 完成任务单的填写,然后根据句型对话。3.你会编新对话吗?S1:We have a few fun things in _. We have _ and _.S2: When is _?S1: Its in _. We have _

6、in _1.月份单词:JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember2.我们已知的节日有哪些?New Years DayWomens DayApril Fools DayChildrens DayMothers DayFathers DayTeachers DayHalloweenChristmas3.介词in的用法表示时间:in + 月份/季节/年份in the morning/afternoon/evening 4.a few somemanyhave fun= have a good t

7、imefun things= interesting things达标检测1.英汉连线,并读一读。 in March 运动会 school trip 唱歌比赛w W w .x K b 1.c o M Sports meet 在三月 Easter party 复活节晚会 singing contest 学校郊游2.选一选,译一译,读一读。 ( )1. _ is Tree Planting Day Its in March. A. What B. When ( )2.Winter vacation is _ February. A. in B. on ( )3.We have a few fun

8、things _ spring. A. in B. on( )4. When is May Day? Its in _. A. June B. May3. 学生小结:这节课我学到了_。作业1. 听读背诵Lets talk,默一遍。2. 根据主情境图中的校历,和同桌说一说感兴趣的月份安排板书设计Unit 3 My school calendar A Lets talk w W w .X k b 1. c O m A: When is the Easter party? B: Its in April. A: When is the school trip? B: Its in May.反思新课 标第 一 网


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