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1、全册教材分析 一本册教材特点:大踏步前进;各单元内容联系紧密、前后呼应;每一单元内容设计精巧,环环相扣。二本册教材重点攻关:一般现在时(Unit 7-10);将来时(Unit10-11)三本册各单元话题及Key Structure: Unit 7 The days of week What do you do on Monday? I go to school. What day is it today? Its Monday. Unit 8 The time What time is it? Its one oclock. Its time for school. Its time to g

2、o to school.Unit 9 Day and night When do you get up. I always get up at seven. When does he get up? He often gets up at seven. Unit 10 Making suggestions Lets play football. Shall we go to a movie? Do we have enough time? Unit 11 The weather What are you going to do? I am going to eat dinner. He is

3、going to see a movie. We are going to watch a video. Its going to be a fine day. Its going to be fine today. Unit 12 Review 四各单元版块构成: Text/Words to learn/Listen to this/Lets sing!(Play the game)/Talk together/Listen and Match/Reading Comprehension/Sounds and Letters/Uncle Bookys Blackboard/Touch, As

4、k and Answer/Writing Exercises/Lets chant!/Ask and find out/ Uncle Bookys Storytime/Self-assessment&Reflection 五本册较上册新增及版块变化、扩充内容: 1Reading Comprehension 篇幅加大;增加了回答问题的练习。 教学要求及建议:在教学中可利用课本提供的插图练习,让学生进行看图说话和短文复述。 2Talk together,Touch, Ask and Answer和 Ask and find out 更加围绕Key Structure来开展句型机械操练和真实情境中的

5、会话,并将会话与书写练习相结合,落实机械操练及会话成果。 教学要求及建议:加大课堂Pair work、group work的实效,利用教材提供的情境开展主句型的机械和意义操练。新课标第一网 3Uncle Bookys Blackboard 更加集中主句型,并在本单元新知识学习基础上结合学生已有知识做大量的可供句型操练的替换词组的罗列。 教学要求及建议:落实书写,能够按照英语的书写要求默写这一部分的句子。 4Self-assessment 新增结合单元知识根据自己实际情况进行书面回答问题的练习和短文仿写。更加体现了课本知识与学生生活实际联系紧密,学以致用。 教学要求及建议:要求学生给出完整的书面

6、回答。此外,教师可举一反三结合单元内容进行问题再设计。 5出现了英文题目要求。要求学生尝试理解英文题目要求。 Unit 9 Day and night一、教学目的:1.通过学习,能够用英语简单描述自己一天的活动。2.对学生进行养成安排良好作息时间的教育。3.培养学生的综合素质及英语能力。二、教学重点: 1.掌握下列这些句型:When do you always/usually/often/sometimes/never/ eat breakfast?I _ eat breakfast_.2.When does he always/usually/often/sometimes/ do in t

7、he morning?He_ goes to the store_.教学难点: 能在相关的语境中正确运用所学句型。三、教学方法: 听、读、说、演等。四、教具准备: 教学卡片、多煤体等。五、教学过程:1、 导入师:What time do you go to school ?生:I go to school_.2、 学习生词always、 usually、 often、 sometimes、 never。1). 学习生词 always师:What time do you get up ?生:I get up at _.师:Yes, I always get up at six .师再问:When

8、 do you get up ? (When means what time)师出示when生词卡片,学习生词when。师再问另外几个同学此句型,师还用 I always _.句型回答。师出示always生词卡片,学习生词always。2). 用同样方法的学习 usually、 often。3). 学习生词 sometimes 师: When do you go to bed every day ?生: I go to bed at _.师: Oh , you go to bed too late. So you sometimes go to school late .师出示sometime

9、s生词卡片,学习生词sometimes.4). 学习生词 never.师: When do you go to bed every day ?生: I go to bed at _.师: Oh , you go to bed too early. So you never go to school late .师出示never生词卡片,学习生词never.5). 跟录音认读生词always、 usually、 often、 sometimes、 never。6). 学生用所学生词做问答练习.3、学习用第三人称单数进行问答练习。师:When do you usually eat lunch ?生

10、: I usually eat lunch at _.师:Yes , he usually eats lunch at _.师再问另一名学生When does he usually eat lunch ?生: He usually eats lunch at _.师用同样的方法问其他学生以巩固练习。4、 生用第三人称单数进行问答练习。5、 学习课文6、 复述课文7、 学唱歌曲六、板书设计 Unit 9 Day and nightWhen do you usually eat breakfast ?I usually eat breakfast at _.When does he usually

11、 sleep ?He usually sleeps at _.七、教学反思:Unit9 第二课时一、教学目标1、知识与目标:(1)学生能够基本理解课文含义,能就课文当中的问题做出简要的回答。(2)理解主要句型结构和相关的频度副词。2、过程与方法:(1)通过观看多媒体资料,能够基本理解课文含义。(2)通过问答,正确理解频度副词always never sometimes usually的含义。3、情感态度与价值观:(1)通过对故事学习,培养学生养成生活有规律的意识和习惯。(2)培养学生每天吃早餐的习惯。二、教学重点能够会读故事并理解故事内容三、教学难点频度副词always never somet

12、imes usually的理解四、教学策略:1、多媒体课件:呈现故事的情景。2、通过问答,正确理解频度副词always never sometimes usually的含义。五、教学过程:教学意图教师活动学生活动媒体使用Step One: Warm-up1. Good morning, boys and girls. What day is it today? 2. Lets chant from Monday to Sunday, OK?学生回答Today is Thursday.学生一起数从Monday 到SundayStep Two: Revision1. 提问个别学生What do y

13、ou do on Monday/ Sunday/ Tuesday/ Saturday?在黑板上画出若干个钟表,提问几个同学What time is it? What do you do at seven oclock? (变换时间进行提问) 2. Oh, its ten oclock. Im late for the bus. (教师做出跑步的动作)What am I doing?3.请一个学生起来做出简单的动作,再问全班Whats he/she doing?学生回答问题 I go to school on Monday. I watch TV on Sunday.等等。学生回答Its sev

14、en oclock. Its eight thirty.I have English class at ten oclock.之类的。学生回答问题 You are running.She/He is dancing/ walking/ swimming.Step Three: New ContentLets watch it from the very beginning. After you watch the whole story, please answer my questions.1. Do you know whats Mocky doing now? Lets watch th

15、e screen.(展示图1)Whats Mocky doing?2. Ann asked:” What are you doing, Mocky? ” Mocky said:” Im eating my breakfast.” Mocky always eats his breakfast in the morning. Always means everyday, include Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and all the holidays. Read after me, always

16、, use your fingers, a-l-w-a-y-s, always. Read after me, I always eat breakfast in the morning.3. (展示图3)Now, Mocky wants to know what time does Ann eat her breakfast. So he asked:” When do you eat breakfast, Ann?” Ann answered:” I eat breakfast at seven oclock.” When equals to what time. (板书提示) 4. Wh

17、en do you eat breakfast? OK, please ask your partner when does he or she eat breakfast? Practice in pairs. (引导学生两人小组进行对话练习)Who want to have a try? Hands up. (请几个学生回答问题)5. Do you always eat breakfast in the morning? On Saturdays, I dont eat breakfast in the morning. I sleep in the morning on Holidays

18、. So I could only say: I usually eat breakfast in the morning. Usually means not always. 6. (展示图5)Ann and Mocky go to visit Uncle Booky. Ann wants to know what Uncle Booky does in the morning. Do you want to know? How does Mocky answer her? Watch the screen. Lets read the sentence together. He usual

19、ly reads a book. 7. Ken, Ann and Mocky go to visit Uncle Booky. Now, they are at Uncle Bookys house. But where is Uncle Booky?8. (展示图7)Do they find Uncle Booky? Where is he? Does Mocky know? No, he doesnt know. He says:” I dont know. Hes usually at home in the morning.”9. (展示图8)Uncle Booky is usuall

20、y at home in the morning, when does he go to the store? Ken wants to know, so he asks. Mocky answered:” He often goes to the store in the afternoon. He never goes in the morning.” Often and usually are almost the same meaning.(手势讲解差不多相同)Never means no, not.(加上表情、手势强调never,贴片讲解)10. Where is Uncle Boo

21、ky? Whats he doing now? Can you guess?(请两三个学生起来猜Uncle Booky到底在做什么)(展示图9)Look, hes sleeping. He sometimes sleeps in the morning! Uncle Booky usually reads a book in the morning, but that day, he sleeps. So he sometimes sleeps in the morning.学生多媒体课件,对整篇课文形成一个初步了解。学生利用IRS课堂反馈技术回答He is eating breakfast.

22、 学生利用IRS课堂反馈技术选择出always的中文意思-总是学生看图同学之间相互问答,结束后回答老师的问题如,PengQing eats breakfast at seven oclock.学生利用IRS课堂反馈技术回答What Uncle Booky does in the morning? He usually reads a book.学生利用IRS课堂反馈技术回答When does he go to the store? He often goes to the store in the afternoon.学生猜Uncle Booky到底在哪里,在做什么。利用IRS课堂反馈技术回答

23、sometimes中文意思有时候播放与本册书相配的光盘。播放光盘,出示图1利用IRS课堂反馈技术利用IRS课堂反馈技术播放光盘,出示图3播放光盘,出示图5利用IRS课堂反馈技术播放光盘,出示图7播放光盘,出示图8利用IRS课堂反馈技术播放光盘,出示图9利用IRS课堂反馈技术Step Four: Practice1. Do you like the story? I like it because its funny. Lets watch it from the very beginning. After you watch the whole story, please answer my

24、questions.(从头播放故事动画)2. Here are the questions for you.(课件展示提问的几个问题)You can talk with your partner, and then give me your answer.(引导学生小组之内根据课文内容讨论问题,然后进行问题的回答)。展示学生的作答情况,并给与评价。3. After class, please read the story after the tape. Next time, please tell the story to us, OK? Thats all for today. Goodby

25、e, boys and girls!认真观看光盘 小组讨论课件展示提问的几个问题。对此作出书面回答。课件展示提问的几个问题展示学生的作答情况。六、教学反思:Unit9 课时 3一、教学目标 知识 1 复习句型Whendoyougetup? 2 阅读短文,理解短文内容。 能力 1 利用功能句进行交流,培养学生的交流能力; 2 训练学生的听力; 情感:交流过程中培养学生大胆交流的自信心;。二、教学重难点:交际练习:Whendoyougetup?Iusuallygetupatsixoclock 阅读短文并回答相应的问题。三、教学准备:课件,磁带,卡片四、实践活动 学生小组内交际练习、阅读短文五、教学

26、过程:I.Review(8)1 Readthestory.2 Whendoyougotoschool?3 Whendoyougotobed?4 Reviewwordsandphrase.II.Talktogether(10)1. Havethestudentslookatthefourdialogues.Trytoreadthem.2. Havethestudentsworkinpairstoreadthesentences.3. Havestudentsworkinpairstomakedialoguesaccordingtotheirdailylife.4. Havesomepairssh

27、owtheirworks.III.ListenandMatch(5)1 Lookatthe5picturesonpage30andhavethestudentstalkaboutthepictures.2 Playthetapeandhavethestudentsdrawthetimeofeachpicture.3 Playthetapeagain.Havethechildrenchecktheanswers.4 Checktheanswer.5 Readthesentencefollowingthetape.IV.Ahappyday(17)1.Havethestudentslookatthe

28、pictures,andtalkaboutthepictures.Whatplacescanyouseein thepictures?2.Havethestudentsreadthequestionatthebottomofpage31.Havethemunderstandthese questionsthemselves:T: WhendoAnnandKeneatbreakfast?T: Its11oclock.AnnandKenareat_.T: Whendotheygototheswimmingpool?T: Whendotheygethome?3.Havethestudentstryt

29、oreadthetextbythemselves.Theycanunderlinesomewordsor sentencesifitsnecessary.4.Havethemdrawthetimeforeachclock.Andanswerthequestions.5.Havethestudentsanswerthequestions.6.Checktheanswersandpayattentiontowritingsentences.V.Sethomework.Listentothetextstoryathome.六、板书设计: Whendoyougetup?Iusuallygetupats

30、ixoclock.Whendoyougotoschool?Ialwaysgotoschoolateightoclock.七、教学反思: Unit9 第四课时一、教学目标 1.The students can read the words and recognize the words preliminary. 2. The students can describe the time and activities in English. 3. The students can grasp how to pronounce “or” and “o” 4. Developing the pupil

31、s ability of co-operation by group work.二、教学准备Courseware, audiocassette recorder, new words cards三、教学过程:Step1. Warm up: T: Class begins! Morning! Boys and girls! S: Morning ,teacher! T: What day is it today? S: Its / Today is T: What do you do on weekend? S: I do my homework.Step 2. Review 1. Review

32、 the following vocabulary: always, usually, often, sometimes, and never. Write the words on the board and check that the children can remember their different meanings. 2. Now review the phrases get up, go to bed, eat breakfast / lunch / dinner, and the word sleep. 3. Repeat the procedure used to re

33、view the other words. 4. Point to the word always. Say, “I always get up at ( seven ) oclock.” have a child in the class give you another example sentence. Make sure that the child uses the word always and one of the other activities written on the board, for example, I always eat lunch at 12 oclock

34、. 5. Repeat the procedure for usually, often, sometimes, and never.Step 3. A happy day 1. Draw the childrens attention to the picture on page 31 and tell them it shows Ann and Ken in five different places at five different times during the day. 2. Point to the house in the picture and elicit the nam

35、e from the children. Repeat with the name of other places / buildings in the picture. 3. Direct the childrens attention to the text below the picture and explain that they must read the text and then draw the time on the clocks. Have the children read the text first. 4. Read the text slowly to the c

36、hildren. Make sure they all understand the meaning of each sentence. 5. Now point to the bookstore in the picture. Ask the children to find out the word in the text. Then elicit the time when Ken and Ann are in the bookstore. Have children draw the time on the check above the bookstore in the pictur

37、e. 6. Ask the children to use the same strategy to draw out the time on the other clocks. When all children finished, point to a place in the picture and elicit the correct time from the children. 7. Now draw the childrens attention to activity 2. Point to the first question and read aloud to the ch

38、ildren. Elicit the answer from them. have them write the answer on the lines. Repeat the procedure with the other questions.Step 7. extend: Make a new dialog.Step 8. Sum up: Practise the students listening and speaking Ask the children to know the new languages of this unit.Elicit the new wordsPract

39、ise the new sentences.Raise the students using the sentences abilityConsolidate the new words and the new sentences.作 业设 计Must do: 1. Read the new text 5 times at home. 2. Translate the text into Chinese. 3. Preview page 33, 34, 35 Choosing do: Read a new story by yourself.四、板书设计 Unit 9 Day and nigh

40、t When do you get up. I always get up at seven. When does he get up? He often gets up at seven.五、教学反思: Unit9lesson5 一、教学目标:知识 1复习功能句型WhatdoyoualwaysdoonMonday?WhendoesMockyeatbreakfast?2.学习韵文一首 3.书写练习 能力 1. 学习韵文培养学生良好的语音语调; 2. 培养学生的认读能力。 3. 利用功能句进行交流培养学生的交流能力; 情感: 通过韵文的学习保持学生学习英语的兴趣。二、教学重难点: 英语问题的书写,运用英语进行交流三、教学准备: 表格卡片课件四、实践活动: 小组调查课后小结 五、教学过程.Review(5)1. Reviewthewo


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