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1、 北师大版小学一年级英语教案【上下册】北师大版小学一年级英语上册教案全册备课一、对新课标的理解 :英语是国际间文化交流的必备条件。新课标倡导以学生为中心,强调学生参与和体验,强调多种形式教学活动,是学生在尽量真实的环境中进行交际,提高学生语言交际能力。改变课程实施过程强调接受学习,死记硬背,机械训练的现状,倡导学生主动参与,乐于研究,勤于动手,培养学生搜集和处理信息能力,获取新知识的能力,分析和解决问题的能力。让学生始终怀有对英语的学习激情。二、教学目标: 知识目标:1) 能听懂简单的话语或录音材料,老师的课堂用语、常用指令能够按照指令做事。2) 能够学唱简单的歌谣和歌曲。过程方法:1) 通过

2、孩子们感兴趣的游戏,图片等对学生进行启发.情感态度:1) 通过游戏活动的学习,培养学生团结合作精神。2) 在学习过程中激发学生学习兴趣。3) 让学生喜欢并乐于开口说英语.三、教学重点:1、进一步培养病发展听说口头交际能力。四、教学难点:1 、日常交际用语的运用五、教学进度安排:单元题目周次Unit 1Hello 1-3Unit 2About me4-6Unit 3At school7-9Unit 4Colors 10-12Unit 5Numbers 13-15Unit 6Happy birthday17-19Unit 1体现思想:主要体现课标中注重学生参与,尊重学生个别差异的思想,发展学生运用

3、语言的综合能力。Teaching aims (1) 知识技能1 初步认识和小朋友们接触的几个好朋友。 2 能够Whats your name? My name is - ? 进行交际,并作简单的应答.(2) 过程方法1 利用实物、录音、光盘及游戏来辅导学生,激发学生的学习兴趣2 通过游戏,小组比赛等形式,培养合作精神3 通过大量句子练习,增强学生口语表达能力(3) 情感态度1 让学生对课堂活动感兴趣,乐于参与敢于参与,提高他们对英语的学习热情,增强学生的自信心。2 鼓励学生大胆的开口说英语,培养学生的口语交际能力Teaching emphasisCore: apple ant balloon

4、banana Structure: hello, hi , Im ken Ann Mocky Teaching difficulty Introductions; Say ones name Unit1 HelloLesson 1Teaching Aims:1、Say hello or hi to others, students can communicate with some easy words.2、The students like to learn English.3、The students can be ask and answer the dialogue.Teaching

5、Emphasis: 1、 How can use “hello”、“hi”in the dialogue. 2、 Emphasis sentence:hello,ImTeaching Difficulty:The children can be use the “Whats your name?” in dialogue. Answer it.Teaching process:Step 1 Warm up Say “hello” or “hi” to the students. Teach them to use this two words. Play a game: Hello, Im m

6、is song. Ask the students to say.Step 2Introduce some new friends: Ann, Ken and MockyGreeting Read their namePlay a game: Use the mask of mocky and say hello to students. Picture: Whos this?Step 4 StoryLook at the picture Point and read their name Listen to the radio Listen and repeat Step 5 Learn t

7、o sayLook at the picture Ask student to guess “What are they talking?”(introduce themselves)Do it in group Step 6 Extension Draw their pictures Blackboard writing Hello Hi The end Draw it Learn to saystudents can read those words.Lesson 2 (2008-9-8)Teaching aims :1、communicate with others in some ea

8、sy English sentence.2、The students like to learn English.Teaching emphasis and difficulty: 1、How to use“Whats your name?” “My name is -”Teaching process: Step 1 Warm-up Play a game: Pass the ballListen the song and pass the ball, if you catch you must introduce yourselfStep 2 Lets talk Hold up the m

9、ask of Mocky and indicate that he is asking Ann, say “Whats your name?” Now hold up the mask of Ann and say “My names-”Step 3 Listen and act Hold up the mask of Uncle Booky. Ask student to say : “hello, Uncle booky” Booky say the order and teacher do it. Play a game Ask students do it one by one.Ste

10、p 4 Sing the song Read the words to the children pointing to each word. Listen to the song Sing it together Change the name with the students name.Step 5 Extension Students for group to carry out the song.Blackboard writing Stand up Sit down Lessons 3(2008-9-10)Teaching aims :With the game,the stude

11、nts can master the words and use it.Teaching emphasis and difficulty:Every student can say the rhymeTeaching process: Step 1 Warm-up Play a game : who is the bestIntroduce yourselfStep 2Lets say Take out the card Listen and repeat Play a game (Group) write the words in the blackboard and make studen

12、ts to match the card.Step 3 Say the rhyme Listen to the video.Read the word Listen again and repeat it.Act out Step 4 Read and match. Student book page 7 Read the words Read and match Color it Blackboard writing An apple An ant A banana A balloonLessons 4 (2008-9-12) Teaching aims:1 Review the words

13、 and the rhyme poem.2 learn to say “whats your name”、“Im”、“my names”Teaching important:1 Student can read the words for an ant and a balloon2 Do some exercise about words to match Teaching process: Step 1 Oral English Whats your name? My name is ./ I am .Step 2Review Chant Listen to the chant and fo

14、llow Let two students come front and say Student cardsRead and do exercise Step 3 Listen and say Step 4 Find and color: apple、balloon、banana、ant、Ann、Ken。Unit 2体现思想主要体现课标中注重学生参与,尊重学生个别差异的思想,发展学生运用语言的综合能力。Teaching aims 知识技能1 能分辨并介绍自己姓名和性别2 能认读并能指出五官3 认读五个新单词过程方法1利用实物、录音、光盘及游戏来辅导学生,激发学生的学习兴趣2通过游戏,小组比赛等

15、形式,培养合作精神3通过大量句子练习,增强学生口语表达能力情感态度3 让学生对课堂活动感兴趣,乐于参与敢于参与,提高他们对英语的学习热情,增强学生的自信心。4 鼓励学生大胆的开口说英语,培养学生的口语交际能力Teaching emphasisCore: boy teacher girl monkeyStructure: Are you a -? Yes, I am/ No, Im notTeaching difficulty 1能认读并能指出五官2认读五个新单词Unit 2 About me Lesson 1 (2008-9-17)Teaching aims: 1 The students c

16、an read “boy”、“girl” 、“monky” and “teacher” 2 The students can describe themselves:“I am a ”. Teacher important:The students can discriminate boy and girl, know the words of boy and girl.Teaching process:Step 1 Warm up Sing an English song:“hello,hello Im mocky.”Step2 New teaching Show the Anns pict

17、ure and say: Ann is girl .I am a girl too.Ask the girls to read it Ask the boys: Ken is boy.(a student)is a boy too.Step 3Read the new words one by oneStep 4 Play a game Touch it Blackboard writing A boyA girl A teacherA monkeyStep 5Read the text after the videoLesson 2 (2008-9-19)Teaching aims:Stud

18、ents can read words“boy、 girl、 teacher、 monkey、”correctly.Learn the sentence “Are you a ? ” Teaching emphasis :How to answer the question “Are you a ?” (“Yes.I am; No,Im not.”)Teaching process:Step 1 Warm-up Sing an English songStep 2 Review Words Play a game SentencesPass the sentences Step 3 Take

19、out two mask one is a girl,the other is boy. Ask :Are you a boy/ girl? Yes / No. Do some exercisesStep 4 Read and matchPicture a boyPicture a girlPicture a teacherPicture a monkeyLesson 3(2008-9-22)Teaching aims: 1 Use the life terms “please / thank you” 2 Know the words “ear hair eye nose mouth” Te

20、aching important: 1 can read and know the words: “ear hair eye nose mouth”Teaching process: Step 1 Oral English Introduce yourselfStep 2 Review the words Play a game “You act and I guess”Step 3 Learn to say : Please、thank you Teacher makes a model:“please” Ask student to repeat Ask a student give me

21、 a book, the teacher says “thank you ”Step 4 New teaching Ear mouth hair eye nose Touch and say Listen and repeat Step 5 Play a game Touch your .Blackboard writing Ear Mouth Eye Hair Nose Lesson 4 (2008-9-24)Teaching aims 1 能认读ear eye nose mouse hair 2 能跟唱英文歌Teaching important 1 mouse 与nose 的区分与认读,

22、hair的记忆。 2能跟唱英文歌Teaching process Step1 ReviewWords:Mouth, nose,eye,hair,ear.Sentences please. thank you. Play a game Step 2 Sing the song Listen to the song Listen to the tape and touch Play a game 1跟着录音的口令做动作2两组同学分别演画面上的小男孩和小女孩,一边唱歌一边做动作。Step 3 Words Touch and say Listen and act Lesson 5 (2008-9-26

23、)Teaching aims 1 can read the new words: cat crocodile duck dog 2 can understand the rhyme and say it.Teaching important Can read the new words: cat crocodile duck dog Teaching processStep 1 Review Words Play the gameStep 2Learn the new words A cat, a crocodile, a duck, a dog Listen and repeat Liste

24、n and act out Step 3 Say the rhyme Listen to the rhyme three times Listen to the tape with teacher do Listen and doStep 4 Match and color四 writing blackboard dogduckcrocodileecatLesson 6(2008-9-28)Teaching aims 1 复习上节课所学的四个新单词 2 能跟唱rhyme 3 能认读四个新单词并连线Teaching important 1能跟唱rhyme 2能认读四个新单词并连线Teaching

25、 processStep 1 Oral English Step 2Review the rhymeListen the rhyme three times and act outStep 3 Review the words Show the picture and class sayStep 4Play a game:找四名同学到前面分别出示四个动物玩具谁先说出那个单词那动物玩具就属于他,四名同学把动物的卡片贴在黑板上并把单词贴在下面先读几遍,然后把顺序打乱,设定情景:几个小动物被困在笼子里,如果能把单词正确的贴在图片下面那小动物就能获救 Lesson 7 (2008-10-05)Teac

26、hing aims 1 能正确认读cat dog apple banana 2 能给动物和食物画上五官并能用英语表达Teaching importantStep 1 Review Words Step 2 Draw the face能给动物和食物画上五官并能用英语表达Step 3 Find and color Say the words and colour.Unit 3 At school Lessons 1(2008-10-07)Teaching aims 1 能认读新单词 chair bag book pencil 2 能初步运用句型 whats this?Teaching import

27、ant 1 能认读新单词 chair bag book pencil 2 能初步运用句型 whats this?Teaching processStep 1 Warm up:拿出一些小道具(书包、铅笔、玩具小凳子)让同学们想这些的英文应该怎么说。Ask:“whats this.”引导学生回答:“Its”Look at the picture and listen to the tape.Step 2 Listen to the tape and followStep 3 Look at the picture and say Ask in pairsStep 4 Play a game : g

28、uessing game 老师拿着四个新单词卡片背向学生抽走一张学生猜老师拿走的是哪一张,如果学生猜错了老师把他们猜的那一张出示出来并拿走,继续猜。直到猜出正确的答案Lesson 2(2008-10-09)Teaching aims 1 巩固复习新单词2能听懂 take out your please 并能迅速正确作出动作3能用yes / No回答问题Its this a?Teaching important1 能听懂 take out your please 并能迅速正确作出动作2能用yes / No回答问题Its this a?Teaching process Step 1Listen a

29、 sangStep 2 Revision : look and sayStep 3 Guessing game Teacher say and do a model Step 4 Play a game :guessing game 老师出示四张单词卡片并让学生读两遍,然后把单词藏在身后抽走一张学生猜Is it a pencil? 引导学生用Yes / No 回答 do it in pairs Ask one by one 四 writing blackboard Is it a pencil?Yes. No.Lesson 3(2008-10-12)Teaching aims 1能认读新单词

30、2能跟唱英文歌曲Teaching important 1能认读新单词 2能跟唱英文歌曲Teaching process Step 1 listen the English song Listen to the English song and follow the words Listen to the song and take out Listen again and four students come front and show the pictureStep 2 Play a game 出示四个单词卡片的一部分学生猜把单词卡片贴在黑板上,再出示单词部分让学生找到相应的图片Step

31、3 Listen the song againLesson 4(2008-10-14)Teaching aims 1 初步认读新单词 egg elephant fish frog 2 能准确读出 an egg an elephantTeaching important 1 初步认读新单词 egg elephant fish frog 2 能准确读出 an egg an elephantTeaching process Step 1 Read the words 1 listen a song and try to follow the teacher 2 look at the TV and

32、learn the new words 3 listen and follow 4 read the new words one by one 5 listen and take out the cards 6 Whats this ? Its Ask one by one Step 2 Play a game 老师做示范拉大车游戏,两个人分别把四张卡片被面朝上按顺序出牌并说出图片上的内容Its 但第二名同学所出的牌与第一名同学所出的相同那么两张牌就都属于第二名同学,并赢得一分。Lesson 5(2008-10-16)Teaching aims 1 能认读认读单词 book elephant

33、fish pencil chair 2 能把单词和图片连线Teaching important 能认读认读单词 book elephant fish pencil chairTeaching process Step 1 listen a song 1 sing an English song and take out 2 look at the picture and say 3 play a game : guessing game 4 listen and find out 5 read and find outStep 2 Play a game Step 3 Match and co

34、lorLesson 6(2008-10-18)Teaching aims 1 复习所学的八个单词 2能认读单词并能用身边的物品问答Teaching important能认读单词并能用身边的物品问答Teaching process Step 1 Sing an English song Step 2 Look at the picture and say Step 3 Play a gameStep 4 Find and color Unit four colors Lesson 1(2008-10-21)一 teaching aims: 1 能初步认读有关颜色的单词 red、 blue、 ye

35、llow、 brown、 green 2 能初步运用 What color? Its问答二 teaching important能初步运用 What color? Its问答三 course(准备一些教具:黄色的鸭子、红色的狗、棕色的猴子、绿色的书、蓝色的铅笔。) 1、Show a yellow duck and ask: Whats this? Stuendts answer:Its a duck” teacher say:“yes,its a duck! Its a yellow duck” 强调yellow 这个词。(Do you know yellow? 可以顺便指指别的黄色的东西说:

36、“Its yellow.”)让学生知道yellow的意思。把单词写在黑板上让大家读。同样的方法介绍其他的颜色:red dog,brown monkey,green book,blue pencil。 2、look at the picture:there are so many colors in the picture. red、 blue、 yellow、 brown、 green, they are all colors.“color”(颜色。告诉学生)。I will ask you:(指着天空:what color?什么颜色?)引导学生回答:Its blue.接着问别的颜色,学生回答。

37、学生反过来问一问老师。 3、questions:“who can you see?”“what are they doing?”ansewr:“Mocky、 Ann、Ken”、“ask color。” listen to the tape and follow 4、做练习:touch and say 5、回顾单词、句子。 6、ask one by one (pictures。) 7、game:先说一下奖品:福娃贴纸(问一问福娃的颜色,让同学们答:What color of huanhuan? Its red.)每个同学发一套颜色的单词卡片,第一轮,老师说单词,同学举图片,做错的淘汰(What

38、color? What color? Itsdie out)做对的同学进入下一轮。第二轮:老师不说,只是举出相应颜色的实物,让同学举出相应的卡片,最后留下几名一直都做对的,发给小礼物(福娃贴纸。)四、教学反思本课上完学生大体能掌握颜色的单词并能进行简单的对话。学习这一课主要从生活入手,让学生们多接近,多体验生活,有助于帮助他们记忆。Lesson 2 (2008-10-23)一 teaching aims 1 复习上节课所学颜色单词 2 学习简单的问话二 teaching important问句:what color? Is it Draw Color it三course 1 revision

39、2 listen and take out the cards3 listen to the tape and follow 5 read it one by one6 游戏:老师拿出卡片让学生猜:T:What color?S:Is it yellow?7 老师在黑板上画上29页图,要求学生们上来color it。其他学生在下面自己画。四 learn the song五 课后反思 学生非常愿意画画也能正确按照老师所要求的图上正确的颜色,以后应多作这样的活动。问句的发音还不是特别标准,并且有些句子学生不认识,还应在以后的学习中加强练习。Lesson 3(2008-10-25)一 teaching

40、 aims1 能初步认读四个新单词 gift girl hat hammer 2能分清发音相似的gift girl 二 teaching important1 能初步认读四个新单词 gift girl hat hammer 2能分清发音相似的gift girl三 course1 looks the picture of gift and listens to the tape 2 listen to the tape and follow 3 Read the word one by one 4 Let the girl stand up and learn the words: girl5

41、Show the picture of hat and learn: hat6 Show the picture of hammer and learn: hammer7 Teacher say and students fllow8 Play a game: who is lost9 learn the chant。10 match and color四 教学反思单词的识记还是不到位,应在下节课加强练习。 Lesson 4(2008-10-28)一 teaching aims1 复习学过的颜色单词和物品单词2 能提问颜色,并回答二 teaching important1 能认读所有颜色单词2

42、 正确运用what color?Its三 course1 look at the picture of the words and read it。2 teacher ask:what color is the gift?students answer:Its red。3 Read the word one by one 4 32页:color it5 33页:find say and color四 教学反思对于color 这一部分,学生很感兴趣,以后的教学中应加强动手环节。Unit five 单元备课一 teaching aims 1 能认读15 英文数字 2 能用how much 询问物体

43、数量 3 能认读九个新单词Lesson 1 (2008-11-3)一 teaching aims1、能基本认读五个新单词2、能初步听懂 how many 句型二 teaching important能基本认读五个新单词三 course1、review:拿出颜色卡片问:what color?同学回答。问问生活中的颜色。2、举起一支铅笔问:whats this?同学回答:Its a pencil。老师:yes。How many pencils?(how many?多少个?)There is one pencil。(这里有一支铅笔。One 一个。)Read after me:how many,one。拿起两只:how many pencils?Two(两个。)接着教three、four、five(pencil box,ruler)重复one two three four five(用卡片)写在黑板上。3、 新单词:图片:Its a train(repeat)T


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