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1、孔丛子嘉言篇所见孔子言行考 孔丛子嘉言篇所见孔子言行考 【中文摘要】 今本孔丛子旧题孔鲋撰,成书于秦汉之际,在三国至北宋时期得到广泛流传,无人怀疑。但是降至南宋,学者们开始怀疑此书。到二十世纪初,孔丛子是伪书已成铁案。二十世纪八十年代以来,学者对孔丛子的真伪问题进行了再研究,多认为此书有可信的史料价值,有较为原始的材料依据。但是,学者们多从宏观上探究孔丛子的真伪问题,并没有从微观上剖析其材料的性质,去伪存真,故没有从根本上解决这一问题。本文试图通过对孔丛子的首篇嘉言篇的七章“孔子适周”、“凌阳之台”、“孔子论婚嫁”、“梁丘据中虺毒”、“孔子论田氏代齐”、“东郭亥攻田氏”、“君子尚辞”的材料进行



4、平、子贡言辞及孔子言论等三方面入手,考证本章材料真实不伪。“君子尚辞”章主要从子贡和宰我的言辞特征及孔子的议论等三方面入手,考证本章材料有可靠的依据。经过细微的剖析,可以看到嘉言篇的材料基本上是可信的,有较为原始的材料依据,有很高的史料价值,而且有后人整理润色的痕迹。其材料所反映出来的这种复杂性是符合古书成书、流传的过程和规律,不应据此怀疑其可信度,否定其价值【英文摘要】 The traditional author of the current Kong Cong Zi is Kong Fu,it handbeen written on the occasion of the Qin and

5、 Han Dynasties,and widespread beentween Three Kingdoms Period to the Northern Song Dynasty,no one doubted its credibility.But down to the Southern Song Dynasty,Scholars began to doubt the book.To the beginning of the twentieth century,no one doubted the view of Kong Cong Zi is fictional.Since the ei

6、ghties of twenty-first century,scholars have been re-examing credibility of Kong Cong Zi,most of them consider this book have a credible historical value,and have more original material source.But,most scholars studyed the authenticity of Kong Cong Zi from a broad inquiry,did not analyze the nature

7、of materials and eliminate the false of materials and retain the true of materials from micro-perspective.So they did not solve this problem.This article try to achieve these purposes of eliminate the false of materials and retain the true of materials;determine the nature of the material,and help t

8、o solve this probiem of credibility of Kong Cong Zi,through analyzing seven materials of Jia Yan which is the first one of Kong Cong Zi from two aspects both macro perspective and micro-perspective,I rename them are Kong Zi Shi Zhou,Ling Yang Zhi Tai,Kong Zi Lun Hun Jia,Liang qiu Ju Zhong Hui Du, Ko

9、ng Zi Lun Tian Shi Dai Qi,Dong guo Hai Gong Tian Shi,and Jun Zi Shang Ci.In chapter of Kong Zi Shi Zhou,I mainly analyze three aspects of the tine of reach Zhou Guo,Confucius looks,and Confucius actions.First,at the basis of six different traditional views of the tine of reaching Zhou,I research tha

10、t it is the 24th year of Lu Zhao Gong,and tesify that there is credible evidences of materials;second,with study of other literatures,I can prove Confucius appearance and behavior of materials are credible,and have a original basis.In chapter of Ling Yang Zhi Tai,I mainly analyze three aspects of th

11、e tine of reach Chen Guo,geographical concepts,and thought of serving the people.First,at the basis of traditional views of the tine of reaching Chen,I get the conclusion that Confucius had been to Chen three times,and of them occurred in the period of Chen Min Gong,Chen Hui Gong of materials is a e

12、rror of Chen Min Gong;second,through studying some geographical concepts,such as Ling Yang,Ling Tai,and Jiu Zhou,I can tesitify these materials have a original basis;third,with study of other literatures,I can prove that the thought of serving the people is ture.In chapter of Kong Zi Lun Hun Jia,wit

13、h other documengs,and studying from marriage age and wedding program of Pre-Qin period,ideas of Yin and Yang,and thought of female work,I can prove that these materials is ture.In chapter of Liang qiu Ju Zhong Hui Du,I mainly analyze three aspects of the meeting between Liang qiu Ju and Aai Wo,meani

14、ng of key words,and thought of teaching.First,though studying the birth and death age of Liang qiu Ju and Zai Wo,I reseach that they can meet each other;second,though analyzing the meeting of Hui,Liao and other words,I determine that its style has some characters of Pre-Qin times;last,I prove that t

15、he Confuciuss thought is coordinate with his thought of teaching.In chapter of Kong Zi Lun Tian Shi Dai Qi,I mainly analyze three aspects of the tine of reaching Qi Guo,the relationship between Confucius and Yan Zi,and their words.First,I get a conclusion that the fact about Confucius reached Qi Guo

16、 in Shi Ji is ture,the time is the 25th year of Lu Zhao Gong;second,I prove that the relationship between Confucius and Yan Zi is gentlemans relationship;last,I reseach that their words haved their times characteristics,later generations can not make false things.In chapter of Dong guo Hai Gong Tian

17、 Shi,I prove that the chapter ts true from three aspects:the life of Dong guo Hai,Zi Gongs words,and Confucius words.In chapter of Jun Zi Shang Ci,I prove that the chapter has credible basis from three aspects:characters of Zi Gong,characters of Zai Wo,and Confucius appraisal. After subtle analysis,

18、I summarize that the materials of Jia yan is credible,it has original source of materials,and has more important value of historic materials,but also has traces which are organized and embellished by offspring.The complexity which is reflected from these materials is consistent with the process and

19、rule of writing and spreading.We car(?) not suspect its credibility and its worth for this complexity.【中文关键词】 适周时间; 适陈时间; 婚嫁; 适齐时间; 田氏; 东郭亥; 尚理 【英文关键词】 the time of reaching Zhou Guo; the time of reaching Chen Guo; marriage; the tine of reaching Qi Guo; Tian shi; Dong guo Hai; advocate laws 【毕业论文目录】摘

20、要 3-4 Abstract 4-5 前言 8-11 一.”孔子适周”考 11-23 (一) 适周时间 11-19 1.前人异说 11-12 2.异说分析 12-19 (1) 昭公七年说和昭公二十一年说 12-13 (2) 定公时期说 13-14 (3) 昭公二十四年说 14-19 (二) “圣人之表” 19-21 (三) “圣人之行” 21-23 二.”凌阳之台”考 23-32 (一) 适陈时间 23-26 (二) 陈惠公辨析 26-27 (三) “凌阳”考 27-28 (四) 孔子所见言行思想 28-32 1.”灵台”考 28-29 2.”六州”考 29-31 3.民本思想 31-32 三

21、.孔子论婚嫁考 32-37 (一) 先秦婚俗考 32-33 1.婚姻年龄 32-33 2.婚礼程序 33 (二) 本章孔子所见言论思想 33-37 1.阴阳论 33-35 2.女红论 35-37 四.”梁丘据中虺毒”考 37-43 (一) 梁丘据与宰我相见考 37-41 1.梁丘据考 37-38 2.宰我考 38-41 (二) 宰我言论考 41-42 1.”虺”考 41 2.”攻疗之方”考 41-42 3.宰我论献方考 42 (三) 本章所见孔子言论思想 42-43 五.孔子论”田氏代齐”考 43-50 (一) 孔子适齐时间考 44 (二) 孔晏关系考 44-46 (三) 晏子所见言语 46-47 (四) 本章所见孔子言论思想 47-50 1.”政令”考 47-48 2.评价晏子考 48 3.”陈氏”与”田氏”考 48-50 六.”东郭亥攻田氏”考 50-53 (一) 东郭亥攻田氏其事考 50-51 (二) 本章所见子贡言论 51-52 (三) 本章所见孔子言论思想 52-53 七.”君子尚辞”考 53-56 (一) 君子尚理 53-54 (二) 宰我与子贡言辞特征考 54-56 1.宰我言辞特征 54-55 2.子贡言辞特征 55-56 结语 56-59 参考文献 59-64 学术论文 64-65 致谢 65


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