外研版初中英语九级上册教案:Module 6Unit1.doc

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1、Book 5 Module6 Save our world一、 教学内容:Unit1 Its wasteful to throw away paper and metal二、 课型:Listening and speaking三、 教学目标: 1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组: waste, wasteful, throw away, metal, energy,pollution,recycle, environment, hopeless, be careful about, reusable2、对前缀、后缀有初步掌握,并用构词法理解一些生词的意思。3、能够听懂有关环保的日常对话,获取准确信

2、息。4、能够对一些污染的问题表达自己的看法。5、提高环保意识,认识到保护环境的紧迫性和自己担负的责任,了解环保方面的先进的理念和做法。四、 教学重难点:1、准确运用本单元的单词和词组。2、能够对一些污染的问题表达自己的看法。五、 教学准备:1.利用PowerPoint制作课件:搜集有关环境污染的图片。2.布置学生预习单词。3.布置学生上网查询环保措施。六、 教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneWarming-up (3)1.Lead inOrganize the Ss to enjoy a song“Heal the World” before class2. Free

3、talk:Show some pictures about pollution, have the students say something about them1. Listen to the song and try to sing with it if they can2.See the pictures and say something about them临上课前听歌,既能使学生专注于课堂,又能让学生通过歌曲感受生命,感受世界,为接下来课文的主题埋下了伏笔。通过一些污染的图片让学生进行简要描述,既调动了学生的积极性,又很自然的引出拯救地球的话题。Step TwoPre-task

4、(4)Task: Teaching new words and expressions1. Show another two pictures to get the students to say out the new words.2. Organize the students to read the new words together.3. Ask the Ss to use the new words to describe the pictures simply1. See the pictures and learn some new words 2. Read the new

5、words together3. Use the new words to say some sentences about the pictures利用课本资源和网络资源,进行词汇教学。边看图片,边学习新单词,并最终运用到句子当中,强化学生的语言表达能力。Step ThreeWhile-task(23)Step ThreeWhile-task(23)Task 1: Listening(1) Play the tape, ask students to listen and choose the best answer .( Activity 2)(2) Guide the students

6、to listen to the conversation in Activity 3, then answer the questions:(1)Listen to the tape and choose the best answer.1. The first photo is a _ which is causing pollution.A. factory B. station2. The other photo is a place where you can _ glass, metal, paper.A. throw away B. recycle(2)Listen to the

7、 conversation in Activity 3 and choose the best answer:通过听听力回答问题,加强学生对课文的理解,培养学生听取信息的能力和提高细节听力技巧的能力。通过设计几个问题,让学生带着问题去阅读课文,有助于更加准确获取信息,理解文章,提高阅读技能。进一步弄懂对话细节,从对话中找出答案,并进一步讨论补充,充分调动各个层面同学的积极性,提高每位同学的参与意识。通过分角色朗读和表演对话,培养学生的“动口”能力,提高他们的口语表达能力。通过让学生小组合作,讨论并解决课文的重难点,有利于培养学生自主学习的能力。教师点拨、补充语言点,让学生进一步理解知识点。 W

8、hat did they get from a reader of the New Standard?( ) A. A letter. B. An email. C. A postcard. What kind of school are they talking about?( )A. A middle school. B. A primary school. C. A green school.Why is it wasteful to throw away glass and paper? ( ) A. Because they can be recycled. B. Because t

9、hey can be sold. C. Both A and B.Task 2: Reading(1)Let the students read the conversation in Activity 3 by themselves, and answer the following questions.How did Zhao Ming feel when he read the article?What is a green shool?Why is it wasteful to throw away glass and paper?What happens if we dont tur

10、n off lights?(2)Let the students read the conversation again and finish the table( Activity 4)Things we should do for environmental protectionThings we shouldntdo for environment protection(3)Ask the Ss to work in pairs, think of two more ways of environmental protection , add them to the table.(4)

11、Let the students work in groups of four to read the conversation ,and ask one or two groups to act out the dialogue.Task 3: Solve the language points(1) Have the students work in groups, find out the language points and solve them(2)Help the students to solve the difficult points.(1)Read the convers

12、ation in Activity 3 by themselves , and answer the following questions.How did Zhao Ming feel when he read the article?What is a green shool?Why is it wasteful to throw away glass and paper?What happens if we dont turn off lights?(2) Read the conversation again and finish the table( Activity 4)Thing

13、s we should do for environmental protectionThings we shouldntdo for environment protection(3)Discuss two more ways of environmental protection, write them down.(4)Read the conversation and act out the dialogue.(1)The students find out the difficulties and solve them in groups.(2)Understand the diffi

14、culties with the teachers help.Step FourPost-task(8)1.Retell.(1)Let the students fill some key words in the blanks according to the passage onPPT(复述内容见下页)(2)Ask the Ss to finish Activity 72. Make a survey(1)Ask four students in a group,then make a survey:“What have you done to protect the environmen

15、t?”NameActivity(2)Ask the representor to report the results(1) Fill some key words in the blanks(2) Do the exercises,then check.(3) Say out the answers(4)Report the results通过空白单词填空复述课文,能使学生加深对课文内容的印象。通过做练习突破难点构词法专练。通过调查学生做过的环保事件,提高学生对环保的意识和做法,让学生懂得“绿色环保”须从小事做起。Step FiveSummary(1)1.Get the students t

16、osum up the language points.T: What have we learned today?Ss:1.Sum up the language points.引导学生对这节课的总结,让学生做自由发言,培养学生自主学习,自主总结的良好学习习惯。Step SixHome-work(1)1. Say what you should do about the problem in Activity 9.2.Finish the exercise(新学案)Finish the homework.课后作业有助于学生巩固已学的知识,补充其他方面的锻炼。板书设计 Module 6 Sav

17、e our world Unit1 Its wasteful to throw away paper and metal be careful about turn off throw away such as doing sth stop sb (from)doing sth短文复述。(Retell)The students have just got an email from a reader 1. _ Zhao Ming. He saw their online magazine while he was doing his homework on favorite books. He

18、 asked them when they were going to write about 2. education? Zhao Ming is at a 3. _ school in Dalian. In their school, everyone agrees to be 4. _ about the environment. It is 5._ to throw away glass, paper and metal, so every class collects reusable waste, sells it for 6. _ in their school. People

19、can save energy and recycle not only at school, but also at 7. _. For example, we can turn lights 8. _ when we leave the room. Its 9. _ if everyone thinks about pollution and recycling, and helps save our world. If we dont save energy, the future is 10._.达标训练题一选择填空。( )1. Dont throw away your old clo

20、thes, its very _. A. useful B. wasteful C. wonderful D.useless ( )2. A china cup can be used again. Its _. A. reuse B. reusable C. useless D.usefully ( )3. We should save energy, such as _ the lights before leaving the classroom. A. turn off B. turning off C. turning on D. turn on ( )4. The heavy sn

21、ow stopped us _ home. A. going B. go C. to go D. went( )5. This bag is useful. Dont _. A. throw away it B. throw it away C. throw them away D. throw away them二 阅读下面短文,从方框中选出合适的单词或短语填空disappears, live in, drink, but, waste, energy,throw away, next, from, necessaryWelcome to Planet Earth Museum! You c

22、an learn some facts about the world we 1. _. Lets go to the Forests Zone first. Forests are home to over half of the worlds animals and plants. 2. _ every day we destroy more than 36 football fields of forests and 3. _ paper made 4. _ hundreds of trees. 5. _, lets go to the Arctic (北极) Zone. The Arc

23、tic and Antarctic (南极) are the coldest lands on earth. But the fuel we use as 6._ makes the climate warmer. As it gets warmer, the ice melts (溶化), the sea rises and the land 7. _. Rivers collect rainwater and carry it to the oceans. Along the way, plants clean the water so it is safe for us to 8._.

24、But some farms and factories put 9. _ into rivers and it causes a lot of pollution. We all need a green world. Its 10._ for people to respect nature and then we can live a long and healthy life. Book 5 Module6 Save our world一、 教学内容:Unit2 Remember three words: reduce, reuse and recycle.二、 课型:Reading

25、and writing三、 教学目标: 1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组:reduce, reuse, necessary, plastic, repair, care, instead of,cloth, sort, do harm to, make a difference to,product,material, bottle2、能够读懂关于环保的文章,能利用构词法理解一些生词的意思。3、能够简单介绍环保措施,提出建议并说明理由。4、通过学习,增强中学生环保意识,从我做起,从身边做起,从小事做起,养成环保的习惯。四、 教学重难点:能够读懂关于环保的文章,并能够在写作中提出若干环保措施。五、

26、 教学准备:课堂整体运用任务型教学模式以及阅读课“四个阶段”教学模式。本课指导学生通过阅读获取信息,培养学生阅读技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备:PPT课件、图片、录音机、课堂练习题。六、 教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneWarming-up (3)1.Greeting2.Lead inShow some pictures about a terrible Earth.Ask the Ss:“One day, when you wake up,the earth has become like th

27、is.No one can live on it.Are you happy to see it ? Do you want to do something to change it?”1. Greeting2. Look at the pictures and answer the teachers questions freely.课前通过PPT展示一些地球被污染、被毁坏的图片,要求学生看完后发表感受:是否愿意住在这样的地球?想做些什么去改变?巧妙的联系本节课内容。Step TwoPre-reading(6)1.Words and expressions:(1)Teach some new

28、 words according the pictures. Such as: plastic, cloth, procuct, material, bottle,repair(2) Match the word with its meaning.Like: We should reduce the water that we use. ( use less)2. See and sayAsk the Ss to look at Activity 1 and say which things are better for the environment and why.1.(1)Learn s

29、ome new words from the pitures.(2)Understand the meanings of the new words according the exercises.2. See the pictures of Activity 1 and say something about them.引导学生通过看图和词义猜测来学习新单词,避免枯燥无味地跟读。通过让学生组织文字来描述Activity 1的图片,除了锻炼他们的组织能力,也为接下来的文章做铺垫。Step ThreeWhile-reading (20)Step ThreeWhile-reading (20)Ma

30、ke a survey before reading (check the first part in groups and see if they are green)1. Scanning(1)Ask students to skim the passage, then match the actions with 3 Rs and choose the best answers.七、 Have the students choose the right answer.What does the passage mainly talk about?( )A. What s the gree

31、n environment?B. Why do we need to protect the environment?C. How to protect the environment?2. SkimmimgAsk the students to read the passage again, and answer:Why do we have to do the Rs?( )A. Reusing things is fun.B. We dont have enough resources.C. There are too many countries.D. We need to clean

32、up our neighborhoods.Have the Ss finish Activity4,then check in pairs.3.Careful reading.Ask students to read the passage from paragraph to paragraph and take part in the following activities.4.Solve the language pointsOrganize students to discuss the important points and difficult points in groups.

33、Help the students to solve the difficult points.Talk about the first part in groups freely.(1) Scan the passage and match the actions with 3Rs.( Actions):*Turn off the water.*Use the box again.*Put paper and glass in bins.*Dont throw away plastic.*Use your own bags when you shop.(Reduce; Reuse; Recy

34、cle)(2)Choose the right answer.What does the passage mainly talk about?( )D. What s the green environment?E. Why do we need to protect the environment?F. How to protect the environment?Answer the question:Why do we have to do the Rs?( )E. Reusing things is fun.F. We dont have enough resources.G. The

35、re are too many countries.H. We need to clean up our neighborhoods.Finish Activity 4 by themselves ,then check in pairs.Read the passage from paragraph to paragraph and finish the following exercises.( First, Reduce)cloth, go shopping,turn off, using less, brush the teethReducing is .* the water whi

36、le we .*Also,we can ask mom to bring a bag while she .(Second, Reuse) T or F ?* ( )Reducing is using again.*( )Throw away juice bottles when you drink the juice up.*( )Its better to use a paper cup.(Three,Recycle)Recycling is making from . Some things are recycled, such as , , , and .Discuss the dif

37、ficult points in groups.Slove the difficult points with the teachers help.阅读文章前先调查第一部分的内容,让学生全体参与并完成调查。切身体会自己对环保的影响。通过让学生快读文章,理解文章大意,对课文的材料进行整合。配对措施与具体事例。达到为接下去的活动做好准备的目的。通过让学生第二遍浏览文章,结合问题更好地理解其内容。通过选词填空、判断正误和缺词填空3种不同类型且难度升级的题型来让学生理解“reduce,reuse, recycle”.从而达到锻炼精读、判断、记忆等方面的能力。在精读完课文和理解课文的前提下,组织学生通过

38、小组讨论文章重难点,解决问题,然后在老师的指导下理解难点。培养了学生自主学习能力和动手解决问题的能力。Step FourPost-reading(9)1. Retell.Make the students into three parts. Each part of students retell one word. The words are“reduce, reuse, recycle”.2.Discuss.According to the key words: reduce, reuse, recycle. “What actual actions we can take in our

39、daily life?”Ask six students in a team, then discuss and write down the actions. Have them Share the ideas in class. 1.Retell in three parts.2. Discuss the actions and write them down.Share the ideas in class.由于时间关系,分组让学生复述三个“R”.通过复述,学生对环保这篇文章更为熟悉和深刻,也为接下来对环保这个话题提出建议做准备。课文虽然对3个”R”有描述,但举例较少。通过让学生讨论实际

40、生活中还有哪些关于“R”的例子,来达到拓展他们思维的目的。Step FiveSummary(1)1.Get the students tosum up the language points.T: What have we learned today?Ss:1.Sum up the language points.引导学生对这节课的总结,让学生做自由发言,培养学生自主学习,自主总结的良好学习习惯。Step SixHome-work(1)1.Write a composition about“ how to be green”.Finish the homework.课后作业有助于学生巩固已学的

41、知识,补充其他方面的锻炼。写作是阅读的拓展,让学生最终完全掌握语言,实践运用语言。七、 板书设计: Unit 2 Remember three words: reduce, reuse and recycle 1.care about 2.instead of (doing) sth 3.do harm to 4.make a difference to 5.change.into. 6.take part in 7.its better to do = Youd better do 8. 前缀:re-表示“再” 达标训练题一选择题。( )1. It is _ if you only use

42、one side of the paper. A. wastefulB. Hopeless C. necessaryD. unnecessary( )2. Youd better _ your books and dont put them everywhere in your room. A. take awayB. give away C. put awayD. throw away( )3. This kind of food will _ you, and if you keep on eating it, you will be healthier. A. do good forB. do good to C. do harm forD. do harm to( )4. The gate is made of _. Its very strong. A. materialB. prod


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