外研版初中英语九级上册教案:Module 4.doc

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1、外研版初三MODULE 4 TEACHING PLAN一、 题材内容本模块以发明为中心话题, 围绕数码相机的使用、纸和印刷术的发明与作用展开,要求学生了解发明创造对人类生活产生的巨大影响,激发学生进行发明创造的欲望,掌握用现在完成时和带有情态动词的被动语态。学生可以围绕这一话题进行大量的听、说、读、写方面的语言实践活动, 展示现在完成时以及带有情态动词的被动语态的用法,让学生在使用语言的过程中学习语言,促使学生更有意识地自觉学习英语。语法难点是准确理解并运用现在完成时。教学中教师应随时随地灵活利用各种素材组织教学过程和内容。充分调动学生的积极性。教学目标1) 语言知识:语音能够根据意群朗读句子

2、,能正确断句。词汇printing , advantage , digital , battery , charge , favour , publish , issue , ordinary , age , replace , produce , invention , create , cotton , wood , ink , block , knowledge , spread , introduction , CD-ROM , feather , dry , sharpen , steel , fountain , popularity , ballpoint pen 词组see t

3、o, at a time, by hand, at the beginning of, in a way, turn off, look after语法能掌握用现在完成时和带有情态动词的被动语态的概念和用法。功能能谈论已有和未来的发明;能正确使用as a result, so, so that和because表达因果逻辑关系。话题以发明为中心话题。2) 语言技能:听能听懂有关发明及其应用的对话。说能谈论已有的发明创造给人类生活带来的变化。读能读懂谈论发明创造的文章;了解发明对人类生活的影响。写能用被动语态的句子表述发明对人类的影响,并恰当使用as a result, because和so。演示


5、解。6)任务:对现有发明提出改进意见并展示。教学重点和难点 重点:1通过谈论发明训练学生的听、说、读、写能力,掌握使用现在完成时和带有情态动词的被动语态难点: 掌握使用带有情态动词的被动语态的概念和用法,养成正确使用现在完成时的能力。教学方法基于课程改革的理念及“第二语言习得论”,培养实现人的可持续发展和人的主体精神的自我完善和发展所必需的能力和素质,运用任务型教学途径,围绕核心任务,设定小任务,开展和谐愉悦的课堂活动,强调兴趣第一的原则,初步设计“PTP”自主学习立体模式:pre-tasktask-cyclepost-task。二、 教材处理核心任务:能够运用所学句型结构谈论希望工程。三个环

6、节如下:pre-task:学生联系生活实际,激活背景知识,。task cycle:通过整个模块的听说读写的训练,强化现在完成时的表达能力,为完成任务做好铺垫post-task:达成任务,展示成果,反馈学习情况三、 教材安排根据学生学习英语的特点和规律,我们把本模块划分为4课时:Period 1: Listening and Vocabulary &Pronunciation and SpeakingPeriod 2: Reading and Vocabulary Period 3: Writing& Around the world &Module TaskPeriod 4: Language

7、 in use注:教学时应根据学生的学习水平、生活实际水平、接受程度及课堂出现的临时状况进行运用、调整及筛选。教学设计Title: Module 4 Great inventionsPeriod 1: Listening and Vocabulary &Pronunciation and SpeakingTeaching Content: Listening and Vocabulary and Pronunciation and Speaking Teaching Aims and Demands:1. Language Knowledge Key vocabulary and phrase

8、s: printing , advantage , digital , battery , charge , favour , publish , issue , ordinary , age , replace Key structure: Present perfect passive voice and modal verb passive voice (重点) 2. Listening skill: To understand conversations about the advantages of inventions. (难点) 3. Speaking skill: To tal

9、k about how inventions have changed peoples lives 4. Attitudes: We should learn more about inventions.Learning strategies:Bottom up approach and listening to the tape and do some exercises.Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder, video, OHP, handout)Teaching Procedures:Part I: Revision Task: Recal

10、l what we have learned in the last Module. Directions: Step one: Label the pictures with the words and expressions.(1). Read through the words and expressions in the box and have the Ss. Repeat them after you. (2).Ask them to label them in the pictures on the screen. (3).List some words which are co

11、nnected with great inventions. Ask students to speak out as many as they can.Step two: Tell the story of great inventionsAsk students to speak out as many as they can. Part II: Lead in: Task: Learn something about great inventions.Directions:Step one: Introduce great inventions: Step two: Talk about

12、 the picture. Ask the students to look at the pictures about invention. Elicit what they can see. If there are any new words, add them to the list on the board.Step three: Complete the passage with these words.Step four: Let them check with a partner.Step five: Then ask them to listen and check.Part

13、 III: ListeningTask 1: Listen and check the words as you hear them.Directions:Step one: Ask the Ss to look at the words in activity2 on page 26Step two: Play the recording and have them listen.Step three: Play the recording again and have them match the words. Step four: Play the recording and have

14、them check their answer with a partnerStep five: Call back the answer from the whole class.Task2: To understand the conversation.Directions: Read the summary of the conversation. Underline the wrong informationTony wants to borrow his fathers digital camera because the school magazine is now going t

15、o be on paper. Tony wants to take some photos of the school dance and the basketball match. Tonys dad is happy to borrow the camera and tells Tony to turn it off. He promises Tony to look after it.Task 3: Ss listen to the dialogue and answer the questions in activity 5on page 27Directions:Step one:

16、Ask the Ss to look at the questions in activity 5 on page 27Step two: Play the recording and have them listen.Step three: Play the recording again and have them answer.Step four:. Play the recording and have them check their answer with a partnerStep five: Call back the answer from the whole class.T

17、ask 4: Activity 6 on page 27. Directions: Step one: Find the sentences in the conversation which mean1) I will do what you tell me to.2) Why dont you continue to punish the magazine on paper?3) Could you understand me?4) Do you understand me?5) Its not a problem. Ill charge the battery.6) Changing t

18、he subject, will you lend me your camera?Step two: Read the dialogue .Have them check their answers with a partner Step three: Call back the answer in a whole- class setting.( Collect the answers in complete sentences from the class.)Task 5: Listen and read: Directions:Step one: Play the recording a

19、nd ask the Ss. to listen and read the conversation.Step two: Play the recording again and pause after each phrase, asking the Ss. to repeat chorally and individually.Step three: Put the Ss. into groups of 2 to practise the dialogue. Step four: They should repeat it several times, changing the roles

20、each time.Part IV: Pronunciation Task 1: Listen and repeat in Activity 7 on page 27 Directions:Step one: Ask the Ss to listen and repeat the sentences. Step two: Play the recording again. Ask the Ss to pay particular attention to the intonation of the sentences.Step three: Ask the Ss to listen and r

21、epeat chorally and individually. Task 2: Talk about the advantages of these inventions.Directions:Step one: Ask the Ss to complete this work in pairs. Step two: Ask the Ss to pay particular attention to the structure of the sentences.Part V: A test Do Ex 2 on page 124 in the WB.Part VI: Homework: Re

22、cite the dialogue as fluently as possible.Period 2 Reading and VocabularyTeaching Content: Reading and Vocabulary Teaching Aims and Demands:1. Language knowledge:Key words: produce , invention , create , cotton , wood , ink , block , knowledge , spread , introduction , CD-ROM Key structures: Present

23、 perfect passive voice and modal verb passive. (重点)2. To get information about creation of paper and printing and how these inventions have changed peoples life. (难点)3. Attitudes: We should love science.Learning strategies: Communicative approach.Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder, video, OHP

24、, handout)Teaching Procedures:Part I: Revision1. Help students to revise what was learnt in Period one of this module.Show them some pictures about great inventions. Have the Ss. talk about them.2. Revise the sentences of Present perfect passive voice and modal verb passive in Unit 1.Part II : Prepa

25、rationTask 1: Learn the new words.Directions: Label the pictures with the words.(1). Read through the words on the screen. Have the Ss. Repeat them after you. (2).Read the words separately and have them remember them. (3).Make some sentences with the words. (4) Call back the answers from the whole c

26、lass.Task 2: Read the title and talk about the advantages of both books and computes. Directions: (1). Read the title of the text on the screen. Have the Ss. discuss the advantages of both books and computers. (2). Call back some comments from the whole class.Part III: Scanning and Skimming1.Task: R

27、ead the passage and choose the main idea. Directions:Step one: The teacher ask the Ss to read the passage “Can books be replaced by computers?”Step two: Ss read the passage and find the main idea, giving reasons for the choice given.Step three: Call back the answers from the whole class, having indi

28、viduals read out the answer2. Task: Match the words with their meanings Directions:Step one: Ask the Ss to look at the screen individually. They can use a dictionary if necessary. Then check with a partner.Step two: Call back the answers from the whole class as complete sentences.3. Task: Read the p

29、assage and make notes to complete the timelilne in activity 3 on page 29. Directions:Step one: Read through the passage and make sure the Ss understand what to do. Ss do activity 3 on page 29 individually and check with a partner.Step two: Call back the answers from the whole class, having individua

30、ls read out the answersPart IV : Dealing with expressions:1. looks through 浏览,温习eg. He looked through many books in order to find the correct answer. 为了找到正确答案,他查阅了许多书籍.2. with without 带有 / 没有eg. He found a house with many trees around. 他找到了一所周围有许多树的房子. He went to school without breakfast today. 他今天没

31、有吃早饭就去上学了.3. be made of - be made from- be made up of - be made in- be made by be made into -Ex. 1. Look at the camera, Where is it _? Japan. 2. The table is _wood, while paper is _wood. 3. Our class is _twenty boys and twenty three girls. 4. The metal can be _ a knife. 5. This kind of car is _ many

32、 workers in the factory.4. write words on- make a book - in those days - at a time - by hand - as a result -Ex. 1. He could even eat three hamburgers _, _ he became very fat. 2. This picture is produced _, so its very expensive. 3. _ there were few people knew about computers. 4. They tried to _ pap

33、er in order to _ 5. put against 将放进/刻进 hold against 将贴到 6. at the beginning of 在初/ 开始时 after that 然后,之后 in a way 以方式7. compare. with. 与.相比 , 与.相媲美You cant compare him with Tom, theyre different. as compared with 与比较Hes really done better as compared with last term9. rather than 胜过,而不愿eg. He would ch

34、oose Sunday rather than Saturday. I would like to go with you rather than stay at home. prefer to do rather than do 情愿而不. 10.be replaced by 被.所替代 be read online 在网上阅读 Part V: Language use1. Answer the questions in Activity 5 on page 29.Direction: Ss do it by themselves .Lets see who can finish it as

35、 soon as possible. Then discuss in pairs and finally share their answers with the class. 2. Give the students some time to recall what theyve learned in this class.Part VI: A test: Exercise 10 on page 126 in the WB. Part VII: Homework: .Retell the text.Period 3: Writing & Around the world &Module Ta

36、skTeaching Content: Writing & Around the world &Module Task Teaching Aims and Demands:1. Writing skill: To join sentences with as a result, so, so that and because. To write sentences using the passive voice. (难点).2. To learn about E-book.3. Attitudes: We should love science. Learning strategiesTop-

37、down and Interactive approach and do some exercises.Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder, video, OHP, handout)Teaching Procedures:Part I: Revision Task: Help students to revise what was learnt in last module. Directions:(1). Revise the words and phrases. (2).Let the Ss. retell the text. Part II

38、: Writing: Join sentences with as a result, so, so that and because.1. Task: Join sentences with as a result, so, so that and because.DirectionsStep One: Run through the sentences with the Ss. in Activity 6 on Page 29 and complete the sentences. Step two: Help the Ss to write some more sentences usi

39、ng as a result, so, so that and because. Step three: Work in pairs to produce a minimum of one sentence of each type.Step four: Call back a few examples from the whole class.Task: Rewrite the notes in Activity 3 in full sentences in Activity 8 on page 29. DirectionsStep One: Make sure that the Ss kn

40、ow what to do.Step two: Ask the Ss to ask and answer.Step three: Call back the answers from the whole class.Step four: Then summarize: Learning to learnPart III: Around the worldTask: Learn something about E-book.DirectionsStep One: Ask the Ss. to look at the different pictures about E-book. Tell th

41、e Ss. some knowledge about them.Step two: Read the text and answer any questions the Ss have.Part IV: Module Task Task: Write a leaflet to raise money for the Hope Schools.Directions:1. Activity 10 on page 33. Ask the Ss. to make a list of some things Project Hope can do with your money.2. Let the S

42、s look at some leaflets of various kinds to learn how they might do it. 3. Circulate and monitor their production.4. Arrange a show-and-tell session, so that the Ss. can see everyone elses work.5. Arrange a discussion about which leaflets are most successful and why. Part V: RecallingRecall what we

43、have learned today.Part VI: A testDo Ex.13 on page 127 and hand in immediately.Part VII: Homework: Do the Self-assessment on page 127. Period 4. Language in use Teaching Content: Language in use Key vocabulary: feather , dry , sharpen , steel , fountain , popularity , ballpoint pen.Key structures: P

44、resent perfect passive voice and modal verb passiveTeaching Aims and Demands:1.To practise the words and expressions. (重点)2. To practice the use of Present perfect passive voice and modal verb passive. (难点)3.Affection and attitudes: To know about some great inventions.Learning strategies: Formal ins

45、truction and task-based approach and interactive practice.Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (video, OHP, handout)Teaching Procedures:Part I RevisionHelp students to revise what is learnt in 3 periods of this module.Part II Language practice Task1: To summarize and consolidate the usage of the present perfe

46、ct passive voice and modal verb passive.Directions(1).Run through the examples with the Ss. and make sure that they are familiar with the use of the present perfect passive voice and modal verb passive.(2). Ask the Ss. to repeat the sentences in the box.(3). Ask“Can you make other similar examples?”(4).Focus the Ss attention on the ways in which they are used:Task2: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.Directions:(1


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