外研版英语八级上册教案:Module 1 Unit 1.doc

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1、Book 3 Module1 How to learn English 一、 教学内容:Unit1 Lets try to speak English as much as possible.二、 课型:Listening and speaking三、 教学目标: 1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组: dictionary, grammar, letter, look up, make a mistake, understand等。2、能够听懂讨论学习英语的方法和建议的对话。3、能够谈论学习英语的问题并提出自己的建议。四、 教学重难点:能够运用本单元学习的词汇、句型谈论英语学习中的困难并提供建议。

2、五、 教学准备:课堂整体运用任务型教学模式以及听说课“四个阶段”教学模式。本课指导学生通过听录音获取对话信息,培养学生听力技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。本节课需准备:PPT课件、挂图、录音机、课堂练习表格、奖品六、 教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneWarming-up (3)Step TwoPre-task(5)Task 1 Lead-inA: English around you.B: How do you learn English?Task 2 Free talk:1. Do you like English

3、?2. It is difficult to learn English , Do you think so ?3. How do you learn English? (引出下一步)Answer: Listening speaking Writing readingTalk with the teacher.回想生活及实际学习中的英语,使学生真正认识到英语就在我们身边,学习英语并不难,可以放松学习,提高学习的兴趣。通过学生自己的回答,再一次让他们领会英语学习听、说、读、写的四大基本技能Task 3. New wordsT1 : To study English, what will we l

4、earn?We should learn .T2: Read the instructions and check the ones you understand.S: We should learn .letter vocabularysentencegrammarwriting从如何掌握英语的四个技能中进一步学习生词。有趣的图形式和配对练习既可以吸引学生的注意力,也为后续的教学扫除词汇障碍。Step ThreeWhile-task(24)Task 4 Listening1. Play the tape and have the Ss to choose the best answer.2.

5、 Play the tape again and ask the question: Besides reading and speaking, whats Lingling think is also important?Task 5 Listen and read.1. Organize the Ss to read the conversation. Write notes about learning English.2. Organize the Ss to read the conversation in groups of three and solve the difficut

6、ies.1. Listen and choose the best answerWe are going to talk about good ways to _ English.A. speak B. learnWe should always _ English in class.A. write B. speak2. Listen and answer :Besides(除了)reading and speaking, whats Lingling think is also important?_1. Read the conversation. Write notes about l

7、earning English.2. Read the conversation in groups of three and then discuss any difficulty.听,是英语学习中关键的一部分,在常规听力练习中提高学生听的能力, 并掌握对话整体意义。再听,让学生在听的过程中加大信息的输入,同时在问答过程中加深对对话的理解。再读对话,旨在使学生掌握对话的具体信息,并通过选择来检查学生对对话的初步理解程度。Step FourPost-task(10) Task 6 Give me some advice.1. I feel very cold.2. I dont know wh

8、at to eat .What should I do ?You should Why dont youHow about Its a good idea to 运用相关语言知识,通过口头训练掌握本模块提建议的表达形式 在语言操练过程中巩固与英语学习相关的词汇及表达方式,掌握语言知识。Task 7 Have the Ss to write notes about their English study. speakingmistakesvocabularylistening readingtranslation读课文,同时深入理解课文,旨在使学生掌握篇章的细节信息。Step Five Summ

9、ary(2)OrganizationSum up the key structures in this unit.Step SixHome-work(1)Write a composition about “How to improve our English”.七、 板书设计:You should speak English as much as possible.Why dont you write down the mistakes?How about listening to the English songs?达标训练题单项选择:1. Why not _ off our mobile

10、 phones. The meeting will start in a minute. A. to turn B. turning C. turn D. turned 2. -Ill fly to Kunming for my holiday for holiday this weekend. -Wonderful! _.21世纪21cnjy教育网A. Not at all B. Have a good time C. I hope so D. With pleasure3. - Would you come back to have dinner with us this evening?

11、 - Id love to, _ I have an important meeting . 21世纪21cnjy教育网 A. and B. or C. so D. but 4. Tomorrow is my sons _ birthday, will you come to the birthday party? A. nine B. nineteen C. ninthD. the ninth5. -Sally, could you give me some _ on learning English ?-Of course . You d better get much listening

12、 practice.2121cnjy世纪教育网A. advice B. news C. gifts D. ways.6. -_would you like ? -That s all . Thank you.A. Else how. B. What else. C. How else 21cnjy D. Else what7. How about _our mistakes in red ink ?21世纪教育网 A. to correct.B. correcting. C. corrects D. correct.8. Peter , take your notebook out and _

13、 . A. write down it. B. write down them.21cnjyC. write it down. D. write they down .9. -Let s go swimming . - !21世纪教育网 A. That s a good idea. B. I m sorry to hear that. C. Best wishes . D. Have a good time.21cnjy10. If you have some trouble, why _you ask help from the police. A. not B. dont C. do D.

14、 are.Book 3 Module1 How to learn English 一、教学内容:Unit 2 You should smile at her二、课型:Reading and writing三、教学目标:1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组:advise、basic、conversation、improve、natural、meaning、suggest、should、ask for2、能够用should、advise、suggest等词汇提出自己的建议。3、能够读懂关于英语学习方法及学习建议的文章并获取细节信息。4、通过阅读,了解如何提高自身英语能力。四、教学重难点:1、能够读懂文章

15、。并能在阅读中找出相关的建议,完成任务。(重点)2、能够正确地提出建议五、教学准备:PPT课件、教学挂图、录音机、课堂联系表格、奖品。六、教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1 Warming-upLead-in 1、Let the Ss enjoy a song and tell what the song is about.2、Free talk: Have Ss to talk about the problem they have in learning English(Activity 1)1、Enjoy a song and tell what the song is

16、 about.2、Free talk(Activity 1)通过这个环节既能活跃课堂气氛,又能为以下教学内容作好铺垫Step2 Pre-readingNew words learning:Show Ss some pictures and have a free talk between T& Ss, teach the new words and expressions.Learn new words and phrases by free talk.引导学生直观谈论图片,训练学生的口头表达能力,在描述和谈论图片的同时学习新单词和新句型。Step3 While-reading 1、Scann

17、ingAsk the Ss to scan the passage and find out what it is about.1、Scan the passage and find out what it is about.让学生带着任务(问题)去阅读课文、去找答案,有助于学生更加准确地获取信息,提高阅读效果和阅读技巧。而分层阅读文章更能把知识点和对课文内容的理解得以突破;小组活动能通过学生间的自主、合作学习,让学生充分地实践运用语言,并激发学生创造性思维的发展。2、SkimmingAsk the Ss to skim the passage.T:How many basic questio

18、ns are there in the passage?What are they?2、Skim the passage and find out the basic questions.3、Careful reading(1)Paragraph 2 & 3Present Ss some statements and ask them to write “T” or “F”,also correct the wrong sentences after reading Paragraph 2&3Let the Ss read Paragraph 2&3 in groups of four and

19、 then find out the difficulties.Solve the difficulties.(2)Paragraph 4 & 5: Choose the best answers.Let the girls read the Paragraph 4&5 , and the boys point out the importance and difficulties.Solve the difficulties.(3)Paragraph 6 & 7:Let the Ss read paragraph 6&7, then answer the questions.Ask a gr

20、oups of six students to read Paragraph 6&7. and let the other students listen carefully to point out the importance and difficulties.Solve the difficulties.(4)Ask the whole class to read out the whole passage, make sure that they understand it better.3、Careful reading(1)Paragraph 2 & 3Go through the

21、 statements and write “T” or “F”,also correct the wrong sentences after reading Paragraph 2&31. Li Hao cant learn English by watching films and listening to songs. ( )2. You should guess the meaning of the new words when you watch and listen several times.( )3. It is good for Li Hao to talk about th

22、e films or songs with your friends. ( ) Read Paragraph2&3 in groups of four and then find out the difficulties.Solve the difficulties together.(2)Paragraph 3and 4:Choose the best answers.1、 Wang Fang should _ before she starts the conversation with her teacher from US.A. shy B. smile C. shout2、 It i

23、s a good way to start a conversation with _.A. Hello. How are you?B. Do you want to talk to me ?C. Have you ate?Let the girls read the Paragraph 4&5 , and the boys point out the importance and difficulties.Solve the difficulties.(3)Paragraph 6&7:Let the Ss read paragraph 6&7, then answer the questio

24、ns.1、 Is it natural that Zhang Lei forgets new words?2、 What can Zhang Lei do to remember the new words?A groups of six students to read Paragraph 6&7. and the other students listen carefully to point out the importance and difficulties.Solve the difficulties together.(4)Ask the whole class to read

25、out the whole passage, make sure that they understand it better.Step4 Post-reading 1. Have Ss to complete the passage of Activity 4 and read the passage together.2. Have the Ss to discuss the following questions in groups and write down the information.1、Complete the passage of Activity 4.2. Discuss

26、 the following questions in groups and write down the information in the form.适量练习,让学生加深对课文内容的理解,巩固语言知识点。What do you think of the Language Doctors Advice?Which ones do you think are suitable for you?Why?Which one isnt suitable for you?Why not?Then make report, telling their ideas about the Language

27、Doctors Advice with the information in the above form.Step5 Summary1、Get the Ss to sum up the language points.T:What have we learned today?Ss:2、Let the Ss choose the best group in this lesson.1、Sum up the language points.2、To choose the best group.此环节能培养学生自主总结的良好学习习惯;小组评价更能激发学生的学习兴趣,树立学习英语的信心。Step6

28、HomeworkHave the Ss make some advice of learning English for your classFinish the homework.巩固已学知识。写作是阅读的拓展,让学生最终完全掌握语言,实践运用语言。七、板书设计:MODULE 1 How to learn EnglishUnit 2 You should smile at herAsk for AdviseShouldSuggest小组评价 T1T2八、达标训练题一. 按照句子意思,填入恰当的词。1. Do you know how to _ my English?2. Try to _ t

29、he meaning of the new words.3. Our school has a _ teacher.4. _ to lock the door when you leave the house.5. I enjoy w_ English films and l_ to real English songs.二、单项选择。1. I like _ English in the morning.A. read B. to read C. reading D. read2. My friends ask for advice about _ their English.A. impro

30、ve B. to improve C. improving D. improved3. It takes me a long time _ the TV play.A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. watched4. Its a good way _ English.A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learnt5. Try _ these words, please.A. remember B. to remember C. remembering D. remembered Book 3 Module 1 How

31、to learn English 八、 教学内容:Unit3 Language in use九、 课型:Revision and application十、 教学目标: 1、能正确运用本模块的词汇:club, together, start, hear等。2、掌握如果提出建议的句型,在同学之间进行真实的交际。3、能够根据同学的学习情况,就其学习中的问题或困难提出适当的建议;根据别人的建议制定自己的学习计划。4、提高学习英语兴趣,树立信心,培养其积极主动参与各种语言实践活动的学习态度。十一、 教学重难点:运用所学的知识就同学学习中的问题或困难提出适当的建议;根据别人的建议制定自己的学习计划。十二

32、、 教学准备:本节课型为Revision and application,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、交际法、听说法、归纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动,开启学生思维,通过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学习和与他人互动合作学习,让学生体验愉快学习。本节课所需教具及资料:幻灯、图片、调查表等。十三、 教学过程:Teaching stepsTeachers involvementStudents activitiesInteractive patterns1.Warming-upTeacher can talk with the studen

33、ts about how to improve their English.Do the language practice and make sure the students can understand and use the structures in this module.Talk with the teacher.Then do the language practice让学生回顾本模块的重点句型2. While-task1. Ask the students to listen to the tape and then do part1 on page6.2. Ask them

34、 to listen again and correct their answers.3. Activity 3: Talk about the pictures with the Ss and have them to give Jack some advice. e.g. Say: Look at Picture 1, what does Jack usually do?4. Activity 5: Have the Ss to read Helens question and try to give her some advice. Collect the Ss ideas. 5. Ac

35、tivity 7: Have the Ss discuss in small groups: How can I improve my reading?Then collect the Ss ideas.1.Listen to the tape and finish the exercises.2. Share their answers3. Talk about the pictures and give Jack some advice. He usually goes to bed very late. I think his habit isnt good.He should go t

36、o bed before ten oclock.Then work in pairs, discussing the pictures and giving the advice.4. Read Helens question and try to give her some advice.Then complete Dianas answer.5. Discuss in small groups: How can I improve my reading? Then share the ideas. And then complete the conversation in Activity

37、 7 in pairs.训练学生听力技能。训练学生的表达能力、巩固表建议的语句。练习提建议的表达方式训练学生的词语搭配能力及综合运用能力。3. Post-task1. Activity 8: Have the Ss to write down what they are not good at. Then work in groups, giving the advice.2. Have the Ss to make an English study plan, using the information in Activity 8.1. Write down what they are no

38、t good at. Then work in groups, giving the advice and write them down.2. Make an English study plan, using the information in Activity 8. Then make a report.让学生反思自己的学习过程,找出不足、思考解决办法。训练学生综合运用英语表达能力。4. SummaryOrganizationSum up the key structures in this module.5. HomeworkWrite a composition about Eng

39、lish study plans.Blackboard design:Unit 3 Language in use1. I want to remember all the words.2. I saw a very good film yesterday.3. Im going to work hard this year.4. Who is she writing the Email to? 达标训练题一、 单项选择(7分)。1. Speaking English loudly is good _ improving my English.A. at B. for C. in D. of.

40、*cnjy*co2. -Don t forget _ your homework ,John. -OK . I ll do it right now . .A. doing B. to do C. did D. do.3. - Can I help you, sir ? - Id like to have 100 _ . I want my students to draw pictures. A. piece of paper. B. pieces of papers. C. pieces of paper D. piece of papers4. We should _our friend

41、s when we meet our friends on the street.21cnjyA. say hello to B. say goodbye to C. saying hello to. D. speak hello to.5. He always practises _ English so as to improve his oral English .-Of course . You d better get much listening practice.A. speak B. speaking C. to speak. *cnjy*co D. speaks6. - Le

42、ts discuss the play ,shall we ? Would you like ? - Not now. I _ to an interview. A. go. B. went C. was going D. am going.7. Your sweater looks smart. Where _you ? A. do, get.B. did,get. C.will, get. D. have,got.二、 阅读理解。(3分)People in many countries are learning English. Some of them are smallchildren

43、. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others learn by themselves. A few people learn English by hearing the language over the radio, on TV or in films.As we know,its hard to learn a foreign language well. One must work hard to learn another language.Because we cant use it often.But if you have right ways t


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