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1、课 时 教 案课题:Unit 1 Youre good at drawing, Lingling. Period 1总序第 个教案课型: 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日教学目标:1能听懂、会说新单词diving, picture, skating, good idea, watching films, fall over;2能理解、表演课文内容;3通过小组活动,培养学生良好的协作意识和助人为乐的品质。教学重点:掌握四会单词。教学难点:理解并表演课文。教学方法:单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。教学过程:Step 1 warming up1师生问候。2唱英词歌曲。3复习有关活动的词

2、汇。游戏Guess, guess, guess!(猜一猜!)教师快速做动作(swimming, singing, dancing, writing, reading, playing football, jumping, flying a kite, skipping, running, roller-blading, eating, drawing等),学生迅速地猜出老师的动作。T:What am am I doing?S:Yorre swimming/singing/Step 2 Presentation and drill1出示若干张图片。T:Look! These are some n

3、ice pictures. Do you like pictures?将单词卡片贴在黑板上,教学单词picture。T(做画画状):Do you like drawing pictures?S:2出示单词卡片diving和skating。T:I dont like drawing pictures very much. In summer, I like diving. In winter, I like skating.将单词卡片贴在黑板上,教学单词diving, skating。3T:I like skating, but I am not very good at it. I alway

4、s fall over.做跌倒状,同时将单词卡片贴在黑板上,教学词组fall over。4在黑板上画一幅雷雨闪电的简笔画。课 时 教 案课题:Unit 1 Youre good at drawing, Lingling. Period 2总序第 个教案课型: 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日教学目标:1、能掌握“be good at doing”和“like doing”的结构及其用法;2、能熟练地运用所学知识谈论个人的爱好和特长;3、培养学生尊重他人的良好意识。教学重点:“be good at doing”和 “like doing”的结构及其用法。教学难点:在实际会话中正确、

5、灵活地运用“be good at doing”和“like doing”谈论个人的爱好和特长。教学方法:话筒、单词卡片、教学挂图等。教学过程:Step 1 warming up1师生问候。2值日生报告。(对值日生报告进行评价,也可就报告的内容提问)3利用单词卡片复习单词pictures, diving, skating, fall over , watching films, good idea.4出示课文A部分教学挂图,用提问或给出关键词等方法引导学生回忆课文内容。Step 2 presentation and drill1.将单词卡片贴在黑板上成一坚行。T:I like singing,

6、I like diving, I like skating, and like watching films,too.在卡片的左侧板书“I like”,并带读四个句子。2T:What do you like doing?S:(帮助学生根据自己的真实情况做出回答)3让学生两人一组进行问答。4用同样的方法教授并操练“What are you(not)good at”及其回答,并板书句型“I am (not)good at ”。游戏Right or wrong (对或错)将全班学生分成两大组进行比赛。教师说句子,学生判断该说法的对或错,答对的画一个笑脸,答错的画一个哭脸。如果出现错误学生给予更正。T

7、:I like dancing Ss:Its right .T:I like to skipping Ss:Its wrong . I like skipping .T:Im good at runSs:Its wrong . Im good at running. Step 3 Practice1创设情景,自由会话。情景:某著名歌星(影星)来我校参观,你作为学校电视台的小记者对他/她进行一次采访。T:Welcome to our school. Ima news reporter. Can I ask you some questions?S:With pleasure.T:What do

8、you like doing?S:I like singing.T:Do you like dancing?S:Yes, I do.T:What about drawing pictures?S:NO, I dont like drawing very much.T:What are you good at?S:I think I am good at singing.T:What are you not good at?S:Well, I am not good at doing sports.T:Who is your best friend?S:Sun Yanzi.T:What is s

9、he good at?2让学生两人一组完成采访任务。(有困难的同学可参照课文D部分所列问题)3选择一两对学生上台表演。4选择一两名“小记者”对自己的采访进行报导。Step 4 Consolidation1T(用较快的语速):I am good at swimming. I am good at singingI am not good at drawing pictures. I am not good at dancing What about you?S:(根据实际情况快速地做出回应,说出自己擅长和不擅长的事情)2根据课文E部分的图片,结合自己的实际情况,两人一组进行口头练习。3完成书面练

10、习,选择两人在黑板上完成。4评价。对学生的表现进行评价,给予肯定和鼓励,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。5练习。(见练习册P36家庭作业。写一篇介绍自己的作文。课 时 教 案课题:Unit 1 Youre good at drawing, Lingling. Period 3总序第 个教案课型: 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日教学目标:1进一步巩固和提高用所学句型谈论人物爱好和特长的能力;2提高听力理解能力。教学重点:对听力材料的理解。教学难点:完成课文G部分听力练习。教学方法:画有课文F部分表格的小黑板或幻灯片、教学磁带等。教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1师生问候。2值

11、日生报告。3选择三四名学生进行自我介绍,纠正学生在表述过程中出现的错误。Step 2 Presentation and drill课文F部分。1出示画有表格的小黑板或幻灯片。T:I am good at swimming and singing. Im not good at jumping, table tennis, fishing and drawing.(询问四位学生)What are you good at?/What are you not good at?S:将四位学生的名字填写在表格内,并根据其回答在表格相应位置做出标记。T:Who is the best in the gro

12、up?Ss:(根据表格回答)2让学生四人一组完成表格,然后检查完成的情况,汇报调查结果。S:Zhang Yong is good at swimming, jumping, table tennis and fishing. So he is the best in our group.3统计出喜欢各项活动的人数。T:Who likes swimming/jumping/playing table tennis/singing/fishing/drawing?(swimming24students)Which activity is the most popular in our class?

13、Step 3 Practice课文G部分。1带领学生浏览表内容,帮助学生了解应获取的信息。2听录音两遍,完成表格内容。3检查完成情况,口头汇报。4如有需要,再听一遍录音。Step 4 Consolidation1从表格中选取两个人物,将他们的特长和爱好写成叙述性文字。让一名学生在黑板上写。(提醒学生注意动词第三人称单数和动名词形式)2检查学生所写句子,更正错误。3练习。(见练习册P4)4家庭作业。仿照课文F或G部分表格,以“Who is the best in your family?”为题自制一张关于家人爱好和特长的表格,并练习口头解说。课 时 教 案课题:Unit 2 Anne wante

14、d to skate Period 1总序第 个教案课型: 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日教学目标:1能听懂、会说新单词slating rink, slipping, fall over;2能理解、复述课文内容;3能用句型“want to do something”表述人物的意愿;4培养学生克服困难的勇气和乐于助人的优良品质。教学重点:理解课文。教学难点:理解并复述课文。教学方法:画有课文结构表格的小黑板、单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1师生问候。2值日生报告。3自由会话。T:What do like doing?/Do you l

15、ike dancing?/Are you good at it?/What are you good at?S:Step 2 Presentation and drill1T:Do you remember what I like doing in summer and in winter?帮助学生回忆并做出回答:“You like diving in summer and slating in winter.”T:Yeah, you have good memory.2出示单词卡片slating rink。T:I like skating very much. Look, this is a

16、 slating rink. I often go to the skating rink.将单词卡片贴在黑板上,教学单词skating rink。3出示单词卡片slipping和fall over。T:I like skating, but I am not very good at it. So when I was in the skating rink, I kept slipping and always fell over.边说边做滑倒状,并将单词卡片贴在黑板上,教学单词slipping和短语fall(fell)over。4听课文B部分录音,跟读。游戏Whats missing?(

17、眼力大考验)让全班学生起立,快速出示单词卡片skating rink, slipping和fall over的任意两张或说出其中两个单词,问学生快速说出剩下的一个单词并做出相应的动作(skating rink:双手围成一个圈;slipping:做假装身体失去平衡打滑状;fall over:做身体倾向一侧跌倒状)。然后让学生四人一组进行游戏。课 时 教 案课题:Unit 2 Anne wanted to skate Period 2总序第 个教案课型: 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日教学目标:1能掌握句型“want to do something”的结构和用法;2能熟练地谈论人物

18、的意愿。教学重点:“want to do something”的结构和用法。教学难点:在实际会话中正确、灵活地运用“want to do something”表达人物的意愿。教学准备:茶杯、单词卡片、教学挂图、写有“I want to drink some water/cycle in the park/go to bed.”的幻灯片、幻灯机等。教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1师生问候。2值日生报告。3利用单词卡片复习skating rink, slipping, fall(fell) over。4看教学挂图,复述课文内容。Step 2 Presentation and dril

19、l1出示茶杯。T(做喝水状):I am very thirsty. I want to drink some water.T(做无事可做状):I feel very bored. I want to eycle in the park. 边说边做动作,帮助学生理解单词cyele。T(做疲倦状):I am really tired. I want to go to bed.出示写有“I want to drink some water/cycle in the park/go to bed.”的幻灯片或板书句子,带读。2T:What do you want to do?S1:I want to

20、S2:I want to 询问若干学生,帮助他们用“I want to ”回答,并把学生的名字及回复写在黑板上。Marywatch TV Peter play footballSandyplay computer games T: What does Mary/Peter/Sandy/want to do? S3: He/She wants to S4: He/She wants to 询问若干学生,帮助他们用“H/She wants to”回答,并用不同颜色的粉笔将句子补充完整。3T:I have two friends. Their names are Tingting and Tom.

21、Let s look at their plan for the weekend. What doesTingting/Tom want to do on the weekend? 引导学生就课文内容回答。4两人一组就个人的周末计划,练习句型“I want to”。5两人一组,用“What are you going to do during the weekend?”询问对方的周末计划。并把对方想做的事情写下来。然后选择若干学生提问,练习句型。T:What does your partner want to do on the weekeng?S:He/She wants toStep 3

22、Practice游戏Guess, guess, guess! (猜一猜!)一学生在教师的暗示下做动作,其他同学用“He/She wants to”猜他想做什么。游戏Guess, guess, guess! (猜一猜!)将学生分成两大组进行游戏。一组派一名学生上台做动作,另一组用“He/She wants to”猜他/她想做什么。只准猜2次,猜对的得到一个笑脸,最后笑脸多的一组获胜。1看课文E部分图片,帮助学生理解单词mend, clean, wash, blouse, 带读;然后回头回答问题。T:What does Mingming want to do?2 两人一组,先口头后笔头完成课文E部

23、分练习。答案:1)Mrs Tang wants to wash the clothes.2) Peter wants to play computer games.3) Mr Tang wants to clean his car.4) Lingling wants to mend her blouse.Step4 Practice1创设情景,自由会话。情景:班上计划在周不组织一次课外活动,你和你的同伴是这次活动的负责人,你们正在讨论活动的安排。 S1:Lets to skating on the weekend. Peter wants to skate. S2:I dont agree.

24、Lily and David are not good at skating. What about drawing pictures in the park? Its very interesting. S1:Its not a good idea. Yang Ming doesnt like drawing pictures. He wants to cycle in the park. S2:But I dont have a bike.2评价。对学生的表演进行评价,给予肯定和鼓励,培养学生英语交际能力和表达能力。3家庭作业。1)听磁带,背课文。2)仿照课文E部分画四幅图,并根据所画的图

25、用“want to”造句。 课 时 教 案课题:Unit 2 Anne wanted to skate Period 3总序第 个教案课型: 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日教学目标:1进一步巩固和提高用英语表达人物意愿的能力。2提高听力理解能力。教学重点:对听力材料的理解。教学难点:完成课文F部分听力练习;表演事故灰姑娘。教学准备:自制王冠、一条连衣裙、一双女式皮鞋、教学磁带等。教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1师生问候。2值日生报告。3就上一课时家庭作业(2)练习对话。S1:What does want to do?S2:He/She wants toStep 2

26、 Presentation and drill 在黑板上画两幅简笔画。一幅是一位漂亮的姑娘,穿着有补丁的旧裙子,脸上布满灰垢。另一幅是这位小姑娘穿着亮丽的公主裙,脚上穿着一双漂亮的、闪闪发光的水晶鞋。 T:Once upon a time, there was a pretty girl. Her mother died when she was a little child. Her stepmother was a bad and selfish woman. She forced her to do all the housework every dqy. Look! How poor

27、she was! But one day, a pair of beautiful shoes changed her lire. Who was the girl? What happened to her?Step 3 Practice1让学生浏览课文F部分图片。2再听一遍录音,进一步熟悉故事。3每幅图片提供一两个关键词或词组,让学生两人一组互相复述故事,然后选择两三位学生复述事故。课 时 教 案课题:Unit 3 Have you got enough money? Period 1总序第 个教案课型: 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日教学目标:1能听懂、会说新单词a di

28、ctionary, useful, a dirty mark, pay, size;2能理解、复述课文内容。3通过课文和句型的学习,能用英语进行简单的购物活动。教学重点:掌握四会单词;理解课文。教学难点:理解并复述课文。教学方法:一个礼品盒、三件不同尺码的衣服(装在礼品盒中)、一本英汉字典(事先不要让学生看见)、单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1师生问候。2值日生报告。3自由会话。 T:How are you today, boys and girls? Are you happy?Its sunny and warm today. What do

29、you want to do on such a fine day?Do you want to enjoy the sunshine outside? Do you want to do sports on the playground?Step 2 Warming up1. T(做兴高采烈状):You see, boys and girls, Im really happy today. Do you know why?S:启发学生大胆猜测,不要否定学生的回答。T:You are very clever. Its my birthday today! Thats why I look so

30、 cheerful now.出示礼品盒。T:My friends gave me some nice presents. What are they? Do you want to have a look?从礼品盒里拿出一件尺码较小的外套。T:Oh, the first one is a beautiful coat. Let me try it on. (穿上衣报,略显失望)Im afraid its too tight on me. Lets look at the size.(脱下衣服,指着标牌)Its Size S. Its not the right size.板书并教学句子“Its

31、 not the right size.”(单词size用不同颜色的粉笔写出),边带读边摇头示意这件衣报的尺码不合适。从礼品盒里拿出一件尺码较大的衣服,用相同的方法教授”Its Size L. Its not the right size, either.”再从礼品盒里拿出并试穿最后一件衣服。T (做满意状):Oh , great! It looks wonderful! Its just the right size!板书并教学句子“Its just the right size!”2将最后一次试穿的衣服脱下,假装不小心将衣服掉在地上,然后连忙捡起,拿起细看。T:Oh, my god! My

32、 new coat gets dirty!Its got a dirty mark!将单词卡片dirty mark贴在黑板上,带读。T:What shall I do?S:It doesnt matter. You can wash it after work.(启发学生回答)3T:What else have l got in the book?(从礼品盒中拿出一本字典)Its a dictionary. Its English-Chinese dictionary.将单词卡片dictionary贴在黑板上,并带读。T:Where can we get a dictionary? We ca

33、n get a dictionary in a bookstore.将单词卡片bookstore贴在黑板上,并带读。T:What can a dictionary help us to do?S:It can help us learn many new words. (帮助学生回答)T:You are right. A dictionary can help us t study English better. So its very useful.将单词卡片useful 贴在黑板上,并带读。T:What else do you think is very useful?S:I think

34、a book/computer/telephone/is very useful, too.(帮助学生回答)T:Do you know how much this useful dictionary is? Lets have a look. S (看字典的价格): Itsyuan.T:Yes. Its yuan. So my friend paidyuan for the dictionary.将单词卡片pay贴在黑板上,并在旁边板书其过去式paid,带读。然后将三件衣服的价格出示,帮助学生说句子:“Your friend paidyuan for the coat.”.游戏Quick re

35、sponse(快速发应)教师出示单词卡片,只让学生看见卡片上单词的首字母,学生快速说出该单词。4听课文B部分录音,跟读。5根据教师的动作说句子,巩固单词,练习句型。出示出示大号的衣服。S:Its Size L. Its not the right size.出示小号的衣服S:Its Size M. Its just the right size.指着衣物上的污渍。S:It has got a dirty mark.指着衣服标牌上的价格。S:Your friend paidyuan for it.出示字典。S:Its a dictionary. We can get a dictionary i

36、n the bookstore.做翻字典状。S:The dictionary is very useful.指着字典的价格。S:Your friend paidyuan for it.以上步骤由慢到快,重复数次。待学生熟悉之后,要求他们尽快说出句子。Step 3 Fast reading and listening1出示课文A部分教学挂图。让学生们快速阅读课文,回答问题。T(指着Anne):Look at the picture. The girl is Anne. Where was she?(She was in a bookstore.)What did she want to buy?

37、(She wanted to buy a dictionary.) Read the text and answer the questions.Why did Anne look sadly at the dictionary? (Because the dictionary was fifty yuan, but she had only forty-five yuan in her pocket.)How much did she pay for the dictionary at last?(She paid forty-five yuan for it.)2听课文A部分录音,模仿正确

38、的语音、语调,掌握新词难句的正确读法。Step 4 Intensive reading1精读课文A部分,然后两人一组口头完成课文C部分练习。2完成书面练习,教师与学生核对答案。Step 5 Consolidation1两人一组分角色表演课文对话。然后挑选一两组上台表演,做出评价。2将课文C部分问句改写成陈述句。让一两位学生将句子写在黑板上。Anne saw a dictionary in a bookstore.She didnt have enough money to buy it.The dictionary was useful enough.The dictionary was sm

39、all enough for her school bag.The shopkeeper changed the price.Anne bought the dictionary in the end. 然后根据陈述句所提供的线索,加入适当的连词和句子,两人一组复述课文,挑选一两位学生上台复述。3评价。对学生的表现进行评价,给予肯定和鼓励,培养学生的表达能力。4练习。(见练习册P9-10)5家庭作业。1)听磁带,背课文,抄单词。2)口头复述课文内容。课 时 教 案课题:Unit 3 Have you got enough money? Period 2总序第 个教案课型: 编写时间: 年 月

40、日 执行时间: 年 月 日教学目标:1能掌握too和enough的基本用法;2培养学生在相应的情境下正确运用too和enough的能力。教学重点:理解并运用too和enough。教学难点:理解并运用too和enough。教学方法:写有课文主要内容的小黑板、一个盒子、一个篮球、一个排球、一杯开水、一杯温水、两张价格卡(¥199.00和¥199.00)、单词卡片等。教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1师生问候。2值日生报告。3利用单词卡片复习a dictionary, bookstore, useful, a dirty mark, pay, size.4出示小黑板,让学生口头填空。An

41、ne saw dictionary in a bookstore. It was very useful and it was just the right size for her school bag. But she didnt have enough money. The shopkeep-five yuan for the dictionary in the end. Anne was very happy.Step 2 Presentation and drill1出示一个盒子、一个蓝球和一个排球。T(试图将篮球放进盒子里):I want to put the basketball

42、 into the box.(篮球太大,放不进去)The basketball is too big. I cant put it into the box. 板书too big, 带读。T(将排球放进盒子里):The volleyball is small enough, so I can put it into the box.板书small enough, 带读。 在篮球前面放价格卡¥199.00,在排球前面放价格卡¥19.00,引导学生说句子。S:The basketball is too expensive. The volleyball is cheap enough.板书句子,带

43、读,有意强调too expensive.2出示一杯开水,做喝水状。T(皱眉):Whats wrong with this glass of water?(学生猜测) Yes, its too hot. I cant drink it now. (出示一杯温水,喝一大口) This glass of water is cool enough. I can drink it.3假装搬课桌却搬不起来。T:The desk is too heavy. You cant carry it .拿起一张椅子,引导学生说句子。S:The chair is light enough. You can carry

44、 it.4两人一组,利用身边的实物,用too和enough造句。检查几组学生的造句并进行总结。Step 3 Practice1两人一组,先口头后笔头完成课文D部分练习。答案:Paul and Tom wanted to buy a toy. They went to a toy shop and saw a big plane. It was fifty yuan. That was too expensive. The children had not enough money and it wad too big. They did not buy the plane. They saw

45、an old car. The car was too old. Tom did not like it. Then they saw a robot. It was five yuan. That was cheap enough. The children liked it and they bought it at once.2用对话的形式表演课文D部分内容。Paul:Look at that big plane. I like it very much.Tom:Its fifiy yuan. Its too expensive. We dont have enough money.Paul:What a pity!


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