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1、“Heading east for Yangzhou among hazy vernal hues”烟花三月下扬州,Yangzhou,known as a city of gardens and alleys.Its a proud retainer of ancient Chinese architecture,art,culture,traditional gardens and parks,cuisine,and commerce in a beautiful mixture of modernity with its rich 2,500 years history.The proce

2、ss of modernization does not cause much damage in the city,leaving people a nice place to find view into the past.All in all,Yangzhou is the ideal place to experience unique aspects of Chinese culture,and is a relaxing break from other overly developed and commercialized urban centers in the region.

3、,The Water of Yangzhou,The Yangtze River and Jinghang Canal are the most famous rivers across the Yangzhou.However,those beautiful small lakes are the feature of Yangzhous water.They may not well-known,but they are attractive.,The small qinhuai river(小秦淮河),which used to be called new city river,is t

4、he only inner city river in Yangzhou.It witnessed the rise and fall of the Ming and Qing dynasty.It was the busyest location of Qing dynasty,together with the blocks of its two sides.,The ancient canal(古运河)The canals history dates back to 2000 years ago,the ancient Han groove(古邗沟).Its the root of Ya

5、ngzhou and it has been bringing up Yangzhou.,Slender West Lake(瘦西湖)The State Council as“an important historical and cultural heritage and national key characteristics of Yangzhou Garden Spot.”in 2010 it was awarded the gold content of the tourism industry the highest honor-the National AAAAA level s

6、cenic spots,becoming the first in 5A class tourist attraction in Yangzhou.,Five-Pavilion Bridge(五亭桥)If the Slender West Lake is to be compared with a graceful girl,the Five-Pavilion Bridge is a beautiful belt on her body.If passing under the bridge on a boat,one can count fifteen bridge openings int

7、erconnected with each other.It is said on a full moon night,each of the fifteen openings has a moon.,The 24 Bridge(二十四桥),is 24 meters long and 2.4 meters wide with 24 flights of steps on both sides,surrounded by 24 white jade guard rails and 24 sideboards.,扬州人心目中的二十四桥由落帆栈道、单孔拱桥、九曲桥及吹萧亭组合而成,中间的玉带状拱桥长

8、24米,宽2.4米,桥上下两侧各有24个台阶,围以24根白玉栏杆24块栏板。,Jade-like Peach Blossoms 玉版桃花,Airs cape of Fu Village 凫庄鸟瞰,Fog and Rain on the Lake 湖上烟雨,Northern Scenic Area 钓台银装,Lotuses of the Five Pavilions 五亭荷花,Spring Willows along the Long Band 长提春柳,These are other beautiful Scenic spots,Ho Park(何园)Ho Park is the nation

9、al cultural heritage,national AAAA grade scenic spot,the first batch of 20 key parks.Ho Park,also known as“Ji Xiao Park”is the last but best work among the private gardens in Yangzhou.何园坐是全国重点文物保护单位,国家AAAA级旅游景区,全国首批20个重点公园之一。何园,原名“寄啸山庄”,是扬州私家园林中的压轴之作。,The Garden of Yangzhou,Geyuan Garden(个园)A key na

10、tional cultural heritage conservation until and one of Chinas four famous Parks,is a typical private Park in South China.Master fond of bamboos and their leaves looked like the shape of the Chinese character“个”,the park was named as“Geyuan Garden”.个园为全国重点文物保护单位,中国四大名园之一,是典型的中国江南私家园林的杰出代表。因主人爱竹,且竹叶形似

11、“个”字,故名“个园”。,Wangs small garden 汪氏小苑,Xu Garden 徐园,Zhen park 珍园,Wu Dao Tai residence 吴道台宅第,The human landscape of Yangzhou,As a historic city,Yangzhou has long history and rich culture.During the long time,Yangzhou attracts many people to visit the city.Quite many feudal emperors and princes,politici

12、ans,men of letters,scientists,artists and religious activists were attracted to pay visits to Yangzhou.,Li Bai,once sailed down the Yangtze River in the spring toward Yangzhou to see off his friend,and wrote an oft-quoted and widely loved(脍炙人口)poem.Another poet,Xu ning,praised Yangzhou in his poem f

13、or its“天下三分明月夜,二分无赖是扬州。.”Du Mus verse“二十四桥明月夜”made the Twenty-four Bridge known to both Chinese and foreign tourists,Marco Polo(马可波罗)the world-known Italian traveler,once stayed in the city.His Travels of Marco Polo gives lots of descriptions of Yangzhou.,In A.D.753,the eminent monk Jian Zhen(鉴真),fr

14、om the Daming Temple(大明寺)in Yangzhou,brought with him a large amount of handiwork and craftsmanship form the city then traveled east to Japan.,The Food of Yangzhou,Wensi Tofu soup文思豆腐,Three feast(三头宴),Burns the entire pig head 扒烧整猪头,Braised Chub Head 拆烩鲢鱼头,pork balls 清炖蟹粉狮子头,Egg Fried Rice,The morni

15、ng tea,Tea pastries,Fu Chun Group 富春茶社,Now I introduce some characteristics snack restaurants to you,Welcome to taste them.,Tea pastries,Ye Chun Group 冶春茶社,Dongguan street(东关街),which is 1,200 years old.Today,it is still the street commercial area of Yangzhou,a collection of strong local handicraft traditions,specialties and old business,is a good place worth visiting.,This is the content of my lecture Thank you,


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