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《Unit 2 Text A.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2 Text A.ppt(42页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Road to Success,Road to Success,keys to Success,Attitude,Courage,Talent,Passion,Focus,Persist,Will,Luck,Just Do It Jump-start Your Career,-Grace Cirocco,Nike,Just do it!,Addidas,Impossible is nothing.,Canon Printer,Impossible made possible.,Nestle,Taste is great.,Learn how to jump-start your career,

2、and go from thinking about career change to doing it.Grace Cirocco,author of Take the Step:The Bridge Will Be There,offers tips on how to rethink1 and reinvigorate2 your life and your career.,Just Do It,Prelude,1.重新考虑 2.给以新的活力,Just Do It,Everyone admires those who can just do it.Thats why the Nike a

3、ds were so successful they resonated with1 people.Many of us at some time or another will complain of2 feeling“stuck”.We say were not ready;we need to do more research or get another degree or more experience.We blame our parents,ourselves,the job market.We complain about2 all those things we still

4、havent done and yet we postpone taking action3.When will we be ready to just do it?,1.共鸣 2.抱怨 3.采取行动,Para.1,Top Focus 1,predicative clause表语从句,Our teacher is handsome.You become my students.,You are what you eat.The problem is how to do it.,1.Predicative Clause,主语+系动词+句子作表语,that,what,who,when,where,

5、which,why,whether,how,whoever,whatever,whomever,whichever 等。because,as if,as though等。,1.Predicative Clause,主语+系动词+句子作表语,My suggestion is that you should leave me alone.,这就是为什么你一直单身的原因。,我的建议是请你离我远一点。,Thats why you remain single.,When I lived in San Diego,California,I produced an afternoon radio progr

6、am that went to air live from 3 to 6 p.m.I used to arrive early and start digging for1 good stories to feature.I was always searching for what we called in the business“good radio”people and stories that would touch the heart and add value to daily life.My search for the perfect show could have been

7、 endless.,1.搜寻,Just Do It,Para.2,There was always one more telephone call I needed to make or one more lead to chase down1.But every day at 3 p.m.I had to go to air with a show.There could be no more preparing or postponing.It was show time2.I was forced to just do it.,1.追寻,寻找 2.作秀时间,演出时间,Just Do It

8、,Para.2,Wouldnt it be great if our lives worked like that at a certain time every day or week,our“producer”walked in and said:“Okay,its show time.Just do it!”If you were forced to just do it,how would your life be different today?What have you been postponing?,Just Do It,Para.3,Knowledge may be powe

9、r,but knowledge that lies dormant in your brain will not move your life forward.Its what you do with what you know that will make a difference in your life.,Just Do It,Para.4,Top Focus 2,强调句It be 强调成分 that/who从句,2.It be 强调成分 that/who从句,什么是强调句型?,可以强调什么?,It was not until(从句1)that(从句2),1.如何判断强调句型?,It w

10、as the handsome man who talked with me.It was yesterday morning that Jack fell in love with Lucy.,2.强调句可以强调什么?,此结构可强调主语,宾语,状语等,Jack had a crush on Lucy three years ago.,dormant:a.not active now,but able to be active at a later time 休眠的,e.g.,a dormant volcano 处于休眠状态的火山Bears are dormant during the win

11、ter.熊在冬季冬眠。,The critical first step is to face your fear,recognize it,feel it and endure it.Heres the secret of leaders:Fear is uncomfortable but it doesnt have to stop you.The goal is not to rinse fear out of your body(which is something most people attempt to do),or wait for it to disappear altoge

12、ther before taking action,(youll be waiting a long time).Rather,take action while simultaneously feeling the fear.,Just Do It,Para.5,Top Focus 3,Infinitive as Predicative,3.Infinitive as Predicative,主语+be+to do,常见主语:suggestion,advice,purpose,step,aim,thing,way,etc.,3.Infinitive as Predicative,Our go

13、al is to prevent and reduce tooth decay.,迈向成功的第一步找出自己的优势和弱点,制定职业规划。,我们的目标是没有蛀牙!,The first step to success is to find out your strengths and weaknesses and work out a career plan.,This is what successful people do.Make it okay for fear to live inside you and at the same time want to push beyond it.As

14、 soon as you take one step beyond your fear,(a risk),something magical happens.You grow self-confidence which will activate your courage.And when you feel courageous,you will be able to face more of your fears,which will allow you to tackle more projects and take more risks1,and so on.This is what i

15、t means to just do it.,1.冒险,Just Do It,Para.5,Top Focus 4,What 名词性从句,可做主、宾和表语等。作用同n.,Lucy不再喜欢原来的自己。,他想要你想要的东西。,He want what you want.,Lucy no longer likes what she was.,3.What 名词性从句,take a risk:to decide to do sth.even though you know it may have bad results 冒险,e.g.,I knew we were taking a risk when

16、 we lent him the money.我知道,我们借钱给他是要冒风险的。Nobody is successful in business without taking a few risks.不冒点风险的话,没有人做生意会成功。,In October 1994,the Scandinavian ferry Estonia sank off the coast of Sweden.A violent storm had created an imbalance in its load.The vehicles that had been lined up1 in neat rows2 w

17、ere thrown to one side,making the ship lopsided.It didnt take long for water to pour in and start pulling the vessel down3.The crew told the passengers that each of them had a choice to make:jump into a tiny lifeboat and hope to be rescued or stay on board4 and risk sinking.,1.(使)排成行 2.成一长行 3.拉下来;拆毁

18、 4.在船(或飞机)上,Just Do It,Para.6,The majority of the 1,000 passengers looked out at the raging sea and opted for1 the comfortable,dry surroundings they were in.Only one hundred people had the courage to jump into the darkness.The ride was rough,but they held on2 and were eventually rescued.They took th

19、e step and pushed beyond their fear and their comfort zone,and today those one hundred brave hearts are still alive.The rest of them the nine hundred who stayed on board went down with the ship.,1.选择 2.坚持,Just Do It,Para.6,opt for:to choose one thing or do one thing instead of another 选择,e.g.,Mike o

20、pted for early retirement.迈克选择早点退休。Weve opted for a smaller car.我们选择了一辆较小的汽车。,hold on:to continue doing sth.that is very difficult to do 坚持,e.g.,The players held on to win the game at last.球员们坚持到底,最后赢得了比赛。,You have a choice to make:Do you stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone and feel uncomforta

21、ble or do you stay comfortable but stuck?Do you take risks and grow or settle for1 less?Do you opt for the secure paycheck or do you venture out towards your authentic career calling?,1.(无奈地)同意,接受,Just Do It,Para.7,settle for:to accept sth.even though it is not the best,or not what you really want(无

22、奈地)同意,接受,e.g.,They wanted$2,500 for the computer,but they settled for$2,000.他们给计算机出价2500美元,但最终同意以2000美元的价格出售。She couldnt find any cola,so had to settle for orange juice.由于找不到可乐,她不得不将就喝桔子汁。,authentic:a.real,true 真的,真正的,e.g.,authentic French food 正宗的法国食品an authentic Picasso painting 毕加索的真迹,Be brave.Da

23、re to believe in work that sustains your soul.It is possible to hear your song played with all 88 keys of the piano.Nurture the vision of what you want,and then strive to live passionately,authentically,and courageously.Push beyond your limiting thoughts and just take your step.The bridge will be th

24、ere,waiting for you.(740 words),Just Do It,Para.8,sustain:vt.to make sb.feel strong and hopeful 支撑;支持,e.g.,The thought of seeing her again was all that sustained me.盼望再次看到她的念头一直支撑着我。A good breakfast will sustain you through the morning.有营养的早餐能让你撑一上午。,vision:n.an idea of what you think sth.should be

25、like 远见;看法,e.g.,He had a clear vision of how the company would develop.他对公司将如何发展有着清晰的看法。The President outlined his vision for the future.校长概述了他对未来的展望。,passionately:ad.having,showing,or caused by passion 热情地;感情强烈地,e.g.,He kissed her passionately.他深情地吻了她。He delivered a speech to the freshmen passionately.他热情洋溢地为新生们作了演讲。,Additional learning,


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