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1、4A Unit 1 一、教学要求1、四会单词:a pen, a pencil, a ball pen, a book2、四会句型:May I have? This is for 3、三会日常交际用语: May I come in? Come in, please. Yes. /Sure. Here you are. Thank you. All right. Good morning. Goodbye. Heres a for Happy Teachers Day!4、了解辅音字母b和c 在单词中的读音。5、能诵读歌谣A little book6、训练学生运用所学英语知识做简单的调查统计。二、

2、单元教材分析第一单元安排了“新学期向老师要新课本”,“教师节给老师送贺卡并向老师表示祝贺”这两个语言情景,话题贴近生活,学生乐意学习。在教学内容方面,从本单元起对部分单词和句子提出了书写要求,希望教师高度重视。对单词的字体、书写方法、规格的功能方面要进行示范、指导,使学生逐步形成良好的书写习惯。Unit 1 (第一课时)一、 教学内容B Look read and learn & C Ask and answer二、 教学目标1、能正确地听、说、读单词a pen, a ruler, a ball pen, a book, a rubber, a pencil case, a notebook,

3、 a pencil, a bookmark2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型May I have?3、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语: Yes./Sure. Here you are.4、能根据图片提供的情景进行描述和对话。三、 教学重点1、能正确地听、说、读单词a pen, a pencil, a ball pen, a book2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型May I have ?四、 教学难点能正确地听、说、读、写句型May I have ?五、 教学准备1、教具准备1)文具(实物),录音机,磁带2)关于本课时的多媒体课件。2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。六、 教学过程Step 1

4、Free talk1. 生:May I come in?师: Come in, please.2. 师生之间用3年级中学过的问候语交谈(如Hello! Hi! How are you ?)3请学生拿出自己的文具.T: Whats that on your desk? 学生对此句型不熟悉,应直接出示3年级中学的文具进行教学。S: Its a pen (ruler, rubber, knife, copybook)T: Can I have a look?S: Sure. Here you are.利用以上对话复习3A中学过的单词pen , ruler, rubber, copybook.Step

5、 2 Presentation and practice1. Whats this in English? Can I have a look? May I have a ? Make some dialogues with students.Then teach the title “May I have ?”2. 学习单词a ball pen, a pencil case, a bookmark, a notebook, a book.(1)利用实物学习单词: a pencil caseT: Whats this in English? Oh, its a pencil case. Do

6、you like this pencil case?S: Yes.(2)同法学习单词a bookmark, a notebook.(3)用May I have ? 以及新授单词做对话3. Play a game: Whats missing?游戏规则:将a bookmark, a notebook, a pencil case的图片贴在黑板上,让一学生背对黑板 ,师拿掉任一张图,让学生猜出缺少的那张图片。T: What missing?S: The pencil case. (指学生将图片放回原位)(这个游戏的目的是为了让学生在听、说、读方面巩固这些单词。)3 拼写单词。T: ( 指着学生的一

7、支钢笔):May I have your pen?S: Here you are.T:(出示单词卡片a pen )Now Lets read and spell the word “pen”: Pen , p-e-n, pen. 让学生练,拼读,并进行单词背诵。Ss: Pen, P-E-N, pen.(让学生拼读,书写单词a pen ).4. 同法拼写单词a ruler, a rubber, a ball pen, a book ,a pencil case , a bookmark , a notebook .师指导单词的拼写方式,例如利用新旧单词的迁移(a booka notebook ,

8、a pencil a pencil case ) 教会学生有效地记忆单词。教学 “notebook” 时教师应注意引导学生区别它与“copybook.”Step 3 Look, read and learn1. Read the words about writing material after the tape recorder one by one.2. Read altogether.3. Practice in pairs: one points, the other says.Step 4 Practice1. Show the writing material and ask:

9、May I have ?Teach “may”, ”have”,” May I have ?”2. Teach “Sure. Here you are.”3. Practice:May I have ?Yes. /Sure. Here you are.Step 5 ConsolidationAsk the students to practice Part C.七、 作业设计1. Copy the words in English 3 times, and in Chinese for one time.2. Make short dialogue like Part C.八、 板书设计Uni

10、t 1 May I have ?( B&C) Date.B: Sure.Here Some newwordsA: May I have?Pictures of Part B 九、 教后记Unit 1 (第二课时)一、教学内容A Read and say & D Work in pairs二、 教学目标1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词a pen, a pencil, a ball pen, a book2、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语May I come in? Come in, please. Thank you. All right. Good morning. Goodbye.3、能听得

11、懂、会说、会读和会写句型This is for4、理解课文内容,并仿照对话三、 教学重点能正确地听、说、读、写句型This is for四、教学难点1、能正确地听、说、读词for, you2、仿照课文对话五、教学准备1、教具准备1)文具(实物),录音机,磁带2)关于本课时的多媒体课件。2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。六、教学过程Step 1 Free talk1. Good morning, boys and girls.Step 2 Revision1. Show the picture of Part B.2. May I have ?3. Game: Touch and guess.Ste

12、p 3 Presentation1. Make some dialogues with students: May I come in? Come in, please. Teach the sentences.2. Make dialogues like this:May I have a ? Sure. Here you are.We can say “This is for you.” Teach the sentence.3. May I have for ? “This is for ”Teach the sentence.(1)师生扮演对话中的Miss Li及Su Hai (利用头

13、饰)表演对话,学生边听边看,理解其意思。(2)教句型May I have ?及其应答语Yes/Sure .1 师引读,并使用学生的文具与学生问答。2操练:用连环问答的方式操练。师把a pen ,a rubber ,a ruler ,a copybook,放在讲台上,再讲清拼写方法让学生根据自己的喜好用May I have ?的句型提出请求,请其他学生用Yes /Sure. This is for you. 应答。4. Ask the students to listen to the tape recorder. (1) 学生听对话录音,边看背景图,体会对话意思。(2 ) 听对话录音,模仿跟读

14、。(3) 学生分组操练。(利用自己手中的文具进行对话)(4) 台前表演,对于学生在活动中有创意的表现,教师要及时予以表扬鼓励。Step 4 Read and say1. Ask the students to read the dialogue.2. Help the students to make a short dialogue like the text.Step 5 Consolidation1. Read the text.2. Ask the students to practice Part D.七、作业设计1. Copy the text in English 1 time,

15、 and in Chinese 1 time.2. Write some sentences about Part D.3. Try to recite the text.八、板书设计Unit 1 May I have ? (A&D) Date.A: This is forPictures of the textB: All right. 九、 教后记Unit 1 (第三课时)一、教学内容:D Work in pairs , G3 Say a rhyme及F Listen and repeat .二、教学目标:1、操练句型This is for you. Thank you. 和This is

16、 for .All right的不同用法。2、朗读练习,了解辅音字母b, c在单词中的读音,背诵歌谣A little book .三、教学重点:能根据不同的说法反映相应的应答语Thank you及All right。四、教学难点:能根据不同的说法反映相应的应答语Thank you及All right。五、教学准备:1、教具准备1)文具(实物),录音机,磁带2)关于本课时的多媒体课件。2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。六、教学过程:Step 1 Warm up1. Sing a song: A B C song .学生随着录音边唱边伴随做动作。2.Free talk.Good morning /af

17、ternoon. How are you? 和学生打招呼,学生按实际情形回答。Step 2 Revision.复习本单元中单词及日常用语。Step 3 Work in pairs 1.师设计一个发作业本的情景,师拿出学生甲的作业本给她(他)并对其说This copybook is for you .引导学生甲边接本子边说Thank you .再把学生乙的本子给甲,说This copybook is for (学生乙的名),引导甲回答All right .(教学让学生明白问答不同,体会答语要得体。)2.引导学生分组创设情景,并进行连锁操练。Step 4 Say a rhyme A little

18、book 1.听录音,欣赏歌谣。2.简单介绍大意,朗读歌谣。3.结合实物进行练说。Step 5 Listen and repeat .1.出示挂图及四个单词big ,boy ,cap ,cat .学生听录音范读。2.生跟录音读单词,边读边体会boy和big中的字母b读/b/ ,cap和cat中字母c读/k/.(结合挂图,理解这句话的意思)3出示一些含有字母b和c的单词,以便学生更好地体会这两个字母在单词中的发音。如:book, box, clock, camera.4再让学生自己去回忆,提出。七、作业设计默写本单元所学的单词八、板书设计Unit 1 May I have ? (D, G&F)

19、Date.A: This is forB: All right. 九、教后记Unit 1 (第三课时)一、教学内容ERead and act及G1, 2.二、教学目标1、能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。2、通过练习训练学生运用所学英语知识做简单的调查统计。三、教学重点能在日常生活中运用Happy Teachers Day! 等句。四、教学难点能在日常生活中运用Happy Teachers Day! 等句。五、教学准备1、教具准备1)文具(实物),录音机,磁带2)关于本课时的多媒体课件。2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。六、教学过程Step 1 Warm up1.Say a r

20、hyme: A little book.2.Free talk.(不必拘于师生问答,可放手让学生自由进行会话交谈)Step 2 Read and act 1.师在黑板上写:九月十日Teachers Day,让学生了解教师节的英语表达方法。师引导学生学会说Happy Teachers Day! 句型拓展,如:Mothers Day Fathers Day .2.出示图画,学生边听边看图,了解对话的意思。3学生跟读对话。4表演对话。先由师生示范,再由学生与学生之间表演。5扩充对话。 在学生熟练掌握所学内容的基础上,让他们用This card is for Miss Gao. All right.来

21、扩充对话。Step 3 Fun house 1.Look and read.(1)出示连环画,让学生把书上的内容仔细观察,反复朗读,了解故事内容。(2)学生了解图画内容。(3)学生反复读对话,自己消化图、文内容,感受到其中的幽默内涵即可。2Work in groups .(1)课前把学生分成八个小组,依照课本中的表格设计八张,分发给八个小组的学生。(2)师到其中一组进行调查示范。(3)同学之间利用Whats in your pencil-box ?How many? 相互问答,并逐个记录结果。没有的物品用0表示。(4)组长汇报调查结果。回答How many students have got

22、pens? Who are they? 等问题。(5)全班调查。选派一名学生作全班调查,汇总全班情况。七、作业设计1.抄写本单元所学的单词和句型并能默写。2.背诵并表演Read and act.八、板书设计Unit 1 May I have ? (E&G) Date.Pictures of Part E Heres a for Happy Teachers Day!九、教后记4A Unit 2 一、教学要求1、四会单词:a dog, a cat, a panda, a desk.2、四会句型:Whats this/that? Its a This is / Thats my/your/his

23、/her 3、三会日常交际用语: How lovely/nice! I see. Can I have a look? Id like, please. Hello. In which ? Guess.4、了解辅音字母d和f 在单词中的读音。5、能有表情地演唱歌曲We are happy bees.二、单元教材分析本单元的核心教学内容是“认物”。“认物”的最基本表达方法是Whats this/that? Its a 本单元的语言难点是对认物的回答,答语用代词it,同时在指示远近关系上能区分和运用this或that。在实际操练中要避免“明知顾问”的倾向,可以 采用遮盖物品、显露局部、听音辨物、图

24、形辨认等方法练习Whats this/that? Its a 的句型。本单元的另一日常交际项目是“确认所属”。 my,your,his,her在三年级已出现过,学生不会感到陌生。教师要在This is /Thats my/your/his /her 的朗读上下功夫,避免学生在物主代词前加a。 本单元出现了动物类单词,教师可以结合三年级学过的动物类单词进行复习整理。Unit 2 (第一课时)一、 教学内容B Look read and learn & C Ask and answer二、 教学目标1、能正确地听、说、读单词a dog, a cat, a tiger, a panda, a rab

25、bit, a bear, a lion, a monkey2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Whats this/that? Its a 3、能根据图片提供的情景进行描述和对话。三、 教学重点1、能正确地听、说、读单词a dog, a cat, a tiger, a panda2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Whats this/that? Its a 四、 教学难点能正确地听、说、读、写句型Whats this/that? Its a 五、 教学准备1、教具准备1)动物(图片),录音机,磁带2)关于本课时的多媒体课件。2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。六、 教学过程Step 1 Free ta

26、lkStep 2 Revision1、出示一张本单元或常见的动物单词图片 T: What is this? Ss: It is a dog. / A dog. / Dog. T: Can you spell it? Ss: Yes. D-o-g, dog. (请小组开火车拼读) 2、以此方式将准备的动物单词复习一遍。 Step 3 Presentation and practiceAsk and answer and teach the new sentences.1. 出示一张动物图片。 T: What is this? S: It is a cat. 2. 换一张动物图片。 T: What

27、 is this? S: It is a lion. 3. T: What is this?(出现板书What is this?) Read the sentence on the Bb.4. 出示一张动物图片。 T: What is this? S: It is a tiger. T: It is a tiger. (出现板书It is a tiger.) Read the sentences on the Bb. 5. 出示一张动物图片。 T: What is this?(强调动作) S: It is a cat. 出示另一张动物图片。 T: What is this? (强调动作) S:

28、 It is a lion. 6. 拿起一位同学同桌玩具,示意该同学拿起他她自己的玩具。 T: What is this? (面向全体同学) S: It is a (示意让该同学发问) S: What is this? T: It is a (再请一位同学做如此的对话) 7. T: Work in pairs. Ask several pairs to work their dialogues out.Step 3 Look, read and learn1. 从口袋里拿出一个玩具动物。 T: What is this? Ss: It is a dog. (将实物放在讲台上) 2. 手拿另一个

29、玩具动物,故意走得离讲台远一点,然后从背后拿出,呈现在学生面前 T: What is this? Ss: It is abear. 3. 手指讲台上的玩具动物。 T: What is that? Ss: It is a dog. 4. 手指手中的玩具动物。 T: What is this? Ss: It is abear. 手指讲台上的玩具动物。 T: What is that? Ss: It is a dog. 5. 呈现“What is that?”的板书 T: What is that? (示意学生读一遍。再指着讲台上的玩具,请同学回答。) T: What is that? Ss: It

30、 is a dog. (出现It is a dog. 板书,示意学生读一遍。再示意学生将What is that? It is a dog.读一遍。) Step 4 Practice(1) T: Who can ask? (示意同学可以问讲台上的实物) S: What is that? (请位同学这样问。) (2)T: Who can answer? S: It is a dog. (3) 换一个玩具放在讲台上。 T: Who can ask? S: What is that? T: Who can answer? S: It is a bear. (如此做次回答。) (4) 指着一位同学同桌

31、的玩具,问这位同学 T: What is that? S: It is a (如此问位同学。) (5) T: Work in pairs. (6)Ask several pairs to act their dialogues out!Step 5 ConsolidationAsk the students to practice Part C.七、 作业设计1. Copy the words in English 3 times, and in Chinese for one time.2. Make a short dialogue like Part C.八、 板书设计Unit 2 In

32、 a toy shop (B&C) Date.A:Whats this / that?Pictures of Part BB:Its a Some newwords 九、 教后记Unit 2 (第二课时)一、教学内容A Read and say & D Look and say二、教学目标1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词a dog, a cat, a tiger, a panda2、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语How lovely/nice! I see. Can I have a look? Id like, please.3、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型This is /Thats m

33、y/your/his /her 4、理解课文内容,并仿照对话三、教学重点能正确地听、说、读、写句型This is /Thats my/your/his /her 四、教学难点1、能正确地听、说、读并理解单词my, your, his, her2、仿照课文对话五、教学准备1、教具准备1)动物(图片),录音机,磁带2)关于本课时的多媒体课件。2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。六、教学过程Step 1 Free talk1. Good morning, boys and girls.Step 2 Revision1. Show the picture of Part B.2. Whats this/th

34、at? 3. Game: Listen and guess.Step 3 Presentation1. This is my book. Teach the word: my, this is2. Thats your/ his/ her book.Teach the word: your, his, her, thats3. Make some phrases: my/your/his/her4. Ask the students to make dialogues: This is /Thats my/your/his /her Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.5. As

35、k the students to listen to the tape recorder.6. Ask the students to read after it.Step 4 Read and say1. Ask the students to read the dialogue.2. Help the students to make a short dialogue like the text.Step 5 Consolidation1. Read the text.2. Ask the students to practice Part D.七、作业设计1. Copy the tex

36、t in English 1 time, and in Chinese 1 time.2. Write some sentences about Part D.4. Try to recite the text.5.八、板书设计Unit 2 In a toy shop (A&D) Date.B: Yes, it is.No, it isnt.A: This is/Thats my your hisherPictures of the text 九、教后记 Unit 2 (第三课时)一、教学内容E Read and act & F Listen and repeat 二、教学目标1、能正确地听、

37、说、读、写单词a dog, a cat, a tiger, a panda2、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Hello. In which ? Guess.3、能熟练运用句型Whats this/that? Its a This is /Thats my/your/his /her 4、了解辅音字母d和f 在单词中的读音。5、能有表情地演唱歌曲We are happy bees.三、教学重点1、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Hello. In which ? Guess.2、了解辅音字母d和f 在单词中的读音。四、教学难点了解辅音字母d和f 在单词中的读音。五、教学准备1、教具准备1)动物

38、(图片),录音机,磁带2)关于本课时的多媒体课件。2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。六、教学过程Step 1 Free talk1. Good morning, boys and girls.Step 2 Revision1. Make some dialogues:May I have? Sure. Here you are./This is for2. Show the pictures of the text.3. Let the students try to recite and act the dialogue.Step 3 Read and act1. Ask the student

39、s to look at the pictures carefully, then listen to the tape and read after it.2. Teach the sentences: Not at all.3. Help the students make short dialogue.Step 4 Listen and repeat1. Read the words.2. Help the students find the pronunciation. 3. Teach the phonetic.七、作业设计1. Copy the words and sentence

40、s of Part E & F.2. Do the workbooks.3Recite the text.八、板书设计Unit 2 In a toy shop (E&F) Date.Pictures of Part E Not at all.九、教后记Unit 2 (第四课时)一、教学内容G Fun house二、教学目标1、进一步巩固运用本单元的单词,句型。2、能有表情地演唱歌曲We are happy bees.三、教学重点能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Hello. In which ? Guess.四、教学难点能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Hello. In which ? Gues

41、s.五、教学准备1、教具准备1)动物(图片),录音机,磁带2)关于本课时的多媒体课件。2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。六、教学过程Step1 Warm up.1. Sing a song: We are happy bees.2. On duty.3. Free talk.教师可为学生创设说的情境,让学生去说,培养学生的交际能力。结合本单元单词句型进行练说。Step 2 Look and read.1. 出示挂图,让学生仔细观察,并反复朗读,了解故事内容。2. 学生听读、体会其中趣味含义。3. 生跟师读,同桌练说。Step 3 Ask and guess 1.教师先准备几个不同颜色的盒子,在里面

42、分别放上动物图片。2.对照图,把游戏用语熟悉一下。游戏前先把游戏用语拎出让学生会说,明意后再进行游戏。3.师生游戏,在游戏过程中替换物品练习。Step 4 Practice.Copy sentences.1.Whats this ? Its a rabbit .2.Whats that? Its a cat.3.This is my dog.七、作业设计1.抄写四会单词2遍。2.听课文录音四遍。八、板书设计Unit 2 In a toy shop (G) Date.A: Id like a toy panda.B: I have one. In which box? Guess!A: The

43、Green box?B: Here you are. 九、教后记4A Unit 3一、教学要求1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a key , a purse , a fan , a tape.2、能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Come here. Let me see. Not at all. Excuse me, . . .? Im sorry. Sorry, I dont know. Wheres . . . ? Perhaps hes / shes in . . . Where are you? Im . . .3、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Is this / that my / your / his/her. . . ?Yes , it is. / No, it isnt. Wheres my / your / his / her. . . ?Perhaps its in / on . . .4、了解辅音字母g和h在单词中的读音。5、能有表情地演唱歌曲Perhaps. 二、单元教材分析本单元的日常交际用语是“确认所属”,与该项目相结合的内容是形容词性物主代词。我们在日常交际活动中不可避免的要涉及物品的归属问题。教师多利用图片,周围实物和幻灯片,组织学生围绕“寻找物主”进行会话操练,让学生在轻松愉快的活动中掌握语言知识,


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