1、雅思阅读定位技巧实践方法 雅思阅读定位技巧的基本做法和实践方法讲解了在雅思阅读中可以说是用途最广且最有必要的一个技巧定位的思路和方法。下面就和大家分享雅思阅读定位技巧的基本做法和实践方法,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读定位技巧的基本做法和实践方法众所周知,雅思考试与其他英文考试不同。其不同之处不仅仅在于听说读写全面考察的考试模式,多种多样的试题类型,更在于出题者的出题思路和考察目的跟广大烤鸭们早已习惯的中式英文考试截然不同。正是这些不同,导致了很多中国烤鸭屡屡败走麦城。因为在接受了多年的有中国特色的英文教育和考试后,我们大多习惯了“无孔不入”型试题。出题者们绞尽脑汁,竭尽全力挖掘各个犄角旮旯的小细节,
2、不“烤糊”一片誓不罢休;考生们积极捧场,本着“宁可错杀一千,不能放过一个”的指导方针,决不放过任何细节。(这种情况在阅读部分尤其突出)在这种考试思想的指导下,中国学生都有一种通病,就是及其注重所看到细节,越是看上去没什么大用的信息,越感兴趣。用这种阅读习惯来做雅思阅读,是中国烤鸭的致命伤。雅思阅读定位技巧的基本思路大家都知道,雅思阅读基本技巧就是抓住关键词回*去定位。基本程序就是:1. 在题干中挑出关键词2. 考虑文中可能出现的同义词或者近义词 (paraphrase)3. 快速回*找到相关段落,精读key word附近的一句或几句话4. 根据文意做题目以中国学生中学所接受的高强度的语法及词汇
3、教育来说,step2 的paraphrase过程实在是a piece of cake。 关键在于key word。到底什么词才是key word。 很多习惯考大学英语四六级的人,会发现自己总是不自觉的就把目光投向一些小词,如形容词或频率副词上面。建议大家在着手准备雅思阅读的时候,先练习一下如何审题。因为分析题干是做雅思阅读非常重要的第一步。带着问题,有的放矢的去看*才是最经济实惠的方法。用铅笔划出关键词。关键词绝大多数应该是实义的名词,数词,专有名词,学术名词等不太容易被替换的词汇。而我们往往会发现,很多小词上都被我们划了着重号。埋头做题,一心一意做题之前,先调整自己的思维习惯,去适应雅思出题
6、,主要的是回归到语言的本身。当同学们都已经习惯了用正确的方法做题之后,那么雅思阅读题目在大家的感官里一定会变得越来越容易!以上就是雅思阅读定位技巧的基本做法和实践方法的全部内容,要学会快速定位,就要掌握同义词近义词替换,句型的替换等作为基础的能力。否则,即使我们看懂了上文的内容,在做题时也不会那么顺畅。雅思阅读定位技巧几乎涉及了大部分的雅思阅读常见题型,所以掌握这个技巧和实施方法是非常有必要的。雅思阅读材料:如何经营持久的爱情If youre in a long term relationship or marriage, you know that its not always easy t
7、o keep that warm glow of freshness and excitement alive in your relationship.假如你有固定伴侣,或早已迈入婚姻殿堂,你便能体会到:在感情中,若想保持起初的新鲜和刺激感,可不是一件容易的事。After the first bout of heady romantic love is gone, everyday sameness settles into any relationship.当最初那阵令人迷醉又转瞬即逝的浪漫散去,你们的小日子里便渐渐开始被日复一日的枯燥所占据了。And unless youre makin
8、g conscious efforts to keep things hot, soon boredom and tedium takes the shine off one of the most special relationships of your life, making it feel like just another chore. So what are these conscious efforts that you can make?除非刻意保持新鲜感,否则这段生命中最特别的关系将会被无聊和单调抹去它原有的光辉,使你厌倦不堪。那么,该如何来有意识地避免这种事发生?Here
9、 are some of the tricks my husband and I frequently use to keep things as new and happening as our first few days.我和我的丈夫是通过以下的几个小技巧,来保持两人间的新鲜感的。1. Surprise Surprise!惊喜!惊喜!Couples spend weeks sometimes months planning for the next birthday/anniversary gift for their spouse/significant other.通常,俩口子会一起
10、计划下一个生日/纪念日怎么过,以及送给对方什么礼物。这事儿可能要花上几星期、甚至几个月来完成。Have you ever thought how you can magically sweep your partner off their feet with a fraction of that effort on an ordinary day?不过,你有没有想过在一个平凡的日子里,突然给对方一个大惊喜呢?Nothing works like giving tiny, simple and most importantly, unexpected surprises to each othe
11、r in keeping the air of freshness and novelty in your relationship.若想帮助情感保鲜,没什么比送给对方一个出其不意又意义重大的小礼物更好的办法了。2. Romantic texts发浪漫短信A great thing about those “I miss you kitten” texts you used to send each other in the initial days of your relationship is the juvenile excitement in them.我们在恋爱初期,之所以钟情于互发
12、“想你啦,宝贝”之类的短信,是因为它能带给我们一种青涩的甜蜜。You need that back right now. OK, it may not be 10 times a day like back then but can you text him/her randomly, suddenly and romantically on some random ordinary day?现在的你们也需要它。没必要像以前那样,一发就十几条,但你也可以在平日里偶尔“肉麻”一下嘛。The smile it brings on their lips will spread its glow fo
13、r quite some time in your relationship until the next time you do the same, that is.当你的爱人看到短信,他们不自觉的微笑将蔓延开来,为你们的感情增添一道明亮色彩。如此反复,爱将日益坚固。雅思阅读材料:西红柿应该买什么样的?An international standard for tomatoes has been adopted, ending about seven years of intense debates between countries on what qualifies as a prope
14、r tomato.According to the new standard, tomatoes may come in one of four varieties: round, ribbed, oblong or elongated, or cherry tomatoes and cocktail tomatoes.They must be whole, clean, free from foreign smell, free of pests and fresh in appearance.In the case of trusses of tomatoes, the stalks mu
15、st be fresh, healthy, clean and free of all leaves and other visible foreign matter, according to the so-called Codex standard.A commission called Codex Alimentarius was (R)created in 1963 by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) and the World Health Organisation to come up with food standard
16、s and guidelines on food products.There are international standards for all kinds of food produce ranging from edam cheese to bananas to fish fillets.They facilitate trade, as they provide a common interpretation of what constitutes a sound product to importing and exporting countries.Tom Heilandt,
17、who is a senior food standards adviser at the FAO explained that one such international standard was needed for tomatoes, in order to protect importing countries.Many developing countries in particular said that they needed this standard so that they ensure that they would get the right quality of products that they ordered, he said.雅思阅读