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1、中考复习策略,制定中考复习计划,1.基础知识复习阶段,2.专项强化复习阶段,3.中考题型强化阶段,4.复习要点,1.基础知识复习阶段,课文,考试说明,2.专项强化复习阶段,a.攻克听力,注意掌握“看问题猜测听录音分析对比选答案”的解题方法,带着问题去听,作答时便能心中有数。,听力 题只有A B C三个选项因此要注意答题卷中D不选。中考英语听力题的关键信息点会出现显现或隐现的重复,体现生活,但是,并非所有重复的信息点都是考点。题目的设计由浅到深.,语言信息量逐步加大。2009年的听力题(二)中从6小题开始的对话有可能加大到四句或六句。听力题的设计由浅到深,语言信息量逐步加大。听力题(二)中从6小

2、题开始的对话有可能加大到四句或六句。第9或10 小题可能会出现一些干扰信息。这样可以把好生区分出来。听力(三)如果是听长对话,那么后面的词汇填空是篇章;如果是篇章(独白),那么后面的词汇填空有可能是个对话填缺词。如果是个长对话,信息点前疏后密,信息点相融相离。明年的听力速度有所加快。说话流畅些,但不可能无限制加快。每对话间隔为六秒。,听力(一),1.W:Can I help you,sir?M:Yes,I want to buy a scarf.Canyoushowmethatscarf?(停顿0007)2.W:Tom,do you go to school by bike?M:Yes.I r

3、ide to school on weekdays.I have a new bike.(停顿0007)3.W:I like watching soccer games.M:Me too!Soccer is my favorite sport.(停顿0007)4.W:Peter,its mums birthday today.I want to make a cake for her.M:Good idea.Im going to cook dinner for her.(停顿0007)5.W:Would you mind not eating here,please?M:Sorry.I di

4、dnt know its not allowed to eat here.(停顿0007),听力(二),6.W:Doyouhaveapenpal?M:Yes,Ihaveone inEngland.ShelivesinLondon.(停顿0007)7.W:Dad,its raining.M:Oh,dont forget to take a raincoat with you.(停顿0007)8.W:Jack,what kind of fruit would you like?M:Id like apples.You know an apple a day keeps doctors away.(

5、停顿0007)9.W:Tom,did you go to the music club yesterday?M:Yes,I had a piano lesson.I learnt to play the piano there.(停顿0007)10.W:Good morning,Doctor.Im not feeling well.Im afraid Im ill.M:Let me see.Well,you have a cold.(停顿0007),试题:,6.Where is his pen pal from?A.Australia.B.America.C.England.7.How is

6、the weather?A.Rainy.B.Cloudy.C.Sunny.8.What fruit does Jack like?A.Oranges.B.Bananas.C.Apples.9.Why did Tom go to the music club?A.To visit his friends.B.To have a piano lesson.C.To help his classmates.10.Who is the woman talking with?A.A doctor.B.A teacher.C.A policeman.,听力(三),W:Hello,House of Nood

7、les.Can I help you?M:Id like to order two bowls of noodles,please.W:We have chicken noodles,beef noodles and egg noodles.Which would you like?M:Two beef noodles,please.W:Which size would you like,large,medium or small?M:Medium,please.W:OK.Two bowls of beef noodles,medium.Anything else?M:Id also like

8、 some drinks.W:We have drinks like green tea,coffee and orange juice.M:Orange juice.Three bottles of orange juice,please.W:Would you like anything else?M:No,thanks.How much is everything?W:¥25.May I have your address and telephone number,please?M:9 Green Street,8923 5162.W:OK.9 Green Street,8-9-2-3-

9、5-1-6-2.Well send them to your address very soon.M:Thank you.Bye.W:Bye.,试题,11.A.Chicken noodlesB.Egg noodlesC.Beef noodles 12.A.Large B.MediumC.Small 13.A.Green teaB.Coffee C.Orange juice 14.A.¥15B.¥25C.¥35 15.A.9 Green StreetB.9 New StreetC.9 Park Street,注意把握语境,通过题干与选项,猜出考点,作到有的放矢,再用排除法、比较法选出答案,最后把

10、答案填入语句验证语意。,选择题覆盖所有语言知识条目。(2008年卷覆盖除感叹句和反意疑问句外的其他所有条目)它的1/3纯粹考语言知识,前面五小题很简单,后面逐渐加深,每个知识点只考一次,极限是两次。但在别的题型中可重复。例如:动词的正确形式在选择题中已有,在完型填空中也有此题形。这样,保证学生知识水平的真实性。语言的使用应考虑跨文化意识。如,Im getting heavier.而不说Im getting fatter.选择题中一般有个图表。由此在复习时要尽量覆盖所有语言知识条目,并要训练学生从语境中判断并正确使用语言知识的能力。,b.攻克单项选择:,选择题:,16.Jackie Chan i

11、s _ great actor.I really like his movies.A.aB.anC.theD.不填 17.I am Cindy Brown.You can call _ Cindy.A.usB.him C.herD.me 18.When was the car invented?It was invented _ 1885.A.at B.inC.onD.for 19.If you dont know the meaning of a word,you can look it up in a _.A.menuB.mapC.listD.dictionary 20.Why do yo

12、u hope to visit Hawaii some day?_ it has beautiful beaches.A.ThoughB.Or C.BecauseD.So 21._ have you stayed in Shanghai?For about two months.A.How oftenB.How longC.How soonD.How far22.Mary,_ you play chess?Yes,I can do it very well.I want to join the chess club.A.canB.shouldC.mustD.need,23.Do you oft

13、en go shopping,Tina?No,_.I dont like shopping at all.A.alwaysB.usuallyC.neverD.often 24.Excuse me,could you tell me where I can post a letter?_.Turn left.There is a post office on the Fifth Road.A.SureB.SorryC.Sounds niceD.Good idea25.Cindy,dinner is ready.Wheres John?He _ homework in his room.A.doe

14、sB.didC.is doingD.will do 26.Jim,get up.Its time to _.Its Sunday today.We have no classes at school.A.go to schoolB.go to workC.go homeD.go to bed27.Who broke the window?_.A strong wind broke it last night.A.SomebodyB.AnybodyC.NobodyD.Everybody28.Im getting _.The jeans are too small for me.Im afraid

15、 you have to take exercise every day.A.thinnerB.heavierC.tallerD.shorter29.Your English is very beautiful._.A.Youre welcomeB.Never mindC.All right D.Thank you 30.How was your report,Tony?Not bad,but I need to do better in _.A.mathB.English C.scienceD.Chinese,着眼全局,树立语言的整体感,完形必先完义。选择答案时,注意瞻前顾后,第一步,跳过选


17、Home AloneIt was Sunday afternoon.My brother and I were alone at home.My parents went for a party and asked me to look after my brother.I was doing my homework while my younger brother was watching TV.Suddenly the doorbell rang.Ding-Dong!My brother thought that it was our parents,so he opened the _3

18、1_ quickly.A tall man wearing a black raincoat stood outside.He said that he came to sell books and asked politely _32_ our parents were at home.Without thinking,my brother said,“No.”Then the man asked if we would like to _33_ some story books.I refused him.When I wanted to close the door,he suddenl

19、y pushed the door very _34_ and came into our house.He took out a _35_ and ordered me to tie*up my brothers hands with a rope.I tied up his hands in a special way so my brother could untie*_36_ easily.The man then tied my hands up and locked _37_ of us in the kitchen.Soon,he went upstairs to _38_ mo

20、ney.I taught my brother to untie the rope on his _39_.He then untied me.I rushed to the telephone to call the police,_40_ the line was dead.The doors were all locked from the outside.It was lucky that the man _41_ to lock the kitchen window.We got out of the house through the kitchen window and went

21、 to the _42_ pay phone to call the police.Soon _43_ came to our house and the man was caught.By that time,my parents had come home.We told them the whole story.My parents were _44_ that we were not hurt.They told me that I should stop my brother from _45_ the door to strangers.I learnt a lesson on s

22、afety.,试题:,31.A.windowB.doorC.bookD.fridge32.A.ifB.whyC.whenD.how33.A.lendB.borrowC.sellD.buy34.A.politelyB.slowlyC.hardD.quietly35.A.bookB.knifeC.giftD.pen36.A.himselfB.myselfC.herselfD.themselves37.A.noneB.neitherC.bothD.all38.A.look atB.look afterC.look likeD.look for39.A.feetB.handsC.neckD.legs4

23、0.A.andB.soC.orD.but41.A.wantedB.rememberedC.forgotD.tried 42.A.farthestB.nearestC.largestD.smallest43.A.my friendsB.the policeC.the neighborsD.my parents44.A.gladB.angryC.sadD.sorry45.A.cleaningB.closingC.lockingD.opening,d.攻克阅读理解:,阅读理解的文本从易到难,从无生词到有生词,每篇文本的信息点分布均匀,不会出现有段落没有信息点现象。而且文本加长。考点前面几个较简单,最

24、后出现“best title”,“main idea”等难点。,训练学生运用一定的阅读策略能做以下的事情:1.能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义;2.能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系;3.能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局;4.能读懂常见体裁的阅读材料;5.能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息的能力。,阅读(四),Monty Roberts was the son of a poor family.He liked horses.He had a dream to own a horse ranch*ever since he was a lit

25、tle child.One day when he was at high school,he was asked to write a paper.It was about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up.He worked hard on it,and wrote a seven-page paper.In the paper he described his dream of owning a big horse ranch someday.The next day he handed it in to his teacher.Tw

26、o days later he received his paper back.On the front page was a large red F(fail)with a note that read,“See me after class.”He went to see the teacher after class and asked,“Why did I receive an F?”The teacher answered,“This is an unrealistic*dream for a young boy like you.You come from a poor famil

27、y.You have no money.Owning a horse ranch needs a lot of money.You have to buy the land.Theres no way you could ever do it.”Then he added,“Write this paper again.If you write it with a realistic*plan,you may receive a better grade.”After sitting with it for a week,he turned in the same paper,making n

28、o changes at all.He said to the teacher,“You can keep the F and Ill keep my dream.”Monty kept his dream and worked very hard.Today he owns a large horse ranch with a big house on it,and he keeps that school paper he wrote on the wall of his sitting room.Last summer the same school teacher came to vi

29、sit him.When the teacher was leaving,he said,“Look,Monty,when I was your teacher,I was something of a dream stealer*.During those years I stole a lot of childrens dreams.It was lucky that you hadnt given up yours.”Dont let anyone steal your dreams.Follow your dream,no matter what.,试题:,57.What was Mo

30、nty Roberts dream when he was very young?A.To write a seven-page paper.B.To learn to ride a horse.C.To own a horse ranch.D.To receive a better grade.58.The underlined sentence“Theres no way you could ever do it.”means“_”A.Your dream can never come true.B.You should find a way to let your dream come

31、true.C.You have to work hard or youll lose your dream.D.Ill show you a way to help your dream come true.59.After Monty heard his teachers advice,he _.A.changed his dreamB.received a better grade C.turned in a different paperD.turned in the same paper 60.Why does Monty Roberts keep that school paper

32、on the wall of his sitting room?A.To show he was a good student.B.To tell himself never to give up a dream.C.To make his sitting room more beautiful.D.To show people he is a successful person.,攻克词汇填空:不要让学生死记单词,而应加强学生在篇章中词汇的训练。,书面表达分小作文和大作文两个大题,或一篇大作文。具体要求:小作文:能根据要求写简单的书信、便条、通知等,能为图片提供简单的文字说明,并表达自己的观


34、作详批,选择比较典型的习作或把各类错误集中在一篇文章胶印或用幻灯片放映,让学生进行修改。其余习作学生四人一组,根据评分标准评判给分。5、每周一次,收集印发年级中学生优秀习作,以供学习参考欣赏,更有激励学生的作用。,写作:,假如你是林小亮,你喜欢听音乐,又酷爱运动,每天放学后在校打篮球。新班规实施后,你很烦恼。你打算给班长李明写一封信。内容提示:1、你的兴趣爱好;2、你的烦恼;3、你对新班规的建议。注意:1、词数:80100词左右,信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数;2、信中不能出现真实的学校、班级和姓名。参考词汇:be worried,play basketball,relax,have no time to,should be allowed to Dear Li Ming,_ Yours,Lin Xiaoliang,3.中考题型强化阶段,、精心筛选设计综合练习;、以学生为主体梳理知识,查漏补缺,彻底消除模糊意识,强化考点及中考题型;、经常组织正规模拟,考前大练兵,培养临场发挥及应试应变能力。,


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