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1、Lean Manufacturing 精益制造,Jason Huang,Sep.2007,2,Table of Contents内容,Overview 概述Toyota Production System(TPS)丰田生产Lean tools 精益工具Lean projects implementation methodology精益项目实施方法论Visteon Confidential,3,Overview 概述,Sound familiar?听起来熟悉吗?Under pressure to reduce prices?面临降价的压力?Need to reduce costs?需要降低成本?

2、Customer demanding greater varieties products and shorterlead times?客户需求的产品品种更多,提前期更短?Too much inventory(RW/WIP/FG)?太多库存?Long changeover?切换时间太长?Too much downtime?太多的停机时间?Wasting valuable time fire fighting the same old issues?浪费宝贵的时间对同一问题救火?Have a vision of how things should be done but cant seehow

3、to get there?有事情应该怎么做的远景,但不知道如何实现?Visteon Confidential,4,Lean does not start with tools,but with the,reasons for using them.,精益不是从工具开始,而是为什么要使用精益。,Visteon Confidential,5,What is Lean?,A systematic approach to identifying andeliminating waste through continuousimprovement by flowing the product at th

4、e pull ofcustomer in pursuit of perfection.一种系统的方法,通过持续改进来识别和消除浪费,产品由客户拉动产品的流动,追求完美。Visteon Confidential,6,Overview 概述,Lean is about doing more with less:less time,inventory,space,labor,and money.精益就是以较小的投入得到较大的产出:较少的时间、库存、空间、人力和资金 Lean Manufacturing focuses on eliminating waste while deliveringrigh

5、t quality products at the right cost to customer.精益专注于消除浪费,同时以合适的成本提供合适质量的产品给客户 Five areas drive lean manufacturing/production五个方面驱动精益制造/生产:Cost 成本quality 质量delivery 交货safety 安全Morale 士气Visteon Confidential,35%,7,Overview概述,5%,Waste ActivitiesNecessary Non-value-adding Activities,浪费不增值但必需的活动,60%,Val

6、ue Adding Activities,增值活动,By clearly defining“value”for a product and service from the customersperspective,all non-value-adding activities or waste can be targeted forremoval step by step.通过从客户的角度清晰定义一个产品和服务的“价值”,所有非增值活动或浪费可以有目的地消除Visteon Confidential,8,Overview概述,The Seven Wastes To Be Eliminated要

7、消除的七种浪费 Over-production producing over customer requirements,producingunnecessary materials/products 过量生产 生产量超出客户需求,生产不需要的产品 Waiting time delays,idle time(time during which value is not added to theproduct)等待 时间延迟,待机时间(不增值的时间)Transportation multiple handling,delay in materials handling,unnecessary h

8、andling运输 多次搬运,物料搬运延迟,不必要的搬运 Inventory holding or purchasing unnecessary raw materials,work inprocess,and finished goods库存 持有或者购买不需要的原材料、半成品和成品 Motion actions of people or equipment that do not add value to the product动作 人和设备不增值的动作 Over-processing unnecessary steps or work elements/procedures(nonadd

9、ed value work)过度加工 不必要的步骤、工作/流程 Defective units production of a part that is scrapped or requires rework.有缺陷的产品 生产的产品有缺陷或需要返修Visteon Confidential,9,Overview概述,Inventory hides problemsMachinedowntimeScrapVendor,Work inprocess,delinquencies Changeorders,Visteon Confidential,queuesPaperworkbacklog,Engi

10、neering designredundanciesInspectionbacklogs,DesignbacklogsDecisionbacklogs,Typical Benefits of Lean精益的典型收益,Typical Benefits,10,Visteon Confidential,Case 1 案例1,11,Visteon Confidential,Case 2 案例2,12,Visteon Confidential,Traditional Manufacturing VS.LeanManufacturing传统制造 VS.精益制造,TraditionalManufacturi

11、ng传统制造,LeanManufacturing精益制造,Scheduling 计划Production 生产Lead Time 提前期Batch Size 批量大小Inspection 检验Layout 布局Empowerment 授权Inventory Turns 库存周转Flexibility 灵活性COGS 产品销售成本,Forecast预测 push推动Stock存货Long 长Large-Batch&Queue 大批,排队Sampling 抽样-by inspectors 检验员Functional 功能Low 低Low-7 turnsLow 低High and Rising 高,

12、上升,Customer Order客户订单 pull拉动Customer Order 客户订单Short 短Small-Continuous Flow 小,连续流动100%-at source by workers 工人Product Flow 产品流High 高High-10+High 高Lower and Decreasing 低,下降,COGS-Cost Of Goods Sold,13,Visteon Confidential,Overview概述,The Five Elements of Lean Thinking:精益思想的五个元素:Specify Value 确定价值Identi

13、fy and Map the Value Stream 识别和描绘价值流Flows 流动Pull 拉动Perfection 持续改进,14,Visteon Confidential,Ten commandments of Improvements实施改善的十大诫律,Abandon fixed ideas 抛弃思维定势Think of ways to make it possible 想办法使之成为可能No excuses needed 没有借口Go for the simple solution,not the perfect one 寻求简单而不是完美的解决方案Correct the mis

14、takes right away 马上改正错误Use your wits,not your wallet 用脑而不是用钱Problems are opportunities 问题就是机会Repeat“why?”five times 重复5个“为什么?”Seek ideas from many people 集思广益There is no end to improvement 改善无止境,15,Visteon Confidential,Table of Contents内容,Overview概述Toyota Production System丰田生产系统Lean tools 精益工具Lean p

15、rojects implementation methodology精益项目实施方法论,16,Visteon Confidential,Structure of TPS 丰田生产系统的结构,17,Visteon Confidential,Table of Contents内容,Overview概述Toyota Production System丰田生产系统Lean tools 精益工具Lean projects implementation methodology精益项目实施方法论,18,Visteon Confidential,Lean Tools精益工具,Quick and Easy Ka

16、izen 快速简易的改善Visual Controls 目视管理,5SValue Stream Mapping(VSM)价值流图SMED/Quick Changeover 快速切换Total Productive Maintenance(TPM)全面生产维护Cellular Manufacturing/One-piece Flow 单元制造/单件流Just-in-time/Pull JIT/拉动,19,Visteon Confidential,Quick and Easy Kaizen快速、简易的改善活动,Focuses on eliminating waste in the targeted

17、 systems and processes of anorganization,improving efficiency,productivity and etc.to achieve sustainedcontinual improvement.改善是通过在一个组织的集成系统和过程中消除浪费以提高效率、生产率等达到持续改善的目的The quick and easy kaizen process works as follows快速、简易改善流程如下:The employee identifies a problem,waste,or an opportunity for improveme

18、ntand writes it down.员工识别出问题、浪费或改进机会并写下来 The employee develops an improvement idea and discusses it with his or hersupervisor.员工找出改善方案,并与自己的主管讨论 The supervisor reviews the idea within 24 hours and encourages immediateaction.主管在24小时内给出答复,鼓励员工立即行动 The employee implements the idea.If a larger improveme

19、nt idea is approved,the employee should take leadership to implement the idea.员工实施改善方案。如果是比较大的改善行动,该员工应作为行动的领导者 The idea is written up on a simple form in less than three minutes.改善方案用不到3分钟的时间写在一张简易的表格上 Supervisor posts the form to share with and stimulate others and recognizesthe accomplishment.主管将

20、改善提案张贴出来与大家分享以激励其他员工,并认同所取得的成果,20,Visteon Confidential,Quick and Easy Kaizen(Cont.)快速、简易的改善活动(续),Three Key Characteristics三个关键特性 Permanent method changes 永远的改变,没有回头路 Continuous flow of small ideas 连续不断的小的改进主意 Immediate local implementation立即实施,21,Visteon Confidential,5S,A system to reduce waste and

21、optimize productivity through maintaining an orderly,workplace and using visual cues to achieve more consistent operational results.5S是,通过保持干净、整洁的工作场所和使用可视的信号、标识来消除浪费、优化生产率以达到平稳,的生产输出的系统。,Higher Quality1S:Sort(Seiri),Lower Cost2S:Set in Order(Seiton),22,MoreDiversityVisteon Confidential,5S:Sustain(S

22、hitsuke)4S:Standardize(Seiketsu)Safety Improvement,3S:Shine(Seiso)Fewer Scraps,ATPImprovement,Visual Controls 目视管理,Visual controls is a technique employed in many placesand contexts whereby control of an activity or process ismade easier or more effective by deliberate use of visualsignals.目视管理是一种技术

23、,通过使用各种可视的信号、标识使对某项活动或过程的控制更容易和有效。Return to,SCRAP废品,Supplier返回供应商,23,Visteon Confidential,Value Stream Mapping 价值流图,Value Stream Mapping is a Lean technique usedto analyze the flow of materials and informationcurrently required to bring a product or service toa consumer.价值流图是一种精益技术,用来分析目前给客户提供产品或服务的

24、物料流和信息流。Through map the value stream,opportunities forwastes eliminated can be identified.Future stateof the value stream serves as a blueprint toimprove continuously.通过绘制价值流图,可以找到消除浪费的改进机会。价值流图的未来状态图可以作为持续改进的蓝图。,24,Visteon Confidential,Value Stream Mapping 价值流图,25,Visteon Confidential,SMED/Quick Ch

25、angeover 快速切换,Is one of the many lean methods for reducing waste in amanufacturing process.It provides a rapid and efficientway of converting a manufacturing process from runningthe current product to running the next product.It is key toreducing production lot sizes and thereby improving flow快速切换是众

26、多在制造过程中消除浪费的精益方法之一。它提供了一种快速和有效地从生产一种产品切换到生产另一种产品的方法。对减少生产批量和改善物料流动非常关键。,Step A:SeparateStep B:ConvertStep C:Optimize,步骤A:区分步骤B:转化步骤C:优化,Step D:Standardize 步骤D:标准化,26,Visteon Confidential,TPM全面生产维护,TPM means putting together a practical shop-floor system to prevent losses before they occurthroughout

27、the entire production systems lifecycle:Zero Breakdowns,Zero Accidents,ZeroDefects and Zero Waste.全面生产维护是一个实用的现场管理体系。在整个生产系统的生命周期内预防损失的发生以达到:零故障、零事故、零缺陷以及零浪费。,27,Visteon Confidential,Objectives of TPM全面生产维护的目标,To Improve The Uptime Of the Machines 改善设备的运行时间 To Increase MTBF&To Reduce MTTR 增加两次故障之间设备

28、平均运行时间,减少维修时间 Increase Asset Utilization and Equipment OEE 提高设备利用率,改善设备的OEE Foster Production Equipment Ownership 培养员工的主人翁精神 Defect Prevention 防止不良品的产生,28,Visteon Confidential,A New Way of Working一种新的工作方式,Old Attitude原来的态度:“I operate,you fix.”我操作,你修理“I fix,you design.”我修理,你设计“I design,you operate.”我

29、设计,你操作TPM Attitude TPM的态度:“We are all responsible forour equipment.”我们都为设备负责,29,Visteon Confidential,Cellular Manufacturing 单元制造,A manufacturing system wherein the equipmentand workstations are arranged in an efficientsequence that allows a continuous and smoothmovement of inventories and materials

30、to produceproducts from start to finish in a single processflow,while incurring minimal transport or waitingtime,or any delay for that matter.单元制造是指设备和工位以更有效的方式排列,使物料连续、顺畅地流动,以一个流的方式生产产品,同时使运输和等待时间或其他导致延迟的时间最短的制造系统,30,Visteon Confidential,Benefits of Cellular Manufacturing单元制造的好处,helps to eliminate

31、overproduction 有利于消除过量生产 helps reduce waste by reducing defects that result fromprocessing and product changeovers 有利于通过减少导致再加工和产品切换的缺陷来减少浪费 right-sized equipment means that production equipment issized to work best for the specific product mix beingproduced,as opposed to the equipment that would me

32、etthe largest possible projected production volume.合适的设备指产能刚好满足特定的产品组合,而不是可以满足可能的最大的产能的设备 require less floor space for equal levels of production 同样的产量所需空间更少 free workers to focus more closely on equipmentmaintenance(TPM)and pollution prevention,reducing thelikelihood of spills and accidents.使操作人员有时

33、间关注设备维护和防止污染,减少可能发生的事故,31,Visteon Confidential,JIT/PullJIT/拉动,What it is是什么 Management philosophy管理哲学 Pull system through the plant拉动系统What it requires需要什么 Employee participation员工参与 Industrial engineering/basics工业工程 Continuing improvement持续改进 Total quality control全面质量控制 Small lot sizes 小批量,What it

34、does做什么 Attacks waste 减少浪费 Exposes problems and bottlenecks暴露问题和瓶颈 Achieves streamlined production 实现顺畅的生产What it assumes假设 Stable environment稳定的环境,32,Visteon Confidential,Pull 拉动,制造,供应商,分装Sub,Manufacturing,Vendor,客户Customers,总装Final Assembly,分装,ManufacturingManufacturing,VendorVendor,Sub,Manufactur

35、ing,Vendor,33,Visteon Confidential,Benefits of JIT/PullJIT/拉动的好处,Shorter lead times更短的提前期Smaller inventories更低的库存Improved quality 改进的质量Reduced space requirements需要的空间减少Lower production costs更低的生产成本Increased productivity 提高生产率Greater flexibility 更高的灵活性,34,Visteon Confidential,Table of Contents 内容,Ove

36、rview 概述Toyota Production System 丰田生产系统Lean tools 精益工具Lean projects implementation methodology 精益项目实施方法论,35,Visteon Confidential,Lean projects implementation,methodology,During the Data collection stage,the following activities areperformed:1.Time studies and Motion studies2.Establishment or review

37、of ProcessFlow charts3.Investigating Product families4.Bottle necks and problem areasDuring the Data analysis Stage thefollowing activities are performed:1.Establishment of a Capacity plan2.Determination of the current stateof the Value Stream Map3.Value Stream Map Future state Micro and Macro Level

38、s4.Determining the Work Balance5.Design of a Layout proposal6.Preparation of a ProjectImplementation planDuring the Implementation Stagethe following activities areperformed:1.Execution of the projectimplementation plan.2.Design and manufacture of specialtools and material handlingequipment3.Training of relevant staff,36,Visteon Confidential,Lean projects implementation,methodology(cont.),37,Visteon Confidential,Lean is not an option,it is a businessimperative.精益不是一种选择,而是业务的需要。,38,Visteon Confidential,Q&A,39,Visteon Confidential,40 Visteon Confidential,


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