《AIA Document A101/CMa(1992)Standard Form of Agreem.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《AIA Document A101/CMa(1992)Standard Form of Agreem.doc(17页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。
2、standard form of agreement between Owner and Contractor and is intended for use on construction management projects where the basis of payment is a stipulated sum (fixed price). It is suitable for situations where, in addition to the Contractor and Architect, a separate Construction Manager assists
3、the Owner in an advisory capacity during design and construction.2. Related DocumentsThis document has been prepared for use in conjunction with the l992 edition of AIA Document A20l/CMa, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction-Construction Manager-Adviser Edition, which is adopted into
4、A101/CMa by specific reference. This integrated set of documents is suitable for projects Where the Construction Manager serves in the capacity of adviser and not in the capacity of Contractor.The A101/CMa document may be used as one part of the Contract Documents which memorialize the Contract for
5、Construction between the Owner and the Contractor. The other Contract Documents are:General Conditions (i.e., A201/CMa)Supplementary ConditionsDrawingsSpecificationsModificationsA101/CMa should NOT be used in combination with documents where it is assumed that the Construction Manager takes on the r
6、ole of constructor, gives the Owner a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) or contracts directly with those who supply labor and materials to construct the project.AIA documents containing the designation CMc (Construction Manager-Constructor) are inappropriate for use with CMa (Construction ManagerAdvise
7、r) documents, as the Construction Manager-Adviser and Construction Manager-Constructor differ in their respective roles and responsibilities. An example of such an inappropriate pairing of construction documents would be A20l/CMa and A121/CMc.In addition, if the Architect wishes to Perform construct
8、ion management services in combination with design and administrative services (such as is provided for in AIA Document B141), incorporation of a special amendment to or modification of AIA Document B141 is more appropriate than utilization of B141/CMa. Although the AIA does not produce standard doc
9、uments for Supplementary Conditions, Drawings or Specifications. avariety of model and guide documents is available, including AIAs MASTERSPEC.3. Arbitration This document incorporates ARBITRATION by adoption of AIA Document A201/CMa, which provides for dispute resolution to be conducted according t
10、o the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. Arbitration is BINDING AND MANDATORY in most states and under the federal Arbitration Act. In a minority of states, arbitration provisions relating to future disputes are not enforceable, but arbitration is enforc
11、eable if agreed to after the dispute arises. A few states require that the contracting parties be especially notified when the written contract contains an arbitration provision by: a warning on the face of the document, specific placement of the arbitration provision within the document or specific
12、 discussions among the parties prior to signing the document.Arbitration provisions have been included in most AIA contract forms since 1888 in order to encourage alternative dispute resolution procedures and to provide users of AIA documents with legally enforceable arbitration provisions when the
13、parties choose to adopt arbitration into their contract. Individuals may, however, choose to delete the arbitration provisions based upon their business decisions with the advice of counsel. TO obtain a copy of the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules, write to the American Arbitration Associatio
14、n, 140 West 51st St.,New York, NY 10020-l203.4. Use of Non-AIA FormsIf a combination of AIA documents and non-AIA documents is to be used, particular care must be taken to achieve consistency of language and intent. Certain owners require the use of owner-contractor agreements and other contract for
15、ms that they prepare. Such forms should be carefully compared with the standard AIA forms for which they are being substituted before execution of an agreement. If there are any significant omissions, additions or variances from the terms of the related standard AIA forms, both legal and insurance c
16、ounsel should be consulted.5. Letter Forms of AgreementLetter forms of agreement are generally discouraged by the AIA, as is the performance of a part or the whole of the Work on the basis of oral agreements or understandings. The standard AIA agreement forms have been developed through more than se
17、venty-five years of experience and have been tested repeatedly in the courts. In addition, the standard forms have been carefully coordinated with other AIA documents.6. Use of Current Documents Prior to using any AIA document, the user should consult the AIA, an AIA component chapter or a current A
18、IA Documents List to determine the current edition of each document.7. Limited License for ReproductionAIA Document A101/CMa is a copyrighted work and may not be reproduced or excerpted from in substantial part without the express written permission of the AIA. The A101/CMa document is intended to b
19、e used as a consumablethat is, the original document purchased by the user is intended to be consumed in the course of being used. There is no implied permission to reproduce this document, nor does membership in The American Institute of Architects confer any further rights to reproduce them.A caut
20、ionary notice is printed in red on the original of this document. This notice distinguishes an original AIA document from copies and counterfeits. TO ensure accuracy and uniformity of language, purchasers should use only an original AIA document or one that has been reproduced from an original under
21、 a special limited license from the AIA.A limited license is hereby granted to retail purchasers to reproduce a maximum of ten copies of a completed or executed A101/CMa, but only for use in connection with a particular Project. A101/CMa may not be reproduced for Project Manuals. Rather, if a user w
22、ishes to include it as an example in a Project Manual, the normal practice is to purchase a quantity of the printed forms and bind one in each of the Project Manuals. Partial modifications, if any, may be accomplished without completing the form by using separate Supplementary Conditions.Upon reachi
23、ng agreement concerning the Contract Sum and other conditions, the form may be removed from the manual and such information, except for the signatures, may be added to the blank spaces of the form. The user may then reproduce up to ten copies to facilitate the execution (signing) of multiple origina
24、l copies of the form, or for other administrative purposes in connection with a particular Project. Please note that at least four original copies of A101/CMa should be signed by the parties as required by the last provision of A101/CMa.B. CHANGES FROM THE PREVIOUS EDITION1. Format ChangesA101/CMa i
25、s a new numeric designation for this document, with the last character in the suffix signifying conditions wherein the Construction Manager is serving as adviser to the Owner during both design and construction and is not the constructor. Two new articles have been added: Article 8, Termination or S
26、uspension and Article 9, Enumeration of Contract Documents.2. Changes in ContentThe 1992 edition of A101/CMa revises the 1980 edition to reflect changes made in the most recent (1992) edition of A201/CMa. It incorporates alterations proposed by architects, contractors, owners and professional consul
27、tants. The following are some of the significant changes made to the contents from the 1980 edition of A101/CM:Article 1: A specific statement has been added that the Contract represents the entire agreement between the parties, superseding previous negotiations and writings.Article 2: Space has bee
28、n provided to describe any exceptions to the description of contractors scope of Work.Article 3: In the title of this article, Time of Commencement has been changed to Date of Commencement. The Contractor is now required to notify the Owner before commencing the Work to permit the timely filing of m
29、ortgages and other security interests.Article 4: Space has been provided for insertion of the amounts relating to alternates and unit prices.Article 5: The Progress Payments article has been substantially rewritten and expanded. Detailed directions have been added on how and when payments shall be c
30、alculated and applied for.Article 6: Further details have been added to clarify the conditions under which final payment shall be made by the Owner.Article 7: The reference to definitions contained in the Conditions of the contract has been deleted because the A201/CMa document is now specifically a
31、dopted by reference under Article 9.Article 8: This is a new article containing references to the General conditions.Article 9: This article is new. The A101/CMa document and the A201/CMa document are explicitly enumerated as parts of the Contract Documents. Spaces are provided for information speci
32、fically identifying the other Contract Documents, including the Supplementary Conditions, Specifications, Drawings and Addenda, if any.Signature Page: it is noted above the signature lines that this agreement is executed on at least four original copies. See the instructions pertaining to Limited Li
33、cense for Reproduction.CCOMPLETING THE A101/CMa FORM1. Prospective bidders should be informed of any additional provisions which may be included in A101/CMa, such as liquidated damages or provisions for stored materials, by an appropriate notice in the Bidding Documents and the Supplementary Conditi
34、ons.2. ModificationsUsers are encouraged to consult an attorney before completing an AIA document. Particularly with respect to contractors licensing laws, duties imposed by building codes, interest charges, arbitration and indemnification, this document may require modification with the assistance
35、of legal counsel to fully comply with state or local laws regulating these matters.Generally, necessary modifications may be accomplished by writing or typing the appropriate terms in the blank spaces provided on the form or by Supplementary Conditions, special conditions or amendments included in t
36、he Project Manual and referenced in this document. The form may also be modified by striking out language directly on the original printed form. Care must be taken in making these kinds of deletions, however.Under NO circumstances should printed language be struck out in such a way as to render it i
37、llegible (as, for example, with blocking tape, correction fluid or Xs that completely obscure the text). This may raise suspicions of fraudulent concealment or suggest that the completed and signed document has been tampered with. Handwritten changes should be initialed by both parties to the contra
38、ct.It is definitely not recommended practice to retype to retype the standard document. Besides being outside the Limited License for Reproduction granted under these Instructions. retyping can introduce typographical errors and cloud the legal interpretation given to a standard clause when blended
39、with modifications.Retyping eliminates one of the principal advantages of the standard form documents. By merely reviewing the modifications to be made to a standard form document, parties familiar with that document can quickly understand the essence of the proposed relationship. Commercial exchang
40、es are greatly simplified and expedited, good-faith dealing is encouraged, and otherwise latent clauses are exposed for scrutiny. In this way, contracting parties can more confidently and fairly measure their risks.3. Cover PageDate: The date represents the date the Agreement becomes effective. It m
41、ay be the date that an oral agreement was reached, the date the Agreement was originally submitted to the Owner, the date authorizing action was taken or the date of actual execution. It will be the date from which the Contract Time is measured unless a different date is inserted under Paragraph 3.1
42、.Identification of Parties: Parties to this Agreement should be identified using the full address and legal name under which the Agreement is to be executed, including a designation of the legal status of both parties (sole proprietorship, partnership, joint venture, unincorporated association, limi
43、ted partnership or corporation general, close or professional, etc.). Where appropriate, a copy of the resolution authorizing the individual to act on behalf of the firm or entity should be attached.Project Description: The proposed Project should be described in sufficient detail to identify (1) th
44、e official name or title of the facility, (2) the location of the site, if known, (3) the proposed building type and usage, and (4) the size, capacity or scope of the Project, if known.Construction Manager and Architect: Although not parties to this agreement, the Construction Managers and Architect
45、s names and addresses, including full legal or corporate titles, should be used.4. Article 1: The Contract DocumentsThe Contract Documents must be enumerated in detail in Article 9. The Contractors bid itself may be incorporated into the Contract; similarly, other bidding documents, bonds, etc., may
46、 be incorporated, especially in public work.5. Article 2: The Work of this ContractPortions of the Work which are the responsibility of persons other than the Contractor and which have not been otherwise indicated should be listed here.6. Article 3: Date of Commencement and Substantial Completion Th
47、e following items should be included as appropriate:Paragraph 3.1The date of commencement of the Work should be inserted if it is different from the date of the Agreement. It should not be earlier than the date of execution (signing) of the Contract. After the first sentence, enter either the specif
48、ic date of commencement of the Work, or if a notice to proceed is to be used, enter the sentence, The date of commencement shall be stipulated by the notice to proceed. When time of performance is to be strictly enforced, the statement of starting time should be carefully weighed.Paragraph 3.2The time within which Substantial Completion of the Work is to be achieved may be expressed as a number of days (preferably calendar days) or as a specified date. Any requirements for earli