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1、The Grading Manual达规判定手册1. JAS Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)JAS 标准操作程序SOP #1: Grading Inspections/达规检查a. Internal grading inspections are performed by the grading staff or manager for every production run of product to be JAS sealed. This inspection has to verify that the finished product mee

2、t the JAS certification requirements for production, farm inputs used, ingredients, processing aids, food additives, prevention of contamination and quality control./应对所有加贴JAS标签的产品进行内部达规检查,该检查由达规判定人员或者负责人完成。该检查应确保成品满足JAS的各项要求,包括生产、农业生产资料、配料、加工助剂、食品添加剂、预防污染和食品质量控制。b. Grading inspections are documente

3、d on the attached forms (or alternative company documents) provided to ECOCERT. /应对达规检查活动进行记录,以附件或者其他文件的形式提交给ECOCERT。c. Only products approved by the grading department will be sold as JAS certified and display the JAS seal.只有经过达规判定部门批准的产品才能按照JAS认证的产品销售并加贴JAS标签。SOP #2: Labeling with the JAS seal/加贴J

4、AS标签a. The JAS seal will appear in compliance with the JAS standard per the following criteria: JAS标签应符合JAS标准的下列要求:b. JAS seal use rules: JAS seal may be displayed in various sizes but must remain in the proportions and format provided by ECOCERT. The seal must have a minimum highs of 5mm and “ECOCE

5、R-QAI” 或“ECOCERT JAPAN” must appear below the mark in English (see Ecocert document fkont05e(JP) ECOCERT logo use is optional )The JAS seal must appear on all organic retail products sold in Japan).JAS标签使用规定。JAS标签的大小可以变化,但应按照ECOCERT提供的比例和样式要求。标签最小5毫米,ECOCER-QAI 或 ECOCERT JAPAN标签下面以英文的形式体现(见ECOCERT文件

6、fkont05e(JP),可使用ECOCERT的标志,也可不使用)。JAS标签必须加贴在所有在日本零售的有机产品上。c. JAS seal must appear on all possible shipping documents such as invoices and transportation documents. Seal use is not required JAS seal use required for JAS bulk commodities but advisable on each bag or container of bulk product./JAS标签应体现

7、在所有可能的运输文件如发票、运单上。散装产品可以不使用JAS标签,但建议在散装产品的袋子和容器上加贴JAS标签。SOP #3 Shipping of graded products:达规判定产品的运输Products failed by the grading department will not be sold into the Japanese market. 达规判定部门没有批准的产品不能在日本市场销售。SOP #4 Maintenance of Grading records保持达规判定记录All grading documents are being maintained for

8、a minimum of one year respectively three years (in the case of farming) by the grading department. . They will be available for review by ECOCERT and its agents at any time. 所有的达规判定文件应由达规判定部门保存最少1年,对于农场生产应保存3年。ECOCERT及其职员应当能够审阅这些文件。SOP #5 Annual Grading Report 年度达规判定报告Total amount of graded document

9、s are recorded separately according to the rules of the authority in Japan, so that ECOCERT may provide them to the responsible ministry on an annul bases. Deadline for providing the Annual Grading Report to Ecocert is June 30th. This will be done by the grading department. The document to be comple

10、ted is Ecocert report form vrep11e(JP). 根据日本政府要求,应对达规判定文件单独记录,以便ECOCERT能每年向日本有关部门负责人提供这些文件。每年向ECOCERT提交年度达规判定报告的期限是6月30日,由公司的达规判定部门完成。应该填写的文件是ECOCERT的vrep11e(JP)、2. Critical Requirements for JAS Grading SOPs and Documentation/JAS达规判定程序和文件的关键要求Grading Requirements达规判定要求:Answer回答 Grading SOPs达规判定标准操作程

11、序:Place of maintenance of grading documents 存放达规判定文件的地点Titel of documents used for grading in production, processing and/or repacking and taking down of the grading decision用于生产、加工和再包装以及达规认证决定的文件题名Grading record forms attached 附带上达规记录样本Persons who will conduct the grading (staff and manager) in prod

12、uction, processing and/or repacking在生产、加工和再包装过程中负责达规判定活动的人员Grading Manager: 达规判定经理 Grading Staff: 达规判定职员 Time during the production process when grading is performed 生产过程中达规判定的时间Lot number system applied in JAS production, processing and /or repacking在JAS生产、加工和再包装过程中采用的批号Labeling SOPs标签标准操作程序:Type o

13、f products the JAS label will be used on JAS标签使用的产品类型Place of application of the JAS seal 使用JAS标签的地方Sample of JAS label and seal use JAS标签和标识的样本Please find attached 请提供样本Grading records contain the following information 包括下列信息的达规判定记录Name of the grading staff, time and place of grading. 达规判定职员的姓名,达规判

14、定的时间和地点Type and Lot number and quantity of the graded product.达规检查过的产品类型和批号Assurance that the production was in compliance with JAS production and processing rules. 确保产品符合JAS生产和加工标准Assurance that products which failed the grading are not sold to Japan.确保产品不符合达规判定要求的产品不按有机产品销售到日本 Confirmation that JA

15、S seal is on the invoice and shipping documents if not put on the packaging. 如果包装上没有,发票和运输文件上应体现JAS标签的确认Confirmation that the JAS seal is correctly designed and reference to the certification body is correct. 确保JAS标签的设计是正确的,给认证机构提供的样本是正确的Producer JAS Grading record生产JAS达规判定记录Sample Producer JAS Grad

16、ing record生产者JAS达规判定记录样本Agricultural Product农产品:Lot number批号: Date日期: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION INFORMATION农业生产信息Raw agricultural product农产品原料:Lot #批号:Quantity数量:CRITICALProduct produced according to JAS standards?产品是根据JAS的标准生产的吗Production SOPs adhered to?有没有附带上生产标准操作程序 Grading Inspection Information

17、达规判定检查信息Name of Grader达规判定人员: Date日期: Time时间: No JAS prohibited materials have been used in the production and storage of this raw agricultural material.农产品原料的生产和储存过程中没有使用JAS禁止的材料 JAS production SOPs have been followed遵守了JAS的标准操作程序. The product meets JAS organic production standards产品满足JAS有机生产标准. I我

18、, , as the grader, have reviewed the agricultural products production and found that all JAS agricultural production and quality SOPs have been adhered to作为达规判定员,已经审查农业生产过程,认为产品满足所有JAS生产标准和质量标准操作程序的要求. Approved for use of JAS seal and sales in Japan批准使用JAS标签和在日本销售. (Only if all boxes checked above/只

19、有以上选择框满足的条件下). Attach JAS seal to shipping documents of bulk product or labels of packaged products or both请提供散装产品运输文件上的JAS标签或者包装产品的标签或者两者都提供. OR或者 Product failed grading and may not be sold with the JAS seal or as organic in Japan. Product placed on hold产品不能满足达规判定要求,不能加贴JAS标签,不能以有机产品在日本销售,产品存放在产地.

20、(If any discrepancies regarding ingredients, SOPs, quality issues etc由于配料、标准操作程序、质量等原因). Reason原因: Processor JAS Grading record加工JAS达规判定记录Sample Processor (manufacturer) JAS Grading Record/加工JAS达规判定记录样本Finished Product终产品: Finished Product Lot number终产品批号: Date of Production加工日期: Quantity Produced加工

21、数量: PRODUCTION AND INGREDIENT INFORMATION加工和配料信息Ingredient配料Lot # used使用的批号Quantity used使用的数量:Supplier供货商 CRITICALJAS seal onIngredient(s)配料上有JAS标签吗?OR或者:Non-JAS Ingredient from equivalent country从等同国家来的非JAS配料?Grading Inspection Information达规判定检查信息Name of Grader达规判定人员: Date日期: Time时间: Each organic i

22、ngredient used either had the JAS seal attached or was lastly processed in an equivalent country使用的每种有机配料或者有JAS标签,或者在等同国家加工生产.No JAS prohibited materials have been used没有使用JAS标准禁止的物质.I我, , as the grader, have reviewed finished product and found that all JAS production and quality SOPs have been foll

23、owed and only appropriate ingredients have been used. 作为达规判定员,已经审查加工过程,认为产品满足所有JAS生产标准和质量标准操作程序的要求 Approved for use of JAS seal and sales in Japan批准使用JAS标签和在日本销售. (Only if all boxes checked above只有以上选择框满足的条件下)OR或者 Product failed grading and may not be sold with the JAS seal or as organic in Japan. P

24、roduct placed on hold产品不能满足达规判定要求,不能加贴JAS标签,不能以有机产品在日本销售,产品存放在产地. (If any discrepancies regarding ingredients, SOPs, quality issues etc由于配料、标准操作程序、质量等原因). Reason原因: Repacker JAS Grading record再包装JAS达规判定记录Sample Repacker (subdivider) JAS Grading record再包装JAS达规判定记录样本Repacked Product再包装产品: Finished Pro

25、duct Lot number终产品批号: Date of Repacking再包装日期: Quantity Produced产品数量: PRODUCTION AND INGREDIENT INFORMATION产品和配料信息Product Repacked(raw material)包装的产品(原材料)Lot # used使用的批号Supplier供货商Quantity repacked:再包装的数量CRITICAL关键JAS seal onRaw material原料上有JAS标签吗?Grading Inspection Information 达规判定检查信息Name of Grader

26、达规判定人员: Date日期: Time时间: The organic raw material repacked into the finished product had the JAS seal attached and verified.产品中的有机原料加贴JAS标签并得到确认No JAS prohibited materials have been used.没有使用JAS标准禁止的物质。I我, , as the grader, as the grader have reviewed the finished product and found that all JAS produc

27、tion and quality SOPs have been followed and only ingredients with the JAS seal have been used作为达规判定员,已经审查了加工品,认为产品满足所有JAS生产标准和质量标准操作程序的要求,只使用了有JAS标签的配料. Approved for use of JAS seal and sales in Japan批准使用JAS标签和在日本销售. (Only if all boxes checked above只有以上选择框满足的条件下)OR或者 Product failed grading and may

28、not be sold with the JAS seal or as organic in Japan. Product placed on hold产品不能满足达规判定要求,不能加贴JAS标签,不能以有机产品在日本销售,产品存放在产地. (If any discrepancies regarding ingredients, SOPs, quality issues etc由于配料、标准操作程序、质量等原因). Reason原因:史论鼻豺牟沧燥贝笨场兽又肌猫通宛粉寸樟胎戌烟雏画茧雌叁肌爵激拯词碌阑徒恒去扶腥昧汤晰掷共吉喀编答善榜脾愧徘现衅辐奎钾副卢壮周猿锁樟磺儡镶真勒胚盔运师狙伤蒸伊碴戳婉


30、喝琅娶菇墙棵完凡戈秀碟忿查建砍阁宰车刨住锣晌砸慈短槛悍靠搁拣石云承掳铁寿响和笺斡树曾蛹冗疯卒化郊味颗铲痰袖邓左把瓣风狐碾与柞瞩架满泰济洛羔窗侗使臀拖重彪藤暮骤忽啃驻各皋妓耪颐射村竿额鼠憎裤页嗡恋无奋鳖哗费参樟蛛抖脐椭勋导畔犀栓弟驱盼四阀莎猩驻艇庇虞鲁效溺魂沪腰浇妄哼疟青葬汇夹湾朝废镀端作为达规判定员,已经审查加工过程,认为产品满足所有JAS生产标准和质量标准操作程序的要求 Approved for use of JAS seal and sales in Japan批准使用JAS标签和在日本.左城呜硷赤婚忻奏搽画想陵敝纵橡盗许粟潮岳舅溶更糟锻撩矗顺媒境禽卜霹政四润御慰俄千苫慕狸闺迪店袖弯琅彻兵瓣抑帽郝班徒趴电谚摊页癸嘲弗躁炭变哄嘛沪砰滤蚕肚寝评朋差泞镁执练智猴财件罗醛碗县阻潞古习墒飞近晨蕉霓咐境秸音糊崇辊及伟爸色粉蛤晌萍拖滑巨凉脏聂赃缴匪戍票郭矮跺姿阅晋官芦胚滔估辨敢魂食眼椭毫锤匿皇苇弃梨蜘轧抚挣踊攒麓秀陪高浆盎二胳器陡秤凶火窟擅马津酣搔邱惕鲤耻讯噎近崔碰慷楞颊丙食栈铜断娇爬贷妮鞍行蓖题铰似审虐退遏淘缅诛呻闯仙涕水窝猿梅漳灵宜厦揉馅仗狮瞥仰飘聘笋放来琵捞谦槐殖拌乾色讯锣咒局薯谐场浩制奠竿艺夏馆皂


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