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1、Build Partnerships to Support Immunization ActivitiesNIIW provides a great opportunity for expanding your partnerships and leveraging the support of non-immunization groups to promote infant immunization.This section is broken down in to the following components: Identifying the Right Partners Estab
2、lishing Partnerships Working with Partners Assessing and Strengthening your PartnershipIdentifying the Right PartnersThere are many options for the types of groups that you can partner and collaborate with to plan and implement your NIIW activities. These groups might include: Disease-specific organ
3、izations Non-immunization health coalitions WIC clinics Health insurance companies Civic and service organizations Ethnic- and Faith-based organizations Local county school systems Colleges and universitiesBefore you start choosing partners, consider the following questions to help you clarify your
4、goals for partnership and criteria for selecting partners: What additional resources will help you achieve your NIIW objectives? What types of partners can provide these resources? How much time and resources can you allocate to managing partnerships? What do you want in a partner? What do you NOT w
5、ant? Here are two worksheets that can help you think through these questions:Appendix A: Identifying Partners WorksheetAppendix B: Selection Criteria WorksheetEstablishing PartnershipsOnce you have identified a few potential partners, it is important to think through the following questions before a
6、pproaching them. The answers will help you to clarify the scope of collaboration, identify the benefits of the partnership, and help you decide whether pursuing the partnership is the best course of action.For each potential partner:1. In what ways is their mission compatible with ours?2. In what wa
7、ys will this partnership help us reach our NIIW objectives? 3. In what way will this partnership help us reach our long-term immunization objective?4. What specific activities can we collaborate on? What would the role of partners be?5. What are potential barriers to partnership? How do we plan to o
8、vercome those barriers?6. What risks might this partnership involve? How do we mitigate those risks?If your organization has decided to pursue potential partners, it will be useful to develop a plan for approaching each partner and gaining their commitment to work with you. This requires connecting
9、with the right people, understanding their goals and needs, and fostering interest in collaboration. Some things to include in this plan: Contact information for potential partner Proposed scope of the partnership Any questions you might have for the potential partner about their mission, goals, act
10、ivities, resources, past partnerships, etc. Background information on your department, organization, or coalition Background information on NIIW Working with PartnersOnce you have agreed to collaborate with a partner, it will be critical to have a clear understanding of what you plan to do and how y
11、ou plan to do it. To get started: Create opportunities to get to know each other Set up a structure for regular communication and information sharing Agree on shared goals for the partnershipNext, you should jointly develop a work plan that details the tasks required to reach your goals, who will co
12、mplete them, and when they will be completed. This work plan should be regularly updated to serve as a tracking tool for the partnership. (See Appendix C: Work Plan Template to help you).Some partnerships involve administrative and financial coordination (for example, you may decide to plan events o
13、r administer programs together). In these cases, we recommend that you develop a Partnership Agreement that details goals of the partnership, roles of each partner, and how you will work together. (See Appendix D: Partnership Agreement Template to help you).Tips for Effective Partnerships Think crea
14、tively about how to work with non-immunization groups Establish commitment at the senior level Be clear about goals, roles, and how you will work together Foster trust and respect among key players Maintain regular and open communications Manage expectations do not promise anything you cannot delive
15、r Understand and respect differences in organizational culture Deal with conflict openly, honestly, and in a timely manner Celebrate and acknowledge joint accomplishmentsAssessing and Strengthening Your PartnershipSuccessful partnerships require regular assessment of the partnership to identify barr
16、iers to progress and areas for improvement as well as to celebrate achievements. There are four basic questions your coalition and its partners should ask themselves: How is the partnership working? What can we do to strengthen the partnership? Are we meeting our partnership and immunization goals?
17、What (else) do we need to do to meet our goals?We developed two worksheets - Assessing the Partnership Process (Appendix E) and Meeting Partnership Goals (Appendix F)- to help you think through the various aspects of working together and achieving shared goals.After you complete the questions in the
18、 “Building Partnerships” planning guidance document, consider filling out the Sample NIIW Strategy Template. Appendix A: Identifying Partners Worksheet Types of resources or benefits to be gained from partnersWhat do you need to achieve you NIIW Objective?(For each category that applies, be specific
19、. Examples in italics.)Who might be able to provide this?Do they meet our selection criteria?(Yes or No)Services Interpretation services for Vietnamese-speaking parentsInformationBest practices for reaching parents with children under 2 FundingFunding to print immunization schedulesVolunteersDistrib
20、uting flyers about upcoming clinicFacilitiesMeeting and conference roomsAccess/Reach in communityTies with African American communityVisibilityMedia coverage for immunization clinicExpertsSpokesperson for TV interview about vaccine safety InfluenceInfluence among health care providers Other (e.g. sh
21、are staff)Appendix B: Partnership Selection Criteria WorksheetSelf-Assessment QuestionsCriteria *Indicator *Rationale *What do we want in a partner? Has established relationships with mothers of under-immunized children younger than 2 years old Organization/Program locationDescription of beneficiari
22、es/clients By partnering with this type of organization, our group/coalition will be able to:- expand its reach to areas of under and un-immunized children younger than 2 years old- gain access, credibility, and the trust of community members- learn about their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors to
23、ward immunizations - collaborate to address identified barriers and challenges What do we not want in a partner? Financial instability Budget cutsThis type of partner might be a financial burden to the coalition, due to our limited funding sources. Do we have money to allocate towards these partners
24、? If so, how much and what are the requirements for the partners? Other: *Examples are provided in italicsAppendix C: Work Plan TemplateTaskDue DatePerson ResponsibleStatus NotesAppendix D: Partnership Agreement TemplateA. Partner OrganizationsImmunization CoalitionContact PersonAddressTelephoneFaxE
25、mailBrief DescriptionPartnerOrganization NameContact PersonAddressTelephoneFaxEmailBrief DescriptionB. Statement of IntentWe, the undersigned, acknowledge a common commitment to purpose of partnership.By working together as partners, we acknowledge the benefits and added value that each of us can br
26、ing to fulfill this commitment.Specifically, we expect each partner to contribute to the joint effort in the following ways:Immunization Coalition:Partner:C. Structures and Procedures1. Partner Roles and Responsibilities2. Administration (staff, day-to-day activities, contracts, financial oversight)
27、3. Decision-making ProceduresD. ResourcesWe will each provide the following resources: for example, amount of funds, staff time, printed materialsImmunization Coalition:Partner:Additionally, we will jointly pursue the following funding opportunities: for example, foundation grants, government awards
28、, corporate sponsorshipsE. Monitoring PlanWe will review the partnership every number months in the following ways: list ways in which progress will be monitoredWe will make adjustments to this partnership, including revising this agreement, as necessary based on these reviews.F. Communications 1. I
29、nternalIn recognition of the importance of maintaining open communications among the partners, we agree to the following protocol: i.e. monthly meetings, weekly conference calls, regular e-mail communication2. ExternalIn recognition of the need to appropriate represent the partnership, we agree to t
30、he following protocol: outline who will serve as media contacts, process for sharing partnership information, etc.*Signed _ _Representative forRepresentative for PartnerImmunization Coalition_ _TitleTitle_DateDateAppendix E: Assessing the Partnership ProcessQuestions to ConsiderIf not, what are some
31、 barriers to achieving this?How can we address these barriers?1. Purpose Is there a partnership agreement? Do all partners understand and respect this agreement? Is there a clear plan for achieving shared goals?2. Leadership Is there senior level commitment to the partnership? Is it clear who is res
32、ponsible for the progress of the partnership?3. Communications Are there regular systems of communications in place? Is information passed on to all partners in a timely and transparent manner? Is there a protocol for representing the partnership to the wider community?4. Decision-making Is there a
33、decision-making process in place? Is this process followed by all partners? Are decisions made openly and in a timely manner? Are there significant conflicts between partners? Are they managed effectively?5. Participation Do partners participate equally in leadership and decision-making? Do partners
34、 attend meetings and co-sponsored activities regularly?6. Resources Are all partners contributing the resources agreed upon in the partnership agreement? Are resources being used efficiently? Are there resources still needed to achieve partnership goals?7. Implementation Are meetings and activities
35、being implemented according to plan? Are they effective? Are there clear lines of accountability for implementing partnership activities? Do partners participate equally in implementation of activities?8. Monitoring Are there clear outcomes for the partnership outlined in the partnership agreement?
36、Is there regular monitoring of the partnership and its activities? Appendix F: Meeting Partnership GoalsAs a result of the partnership:If yes, provide examples:If no, what needs to be done to achieve this?Have new services or programs been developed?Are resources being used more efficiently?Does inf
37、ant immunization have a higher profile within your community?Has access to services increased?Has the quality of services improved?Has the scale and reach of your programs increased?Have you been better able to advocate for your constituency?Are there other benefits from this partnership for your coalition/organization?Are there other benefits from this partnership for your constituents/ organization?This document can be found on the CDC website at: http:/www.cdc.gov/vaccines/events/niiw/