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1、Anthropology of Magic, Witchcraft & ReligionAnthropology 107Notes, Assignments and Articles PacketFall 2009Professor K. MarkleyTable of ContentsNotes for the Anthropology of Magic, Witchcraft and ReligionInformation for a Successful Semester5-6Introduction to the Anthropological Study of Religion an

2、d the Supernatural7Key Anthropological Terms and Concepts8-10The Anthropology of Religion11History and Context of Anthropological Studies12-13Anthropological Theory14-19Early Theories of Religion20-22What is Religion?.23-24What is Magic?.25Taboos, Symbols, Myths, and Ritual26-30Our Lady of Guadalupe

3、, Patron Saint of Mexico-Myth, Symbol Ritual, and Taboo31-33Shamans and Shamanism34-36Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge by Jeremy NarbyWitchcraft 37-44Witchcraft in Traditional CulturesEuropean Witchcraft persecutions 1450-1750- Diabolical WitchcraftWicca and Neo-Pagan MovementsDia de

4、 los Muertos- Day of the Dead45-46Voodoo in Haiti47-51A Partial List of the Vodou Pantheon of SpiritsSerpent Handling as Sacrament52-53 Table of Contents-AssignmentsFirst Day True/False Survey on Anthropological56 Positionality Assignment57Experiential Assignments58-59Symbol, Personal Magic, Altered

5、 States, What is a Witch, Pagan, Vodou Doll/Gris Gris Worksheets60-65Worksheet One: Anthropological Study of Religion, Terms and ConceptsWorksheet Two: Anthropological Study of Religion, History/Context of Anth. StudiesWorksheet Three: Anthropological TheoryWorksheet Four: Early Theories of Religion

6、Worksheet Five: Taboo, Symbol, Myth, and RitualStudy Guide and Questions for Marvin Harris: Cows, Pigs, Wars, and Witches66-69 Magic Worksheet70-71Article Questions: Rational Mastery by Man of His Surroundings, Baseball MagicShamans and Shamanism72-77Sorcerers and Wizards- Video QuestionsMentawa: Th

7、e Tattooed People - Video QuestionsShaman of the Andes- Video QuestionsShaman & Shamanism WorksheetShamans Through Time QuestionsWitchcraft78-82Witchcraft Explains Unfortunate Events and Consulting the Poison Oracle QuestionsStrange Beliefs- Video QuestionsEuropean Witchcraft Persecutions- Matching

8、Sheet The Witch Hunt Video QuestionsWitches and Neighbors (Robin Briggs)- WorksheetWicca WorksheetDia de los Muertos Worksheet83-86Dia de los Muertos- Video QuestionsDia de los Muertos- Day of the Dead Altar & PapersVodou87-90Vodou Questions (article by Karen McCarthy Brown)Serpent and the Rainbow Q

9、uestionsVodou Video QuestionsSnake Handling Cults91-92Serpent Handling as Sacrament- QuestionsSerpent Handling AssignmentArticlesBody Ritual Among the Nacirema by Horace MinerMagicRational Mastery by Man of His Surroundings by Bronislaw MalinowskiBaseball Magic by George GmelchShamans and ShamanismS

10、hamanism (excerpt from book) by Piers VitebskyShamans Through Time Edited by Jeremy Narby & Francis Huxley (articles below are from the book)Ministers of the Devil Who Learn About the Secrets of Nature by Andre ThevetShamans Deserve Perpetual Labor for Their Hocus Pocus by Johann Georg GimelinSeekin

11、g Contact with Spirits is Not Necessarily Shamanism by Franz BoasSeeking Knowledge in the Solitude of Nature by Igjugarjuk & Knud Rasmussen!Kung Medicine Dance by Lorna MarshallI Found Myself Impaled on the Axis Mundi by Barbara MyerhoffPlant Teachers by Luis Eduardo LunaShamans and Scientists by Je

12、remy NarbyWitchcraft: Traditional Witchcraft, European Persecutions, Wicca and PaganismWitchcraft Explains Unfortunate Events by E. Evans-Pritchard Consulting the Poison Oracle Among the Azande by E. Evans-PritchardWitches and Neighbors: Social and Cultural Context of European Witchcraft by Robin Br

13、iggsThe Goat and the Gazelle by Tanya LuhrmannPaganism- from the Pagan Educational Network Dia De Los MuertosDigging the Days of the Dead (Chapter from the book) by Juanita GarciaGodoy VodouVoodoo by Karen McCarthy Brown Tell My Horse chapter in The Serpent and the Rainbow by Wade Davis Supernatural

14、 and Religion in the context of SocietySerpent-Handling as Sacrament by Mary Lee DaughertyCargo Cults by Peter M. Worsley INFORMATION FOR A SUCCESSFUL SEMESTER: Notes and Assignments Packet: This packet contains; lecture notes, exam study guides, and assignments. Bring this Notes Packet to class eve

15、ry day. SYLLABUS & CLASS SCHEDULE: Read the syllabus! The syllabus gives you the information you need to be successful in the class. If you have a question, more often than not your syllabus will contain the answer. The class schedule has three columns; the date, readings and topics, and assignments

16、 due. Refer to your class schedule EVERY week to keep up to date on reading assignments and homework assignments. The dates for when your assignments are due is listed in your class schedule but may also be announced in class (any changes will be announced in class- make sure that you either attend

17、class every day or get notes from a fellow student). Attendance: Success in this class (success= passing this class with a C or better) will require that you attend class regularly. It is not uncommon to miss one class at some point during the semester, either due to an illness or some other serious

18、 problem. If you miss class it is your responsibility to get the information that you missed. I do not give out notes from a missed lecture. I advise you to get to know a couple of other students in the class and exchange email or phone numbers (if you feel comfortable doing this) so that you can fi

19、nd out what you missed if you are absent. It can be helpful to connect with a fellow student in class who is reliable note taker. If you still have questions about the material covered while you were absent (and you have already gotten notes from another student) feel free to make an appt. during my

20、 office hours. Read your textbook, articles and class notes before class lecture. Check your class schedule for the topics/readings for the days lecture. It is a good idea to first skim over the material to get an idea as to what the reading is about, where it is going and what you should look for.

21、Then read the material before class lecture. Familiarize yourself with the terminology used. Make sure that you have a dictionary to look up unfamiliar words (words are often in the back of the text).Class lecture & Note taking: Use this notes packet and be an active note taker during lectures. Over

22、heads are used to highlight important concepts and are useful for test reviews. One of my old professors gave students the following recommendations to do well in college classes; read your text at least 3 times (first just read it, then underline/highlight key points, lastly take notes on key parts

23、 and terms), read class notes at least 3 times (similar strategy as above), then write up your notes and review them at least 6 times. When I was in school I always made 3 x 5 cards for important concepts and terms. I found this very helpful in learning the material. ASK QUESTIONS, if you are in dou

24、bt or unsure about something ask! Learning is an ACTIVE endeavor. At the college level if you are passively listening or passively reading/memorizing classroom material you will not gain the type of understanding that is needed to be successful. To be successful you will need to know the definitions

25、 for concepts and terms but this is only the start. To do well on exams you will need to be able to recognize and apply what you are learning. If you can explain what you are learning to someone else that is generally a good test as to how well you know the material. Make sure you can put concepts i

26、nto your own words (although make sure the words mean the same thing!). Ultimately to be successful you will need to be engaged in class lecture, discussion, and outside studying and assignments. Being an active learner includes; raising your hand and asking questions, making observations and commen

27、ts on the material presented. How to figure out your gradeIt is important for you to keep track of your grades over the semester. This allows you to monitor how well you are doing in the class. I will pass back all of your assignments and exams so that you can keep track of how you are doing. To cal

28、culate your grade you will need to determine how many points you have earned in relationship to how many points are possible. Sample: If you want to figure out your grade after the first exam you can see from the grading page in your syllabus that the maximum points you can have earned is 120 points

29、 Maximum Points Possible Points that you earnedExam 1 - 100 pts.72 ptsQuiz 1 - 10 pts. 6 ptsQuiz 2 - 10 pts. 9 pts- 120 pts. possible 84 points earnedTake the 84 points you have earned and divide it into the 120 points that were possible and you will get .70 this means that you are getting a C at th

30、is point (70% = C, 80%= B, etc.). Although if you have read your syllabus you will see that you get to drop one quiz so if you do well on your future quizzes you will likely want to drop quiz 1. Your syllabus contains a list of all the assignments and the points they are worth. I advise you to keep

31、a list of the scores on each assignment in your syllabus. I also recommend that you keep all of your graded assignments until you receive your grade at the end of the semester. Introduction to the Anthropological Study of Religion and the SupernaturalThis semester we will engage in the anthropologic

32、al study of religion and the supernatural. To be engaged and successful in this class you will need to have an open, questioning mind and work to be culturally relative. Ivan Karp, an anthropologist, states that “The anthropological lens teaches us to question what we assume to be unquestionable.” O

33、ver the course of this semester it is likely that this class will challenge your ideas as to what religion is, and what questions are appropriate to explore in regards to religion. Read through what Claude Levi-Strauss has to say in regards to the anthropological study of religion.According to Claud

34、e Levi-Strauss the anthropological study of the supernatural is “good to think” because it involves asking and answering questions that get to the heart of who and what we are as individuals and as a species. As we engage in our journey into the anthropology of religion keep in mind some of the foll

35、owing points Levi-Strauss makes in regards to the anthropological study of the supernatural: The Anthropological Study of the Supernatural involves the study of “other” peoples beliefs and practices along with working to objectify “our” beliefs and practices. It is often much easier to talk about th

36、ose “other” beliefs than to look at “our” own beliefs. Levi-Strauss frames the anthropological study of the supernatural and gives some cautions. There is a fine line between exoticizing, idealizing, and simplifying other peoples beliefs, actions, and rituals. We want to avoid simplistic, idealistic

37、 views of others beliefs. While we may find other religions exotic, the goal is not to emphasize the exotic nature of others beliefs but to understand them. All of the knowledge we gain of religions must always be looked at in relationship to the context within which the beliefs developed and are pr

38、acticed. The context includes; political, economic, material, and historical issues. All religious practices are embedded in social systems (the context). Religions and social systems are embedded in; historical struggles, modes of production particularly in respect to colonialism, capitalism, and t

39、he emergent globalization of todays world. The best anthropology is self-critical. Self-Critical in regards to who is given voice and who has the power of voice. Who is the authority in regards to a religion, a culture, a supernatural belief systemthe studied or those that conduct the studies? The “

40、ultimate truth” is outside the realm of anthropology. Anthropologists do not work to determine what is truth in regards to a religion and/or the supernatural (although we may work to evaluate claims of proof for the supernatural)Questions in regards to the study of supernatural and religious beliefs

41、 are central to anthropology. These questions involve looking at some of the hardest and most enduring questions about who and what we are as a species. This includes questions of and in regards to: difference, rationality, community, symbolization, meaning, relativism, power, hierarchy, harmony, co

42、nflict, alienation, love, well-being, reproduction, fertility, death, suffering, and redemption Welcome to the class and I hope you enjoy our journey.Key Anthropological Terms and ConceptsAnthropology is the holistic study of humankind. Anthropology is unique among the disciplines that study humans

43、in that it encompasses everything involved with humans and human institutions in its study of humankind. Areas that anthropologists study include; biology, evolution, culture, history, cross-cultural comparisons, linguistics, politics, economics, religion, history, pre-history, philosophy, etc. Anth

44、ropologists in the United States utilize the four-field approach to gain insights and understandings of humankind. The four-fields of anthropology are; Biological or Physical Anthropology: the study of humans as biological organisms. Includes the study of the evolution of humans, human variation, an

45、d primatology.Cultural Anthropology: study of human cultures around human institutions around the world. The anthropology of religion is a subfield of cultural anthropology. Linguistic Anthropology: includes the study of language and culture, the evolution of language, and the history of language.Ar

46、cheology: involves the study of human remains and human artifacts to understand human pre-history. Holism is the key to the anthropological approach. To be “wholistic,” is to look at everything involved in the topic of study. Of course it is impossible to include everything in the study of a topic b

47、ut anthropologists use various approaches and theories to be as comprehensive and systematic as possible. The study of religion or the supernatural is a topic of study in all four fields of anthropology. Holisim requires a systematic analysis of comparative data. Anthropologists analyze humans at various levels from the micro (individual and small group) to the macro (institutional levels). The Comparative Approach is key in anthropological studies. The comparative approach involves contrasting and comparing


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