CrossCultural Communication in ForeignFunded Enterprise外资企业的跨文化交际.doc

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1、Cross-Cultural Communication in Foreign-Funded EnterpriseABSTRACTWith the picking up of the globalization and the development of our economic construction, there has been an upsurge in the internationalization of enterprise operation. Concerned statistic data makes clear that millions of foreign-fun

2、ded enterprises establish branches or subsidiaries in China after the 30 years of reform and opening-up. There are hundreds of thousands of Chinese employed by the foreign-funded enterprises. The culture, mode of thinking, value and behavior which is different from Chinese ones will come together wi

3、th the foreign capital, modern technology and advanced management. These factors definitely will have a communication with traditional Chinese culture, mode of thinking and behavior , and thus cause collision and conflict in the intercourse. How to deal with this conflict causing by cross-cultural c

4、ommunication will be the leading factors which determine the success or failure of the foreign-funded enterprises in China. On the basis of the current conflict of cross-cultural communication faced by the foreign-funded enterprises, the cause of these conflicts and the ways to deal with these probl

5、ems will be mainly discussed in this paper.Key words: Conflict Cross-cultural Communication Foreign-funded Enterprise 外资企业的跨文化交际摘 要随着经济全球化进程的加快和我国经济建设的进一步发展,企业经营国际化已经成为势不可挡的热潮。有关统计数据表明,改革开放30年,在我国成立子公司或者分支机构的外资企业已有数百万家,受雇于这些企业的中国员工达几百万。随着外国资金、先进的科学技术以及管理方式的引入,而随之引入的肯定是不同的文化、思维方式、价值观、以及行为方式。这些因素必将与古老

6、的中国文化、思维方式以及行为方式发生交流。在这个交流过程当中,势必会产生各种矛盾以及冲突。怎么样去解决这种跨文化交际中引起的冲突,将会成为决定外资企业在华成败的主导因素。基于外企目前在跨文化交际过程当中遇到的种种冲突,分析产生这些冲突的原因并寻求解决这些冲突的方法是本文讨论的主线。关键词:矛盾 跨文化交际 外资企业 CONTENTSAbstract.摘 要.1.Introduction.12.The Problem of Cross-Cultural Communication.3 2.1. Different Value.3 2.1.1. Individualism vs. Collecti

7、vism.3 2.1.2. Centralization vs. Decentralization.4 2.1.3. Long-term Orientation vs. Short-term Orientation. 6 2.1.4. Ascription-Oriented vs. Achievement-Oriented.7 2.2. Different Mode of Thinking.8 2.3. Different Rule and Regulation.9 2.4. Different Behavior Way9 2.4.1. Verbal Communication.10 2.4.

8、2. Non-Verbal Communication.113. The Influence of Cross-Cultural Communication Conflict.13 3.1. The Influence on Cooperative Strategies.13 3.2. The Influence on HR Management of the Enterprise.13 3.3. The Influence on Producing and Organizing.14 3.4. The Influence on Enterprise Culture.144. The Meth

9、od of Dealing with Cross-Cultural Communication Conflict.15 4.1. Viewing the Cultural Differences in a Proper Way.15 4.2. Cross-Cultural Cultivation.15 4.3. Absorbing the Elite Part of Chinese Traditional Culture.16 4.4. Integrating Different Cultures.16 4.5. Management Localization.16 4.6. Establis

10、hing the Relevant Curriculum on Cross-Cultural Communication in College.175. Conclusion.18Reference.19Acknowledgement.20 1. IntroductionThe integration of the world economy is the mainstream of the world economy development, which results in the production across the boundary of the nation. Working

11、in cooperation with a due division of labor has been developed from inter-company and internal-cooperation to international cooperation. Internationalization of Enterprise operation is the way used by developed countries to take advantage of the international resource to strengthen their economic po

12、wer. Cross-cultural communication will be more and more important in the process of the enterprise internationalization. Peter. Brooke who is special in management said that foreign-funded enterprise is the multi-cultural organization, the critical points of their management is how to combine differ

13、ent cultures better. As the foreign-funded enterprises national culture and ways of management are different from the country they invested in, it must cause the conflict between the local employee and the investor. It will become a big barrier to the development of the enterprise. Management specia

14、list David .A. Leeks said that the reason why the foreign-funded enterprise will fail is that they ignore the conflict caused by cross-cultural communication.The reform and opening-up policy of China appeals to a lot of investment from abroad so that the quantity of foreign-funded enterprises increa

15、se rapidly .As the foreign-funded enterprises bring a lot capital, modern technology and new management mode , they have become an important part of Chinese economy, and play an important role in the development of Chinese economy. However, the success of foreign-funded enterprise in China is not ea

16、sy, because they need to overcome a lot of conflicts in cross-cultural communication caused by the culture difference. The former manager of Shanghai Volkswagen said that if the foreign-funded enterprises want to succeed in China, they must accomplish two goals: first: technical localization. Second

17、: managing localization. The second goal, managing localization, mainly refers to how to deal with the conflict of cross-cultural communication and establish the enterprise culture which can fit for multi-culture environment in foreign-funded enterprises.If we want to deal with these problems, we fi

18、rstly need to know the definition of culture, how the culture influences the communication, and what is cross-cultural communication, and the element of cross-cultural communication and what kind of cross-culture communication problem will be faced by foreign-funded enterprise.We define culture as t

19、he deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, timing, roles, spatial relationships, concepts of the universe, and material objects acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving. Larry A. Samovar, R

20、ichard E. Porter and Lisa A. Stefani. Communication Between Culture M.Beijing. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.2008.P53. There are seven characteristics of culture that most directly affect communication: 1 Learned, 2Transmitted from generation to generation, 3Based on symbols, 4Dynamic

21、, 5Integrated, 6Ethnocentric, 7Adaptive.Cross-cultural communication is communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter and Lisa A. Stefani. Communication Between Culture M.Beijing. Fo

22、reign Language Teaching and Research Press.2008.P48 . Cross-cultural communication is made up of four elements:The first element of cross-culture communication is perception, “the process by which an individual selects, evaluates, and organize stimuli from the external world.” Cultural perceptions a

23、re based on beliefs, values, and attitude systems.Another cross-culture communication element is verbal process: how we talk to each other and think.The third element is nonverbal process, involving use of actions to communicate. The implications of these actions are different from culture to cultur

24、e.The fourth element is that the context of the communication event is influenced by culture.There are mainly four differences causing the conflict of cross-cultural communication in the foreign-funded enterprises:1. Different value between different cultures.2. Different modes of thinking between d

25、ifferent cultures.3. Different rules and regulations between different cultures.4. Different behavior ways between different cultures.How to deal with above four problems will be the critical factors for foreign-funded enterprises which want to succeed in China.2. The Problem of Cross-Cultural Commu

26、nication2.1.Different Value Value will limit the peoples behavior in communication. The value can be accepted by one culture may become unacceptable in another culture. As the origin of eastern culture and western culture difference, history background difference, and the development process differe

27、nce lead to immense difference between eastern and western value. There are mainly four types of value conflict will be faced by the foreign-funded enterprise in the process of cross-cultural communication:1Individualism versus Collectivism.2Centralization versus Decentralization.3Long-term orientat

28、ion versus Short-term orientation. 4Ascription-oriented versus Achievement-oriented.2.1.1. Individualism vs. CollectivismBased on Geert Hofstedes individualism and collectivism culture dimension, if some people prefer “individualism”, it means that they will emphasize individual benefits, personal f

29、reedom, rights, competition and independence when dealing with the interpersonal relationship. However, for the people who prefer “collectivism”, they will pay more attention on how to cooperate with each other and how to create more benefit for the collectivity, and the conception of “I” is closely

30、 connected with family and friends. Under the studying of Geert Hofsterde on 53 countries and areas, we found that some western countries are typical “Individualism”, America ranks the fist. And some Asia countries such as China, Japan incline to “Collectivism”.The “Individualism” countries will emp

31、hasize personal struggle, how much salary you can get and whats your position in the company are totally decided by your personal ability and your performance. However, the “Collectivism” countries will emphasize cooperation with each other. They think that personal performance cannot be separated f

32、rom collectivity and obsession of hierarchy and working experience will be seen as the important factors. Its the big communication barrier to the western country enterprise when they establish the branch or subsidiary in Asia. The below case which happen in the foreign-funded enterprise in Japan, w

33、hich founded by American can show these problem clearly.Case description:American: Mr. Sugimoto, I have noticed that you are doing an excellent job on the assembly line. I hope that the other workers notice how it should be done.Japanese:(He is uneasy).Praise is not necessary. I am only doing my job

34、.(He hopes other Japanese workers do not hear.)American: You are the finest, most excellent, dedicated worker we have ever had at Jones Corporation.Japanese: (He blushed and nodded his head several times, and kept working.)American: Well, are you going to say “thank you,” Mr. Sugimoto, or just remai

35、n silent?Japanese: Excuse me, Mr. JonesMay I take leave for five minutes?American: “Sure.”American:(He is annoyed and watched Sugimoto angrily). I cant believe how rude Japanese workers are. They seem to be disturbed by praise and dont answer youjust silent.徐宪光. Business Communication M. Beijing. Fo

36、reign Language Teaching and Research Press.2007.From this case, we can found that being praised by superior among the colleagues, Mr. Sugimoto should feel happy rather than embarrassed according to American “Individualism” which advocates the personal performance and creativity. However, Mr. Sugimot

37、o is Japanese whose country encourages “Collectivism”, emphasizing that individual should be loyal to the collectivity, the member should be united as one rather than emphasizing personal performance. Thats why Mr. Sugimoto felt embarrassed when he was praised by Jones, because he thought that Mr. J

38、ones had separated him from his colleagues which made him lose face in front of his colleagues.When communicating with the people has different culture background, its important to know the peoples perception on individual and collectivity in the foreign-funded enterprise.2.1.2. Centralization vs. D

39、ecentralizationIn business area, centralization and decentralization refer to different managing way of the enterprise. When we introduce these two conceptions, we firstly introduce another theory of Geert Hofstedes on culture dimension-Power distance. “Power distance is the extent to which less pow

40、erful members of institutions and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally.Geert Hofstede. Culture Consequences M. Beverly Hills: Sage Pubilication.1998.P262 .” Power distance describes also the extent to which employees accept that superiors have more pow

41、er than they have. Furthermore, superiors opinions and decisions are always right because of the higher position they have. In countries with high power distance employees are too afraid to express their doubts and disagreements with their autocratic and paternalistic bosses. The index for power dis

42、tance (PDI) describes the dependence of relationships in a country. 6In the investigation carried out by Hofstede, we found that the PDI (power distance index) of China is 80 which at the seventh of 40 countries being investigated. However, the PDI of most western countries are less than 50. For exa

43、mple, the PDI of America is 40 which just at the 35th of 40 countries being investigated. The PDI is in proportion of centralization and in reverse proportion of the decentralization. In China, most local enterprises prefer centralization, the decision tree is from the top to the bottom. So the Chin

44、ese employee always thinks that their superior decision is right and the only duty of them is carrying out the decision made by their superior. Although when their superiors make a wrong decision, they are afraid of expressing their doubt and own opinion. However, most western enterprises prefer dec

45、entralization, the decision tree of these enterprises are from the bottom to the top. Most directors of the company encourage their employees to express their own opinions; they would like to use a democratic way to manage their company. They think that everyone is equal, and various departments and

46、 different positions set by the enterprise are just for improving the working efficiency of the enterprise. So foreign-funded enterprises director will find it difficult to know the Chinese employees real thought and stimulate their creativity and let them take part in the management of the company. This will mislead them to think that the Chinese employees are lack of responsibility. The only way they can do is to obey the decision made by their superiors. The below examples can show this situation clearly.ConversationWhat is the real thinking of each otherAmer


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