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1、重要提示:各类电子文档标准格式中的说明(用蓝色或红色字体表示),在参阅后请自行删除(包括本提示),黑色字体的格式不能改变,且内容全部保留“说明书统一由校印刷厂装订彩色封皮”毕业设计说明书英文文献及中文翻译学生姓名: 学号: 学 院: 专 业: 指导教师: On JSP / SERVLET automatically generated charts WEB application methods1 SummaryWe define a chart called Web-transition diagrams to describe the behavior of all Web applica

2、tions. Use these charts, we are able to produce a typical Web application server type as CGI-based Web applications and Web Application Server column as a typical ASP-based Web applications.The purpose of this paper is to design Web conversion chart to a broader level of performance based on Java Se

3、rver Pages (JSP) / Servlet architecture of Web applications. Then, we present a JSP / Servlet Web applications automatically generated methods from these charts. We achieved called T-Web system was a software system, which enables Web applications composed of Web designers to generate a conversion c

4、hart and generation Web applications in addition to any ma sed Web applications and XML-based Web pages. Generation of Web applications support standard level security against attack, HTTP cookies are used, the user identification and conference management.nual design from these graphs visually. T-W

5、eb system is able to generate HTML-ba2 IntroductionToday, the use of Web application data processing has been more and more. Due to the sudden growth of Web application technology, not only for the development of non-programmers for programmers experienced Web applications become more and more diffi

6、cult. Even in the development of small-scale Web applications, we have to consider the application components, security and protection against it offensive consistency of Web users personal information.We define the map to describe the behavior of all Web applications and methods from these graphs a

7、utomatically generated Web application Web goes. Then we use a method called template method of implementing a CGI-based Web application generator 1, 2 and an ASP-based Web application generator 3. However, these generators have the following limitations:(1)Recently created template can not be deter

8、mined in advance as a template.(2)They can be generated based on the HTML page or 4, or XML-based web 5, but can not generate two.(3)They can not generate the high-level structure of the software.2.1 Web transition diagramsThis section presents the definition diagram, symbols and an example of the W

9、eb goes. Web transition diagrams to describe all the behavior of the structure and general Web applications. They depict the data flow through the Web application components (such as: Web, and databases) and hyperlinks between pages. Shown in Figure 2.1 Web goes symbol chart component. The basic com

10、ponent always appears in the Web transition diagram in the core level. Sometimes additional ingredients in the Web must lapse in FIG projecting levels. In this paper, we mainly defined based on JSP / Servlet Web applications Web transition diagram. However, they are also able to reflect on other arc

11、hitectures like CGI Web application architecture.2.2 Generated JSP / Servlet Web applicationsWe perform a software called T-Web system generates JSP / Servlet Web application components from a pre-defined templates. We made its way in this section. Figure 2.4 shows the structure of the process, the

12、input and output T-Web system.2.3 Web transition diagram editorWeb goes according to diagram symbols, concepts in Web transition diagram editor (see Figure 2.5) was used as follows。The system program nodes excluded, the implementation of a set of parameters and its value means one set of input param

13、eters (A) for each node in the Web goes diagram, a set of output parameters (B) and a set of node value (C) of union, that A B C.2.4 Web Application GeneratorWeb application generator files from the file system reads a global parameter that contains a parameter that contains all the Java file templa

14、te and a template file that contains all the pages. Is produced as a result of the document, replace the generator using a template template parameter values following methods. In the template, the parameter name in between the slash (/) and asterisk (*) is characterized by inserting them, that / *

15、PARAMETER NAME * / or / * PARAMETER NAME * /.2.5 Templates and Template MethodFor web principles and JSP code, almost all of the basic principles of the JSP code templates and many such structures have been pre-determined templates, hyperlinks, Java applets, images, forms, input control access to th

16、e current date JSP code to gain access to computing JSP code, access database information JSP code defines a Java bean JSP code and set / get bean properties JSP code.3 The reason to build dynamic web pagesPre-built documentation to meet the customers many requests, the server without calling servle

17、t can handle these requests. However, in many cases the result of static does not meet the requirements, we need to create a page for each request. Reason to build pages in real time, there are many:(1) Web-based data sent by the client.For example, the search engine generated pages, online shops an

18、d order confirmation page, should produce specific user requests. Prior to the data submitted by the user does not read, we do not know what should be displayed. Remember that the user submits the two types of data: the display (i.e., HTML form data) and implicit (i.e., the header of the HTTP reques

19、t). Both inputs can be used to build the output page. Users to build pages for specific situations based on cookie values are especially common.(2)Page is derived from data that changes frequently.If the page needs to make the appropriate changes according to each specific request, and of course you

20、 need to build a response when requesting occur. However, if the page is changed periodically, we can deal with it in two ways: to build a new page periodically on the server (and client requests unrelated), or simply re-built when the user requests the page. Which way should be used specifically ac

21、cording to the specific circumstances, but the latter approach is often more convenient because it simply waits for the users request. For example, weather or news websites may dynamically build the page, there may be built before the return page (if it is the latest word).(2) Used in the page infor

22、mation from the company or other database data source off.If the data stored in the database, then even if the client uses a dynamic Web content, such as applet, we still need to perform server-side processing. Imagine the following, if you use a search engine website completely applet, then the use

23、r will see: Downloading 50TB of the applet, please wait!. Obviously, this is very stupid; in this case, we need a session with the database. From the client to the Web tier to database (three-tier structure), than from the applet directly to the database (story structure) is more flexible, more secu

24、re, and the loss of little or no performance. After all database calls are usually the greatest impact on the speed step, therefore, can be performed through an intermediate layer of caching and connection sharing.4 Servlet relative advantages of the traditional CGIsAnd traditional CGI and CGI techn

25、ology compared to many classes, Java servelt higher efficiency, easier to use, more powerful, more portable, more secure, and more cheap.(1)EfficiencyApplication of traditional CGI, are used to start a new process for each HTTP request. If the CGI program itself is relatively short, so the cost of t

26、he boot process will take up most of the execution time. The use servelt, Java virtual machine has been running, and handle each request with a lightweight Java thread, not a heavyweight operating system process.(2)ConvenienceServelt provide a lot of basic structure, can automatically analyze and de

27、coding HTML form data, reading and setting HTTP headers, handling cookie, session tracking, and other sub-class of advanced features. In CGI, most of all we need funds to complete the work.(3)StrongServlet support routine CGI difficult or simply can not achieve several functions. Under Servlet can t

28、alk directly to the Web server, and the conventional CGI programs can not do this, at least not using the servers proprietary API that is the case.(4)PortabilityServelt using the Java programming language, and follow the standard API. All major Web server. Actually or support servlet directly throug

29、h plug-ins.(5)CheapFor developers using the Web site, low-volume or medium-capacity site deployments, there are plenty of free or very inexpensive Web servers available.(6)SecurityOne of the main sources of vulnerabilities that traditional CGI programs, CGI programs are often passed by the operating

30、 system shell to execute.5 End We have presented a graph using the Web goes to page elements and based on the general performance of JSP / Servlet Web application in the Web application component. T-Web system has been implemented as JSP / Servlets in a Web application generator. From the Web transi

31、tion diagram editor Web transition diagram constructed by using predefined templates can be generated by the Web application Web-based application generator component HTML and XML. Thus happened Web applications support standard level Web security, HTTP cookies are used, the user identification and

32、conference management. Examples of Web applications can be generated by T-Web system is a registration system, shopping system, organizers systems and Web board.对JSP/SERVLET WEB应用的自动生成的图表方法1摘要我们定义图表叫Web为推移图以描述Web应用的全部行为。使用这些图表,我们能够产生服务器程序类型Web典型应用正如基于CGI的Web应用和服务器专栏典型Web应用正如基于ASP的Web应用。这篇论文的目的是设计Web

33、转换图表以表现基于Java Server Pages (JSP)/Servlet体系结构的Web应用的更广阔的等级。然后,我们从这些图表呈现一种JSP/Servlet Web applications的自动生成方法。我们实现了叫做T-Web 系统得一种软件系统,这种系统使Web应用设计者能够在视觉上组成Web转换图表和生成从这些图表生成Web应用除了任何手工设计。T-Web系统能够为Web应用生成基于HTML的网页和基于XML的网页。生成的Web应用支持安全的标准水平反对进攻、HTTP cookies的使用、使用者鉴定和会议管理。2绪论现今,对数据处理的Web应用的使用已经越来越多了。由于We

34、b应用技术的突然生长,不仅仅对非程序师对有经验的程序师Web应用的发展变得越来越困难了。即使在小范围的Web应用的发展,我们不得不考虑应用成分、反对进攻的安全和保护Web使用者个人信息的一致性。我们定义Web推移图以描述Web应用的全部的行为和从这些图表Web应用的自动生成方法。然后我们使用一种叫做模板法的方法贯彻一种基于CGI的Web应用发生器1, 2和一种基于ASP的Web应用发生器3。但是,这些发生器有如下的限制:(1)最近创造的模板不能被看成是预先确定的模板。(2)它们能够生成或者基于HTML的网页4或者基于XML的网页5,但是不能同时生成两个。(3)它们不能生成高级的结构软件。2.1

35、 Web 推移图这部分呈现Web推移图的定义、符号和一个例子。Web推移图能够描述结构和一般Web应用的所有行为。他们描绘数据流通过Web应用成分(如:网页、程序和数据库)和网页之间的超链接。在图2.1中显示Web推移图成分的符号。总是在Web推移图中出现的基本成分是在核心等级。有时在Web推移图中必须的附加的成分在伸出的等级。在这篇论文中,我们主要定义基于JSP/Servlet的Web应用的Web推移图。但是,他们也能够体现基于其他体系结构像CGI体系结构的Web应用。2.2 JSP/Servlet Web应用的产生我们执行一个叫T-Web的软件系统从预先确定的模板产生JSP/Servlet

36、 Web应用成分。我们在这个部分提出它的方法。图2.4显示了T-Web系统的结构、过程、输入和输出。2.3 Web 推移图编辑器依照Web推移图的符号,在Web推移图编辑器(见图2.5)里使用的观念如下。把系统程序节点排除在外,在Web推移图中的每个节点实行一组参数和它的值即是一组输入参数(A)、一组输出参数(B)和一组节点值(C)的并集,即A B C.。2.4 Web 应用发生器Web应用发生器从文件系统中读入一个包含全球参数的文件、一个包含所有Java文件模板的参数和一个包含所有网页模板的文件。为产生作为结果的文件,发生器替换模板参数的值为使用下列方法的模板。在模板里,参数名字以在斜线(/

37、)和星号(*)之间插入它们为特征,即/*PARAMETER NAME*/或者/*PARAMETERNAME*/。2.5 模板和模板方法对于网页原理和JSP代码,差不多所有基本原理的模板和许多JSP代码已经被预先确定例如结构模板、超链接、Java小应用程序、图像、窗体、输入控制获得当前日期的JSP代码、获得访问计算的JSP代码、获得数据库信息的JSP代码、定义一个Java bean的JSP代码和设置/获得bean特性的JSP代码。3 动态构建网页的原因预先建立的文档可以满足客户的许多请求,服务器无需调用servlet就可以处理这些请求。然而,许多情况下静态的结果不能满足要求,我们需要针对每个请求



40、(三层结构),要比从applet直接到数据库(二层结构)更灵活,也更安全,而性能上的损失很少甚至没有。毕竟数据库调用通常是对速度影响最大的步骤,因而,经过中间层可以执行高速缓存和连接共享。4 Servlet相对于“传统”CGI的优点和传统CGI及许多类CGI技术相比,Java servelt效率更高、更易用、更强大、更容易移植、更安全、也更廉价。(1)效率应用传统的CGI,针对每个HTTP请求都用启动一个新的进程。如果CGI程序自身相对比较简短,那么启动进程的开销会占用大部分执行时间。而使用servelt,Java虚拟机会一直运行,并用轻量级的Java线程处理每个请求,而非重量级的操作系统进程


42、为廉价的Web服务器可供选择。(6)安全传统CGI程序中主要的漏洞来源之一就是,CGI程序常常由通过的操作系统外壳来执行。5 总结 我们已经呈现了Web推移图的使用以表现一般网页元素和在基于JSP/Servlet的Web应用里的Web应用成分。T-Web系统已经被实现作为JSP/Servlets的一个Web应用发生器。从在Web推移图编辑器中构成的Web推移图,通过使用预先确定的模板,由Web应用发生器可生成基于HTML和XML的Web应用成分。因而发生的Web应用支持Web安全的标准水平、HTTP cookies的使用、使用者鉴定和会议管理。能够被T-Web系统生成的Web应用的例子是登记系统、购物系统、组织者系统和Web板。


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