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1、On Lead-in in Middle School English ClassAcknowledgementsUpon the completion of this thesis, Id like to express my gratitude to all those who have helped me generously.删掉isComing to an end(of the) two years of my college life, study and life review, I feel the deeply rich harvest. In the process of

2、writing the thesis, there are many difficulties, regardless of which link to my mentor gave careful guidance and help. I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to my mentor! Writing in the paper strictly from the topic, has been repeatedly revised in the final paper, the teacher is alw

3、ays serious and responsible way to give me a deep and detailed guidance, to help me develop research ideas, carefully coaching, enthusiasm encouraged. Mr. Li is helps me. My thesis has been completed successfully, thank you Mr. Li!划横线的句子语法太混乱,让她先写出汉语意思,龙龙你再给她重新翻译内 容 摘 要英语课堂导入有一定的艺术,导入得当,能提高学生的兴趣和课堂效

4、率。主要从以下几点展开论述:课堂导入的重要性,课堂导入的组成部分,课堂导入的方法,课堂导入的原则,等课堂导入的特点。这写都是以教师的引导为主要方向,通过师生间的配合来达到新的课程目标。在导入过程中,我们要以学生为中心,用他们的言谈,表演作为导入手段,充分利用各种多媒体和图片进行导入,利用歌曲和游戏做好课前导入准备。关键词:初中英语;课堂导入;课前准备。删掉onAbstract On lead-in in English class has some artistic qualities; appropriate lead-in can improve students interest and

5、 classroom efficiency. Discussion can be seen from the following five points: the importance of lead-in in English class; the characteristics of lead-in in English class; the principles of lead-in in English class; components of on lead-in class; the methods of lead-in in middle school English class

6、.as 是干什么用的?语法不通顺。看不懂啥意思Teachers and students have a good cooperation in English class, the teacher guides the students. In lead-in process, we should students to centering, their speaking, performing as , use of multimedia and pictures, songs and games, to prepare before on lead-in in English class.

7、 Keywords: middle school English; lead-in; be ready of the classpreparation before classContentsAcknowledgements.iAbstract in ChineseiiAbstract in English.iii1. Introduction.12The importance on lead-in in English class.22.1 Improving the speaking ability22.2 Improving students interest22.3 Cradle to

8、 stimulate thinking.22.4 Improving students learning efficiency.33. The characteristics on lead-in in English class.4 3.1 Direction4 3.2 Operation.43.4 Simplicity.4 3.4 New conceptions.44. The principles on lead-in in English class.5 4.1 Varieties .54.2 Flexibility.5 4.3 Learnability.54.4 Linkages.5

9、5. Components of a good lead-in class.6 5.1 Teaching aims.65.2 Language contents and skills.65.3 Teaching stages and procedures.76. The Methods on lead-in in middle school English class.8 6.1 Direction.86.2 Review.8 6.3 Multimedia.86.4 Songs.8 6.5 Conversation .8 6.6 Games 87. Conclusion .98. Biblio

10、graphy.10这个句子没主语,看不懂students interest这句话没谓语动词!On 好像没什么用,删掉吧1. Introduction And then 到底是要表达什么意思?In English teaching, a class of on lead-in is the most basic step in the process of teaching; Russell says: A good beginning is half done. If you lead-in a class properly can directly attract students, aro

11、use the interest of students. To productive a good motivation to learn. British educator Russell said: All disciplinary nature should be started from the mental enlightenment, the teaching language should be the fuse, shock wave, stimulants, have a tantalizing mind, thinking of the effect of excited

12、 people.(The educator Russell)This would be used in the classroom and then. Lead-in tends to make the classroom a good classroom atmosphere became lively. Proper lesson plan is essential for both novice and experienced teachers. Although preparation does not guarantee successful lesson, walking into

13、 a classroom unprepared is more often than not the beginning of a disastrous lesson. Besides, students immediately notice whether their teacher has prepared or not. prepared teachers receive much lesson trust and cooperation from the students.We benefit form lesson plan in a number of ways. Firstly,

14、 a clear lesson plan will make our teacher be aware of the aims and language contents of the lesson. It also helps students distinguish the various stages of a lesson and see the relationship between them so that the lesson can move smoothly from one stage to another. We can also think about how the

15、 students can be fully engaged in the lesson. When planning the lesson, we also become aware of the teaching aids that are needed. 这个句子按照盼盼的意思,应该是个独立句,但是句中的tend 和become 是两个谓语动词,语法错误。我不知道她到底想表达什么意思。2. The Importance on Lead-in in English Class这句话既少主语又少谓语。不知道盼盼到底想表达什么意思2.1 Improving the speaking abili

16、ty(我个人觉得名词短语Improvement of the .要比这个动名词短语好,给人的感觉更加干练) It is helpful for improving the speaking ability, students and teachers can develop speaking ability as one of the best links to provide students with the best work. For example, teachers can provide some new and interesting topics for students t

17、o practice English for rapid expression. , improve student interest and stimulate their thinking, the enthusiasm of students and improve learning efficiency. 2.2 Improving students interest.(同上) Interest is the best teacher. American educator Bruno said: The greatest motivation to learn but the lear

18、ning materials of interest. Into the classroom and good students can stimulate interest should be funny or inspiring through the language of nature, so that the students learning atmosphere, the best way to acquire new knowledge. Import should be like the wise thinking of the students inspires stude

19、nts to creative thinking; develop a strong interest in learning. 2.3 Cradle to stimulate thinking.Activity during recess time, students will be very relaxed; many students will create a new idea. School bell rings, although the students had reached the classroom, but the emotions and thoughts may no

20、t come, this time into a good class can play the role of emotional stabilities students read the book so attention to students outside the classroom, and succeeded in turning the attention of students attracted to the class.(还是缺少主语、谓语)2.4 Improving students learning efficiencyEffectively into the cl

21、assroom can play a connecting role, (没有主语)not only review the old knowledge, but also to introduce new knowledge, so that students played both review effect. objectives 和we 是什么意思?她想要表达什么? 删掉edThe objectives of the lead-in describe the specific outcomes or products of the courses. As a result, object

22、ives guide we are teachers, they also help learners understand where the courses are going to, and why. Furthermore, the inventory of items, suggested methodology, measurement, and timetable provide reference and students in the process of teaching and learning.The task for language teachers is to r

23、ealize the lead-in as a course of action by whatever methodological means seem most appropriate for the activation of learning (Widdowson, 1990: 67). On lead-in is an inert abstract object. It is a set of bears for our action and not a set of instructions for the students activities. What students d

24、o is not directly determined by the lead-in but is a consequence of how the lead-in is methodologically mediated by the teachers in the pursuit of their own courses of instruction. Since a language teaching lead-in involves the integration of subjective matter and methodological matter, choice of le

25、ad-in can ranges from the more or less purely linguistic, where the content of instruction is the grammatical and lexical forms of the language, to the purely semantic or informational, where the content of instruction is some skill or information and only incidentally the form of the language.As th

26、e first part of classroom teaching, the classroom creates an atmosphere . of3. The Characteristics on Lead-in in English Class这一句既缺少主语,又缺少谓语。这个动词不定式到底是做谓语还是状语?3.1 DirectionThe classroom as the first part of classroom teaching, creates a classroom atmosphere and its inspire are very important, the im

27、portance of improving effectiveness. Lead-in to create a good classroom teaching situation, inducing students to learn and problem solving desire, so that students in need, motivation, goals, the active in a targeted manner to study the issue and explore strategies for solving problems in order to t

28、ruly enter the new knowledge. This being must grasp the two principles.(这一段的第一句话虽然给她改了一些语法,但是因为语句不通顺,思路不清晰,还是改得不彻底,让她把汉语思路理清了再翻译.) 3.2 OperationTo import the rich taste, simply the enthusiasm of the students and design-link. English into the creation of a strong learning environment, but also pave t

29、he way for learning new content, the real play guide role, to the effect of refresher. (缺少主语)This is the classroom into the practical.(建议先把汉语思路理清了再去翻译成英语)3.3 SimplicityOn lead-in part time not too long, generally not more than 3-5 minutes, should strive to achieve simplicity is not simple. (缺少主语)If

30、time is too long, the complexity, it can not guarantee that teaching time, the second is likely to cause students weariness.(汉语意思理清了再做翻译还是缺少主语)3.4 New conceptionsIn the English classroom, into all kinds of ways, many ways for teachers in the teaching of commonly used and achieved good teaching effec

31、t, and constantly improve teaching practices. (缺少主语) That applies for all the contents of the English classroom. No matter how effective this method of importing a good sentence is, if the regular, repeated use will lead to students and reduce the import results. (逻辑混乱)Therefore, the lead-in methods

32、 must be flexible, diverse and must give students a sense of a novel, attracting the attention of students.4. The Principals on Lead-in in English Class There are four major principals in a good lesson in the process of lead-in. They are variety, flexibility, learning ability, and linkage.4.1 Variet

33、yIt refers to the process of planning a number of different types of activites and to make it possible to lead students to a wide selection of materials so that learning is always interesting, motivating and never monotonous for the students.4.2 Flexibility It means planning to use a number of diffe

34、rent methods and techniques rather than being a slave to one methodology. This will make teaching and learning more effective and more efficient. 4.3 Learn ability 删掉withIt means the contents and tasks planned for the lesson should be within the students learning capability. Of course, things should

35、 not be too easy either. Things that are beyond or below the students copying ability will diminish their motivation (Schumann, 1999: 26).4.4 Linkage It means the procedures and the steps with in each stage are planned in such a way that they are somehow linked with one another. Language learning ne

36、eds recycling and reinforcement.5. The Components on Lead-in in English ClassThe advantage of a concrete teaching plan is one that teachers can follow it in the class and check what they have done. This plan will be the basis of a record of what has been covered in English class, and will make it ea

37、sier to make achievement tests later. The teaching plans will be good records for the entire course. A language teaching lesson plane usually has the following components:5.1 Teaching aims The first thing to do in the lesson plan is to decide the aims of the lesson, which include what language compo

38、nents to present, what communicative skills to practice, what activities to conduct and what materials and teaching aids to be used. Usually we are manual accompanying a test book will state clearly what the aims are for each unit or lesson.(accompanying 和state 是两个谓语,但是主语只有一个,句意不清) However, classroo

39、m teachers are under no obligation to adopt the same aims. We do not write the textbook especially for their teaching context. So we wish to modify the aims and the approach recommended by us manual. (句意不清)6.2 Language contents and skills In language teaching, it is important for the students to kno

40、w exactly what language contents will be taught and what the language skills will be practiced in the lesson. By language contents, we mean structures, vocabulary, functions, and topics and so on. By language skills, we mean communicative skills involved in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

41、Among the language contents, new vocabulary and structures often receive more attention from the students and us. However, teachers should be careful when deciding what vocabulary items and structures to focus on in the class. Not all the new words in a lesson are equally important. We should decide

42、 which words need to be practiced and which only need to be briefly touched. Similarly, not all structures have the same status in the lesson. New structures need to be presented carefully and practiced. We should also be aware of any structures which are practiced in the lesson, but which have been

43、 mentioned in the previous lesson.删掉and us 5.3 Teaching stages and procedures Teaching stages are the major steps that language we go through in the classroom. (这个定语从句的后半部分句意混乱)Procedures are the detailed steps in each teaching stage. The most popular language teaching stage is the three Ps model, w

44、hich includes presentation, practice, and production. At the presentation stage, we introduce new vocabulary and grammatical structures with reference to their contextualized use. At the practice stage, the lesson moves form controlled practice to guided practice and further to the exploitation of t

45、he texts when necessary. At the production stage, the students are encouraged to use what they have learned and practiced to perform communicative tasks. At this last stage, the focus is on meaning rather than formal accuracy.6. The Methods on Lead-in in Middle School English Class6.1 DirectionDirec

46、tion is intuitive and easy to attract students interest. But do not simply come into physical kind to the students, but for the kind of words linked with the memory in order to achieve the goals freedom of communication.(缺少主语!)6.2 Review删掉 for The new course before the start of the relevant knowledge and skills are reviewed and consolidated, in order to enable students to grasp for the old knowledge gaps, and make stu


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