On English News Headlines Translation GuidedScopos Theory.doc

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1、论文题目:目的论指导下的英语新闻标题翻译 On English News Headlines Translation Guided by Scopos Theory论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到违反本声明所引起的一切法律责任将由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名: 年 月 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保障、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向有关学

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3、nes12.1.1 Short words22.1.2 Abbreviations22.1.3 Vogue words22.1.4 Imitation words22.2 The grammatical characteristics of English news headlines32.2.1 The tense32.2.2 Omission42.2.3 The use of punctuation marks42.3 The rhetorical characteristics of English news headlines53. Theoretical Foundation in

4、Translating English News Headlines54. The Translation of English News Headlines64.1 Amplification64.2 Omission74.3 Conversion74.4 Imitation84.5 The use of punctuation84.6 Rewriting95. Conclusion9Bibliography10Acknowledgements11On English News Headlines Translation Guided by Scopos Theory摘要:随着经济全球化的发

5、展,新闻已成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。新闻标题是新闻中最关键的部分,因为很少有人有足够的时间从头到尾浏览新闻。为了使中国读者在最短的时间内从英语新闻中获得最大的信息并了解新闻的内容,新闻标题的翻译显得格外关键。本文将以功能目的论为基础,通过对英语新闻标题特点:词汇特点,语法特点,修辞特点进行分析而提出了一些可操作的英语新闻标题的汉译策略。关键词:英语新闻标题;标题特点;标题翻译;目的论Abstract: With the development of globalization, news has become an indispensable part in peoples life.

6、As many people do not have enough time to read all the news from beginning to the end, they tend to browse headlines at first and then pick up the news of which the headline attracts them. Therefore, the translation of news headlines which is considered as the eye of news appears very essential in t

7、he translation of news. Based on “Scopos theory”, this paper will propose some operational translating strategies by analyzing the characteristics of English news headlines from lexical, grammatical and rhetorical perspectives. Key Words: English news headline; characteristics; translation; Scopos t

8、heory1. IntroductionIn the modern society, nobody can be isolated from the outside world. To know what is going on at home and abroad, we can take reading news as one choice. However, just reading the original Chinese news is not enough, for that there are many differences between east and west and

9、sometimes we need to know what western peoples opinions from their perspectives. Hence, the reading of translated English news is necessary and the quality of the translation of news headlines considered as the eye of news seems crucial. The invalidity of translation may induce the failure of helpin

10、g readers make his choice and attracting his attention, which are the principle purposes of news headlines writing. Based on Scopos theory and many examples, this paper illustrates the characteristics of English news headlines and proposes several strategies for translating them into Chinese.2. The

11、Characteristics of English News Headlines2.1 The lexical characteristics of English news headlinesIn order to help readers get more information in less time, the headline should be concise. A headline usually can reach the effect of conciseness by using small words, abbreviations, vogue words and ne

12、wly-created words. 2.1.1 Short wordsGenerally speaking, the news report is the objective presentation of what has happened, which is different from literary composing. So the writer should use some clear and concise words instead of clinches (方梦之、毛忠明,2005) .The use of short words is one way. For ins

13、tance, E.g.1 li praises Days Bay nuke plant. 李鹏赞扬大亚湾核电站。E.g.2 Swiss ban on Chinese poultry imports lifted under condition. 瑞士队中国家禽进口的禁令有条件地被取消。 In the above headlines, the word ”nuke” is used instead of “nuclear” and the word “ban” is used instead of “prohibit”, “forbid” and other words. In this way

14、, it is evident that the use of short words can save some place for the newspaper and some time for the reader. 2.1.2 AbbreviationsAbbreviations include initials and acronyms, which are formed by the first letters of several words. People can find the abbreviation in two conditions; one is for the n

15、ame of organizations and institutions, for instance,E.g.1 Former Spanish Finance Minister Elected New IMF Chief. Here, “IMF” is short for “International Monetary Fund”. There are many other words, such as “UNESCO”, which is short for “United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization”

16、. The use of some commonly used words is another situation, for instance,E.g.1 USA seeks MIAS Here, “MIA” is short for “missing in action”2.1.3 Vogue words In English news headlines, some words called as vogue words are very popular for a certain period. For such vogue words, some will vanish later

17、and others will exist for a very long time (方梦之、毛忠明,2005) .No matter what they will be, they are all endowed with some clues of its times and are very impressive. For instance, E.g.1 Year 2000 Bug Unstoppable for some companies. 计算机千年虫问题迫在眉睫E.g.2 The Sic-fi movie comes true. 科幻电影变现实 From the vogue w

18、ords “Year 2000 Bug” and “The sci-fi movie”, we can get some clue of their times.2.1.4 Imitation words In terms of a particular occasion, the reporter sometimes will coin some new words in an impromptu way, inspired by some imaginations and analogies. These words are called as “imitation words”(顾飞荣、

19、王永康,2008).For instance,E.g. Governator Arnold Schwarz Zenegger. 终结者当州长,施瓦辛格今日走马上任。 The imitation word “Governator” is derived from “governor” and “terminator”. We can sense the effect of humor from such kind of imitation words.2.2 The grammatical characteristics of English news headlines In order to

20、 display the information that readers want to have in a limited time and space, most of the news headlines must keep its conciseness. Then the compact structure becomes one choice to achieve that conciseness.2.2.1 The tense For the requirement of clearness and conciseness, the news headline has form

21、ed its own features of tense; so as to not only convey the meaning, but also the sense of time(芦春光,2007).(1) The present tense usually used for demonstrating what has happened in the past Generally speaking, the reports in the newspaper more often than not have taken place in the past. Naturally, we

22、 should write them in the past tense so far as the grammar is concerned(张洁,2004). However, the past tense will readily produce a sense of out-of-date. So the present tense is always used in order to maintain freshness. For instance,E.g.1 Edinburgh Books Literary Title. 爱丁堡获“世界文学城市称号”。E.g.2 Singapore

23、 Star Gives Part of Liver to Save Dying Lover. 若为爱情故,肝脏也可抛-狮城上演撼人生死恋。(2) The use of infinitive to convey what will happen in the future For what will happen in the future, besides that structure “will+verb”, people more often adopt this structure “be+to” in which “be” is always omitted so as to save

24、 the space. For instance,E.g.1 Pecking to fire test rocket to South Pacific. (Pecking is to fire test rocket to South Pacific)E.g.2 Blair to fly to US for war summit with Bush.( Blair is to fly to US for war summit with Bush.)(3)The use of present participle for what is happening For the events or a

25、ctivities that are occurring, reporters will conform to the normal grammatical rules, namely, the structure of “be+present participle” while often eliminating “be” (丁青、田传茂,2003).For instance,E.g.1 Bill Gates working on a new book.( Bill Gates is working on a new book) 比尔.盖茨撰写新书科技先锋展望未来。E.g.2 Deposit

26、s, Loans Rising in Shanghai= Deposits and Loans is Rising in Shanghai. 上海储蓄和贷款呈增长态势。2.2.2 OmissionOmission refers to omitting some words that will not influence the whole meaning after their disappearance, such as the article, the conjunction, the link verb, the auxiliary and so on. The omission of

27、them can render the essential information more prominent. For instance,E.g.1 Gene Project to Trace Migration= A Gene Project to Trace Migration 基因计划追寻人类迁移史E.g.2 Laurel, Aquino Cut Ties= Laurel and Aquino Cut Ties. 菲律宾国防部长劳雷尔与菲律宾总统阿基诺分道扬镳。E.g.3 Mother, Daughter Share Fulbright Fear= Mother and her Da

28、ughter Share Fulbright Fear. 福布莱特奖揭晓,母女同获年度奖。E.g.4 Regan Voted “Greatest American”= Regan is Voted “Greatest American”. 里根笑傲群雄荣膺“最伟大美国人”2.2.3 The use of punctuation marks In the most case, there is no punctuation mark in an English news headline. The avoidance of a punctuation mark is a manifestatio

29、n of language beauty. Nevertheless, in consideration of arriving at some specific function, the use of punctuation is a must.(廖志勤,2006)(1) The use of “comma” instead of the conjunction “and” in the purpose of emphasis. For instance,E.g. Guangzhou Fair Closes, Trade Booms=The Guangzhou Fair Closes an

30、d Trade Booms. 广交会落幕,交易量火爆。(2) The use of “dash” to show the speaker or a sudden turning. For instance,E.g.1 Economy Grows Slowly As Unemployment, Inflation Rise-Economists= Economists Say That the Economy Grows Slowly As Unemployment and Inflation Rise. 经济学家认为:失业率及通货膨胀使得经济增长缓慢E.g.1 Yes, Big Harvest

31、-It Brings Troubles for Farmers= Yes, It is A Big Harvest but It Brings Troubles for Farmers. 农作物丰收,农场主苦担忧。(3) The use of “colon” to take place of the verb “say” “see” or the link verb “be”. For instance,E.g.1 Yeltsin: Muslim Nations Call for End to Tension in Bosnia Hergezerverna= Yeltsin Says Musl

32、im Nations Call for End to Tension in Bosnia Hergezerverna. 叶利钦说:穆斯林国家呼吁尽快结束波黑紧张局势。E.g.2 Chinese Cooks: Masters at Turning Turnip into Flower= Chinese Cooks are Masters at Turning Turnip into Flower. 中国厨师技艺佳,掌中萝卜雕成花2.3 The rhetorical characteristics of English news headlines As to attract readers at

33、tention, various rhetorical devices, such as metaphor, simile, hyperbole, alliteration, rhyme, pun, are widely used in the English news headline, aimed at realizing the effect of vividness, expressiveness, humor, irony, etc. For instance,E.g.1 Web Surfing “as Addictive as Coffee”. 上班网上冲浪犹如喝咖啡上瘾。 “Si

34、mile” is used here and reaches the effect of vividness and expressiveness.E.g.2 Accusers Accused. 原告成了被告。Alliteration is used here and reaches the effect of humor. E.g.3 Children under Parents Wing Metaphor is used here to liken parents protection towards their children.E.g.4 Microsoft Opens a New W

35、indow. “Window” is a pun here referring to “situation” as well as “product”.3. Theoretical Foundation in Translating English News HeadlinesFrom the discussion above, we have got some knowledge about the characteristics of English news headlines, which can help us feel more at ease when confronted wi

36、th one. But it is still not easy to translate them. First, the language of English news headlines requires accuracy, briefness and conciseness. Second, the purpose of news is to attract readers and make them understand what the news is telling. However, sometimes it is hard to realize that because o

37、f the differences of culture, thinking modes, life value, etc. Third, we do not have universally accepted guiding translation principles and standard criteria to evaluate different versions by different translators. Nevertheless, we can still translate English news headlines under the guide of some

38、theory. Three of the big names in translating field are Katharina Reiss, HansJ.Vermeer and Christinane Nord. The Scopos theory they proposed have produced significant influences on the practical translation, which includes the translation of English news headlines. Scopos is a Greek word for purpose

39、. In the field of translation, there may exist three kinds of purposes: (1) the general purpose aimed at by the translator in the translation process(perhaps “to learn a living”);(2) the communicative purpose aimed at by the target text in the target situation(perhaps “to instruct readers”);(3) the

40、purpose aimed at by a particular translation strategy or procedure(for example, ” to translate literally in order to show the structural purpose of the source language”).(Nord, 2001:27-28) Generally speaking, the term Scopos refers to the purpose of the target text.(王品,2009)The three basic rules inc

41、lude “Scopos rule”, “coherence rule” and “fidelity rule”. According to Scopos theory, the prime principle determining any translation process is the purpose (Scopos) of the overall translation action. Thus, the top- ranking rule for is the “Scopos rule”. (Reiss and Vermeer, 1984:101). Vermeer explai

42、ns the Scopos rule as such: each text is produced for a given purpose and should serve this purpose. The second rule is “coherence rule”. It specifies that a translation should be acceptable in a sense that is coherent with the receivers situation (Reiss and Vermeer, 1984:113). It means that the rec

43、eiver should be able to understand the target text; the translation should make sense in the communicative situation and culture in which it is received. The third one is the “fidelity rule”. It is expected that the source text and the target text should bear some corresponding relationship while th

44、e form of their relationship deepends on the translators interpretation of the source text and on the Scopos. The translation of English news headlines can be counted as practical translation. The Scopos is our priority of consideration. Under the guide of the theory, some strategies will be suggest

45、ed in the following.4. The Translation of English News Headlines Translation strategies are usually advanced to accord with the demands of Skopos. In other words, if the translator attempts to achieve an aim, he will choose certain translation strategies corresponding to that purpose so as to satisf

46、y changed receivers under changed cultural conditions (张燕,2007) .With the combination of the characteristics of English news headlines, several translation strategies are suggested in the following.4.1 Amplification Amplification refers to the strategy that adds necessary words or phrases into the t

47、arget text. By employing amplification, the translator aims to make the target text complete in meaning and structure. As far as this thesis is concerned, the Skopos of E-C headline translation demands that new messages should be clearly transferred to Chinese readers(张燕,2007).English news headlines

48、 often focus on the core information. The relevantly insignificant information may be omitted in order to highlight the main idea or just to be concise. Different from English news headline, for Chinese news headlines, relevant background information (who, when, where, what, why and how) needs to be supplemented for Chinese readers to clarify the text. In view of this, it is inevitable for the translator to adopt amplifica


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