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2、7) Application.Enable.CancelKey=xlDisabled Ctrl+Break (8) Workbooks.Add() (9) Workbooks( book1.xls).Activate book1 (10) ThisWorkbook.Save 湤 (11) ThisWorkbook.close (12) ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count (13) ActiveWorkbook.name (14) ThisWorkbook.Name ThisWorkbook.FullName (15) ActiveWindow.EnableResize=Fa
3、lse (16) Application.Window.Arrange xlArrangeStyleTiled (17) ActiveWorkbook.WindowState=xlMaximized (18) ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count (19) Rows.Count () (20) Sheets( Sheet1).Name= Sum Sheet1 Sum - 1 - - Page 2-ExcelVBAVBA 伯 (21) ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add Before:=Worksheets(1) (22) ActiveSheet.Move
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7、=1)Range( A1).Offset(,1) Range( A1).Offset(Rowoffset:=-1)Range( A1).Offset(-1) (38) Range( A1).Copy Range( B1) A1B1 - 2 - - Page 3-ExcelVBAVBA 伯 Range( A1:D8).Copy Range( F1) F1 Range( A1:D8).Cut Range( F1) A1 D8F1 Range( A1).CurrentRegion.Copy Sheets( Sheet2).Range( A1) A1 2 A1 CurrentRegi
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13、uceNum,RefersTo:= =$B$1,Visible:=False (66) ActiveWorkbook.Names( Com).Name (67) Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNumber( A1) A1 (68) Range( A:A).Find(Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Range( A:A).Activate A (69) Cells(8,8).FormulaArray= =SUM(R2C-1:R-1C-1*R2C:R-1C) 鹫R1C1 (70) ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
14、.Count (71) ActiveSheet.ChartObjects( Chart1).Select Chart1 (72) ActiveSheet.ChartObjects( Chart1).Activate ActiveChart.ChartArea.Select - 4 - - Page 5-ExcelVBAVBA 伯 (73) WorkSheets( Sheet1).ChartObjects( Chart2).Chart. _ ChartArea.Interior.ColorIndex=2 (74) Sheets( Chart2).ChartArea.Interior.ColorI
15、ndex=2 (75) Charts.Add (76) ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets( Sheet1).Range( A1:D5), _ PlotBy:=xlColumns (77) ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsNewSheet (78) ActiveChart.PlotArea.Interior.ColorIndex=xlNone (79) WorkSheets( Sheet1).ChartObjects(1).Chart. _ Export FileName:= CMyChart.gif
16、,FilterName:= GIF 1 C MyChart.gif (80) MsgBox Hello! Hello (81) Ans=MsgBox( Continue?,vbYesNo) Ans vbYesAns vbNo If MsgBox( Continue?,vbYesNo)vbYes Then Exit Sub (82) Config=vbYesNo+vbQuestion+vbDefaultButton2 Config (83) MsgBox This is the first line. & vbNewLine & Second line. vbCrLf vbNe
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19、True Application Excel ExcelSheet.Application.Cells(1, 1).Value = Data ExcelSheet.SaveAs C:TEST.XLS 浽C:test.xls ExcelSheet.Application.Quit Excel Set ExcelSheet = Nothing (94) Excel Dim xlApp As Excel.Application Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook Dim xlSheet As Excel.WorkSheet Set xlApp = Create
20、Object(Excel.Application) Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add Set xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets(1) (95) Excel.Application Call MySub (CreateObject(Excel.Application) (96) Set d = CreateObject(Scripting.Dictionary) Dictionary (97) d.Add a, Athens (98) Application.OnKey I,macro Ctrl+I macro (99) Application.CutCopyMode=False / (100) Application.Volatile True Application.Volatile False By fanjy in 2006-6-4 - 6 -