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1、课件名称,年级科目:主 讲 人:学 校:,英语虚拟语气复习教程,目 录,一般虚拟形式,虚拟语气常见句型,虚拟语气在名词性从句中的使用,特殊虚拟形式,一般虚拟形式,一般虚拟形式是指由if引起的非真实条件句,有以下三种形式:1.与现在事实相反的假设,+v,If I were an eagle,I would spread my wings and fly high.如果我是一只鹰,我就会振翅高飞。If he had money,he would buy a house of his own.如果他有钱,他就会自己买一套房子。,一般虚拟形式,一般虚拟形式是指由if引起的非真实条件句,有以下三种形式:

2、1.与过去事实相反的假设,+have done,If we had started sooner,we might have got there.如果我们早点动身,我们也许已经到那儿了。If he had answered the detective honestly,he would not have been arrested.如果他老老实实回答那位侦探的盘问,他就不会遭逮捕。,had done,一般虚拟形式,一般虚拟形式是指由if引起的非真实条件句,有以下三种形式:1.与将来事实相反的假设,+do,If you should see Mr.allen,give him my regard

3、.如果你看到艾伦先生,请代我问候他。If John were to do the experiment,let him read the instruction carefully.如果约汉做这个实验,叫他把说明书仔细看一下。,shouldwere to,+do,虚拟语气常见句型,1.would rather/had rather sb.did sth.宁愿某人不做什么。2.It is high(about)time that sb.did sth.该是某人干某事的时候了。,Im going to see the victims brother.Id rather you didnt.我打算去

4、看一下被害者的兄弟。我但愿你不去。Id rather you didnt do anything about it for the time being.我宁愿你暂时对此事不要采取任何行动。,Its about time he found himself a wife and settled down.该是他娶个妻子,安个家的时候了。Its high time the doctor got a move on.现在该是大夫采取行动的时候了。,虚拟语气常见句型,3.用wish表示愿望。1)表示现在和将来的愿望。从句谓语用were,行为动词用did.,Do you have a dictionar

5、y?No,but I wish I did.你有字典吗?没有,但愿我有一本就好了。These typewritten papers are very neat.I wish I could type too,but I dont know how.这些用打字机打的文件很整洁。但愿我也能打,可惜我不知道怎么打法。,虚拟语气常见句型,3.用wish表示愿望。2)表示过去的愿望。从句谓语用had done 或could/would have done,I wish I had started to study computer science years ago.我要是早几年学计算机就好了。I wi

6、sh Professor Hones had taught me this equation.但愿琼斯教授教过我这个方程式就好了。,虚拟语气在名词性从句中的应用,1.在宾语从句中的应用 下列动词后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气:suggest“建议”;demand“要求”;require“要求”;request“要求”;order“命令”;insist“坚持”;advise“劝告”;urge“恳请”;recommend“建议”等。美国人用原形,而英国人要求用should+动词原形。,She demands that the children obey her.她要求孩子们服从她。Just befor

7、e they landed,the hostess suggested Eric have his passport ready.在他们着陆前,空姐建议艾利科把护照准备好。,虚拟语气在名词性从句中的应用,2.在主语从句中的应用 在suggested“建议”;recommended“建议”;demanded“要求”;urged“奉劝”;desired“希望”以及 better;important;necessary等形容词作表语时,主语从句中要使用虚拟语气。美国人用原形,而英国人要求用should+动词原形。,It is advisable that a general announcement

8、 be made to the staff.最好给全体人员发个例行通告。It is necessary that an efficient worker accomplish his work on time.一个有效率的工人必须按时完成他的工作任务。,虚拟语气在名词性从句中的应用,3.在表语从句、同位语从句中的应用 英语中有些表示意愿、要求、命令、建议、提议的名词,后面所接从句要求使用虚拟语气。这类词有:suggestion“建议”;proposal“提议”;advice“劝告”;desire“愿望”;demand“要求”;resolution“决心”;recommendation“推荐”;

9、etc。美国人用原形,而英国人要求用should+动词原形。,The mother flatly rejected my suggestion that she meet her daughter the next week.那位母亲直截了当地拒绝了我的建议,即她应该在下个星期去看她的女儿。This is my advice that he practise more.我的劝告是他应该多练练。,虚拟语气在名词性从句中的应用,4.特殊虚拟形式 特殊虚拟形式是指由某些连词、介词和介词短语引起的虚拟状语从句。1)as if 和 as though,I felt as if I already had

10、 inside me all the medicine that could cure the disease.我感觉好象我的体内已经具有了能医治这种疾病的药。I remember the story as if I had just read it.我记得这个故事,就好象是刚读过一样。,虚拟语气在名词性从句中的应用,4.特殊虚拟形式 特殊虚拟形式是指由某些连词、介词和介词短语引起的虚拟状语从句。2)so that“以便”;in case“万一”;supposing“假定”;lest“免得”;etc.,She stayed at home for a few days so that she

11、might have more time to study it.她在家里呆了几天,以便她有更多的时间来研究这个问题。She pulled away from the window lest anyone see them.她从窗口躲开了,免得有人看见他们。,虚拟语气在名词性从句中的应用,4.特殊虚拟形式 特殊虚拟形式是指由某些连词、介词和介词短语引起的虚拟状语从句。3)without“缺乏、没有”;but for“要不是、若非”;etc.,Without computers,much of todays advanced technology would not have been achi

12、eved.没有计算机,当今许多先进技术就无法获得。But for your help,I would have not succeeded.要不是你帮忙,我是不会成功的。,虚拟语气名题解析,1.【07.SHDMET.32】They _ two free tickets to Canada,otherwise theyd never have been able to afford to go.Ahad got Bgot Chave got Dget【解析】本题是在混合语气语境中考察时态.第二分句使用了过去将来完成时,由此推出前面的陈述语气要用一般过去时.答案选:B.,B,虚拟语气名题解析,2.

13、【06.HUBMET.31】_fired,your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.A.Would you be B.Should you be C.Could you be D.Might you be【解析】本题结合倒装句考查虚拟语气的用法。根据语境分析,本题是表示将来的假设。所以,从句的谓语动词用should do 或were to do。答案选:B.,B,虚拟语气名题解析,3.【0.SHHMET(春).40】He hesitated for a moment before kicking th

14、e ball,otherwise he _ a goal.A.had scored B.scored C.would score D.would have scored【辨析】本题的题眼位于otherwise“否则”,该词主要用于表达逻辑上的转承关系。如果第一分句为过去时,后一分句用过去将来完成时以表示一种基于过去事实的假设。答案选D。,D,虚拟语气名题解析,4.【95.NMET.14】When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,it looks as if it.A.breaks B.has broken C.were broken D.had b

15、een broken【辨析】在as if 连接的状语从句中要用虚拟语气。如果主句谓语用一般现在时,从句谓语则用一般过去时,系动词were;如果主句谓语用一般过去时,从句谓语用过去完成时,系动词had been。答案选C,D,虚拟语气名题解析,5.【94.NMET.31】I didnt see your sister at the meeting.If she _,she would have met my brother.A.has come B.did come C.came D.had come【辨析】本题考查虚拟语气在表示与过去事实相反的假设条件句中的运用。本题的题眼在于前句,据此,才得

16、出与过去事实相反的假设。答案选D。,D,虚拟语气名题解析,5.【93.NMET.21】If he_,he_ that food.Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.A.was warned;would not take B.had been warned;would not have taken C.would be warned;had not taken D.would have been warned;had not taken【辨析】本题考查虚拟语气在表示与过去事实相反的假设条件句中的运用。本题的题眼在于后句,依据he was sent to 这一发生于过去的事实,才判断出前句是与过去事实相反的假设。答案选B。,B,感 谢 参 加!,


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