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1、目录Contents一产品特点PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS1二技术指标TECHNICAL PERFORMANCE2三屏幕操作 OPERATION2四注意事项 NOTES11五常见问题 FREQUENTLY PROBLEMS12六运输与储藏 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE13七安装 INSTALLATION14(图1)Figure 1一产品特点Product characteristicsME2000F高速重检秤称重控制器采用高性能的嵌入式控制系统,是为需要高可靠性的工业环境而设计的,它与PC机兼容,具有较强的抗干扰性和稳定性,同时在性能和功能上较同类产品有所突破。

2、The powerful embedded control system designed for the high reliable industrial environment is adopted for ME2000F checkweigher controller. The controller is compatible with personnel computer, with powerful anti-interference performance and reliability. Meanwhile, its performance and functions are s

3、uperior to all competitive products.l ME2000F有一个256K字节SRAM和256K字节flash存储器的40M的处理器。l One 40M processor with one 256KB SRAM and one 256KB flash memory l 具有1个5线RS232口,1个RS232/485口。l One 5-wire RS232 port and one RS232/485 port.l 1个电源输入口。l One power input socket.l 4通道开关量输入DI和4通道开关量O.C输出DO。l Four-channel

4、 on-off input DI and four-channel O.C output DO.l 1通道模拟量输入 A/D ( 010V), 1 通道模拟量输入 A/D ( 020mA)。l One-channel analog input A /D (010V), one-channel analog input A/D (020mA)l 2 通道 模拟量输出D/A ( 010V)。l Two-channel analog output D/A (010V). l 采用高速,高分辨率A/D转换方式采集称重传感器数据,同时采用优化算法,降低干扰,提高了精度。l Collect the wei

5、ghing data with high speed and high resolution A/D conversion mode and use optimum algorithm to reduce the interference and enhance the accuracy.l 功耗低,对电源电压范围要求较宽。l Lower power consumption, wider range of supply voltage is available.l 彩色液晶触摸屏,系统操作全部采用汉字菜单,提供良好的人机界面。l Color LCD touch panel and Chines

6、e menu make the man-machine interface friendly.二技术指标Technical performancel 负载能力:+10VDC,最多可驱动4只350的模拟式传感器。l Load capacity: +10VDC, at most four 350 load cells can be powered.l 输入信号范围:020mVl Input signal range: 020mVl 称量精度:0.5(静态),1(动态)l Weighing accuracy:0.5 (static), 1 (dynamic)l 采集分辨率:16位l Resoluti

7、on: 16-bitl 称量速度:1500袋/小时l Operate capacity: 1500 bags/h三屏幕操作 Operation1. 概述General1) 上电显示:上电后重检秤处于停止状态,静止5秒后自动进入联动状态。称重模式为检重模式。2) Power on and display: after the system is switched on, the checkweigher will be automatically interlocked in 5 seconds. The weighing mode is weight checking mode.3) 数值输入

8、方法:如需要输入数据是,手指按需要输入数据的区域,则弹出数字键盘,操作键盘输入需要的数据。确定按“ENT”键,取消按“ESC”键,清除按“CLR”键。如图4) Data input method: press the area in need of data input, a numeric keyboard as shown in the following figure will popup, then you can enter the value via the keyboard. Press “ENT” key to confirm it; press “ESC” key to ca

9、ncel it; press “CLR” key to delete it. 5) 窗口选择:点击屏幕下方的功能栏,出现如下窗体选择窗口,点击要查看的功能窗口。6) Screen selection: click on the “Function bar” key, the following screen will appear; then you can click on the key to enter into the corresponding screen. 2. 主窗口(如图1):Main screen (as shown in Figure 1)主画面上面一栏显示当前称重数值,

10、检重模式时显示每过一包的重量。不检模式时,作为静态秤使用。实时显示产品重量。如图:The current weight value is shown on the top bar. In “weight checking” mode, the weight of bag which is passing through will be shown; in “no checking” mode, the checkweigher is used as a static scale and the weight value will be shown on.中间一栏指示称重超差情况。如重量超过上限

11、值,报警指示显示红色,并由IO口输出称重上超差报警信号。如重量低于下限值,报警指示显示红色,并由IO口输出称重下超差报警信号。如图:The mid bar indicates the overweight/underweight result. If the bag weight exceeds the upper limit, the indicator light will be red and the overweight alarm signal will be output via I/O port. If the bag weight is below the lower limi

12、t, the indicator light will be red and the underweight alarm signal will be output via I/O port.主界面下面为功能操作按钮,用于对电子秤的称重模式,运行状态等进行操作,如下图所示:As shown in the following figure, the function keys at the bottom screen are used to select weighing mode and operation mode.1) 清零按钮:按下后,将当前电子秤重量强制为零。2) Clear key

13、to reset the current weight value to zero by force.3) 运行方式选择按钮:分为联动/停止/调试:联动时电子秤输送电机与包装线保持连锁,停止表示电子秤输送电机处于停止状态,调试表示电子秤输送电机处于运动状态。4) Operation mode selection key there are three operation modes: Auto/Stop/Test. The checkweigher conveyor will be interlocked with packaging line if you select “Auto” mod

14、e; it will stop if you select “Stop”; it will be in motion if you select “Test” mode.5) 称重方式选择按钮:分为检重/不检,当开关处于检重状态时,电子秤复检物料重量,并显示每袋物料的重量,超差状态等;当开关处于不检状态时,电子秤不复检物料重量,实时显示重量值。6) Weighing mode selection key there are two weighing modes: Weight checking/ No checking. The bag weight will be checked by th

15、e checkweigher and the result will be shown on the mid bar if you select “Weight checking” mode. The bag weight will not be checked by the checkweigher and the weight value will be shown on if you select “No checking” mode.3. 参数设定(如图2):Parameter setup (As shown in Figure 2)(图2)Figure 2皮重:如显示数值要求为净重时

16、,则需设定皮重值,单位:克Tare: set the tare value if the net weight is required. Unit: g.标重:设定产品的标准重量,单位:克Standard weight: set the standard weight per bag. Unit: g.报警下偏差:设定产品实际重量低于标准重量报警的最大偏差,单位:克Lower deviation: set the maximum difference value that the actual bag weight can be lower than the standard weight.

17、Unit: g.报警上偏差:设定产品实际重量高于标准重量报警的最大偏差,单位:克Upper deviation: set the maximum difference value that the actual bag weight can be higher than the standard weight. Unit: g.动态补偿:在动态称重时,如产品始终低于或高于静态重量,且偏差为一固定值,则设定该值,范围 +10000克Dynamic compensation: as dynamic weighing, if the bag weight is always lower or hig

18、her than the static weight value and the deviation is fixed, set the dynamic compensation value within the range of +10000g.动态延时:设定当前电子秤检测稳定状态的时间间隔,单位:秒Dynamic delay: set the time interval to detect the current stable state of the checkweigher. Unit: s.动态阀值:设定当前电子秤稳定状态的波动范围,如在动态延时时间内重量波动超出动态阀值,则为不稳定

19、状态。当电子秤为不稳定状态时,标定、清零、零点跟踪等动作将不成功。Dynamic threshold: set the fluctuation range of the current stable state of the checkweigher. If the fluctuating quantity exceeds the dynamic threshold within the dynamic delay, the system is unstable. That is to say those operations such as calibration, zeroing and

20、zero tracking are failed.采集次数:当复检秤开始复检称重时,采集有效重量的个数。Collection times: the number of collecting effective weight as the checkweigher begins to check weight.称重延时:当产品全部输送至电子秤上后,经过一段时间后,方可进行复检称重,以求得稳定性。单位:秒Weighing delay: when the bag was conveyed to the checkweigher, the weight can be checked only afte

21、r the weighing delay for better stability. Unit: s.零点跟踪:重量值在零点附近一定范围内时,电子秤将自动将重量值修正,逼近零点,直至为零。注意,零点跟踪一般在静态称重时用到。如零点跟踪有效,则电子清零功能失效。Zero tracking: the checkweigher will automatically correct the weight value and return to zero when the weight value is within the range near the zero point. Note: this f

22、unction is used in static weighing. If the zero tracking is active, the zeroing function will be unavailable. 跟踪幅度:零点跟踪的步伐,即每经过一段时间间隔,电子秤将重量值修正一定数值,逼近零点。如设为0,则零点跟踪功能自动被禁止。Tracking period: the checkweigher will correct the weight value and return to zero after every time interval If it is set to zero

23、, the zero tracking function will be inhibited automatically.跟踪时间:零点跟踪每次跟踪的时间间隔,如设为0,则零点跟踪功能被禁止。Tracking time: the time interval of zero tracking. If it is set to zero, the zero tracking function will be inhibited.4. 趋势图(如图3)Tendency chart (as shown in Figure 3)显示最近20袋重量,可以观察其重量变化趋势和分布情况,如图3所示As sho

24、wn in Figure 3, the weight value of the latest twenty bags will be shown on to observe the weight tendency and distribution.(图3)Figure 35. 输送速度Conveying speed可以调节电子秤输送变频器的频率输出,控制电子秤输送速度,来适应包装线的速度变化。如同4所示As show in Figure 4, for deferent packaging line, the output frequency of the inverter can be adj

25、usted to control the conveying speed of the checkweigher. (图4)Figure 4每按键一次,控制电压降低0.01伏;Every time press the key, the control voltage is reduced 0.01V.每按键一次,控制电压降低0.1伏;Every time press the key, the control voltage is reduced 0.1V.每按键一次,控制电压降低1伏;Every time press the key, the control voltage is reduce

26、d 1V.每按键一次,控制电压增加0.01伏;Every time press the key, the control voltage is increased by 0.01V.每按键一次,控制电压增加0.1伏;Every time press the key, the control voltage is increased by 0.1V.每按键一次,控制电压增加1伏;Every time press the key, the control voltage is increased by 1V.下面进度条显示电机调速变频器的实际输出频率。The following status ba

27、r shows the actual output frequency of inverter.6. 标定Calibration标定功能:标定电子秤及调整电子秤显示分度值。如图5所示Calibration function: as shown in Figure 5, used to calibrate and set the scale division.(图5)Figure 5标定方法:Calibration step1) 标定前使电子秤重新上电,电子秤启动后,运行方式选择按钮处于停止状态,检重方式开关置于不检状态,清除电子秤上物料及影响电子秤称量重量的外界影响(电子秤上无杂物,秤体未于其

28、他物体接触等)。2) Re-switch on the checkweigher before calibration. After start-up, the operation mode selection key is at stop state, the weight checking mode is “No checking”, remove the object on the checkweigher and clear anything which may have a negative effect on the weight checking (Nothing should

29、be on the checkweigher and the checkweigher is separated from other things.).3) 设定分度值:在编辑框中输入需要显示的分度值(=5)。4) Set scale division: enter the desired division value in the edit box (=5).5) 零点标定:确定电子秤静止,并处于零点(电子秤上无任何物体)后,按下按钮完成零点标定。6) Zero calibration: keep the checkweigher stationary and make it at the

30、 zero point, press key.7) 量程标定:确定电子秤静止,然后再电子秤上加载一定重量的标准砝码(建议加载满度重量砝码25kg,至少需要加载大于等于60%满度重量的砝码)后,按下按钮完成量程标定。8) Weighing range calibration: keep the checkweigher stationary and put some standard weights on it (it is recommended to put 25kg weights, at least 60 percent of the 25kg weights.), press key.

31、9) 标定结束后,一定要按下按钮,保存已经标定好的数据。10) After the calibration, press key to save your settings.11) 注意事项:标定时须将表头重新上电,先零点标定,然后再满度标定,最后保存标定。如无法标定,请检查动态阀值和动态延时等参数设置。12) Note: the system must be re-switched on before calibration. First apply the zero calibration, then weighing range calibration, at last save you

32、r settings. If calibration is failed, adjust the parameters setting of dynamic threshold and dynamic delay.7. 切换等级:Safe class selection高级权限:点击按钮,输入密码2222,则可以修改参数、标定、输送速度值。High level authority: press the pushbutton; input the password “2222” to apply parameters setup, system calibration and conveying

33、 speed input.中级权限:点击按钮,输入密码1111,则可以修改输送速度值。Mid level authority: press the pushbutton; input the password “1111” to modify the conveying speed value.低级权限:点击按钮,等级将为最低,此时无法修改任何参数。Low level authority: press the pushbutton, no parameter can be modified. 注意:重新上电启动后,权限为“低级权限”Note: after re-power on and sta

34、rt-up, the class is “Low level authority”.四注意事项 Notesl 检重秤的传感器是非常灵敏的测量器件,必须小心对待。应避免震动、挤压或过重物体掉在称重台(称重传送带)上。The load cell of the checkweigher is a very sensitive measuring instrument and therefore must be handled with care. Shocks, jamming or objects falling on the weighing table (conveying belt) mus

35、t be avoided. l 在重检秤运输过程中,称重传送带必须用螺钉螺母固定在其原位置上。The conveying belt must be fixed by the screw nut in its place during the transportation of the checkweigher.l 要称重的产品有规律地进入检重秤,即产品间距尽可能地相等,是可靠称重的前提条件。A regular infeed of the objects to be weighed, viz. product spacing shall be as regular as possible, wh

36、ich is a prerequisite for trouble-free weighing.l 请保持光电开关的清洁!因为灰尘、污迹或水气凝结在光学元件上,可能会引起故障。必要时,请用软布或棉布轻拭这些部件。Always keep the photocell clean! Dust, dirt or moisture condensation on the optical parts may cause malfunctions. If necessary, wipe these parts with a soft cloth or cotton wool tip.l 请保持重检秤的称重带

37、式传送机的清洁,因为污迹或产品留下的残余物可能会造成故障。可以使用压缩空气吹走污物或使用湿润的软布擦拭.Keep the checkweigher conveyor clean, as dirt or residual product matter may cause malfunctions. Try blowing with compressed air or wipe with a moist, soft cloth.l 若检重秤配备有皮带式传送带,请定期检查传送带。传送皮带不能接触任何防护装置或过渡板(相临传送带之间的光滑板),因为这样会导致额外的磨损和震动,对精确度可能会造成负面影响

38、。如果安装了防护装置,请检查它们是否状态良好,并且安装位置正确。尽可能快的换掉磨损的皮带。l When the checkweigher is equipped with a belt conveyor, check the conveying belt periodically. The conveying belt must not touch any guards or transition plates (glide plates between neighboring conveyors), as this would cause excessive wear and tear as

39、 well as oscillations which may have a negative effect on accuracy. If guards are fitted, check that they are in a good state and in the proper position. Replace worn belts as soon as possible.五常见问题 Frequently problems1. 上电后电机不转:Motor doesnt work after power ona) 上电后5秒种内,运行方式选择处于停止状态,5秒后应处于联动位置。如不是,

40、请手动选择,并检查联动信号线是否松脱。b) After power on, the operation mode is at stop state within 5 seconds. It should be at “Auto” position after 5 seconds. If not, manual select “Auto” and check whether the auto signal line is loosened.c) 查看变频器断路器开关是否接通,变频器控制界面的控制频率是否为零,如果是零调整控制频率。d) Check whether the switch of in

41、verter breaker is switched on. Whether the control frequency of inverter control interface is zero; if so, adjust the frequency.2. 电子秤不检重:Checkweigher doesnt check weighta) 检重方式选择开关是否处于检重位置。b) Check whether the selection switch of weighing mode is at “Weight checking” position. c) 电子秤前后光电是否正常。d) Che

42、ck whether the inlet and outlet photocells of checkweigher work well.3. 清零键失效:Clear key malfunctiona) 调整动态阀值和动态延时参数。阀值越小,动态延时越大,则电子秤越灵敏。电子秤处于动态时,无法清零。b) Adjust the dynamic threshold and dynamic delay. The smaller the threshold is, the longer the dynamic delay is.c) 零点跟踪幅度是设置为零,如不为。则零点跟踪有效,清零无效。d) Wh

43、ether the tracking period is zero. If not, the zero tracking is active, and zeroing function is unavailable.4. 仪表显示“PLC no response ”故障信息 “PLC no response” fault message showing on the checkweigher检查显示屏COM1口的插头是否松脱,BS2000E控制器是否上电。Check whether the plug of COM1 port is getting loose and whether the B

44、S2000E controller is switched on.5. 如何解决称重结果精度不稳定问题 How to solve the unstable weighing accuracy problem.a) 清除电子秤上物料,察看电子秤显示是否为零,如有误差,须按清零按钮。b) Remove the objects on the checkweigher, check whether the checkweigher shows zero. If not, press clear key .c) 检查电子秤输送带是否过松。如过松,适当调整;电子秤称重面是否水平;秤体螺丝是否有松动。d)

45、Check whether the conveying belt is too loosened. If so, adjust it. Whether the weighing table keeps level and the nuts are getting loosened.e) 电机转动是否平稳,电子秤输送速度是否与前后输送设备的输送速度一致,如不一致请适当调整变频输送速度。f) Check whether the motor runs smoothly, whether the conveying speed of checkweigher matches the neighbori

46、ng conveyors. If not, adjust the conveying speed.g) 抽检若干数量的产品,如果与实际重量偏差为某一固定值(或大致为某一固定值),可修改动态补偿参数为此固定值,在每次称重后会自动加(或减)去此值。h) If you find that the difference value between bag weight (random test) and the actual weight is a fixed value (or approximately a fixed value), set the dynamic compensation to

47、 this value. Thus the checkweigher will automatically add or subtract the value after every weighing.六运输与储藏 Transport and storage在运输与储藏检重秤时,必须遵循以下重要事项。Observe the following important items when transporting and storing the checkweigher.1. 重检秤的运输 Transportation of the checkweigher建议在检重秤到达安装地点之前,不要打开其

48、包装,因为板条箱对其有保护作用。称重传送带单独包装,以防止称重系统受到损坏。请不要施压于称重传送带上(避免冲击,请不要让任何物体掉在上面)。We recommend you not to unpack the checkweigher before arriving at the jobsite, as the crate protects it. The conveying belt shall be packaged separately to prevent the weighing system from getting damaged. Do not exert force on the conveying belt (avoid shocks; dont let any objects fall on it).如果检重秤要再一次运输过程中,称重传送带必须用螺丝固定好。只有检重秤已安放在工作地点,才能松掉固定螺丝。For another transpor


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