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1、Oxford English 1B M2U2 Food I likeTeaching planSchool: Qi Xian SchoolDate: March 14th 2011Teacher: Gu Lina(顾丽娜)Book: Oxford English 1B(P18)Topic: Food I likeTime: 35 minutesTeaching contents:1. New Words:jelly,ice cream,sweet,biscuit2. New sentence:Do you like?Yes,I like/No,I dont.3. Talk about your

2、 favourite foodTeaching aims:1).Using nouns to identify food.eg . jelly ice cream sweet biscuit2). Asking wh-questions to ask for specific information about a person.eg. What do you like?3). Using the simple present tense to express preferernces.eg. I like jelly/ice cream/sweets/biscuits.4). Using i

3、mperatives to give simple instruction.eg. Do you like Difficult and main point:1. Using imperatives to give simple instruction.2.Using the indefinite deteminer some to show quantity.Materials: Multimedia, pictures, word cardsContentsMethodsPurposePre-taskpreparation1. Sing a song2. Greeting1.Song: D

4、o you like?2.Greeting and daily talkEg:Hello./Hi.Good morning.How are you?.用歌曲活跃课堂气氛,营造英语氛围,师生的日常会话能让学生直接进入本课的语言环境中。While-taskprocedure1.Introduce Lan Yangyang2.Revise:I like3.Buy some foodDo you like?Yes./No.4.Have a picnic5.Study new words:sweetsweets6.Study new words:biscuitbiscuits7.Study new wo

5、rds:jellyDo you like yellow jelly?Yes,I like yellow jelly./No,I dont.8.Study new words:ice creamcold1. elicit:T: I have a good friend.He likes eating very much.Do you know who is he?S: He is Lan Yangyang .T: Today he will have a picnic.He will invite Xi Yangyang,Mei Yangyang,Fei Yangyang and Nuan Ya

6、ngyang to his party.First,he will go to the supermarket to buy some food.Lets go. 2.I likeT: There are some food in the supermarket.What do you like?S:I like3.T:What does Lan Yangyang like?Do you like?Yes./No.4.T:I buy some food.Look,my friend are coming.Lets have a picnic.4. Study new words:sweet1)

7、T:Guess:What does Xi Yangyang like?S:Do you like?S1:No.I like this one.2)T:Xi Yangyang likes sweets.Read:Sweet,sweet,I like the sweet.Sweets,sweets,I like sweets.3)T:I buy many sweets for you.Lets count.S:One,two,ten sweets.6. Study new words:biscuit1)T:Guess:What does Mei Yangyang like?S:Do you lik

8、e?S1:No.I like this one.2)T:Mei Yangyang likes biscuits.Read:Biscuit,biscuitI like the biscuit.Biscuits,biscuits,I like biscuits.3)Read a rhymeSweets and biscuits, I can see.Sweets and biscuits, For you and me.7. Study new words:jelly1)T:Guess:What does Fei Yangyang like?S:Do you like?S1:No.I like t

9、his one.2)T:Fei Yangyang likes jelly.Read:Smell the jelly.Nice,nice,nice.Taste the jelly.Yummy,yummy,yummy.3)T:I buy some jelly for you.What colour is it? S:Yellow.(Yellow jelly)Practise:Do you like yellow jelly?Yes,I like yellow jelly./No,I dont. 8. Study new words:ice cream1)T:Guess:What does Nuan

10、 Yangyang like?S:Do you like?S1:No.I like this one.2)T:Nuan Yangyang likes ice cream.Read:I like ice cream.Cold and sweet.I like ice cream.Cold and sweet.3)Read a rhymeJelly and ice cream.I can see!Jelly and ice cream.For you and me!9.T:The picnic is ending.We are happy.通过学生喜爱的懒洋洋创设情境,使学生很快进入学习状态。通过

11、懒洋洋举办派对需要食物, 复习句型I like,并巩固先前所学的单词,做到温故知新。通过游戏,猜测懒洋洋喜欢什么食物,学习句型Do you like?游戏激发学生的能动性,使他们积极参与活动。运用Do you like?的句型猜测喜洋洋喜欢吃的食物,达到巩固旧知,又激发学生兴趣的效果。运用儿歌区分sweet和sweets。通过数糖果的数量,达到巩固学习sweet这个单词的效果。运用Do you like?的句型猜测美洋洋喜欢吃的食物,引出新授单词biscuit。根据已有的儿歌,让学生运用新词汇改编儿歌,能调动学生的求知欲和发散思维。儿歌的形式,朗朗上口,又复习sweets和biscuits两个

12、单词。运用Do you like?的句型猜测沸洋洋喜欢吃的食物,引出新授单词jelly,猜的游戏活跃课堂气氛。运用儿歌的形式学习单词jelly。使学习变得简单易学。通过不同颜色的果冻,来巩固所学句型Do you like?并学习肯定形式Yes,I like否定形式No,I dont.运用Do you like?的句型猜测暖洋洋喜欢吃的食物,引出新授单词ice cream。通过儿歌的形式,扩充单词cold,让学生真实感受冰激凌。根据已有的儿歌,让学生运用新词汇改编儿歌,能调动学生的求知欲和发散思维。Post-task activitiesDo some exercises1. Follow me

13、2. Match3. Memory game4. Ask and answer Do you like? Yes,I like No,I dont.通过读单词,连线和记忆游戏,巩固单词,加深印象。让学生通过看说,进行小组练习,增加他们的积极性,培养他们的用英语连续说话的能力。Homework Assignment1.Listen to the tape and read the new words.2.Ask your parents Do you like .?让学生在课外运用所学语言,巩固所学知识。教案说明:本节课是1BM2U2的第一课时,在本课单词方面,我将:jelly, ice cre

14、am, biscuit, 作为新授单词,并通过儿歌拓展了单词cold。同时,我又以句型:Do you like? Yes, I like/No,I dont. 作为新授句型。让学生能通过创设懒洋洋和他的好朋友们聚会的情景,掌握新授的食物类单词,并能用新授句型与对方进行提问与交流。 在上课时,我考虑到以下几个方面:(1) 多媒体辅助教学英语的教学在于活,需要充分调动学生的学习积极性,让学生在课堂上活起来,让他们愿意听,愿意说,愿意做,多媒体从视觉,听觉方面满足孩子的需求,动听的音乐,精美的画面,多变的动作都能引起学生的注意力,能提供给学生更多说话机会。本课中,我使用了卡片,图片,Flash等多种

15、媒体工具,达到将抽象问题具体化,形象化的目的。(2) 快乐的情景教学本节课中我以懒洋洋为主线,利用猜的游戏分别引出新授单词,中间又穿插游戏、儿歌,让学生乐于说。低年级学生热情并有想象力,善于模仿,愿意积极发言,但他们好动,注意力集中时间短暂,抽象思维较弱,因此我在教学中编了一些儿歌,猜一猜东西等形式,时时吸引学生的注意力,提高课堂教学效率。在课堂教学中,又通过对话练习,鼓励学生将已学知识运用到新句型中,或将已学句型补充到新对话中,丰富对话的内容,锻炼学生的口语,提高学生连续说话的能力。(3)与考点相联系,力求扎实。通过看图片,做游戏,做习题等方式,综合巩固了学生的知识,检测了前面学习的效果。此外,作业设置上,也考虑到了学生说话和口头交流的训练,如与父母亲讨论所喜欢的食物,相互交流,既训练了口头表达,拓展了学生的思维能力,又增进孩子和父母间的情感。 总之在本节课中,我从学生兴趣入手,利用了丰富的多媒体资源,课堂中注重教学与考点的联系,新旧知识紧密结合,照顾到不同层次的学生,注重在巩固基础的前提下启发学生的拓展思维能力,让每个孩子都有收获。


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