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1、托福口语参考模板汇总之如何保持健康 在托福考试中,托福口语是其中最重要的部分之一,下面就和大家分享托福口语参考模板汇总之如何保持健康,希望能够帮助大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语参考模板汇总之如何保持健康托福口语题目:What do you do to keep yourself healthy? Explain how it helped you.Please include reasons and details in you explanation.托福口语参考范文:Well, I think there are several ways to keep myself healthy.As

2、for physical health, Ill do some exercise regularly. For example, Ill work out in a gym or play ball games with my friends, such as basketball or volleyball and I will try to keep a healthy diet which means to avoid eating fast food that are high in oil, sugar and salt. And I will try to eat more fr

3、esh fruits and vegetables.And as for my mental health, I think I will try to listen to some light music before going to bed. It will help improve the quality of sleep. And when I run into some bad things Ill complain to my close friends or parents rather than keep all the pressure to myself.托福口语模板分析

4、:文中如下内容值得学习:1. 先概述理由,再举出例子。提出理由的方法是分类法。将health分成了physical health and mental health,这样的拆分方式在独立写作中也经常用到,希望大家可以学习一下!不妨利用此题一试【20XX-10-17 CN 独立写作 : Its better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercises.】2. 另外,句型变换。shurui大神在口语中也是各种长短句结合,定语从句熟练应用啊,比如这个“比如”的句子For example, I

5、ll work out in a gym or play ball games with my friends, such as basketball or volleyball and I will try to keep a healthy diet, 【which means to avoid eating fast food 【that are high in oil, sugar and salt.】两个定语从句哦!1. work out in a gym在健身房锻炼(请注意work的发音)【积累任务】请用英文介绍你keep physical health的方式2. keep a h

6、ealthy diet 保持健康饮食3. run into some bad things 遇到什么不好的事4. complain to my friends 向我的朋友抱怨5. listen to some light music 听轻音乐关于轻音乐,你还可以说:gentle music/ tranquil music, 你还可以用这样的词来形容【让人感到心情舒缓、情绪平静的】音乐:soothing, peaceful, calming and relaxing music【积累任务】请用英文介绍你keep mental health的方式6. go to bed 去睡觉7. help im

7、prove the quality of sleep 有利于提高睡眠质量8. complain about the daily life to ones friends 向朋友抱怨日常的生活9. keep all the pressure to oneself 把压力都留给自己托福口语参考答案:Well, I take several ways to keep myself healthy. As for physical health, I do exercise regularly. For example, I go to the gymthree times a week and pl

8、ay ball games, like basketball and volleyball, with my friends at weekends, 【all of which enable me to build up my body】(And Im trying to keep a healthy diet. I hardly have any fast food 【cause its high in oil, sugar and salt】. Instead, what I eat the most are fresh fruits and vegetables, 【which are

9、 rich in vitamin】)(括号中可以不说)And as for my mental health, I usually listen to some light music before going to bed 【cause it will help improve the quality of my sleep】. And every time when I run into some bad things, Id complain to my close friends or parents rather than keep all the pressure to mysel

10、f.【全文都不能用将来时,而要用现在时,因为不是在问我们保持健康的计划,而是在问我们:日常生活中都是如何做的?】“【】”中是在Explain how it helped you.托福考试:口语典型错误(1)中心句的表达。中心句一般会出现在首段首句,它的重要性可想而知,我们不要求表达得多么标新立异,但最起码的是要表达得正确而又完整,也就是说最基本确认这个句子是由主语subject谓语verb宾语object三部分构成。For example, 有道题是这样的:Choose a place you go to often that is important to you and explain w

11、hy it is important. Please include specific details in your explanation.我的一位客户在开始表达他的观点时说:the place where my grandfather had lived.这就是一个很典型而又不应该犯的错误。正确的表达为the place where my grandfather had lived is a very important place for me.也许你觉得你绝对不会犯这种低级错误,但是当你亲临考场,在那种高度紧张的氛围下,这种错误的发生也不是没有可能的,所以在你平常的口语练习就要下意识

12、地养成这种习惯。(2)时态的整体把握。虽然说在进行陈述时局部的时态表达错误考官会忽略不计,但是太多了就会影响到你的成绩。就拿(1)中的事例来说吧,这个考生在陈述时一会使用现在进行时,一会又是过去时,来回地变换,这样是很不可取的。这个考生应该在确定了他的陈述内容是关于他已经去世的爷爷之后,就应该意识到他这篇陈述应该以过去时或者过去完成时为主。(3)语言表达的多样性。有位客户在表达it is easier for the students to find the new things in the field once they focus on a single subject area.我们知

13、道在表达在某个领域发掘新事物有很多表达方式,for example, it is easier for them to break new ground in the field/ to make marked achievements in the field.这就比他原先的那种表达法更生动,此外,譬如有的客户在陈述中表达learn experience and learn courses时重复使用了learn,其实表示获得经验的词语有很多:acquire, obtain, get等等。所以大家在平常的学习和备考中一定要多多积累这方面的知识。(4)认真阅读题干,明确它问你哪方面问题,有几点,

14、不要擅自发表自己的看法。譬如有道题这样要求:State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion. 有位考生按照题目要求交待了对话中人物的观点并且也说明了理由,但是在结尾处他却加了句:I think.。结果时间到了,录音结束。这样不但使他原本完整的陈述听起来不完整,还给阅卷官一种他时间不够用的感觉,得不偿失!托福重要的口语应试技巧托福口语考试要减少口头禅托福口语考试对考生最具挑战性的一点是考生几乎没有深入思考的时间,从给出题目到开始考试,只有短短的15秒钟,却要求在45秒钟之内给出一个有头有尾的完

15、整回答。老师说,托福考试是对考生英语素质的考察,很多考生面对计算机,不自觉就会出现很多口头禅,有英文的:well,you know等或者毫无意义的“啊、嗯”的音节,更有甚者,将自己的中文口头禅也说出来。这些无意义的词语出现在只有45秒的口语答案中,很具杀伤力。老师建议考生在答题时尽量放松心情,发音能让人听懂就可以。考生对于口语题的准备应主要集中在人、地、物、事几个大方面,可以提前准备一些相关的句型,考试的时候适当代入。考生尽量在45秒的答题时间内,充分展示自己的词汇量,做到流利准确。托福口语备考多说多反馈很多人都知道英语要多说,但是真正做到每天都说的人很少。建议考生多做题,每天至少大声说足20分钟。光说还不行,要与人对话、与电脑对话,尽可能多地获得反馈。如果能够让老师听,指出发音或语法错误是最好。最简单的反馈是将自己说的英语做录音后,反复听,检查错误。指出只说不反馈,永远不会进步。最后,总结说,托福备考是一个很乏味的过程,除了反复做题外,口语和写作还要积极获得各种反馈。一定要有坚持到底的信念,态度很关键,每天做足练习,不要轻言放弃。只有坚持到最后,才能获得成功。托福口语


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