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1、雅思写作6分基本结构讲解分析 我们都知道,雅思写作非常重视作文的逻辑性和结构性。今天给大家带来了雅思写作6分基本结构讲解,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。雅思写作6分基本结构讲解雅思大作文4种题型的构思流程+提分高能技巧,让你面对写作扬眉吐气!在雅思写作考试时,中国低分考鸭最常犯的错误是:习惯一上来就写,边写边思考.你有木有中枪?这样做*结构往往很混乱,东一拳西一脚,考官并不知道你想表达什么。并且,雅思官方写作评分标准细则中连贯性评分项已明确指出:考生应该有技巧性地、恰当地划分*段落结构所以在写作前,必须构思*结构,它有助于你组织以及更加集中地表达观点,从而写得又快又切题,这也是预防丢分的一

2、大法宝。那么究竟应该如何组织*呢?在这里,推荐大家采取“四段法”来架构*。“四段法”是指将*划分为4段来写:1.Introductionanswer the question in a general way开头介绍段:阐述话题,大体上回答题目中所要求的内容。2.Body1details/examples主体段1:以细节和具体例子来阐述观点3.Body2details/examples主体段2:以细节和具体例子来阐述观点4.Conclusionsummarize your ideas结尾段:总结所陈述的观点“四段法”并不是唯一的写作结构,但却是最简单有效的,因为它可以应对雅思Task2所有的问

3、题类型。雅思大作文常见的问题类型有下面4种:1.Opinion Question 观点型To what extent do you agree or disagree?一般此类问题会针对某个话题提出观点或论断,然后问你是否赞同,需要你选择支持的观点,并解释为什么支持这个观点。2.Discussion Question 讨论型Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.此问题是让考生们自由列观点,需要你先把题目中的给出的两种相反的观点分别进行讨论和给出原因,最后给出自己的观点,或在讨论的过程中就给出自己的看法。3.Problemsolving 解决问

4、题型Explain this problem and suggest some solutions.此类问题通常先阐述一个比较棘手or烦人的现象(比如环保问题啦低头族问题啦), 然后让你去讨论并且解决这个问题。4.Two-part 混合型这类问题一般会给出一个观点,然后针对观点提出两个相关问题让你去回答。其中观点型和讨论型是雅思考试中最高频的问题类型。对于这四种类型的作文题目,你知道怎么下手么?下面一一解析如何运用“四段法”来收服这“四大金刚”!1Opinion Question Structure观点型问题结构Example QuestionAs well as making money,b

5、usinesses also have social responsibilities. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?构思流程:1.IntroductionIntroduce the topic.Then,give your opinion.在这部分第一个句子先介绍话题,然后再给出自己的总体观点。大家可以表达不同的观点,同意、不同意或者给出一个平衡中立的观点,同意其中的一部分观点。2.Body Paragraph 1Discuss your opinion(first theme)3.Body Para

6、graph 2Discuss your opinion(Second theme)theme指的是针对一种观点你的一些想法的集合统称为theme;4.ConclusionRe-paraphrase the topic and give your opinion with a couple of extra details from your body paragraphs.No new details.重新阐述或总结一下话题,并再次通过主体段中的一些细节重申观点。但不要增加新的细节信息,这样会使观点更加离散化。对于以上问题,你可以这样总结:In conclusion,I believe tha

7、t businesses have a strong responsibility to society in addition to making profits,because.(列出主体段中的一些原因即可)注:总结段没有必要太长,简短完整即可,对于意见型问题,你既可以表示同意或不同意,也可以表达中立的观点。2Discussion Question Structure讨论型问题结构Example Question:Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like(SideA).Oth

8、ers believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future,such as those related to science and technology(SideB).Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.构思流程:我们现将两种观点标注出来,然后按照“四段法”一一填充内容。1.IntroductionIntroduce the topic(both sides).Then,give your opinion.

9、一开始先介绍双方观点并进行讨论,最后再给出自己的观点。在开头段表达个人观点,可以很明确地回应题目指示。另外一个作用就是“江湖救急”,如果在写结尾段时时间不够了,就可以快速地写一个简单的结论,因为开头已经给出了明确的观点。2.Body Paragraph 1Discuss one side(opposite side to your opinion)讨论与你的观点相对立的那一方;3.Body Paragraph 2Discuss the other side(same side as your opinion)讨论和你观点一致的那一方;这样“先抑后扬”的讨论,会强有力地支撑你的结论,先分析对立方

10、观点优劣势,然后再着重强调自己赞同的这一方为什么行得通,从而更有信服力。4.ConclusionRe-paraphrase the topic and give your opinion with a couple of extra details from your body paragraphs.No new details.同上,还是要总结一下话题,并选取主体段中的重要信息重申观点。不要补充新观点,突出强调主要观点即可。3Problem Solving Question Structure问题解决型结构Example Question:The number of plants and a

11、nimals is declining.Explain this problem and suggest some solutions.构思流程:1.IntroductionIntroduce the topic.Suggest that this problem can be solved.总结一下出现的问题,并表明这个问题可以解决,你不需要给出具体的解决方案,只需要指出有一些解决办法,或者你可以笼统地提一下你建议的解决办法。如: This problem can be solved by the following ways.This problem can be solved by th

12、e joint efforts of the government and civil organizations.2.Body Paragraph 1Explain the problem.Give examples.描述一下当前问题及产生的原因,并给出具体的例子。3.Body Paragraph 2Suggest some solutions. Explain causes and effects.提出解决方案并解释为什么要这么做,这么做了会有什么影响和结果。4.ConclusionSummarize the problem and your solution with a few spe

13、cific details from the body paragraphs. No new details.总结一下问题并根据主体段中的具体信息阐述一下解决方案,不要增加新的信息。注:对于解决问题型题目,它不要求你的观点有多新颖,考官不会评判你的观点的质量,他们考察的是你是否给出具体的例子、清晰的原因和事实来支持你的观点。你不需要是奇思妙想的天才,哪怕你的观点并无实际用处,但只要自圆其说就可以。4Two Part Question Structure混合型问题结构Example Question:Happiness is considered very important in life.

14、Why is it difficult to define?What factors are important in achieving happiness?构思流程:1.IntroductionIntroduce the topic.Then,give overall answers to both questions.介绍话题并大概回答一下两个问题。2.Body Paragraph 1Discuss your answer to the first question.针对第一个问题的回答展开讨论。3.Body Paragraph 2Discuss your answer to the s

15、econd question.针对第二个问题的回答展开讨论。4.ConclusionRe-paraphrase the topic and summarise your answers to each question with a couple of details from the body paragraphs. No new details.再次阐述话题并根据以上两个主体段的信息总结两个回答,不要增加新的信息。注:这类话题比较罕见,但同学们也要有所准备。除了要搞定*架构外,我们还需要掌握写作提分必杀技复杂句,一提起复杂句,很多小伙伴都感到苦大仇深,其实复杂句被妖魔化了,真正的复杂句一点

16、都不复杂,它就是简单句的叠加组合升级!举个栗子,很多中国考生会这么写:Wider roadscan solve traffic congestion.Wider roadsallow traffic to move more easily.但只要稍微一改动,小短句就能摇身一变成为“精品复合句”。我们来具体分析一下:1.根据英语的习惯表达,我们在句首可以增加动名词,这样的语法结构会大大提分。第一句改成:Building wider roadscan solve traffic congestion.2.从句子意思层面来分析,第一个句子属于解决方案,第二个句子具体解释解决办法的可行性,所以根据两个

17、句子间的关系,可以添加连词because将两个句子连接起来;Building wider roads can solve traffic congestion,because wider roads allow traffic to move more easily.3.接下来我们注意到,句子中有重复的主语wider roads,而动名词结构做主语,形式主语要用it替代,谓语动词用单数,所以这个句子就变成了:Building wider roadscan solve traffic congestion,becauseit allowstraffic to move more easily.所


19、们除了掌握必备的考试技巧外,更多地注重积累素材和词汇,多加练习和交流,注重自身英语能力的提升。以上就是雅思写作6分基本结构讲解的全部内容,同学们掌握了这种基本的写作结构吗?与其说他是雅思写作得到6分这个分数的基本结构,不如说是在英语中写立论文的时候的基本写作结构,因此,不仅是雅思,在考生们考完雅思去国外留学时,也会在学校的作业等当中发现雅思写作的文体和结构能够用到很多地方的。雅思写作:Task2科技类考官范文Write about the following topic:Some people consider computers to be more of a hindrance than

20、a help. Others believe that they have greatly increased human potential.How could computers be considered a hindrance?Model Answer:It is easy to understand why some people believe that computers are more of a hindrance than a help. Operations such as obtaining a refund or changing a ticket tend to b

21、e fairly straightforward without the aid of a computer, yet once one is involved, the process can become time-consuming, complex and prone to errors. In an office environment, it can sometimes seem that for every hour saved by computers, at least set of problems caused by a system malfunction.Anothe

22、r consideration is that, over-enthusiastic use of computers in the home has the potential to divert large amounts of free time away from activities such as socialising, tasking exercise or having dinner with your family. Spending a lot of leisure time looking at a computer monitor screen could perha

23、ps achieving other goals in life, such as being healthy and socially integrated.However, it would be simplistic to assert that computers have a generally negative impact. There have been enormous advences in communications, medicine, design, education and numerous fields of human endeavour. Nowadays

24、, virtually the entire sum of human knowledge is as far away as the nearest internet point. Computers have brought about a profound change in the way most people inthe developed world live. (Although it should not be forgotten that the majority of the inhabitants of this planet have never so much as

25、 touched a computer keyboard.)The benefits of computers undoubtedly outweigh the disadventages. The question is not whethercomputers help or hinder, but whether people always use their huge potential in a sensible and responsible way?雅思写作:Task2科技类考官范文Some people say that computers have made life eas

26、ier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful.What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.Model Answer:Some people say that the invention of computers is one of the greatest humankinds inventions. However, other

27、people think that computers make their life more stressful. I agree with those people who think that computers brought many benefits and play a very important role in our modern life.First of all, every company nowadays uses a computer to store its data and make different kinds of operations. It is

28、very difficult to imagine life without computers. A company would have to store millions of papers and documents. Moreover, a customer would have to wait hours to check his balance or get a piece of information about his transactions at his bank, while an employee was looking trough those papers. An

29、other important aspect of this is that people are able to type all their information, make corrections, print or send documents using computers. It makes life much easier. One can spend the rest of the time watching TV with his family or working on something new.We use computers every day sometimes

30、even not knowing it. When we go to a store and use our credit cards many computers process our information and perform transactions. When we need to get some cash we use money access machines that are computerized too.Second of all, computers provided a great means of communication - the Internet. I

31、 think it is the easiest and cheapest way to get in touch with relatives, friends, business colleagues, etc. Nowadays the world becomes smaller and smaller. When I was a little girl, I could not imagine that it would be possible to communicate with people from all around the world in so easy way. A

32、person can get latest news, become friends with someone from another country, find his old friends, ask for a piece of advice, etc.Finally, in addition to these practical benefits people can shop without leaving their house. They just use an Internet access, a computer and their cards to make a paym

33、ent. It is kind of difficult to imagine that a few years ago people had to spend their time in lines buying tickets. Now, a person can choose a destination, company, date and time and get tickets delivered to his door. I think it is amazing.To sum up, I believe that computers made our lives easier. They change our attitude towards life. I think with the invention of computers people became closer and friendlier.雅思


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