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1、托福口语模板18岁成人投出选票 要想取得托福口语的高分,需准备足够的托福口语素材以及背诵不同题材的要托福口语真题,下面就和大家分享托福口语模板18岁成人投出选票,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语模板18岁成人投出选票托福口语题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 18-year-old adults are not mature enough to vote.托福口语参考范文:In my opinion, 18-year-old people already have the ability to vote. Firstly,

2、because I think when we are 18, we are adults, which means we can take responsibility for our behaviors and actions. (At the age of 18, we begin to make decisions independently, and thus our votes can represent our own opinions)【括号内的也可以不说】 And also I think young people above 18 are very concerned ab

3、out the future of the country and they have the ability to reason and also enough knowledge about politics, which will help them to make right decisions. 补充例子:For example, my friends and I are just 18 years old, and we often surf online to learn about the information related to national policies. An

4、d our politics teachers always tell us not to just repeat what others say but think by ourselves. So we are mature enough to vote.托福口语参考答案:Well, I dont think I can agree with statement because I think +people who are already 18 years old are mature enough to vote.【也可以直接说: In my opinion, 18-year-old

5、people already have the ability to vote.】Firstly, because I think when we are 18, we are adults, which means we can take responsibility for the our behaviors and actions. (At the age of 18, we begin to make decisions independently, and thus our votes can represent our own opinions)【补充了一些细节,否则,这第一个理由

6、根本就没有论证,丢下一句:我18,我成年了,就走了哎不要这么傲娇嘛!至少稍微结合咱们的话题解释一句嘛!】And also I think young people above 18 are very concerned about the future of the country and they have the ability to reason and also enough knowledge about politics, which will help them to make right decisions.补充例子(可以跟着Pt的答案一路说到结尾):For example,

7、my friends and I are just 18 years old, and we often surf online to learn about hte information related to national policies. And our politics teachers always tell me, Please dont just repeat what others say but think by yourself, think critically. So I am pretty sure that we are mature enough to vo

8、te. (/ 语速快的同学,可以挑战加长版结尾So I am pretty sure that we have the capability to decide what is good for the nation and the people and thus we definitely are old enough to vote. )这纯粹为了凑时间的结尾,可以不读了:So I think they have both the right and capability to decide what is good for the nations and what is good for

9、 the people. So thats why I think they are old enough and mature enough to vote.【很啰嗦,其实就是因为没有内容了,所以用漫长的结尾来拖时间】托福口语模板分析:*来自高分网友shurui,非常赞的发音!这一次之所以没有选择晨读团同学的录音,并不是因为大家的答案【内容】不够好,而是因为:大家的【发音】错误真的太多了!shurui同学是亦鸥有名的淡定大神,不论什么内容,她都说得从容不迫。这一题的答案虽然:很空洞,但因为发音非常标准,整体的表达十分流利,第一遍听依然觉得真的很棒!每一次在收听大量晨读团同学的录音时,Pt都感

10、到,有一件事不得不承认:发音好真的太重要!1)发音不标准的,根本听不懂啊!2)发音有口音的,听着很难受啊!3)发音特别好的,心里就觉得ta答得好啊!所以,强烈建议大家,正音,从今天开始!这里就不得不再一次强调:我们要做的是【跟读】。除了学内容之外,还要学答题者的发音,要去模仿,去跟着读。请大家不要仅是查看推送的内容,然后就开始自己读了那你的发音错误永远也改不了哇!一定要点击阅读原文,收听高分回答,并收听Pt在晨读团里的语音示范,每天坚持再坚持,就一定能跟发音错误说88!在此,说一下本题的几个常见错误发音:adult 这个音已经被大家念出花儿来了,Pt听到最奇葩的发音是:“矮倒他”这都什么鬼?请

11、注意:这个音是/?d?lt/ 或者 /?d?lt/ (注意,a这个原因发音不同的时候,重音也不一样哦!shuirui读的就是/?d?lt/ )不要跟我说你的“矮倒他”是英音!英音里的a也不会发成“矮”哒!mature 这个音,也是各种不同版本,听得Pt都快怀疑人生了。有人读“吗ture”有人读“马ture” 还有人连ture都不对,读成了“吗ter”。那真是。谁能听出来你在说“成熟”啊!我还以为想说master然后吞了s呢!请注意:这个音是/m?t?r/ 前面不是/ma/是/m?/ 哦!vote 请大家注意哦!v在发音的时候,要用上牙轻轻咬一下下唇不要出现漏风的效果!接下来,Pt来解释一下我的

12、修改:1. 【不能拿18 years old当“18岁的人”来讲】I think +people who are already 18 years old are mature enough to vot18岁的人,正确的说法如下:A. 18-year-old people 【作定语,通常都是这样,加了连字符,就成了形容词啦!比如:在校的活动 on-campus activities】B. people who are 18 【作表语】C. people who are 18 years old 【作表语】2. 【18岁,我们能够对“我们的”行为负责 + behavior是不可数名词】we c

13、an take responsibility for the our behaviors and actions3.【一个发音错误】 I think young people above 18 are very concerned about the future of the country 这里的concerned,被shurui发成了concered,中间那个n被吞了!这是我们大家也经常犯的错误。建议再练习一下environment和government,也是要注意:不要吞n! (加入晨读团,收听Pt的语音示范)4. 【没有细节】节选一下优秀录音下方的网友点评(是的,亦鸥的网友们就是这么

14、犀利!这才能进步呀!不痛不痒、你好我好大家好的点评,有啥用?!)- 我觉得你没给出充足理由解释 为什么mature到可以vote。其他方面都ok。shuirui的回应:- 首先感谢你的点评.因为1)成年人了,可以为行为负责 2)具有独立思考的能力 3)具有相关的知识 2+3)可以做出正确的判断.围观群众表示:- 语言考试不太关注内容,能够顺下来就很不错了。如果内容要改进,最好有一个具体事例。shuirui的回应:- 我也觉得有具体例子更好,可是想半天没想出来呀.在此,Pt给出回应:1. 语言考试并不是完全不看内容哦 但就像我在前面讲到的:【语音确实加分!】不过,【内容也不容忽视!】2. 增加细

15、节和例子并不难,Pt已经示范啦A. details 是把你说的事情具体化,如: we can take responsibility for the our behaviors and actions.我们能对自己的行为负责,具体化后: At the age of 18, we begin to make decisions independently, and thus our votes can represent our own opinions.我们自己独立做决策,因此我们的选票能够代表自己的意见。B. exemplification 是把你说的事情搞成一个具体的事件,如: young

16、 people above 18 are very concerned about the future of the country. 年轻人关心国家的未来。具体到一个例子:For example, my friends and I are just 18 years old, and we often surf online to learn about the information related to national policies. 我和我的小伙伴,我们就成天看新闻。托福考试口语备考:“说不出口”怎么办对于很多考生来说,谈到听读练习,会让大家联想到了听力备考的练习。但是,实际上




20、加入具体的例子和细节。例如:choose a place you like and explain why you like this place.请看看袁老师是怎么回答的:Well, the place I enjoy the most is a small town located in France. I like this small town because it has very charming ocean view. I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You kno

21、w how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.Of course I like this small French town also because there are many great French restaurants. They offer the best seafood in the world like lob

22、sters and tuna fishes. The most important, I have been benefited a lot from this trip to France because I made friends with some gorgeous French girls. One of them even gave me a little watch as a souvenir of our friendship.看出奥妙来了吗?1、这个回答里用的全部是口语化的短句子;2、按照正常的语速念完正好是45秒;3、出现了多处非常具体的细节描写(得分点)。4、有景色描写(

23、beach)、有人物(French girls)、有事件(make friends),有具体事物(a watch)。为何如此设计,等一下就会讲到。 然后让我们换一个题目再看看,还是用这些内容怎么进行回答:题目:Choose a restaurant you like and explain why you like this restaurant参考答案:Well, the restaurant I enjoy the most is a French restaurant located on a beautiful beach. I like this small restaurant b

24、ecause it has very charming ocean view. I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.Of course I like this small

25、 French restaurant also because it offers the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, I made friends with some gorgeous French girls in that restaurant. One of them even gave me a little watch as a souvenir of our friendship.在新托福口语考试中,本题型能够涉及到的范围包括事件、人物、具体事物和地方。现

26、在你是不是开始有些明白为什么袁老师的口语模板要包括人、地、事、物?然后我们再来做一些难度稍大的扩展训练,看看转化原则是怎么能够帮助我们以不变应万变。Choose an important event/ a favorite activity and give reasons explaining why this event is important/ why this activity is your favorite. 从抽象的事物转化成具体的景色描写Well, one very important event in my life/my favorite activity is a li

27、ttle trip to France. I like this trip so much because we visited a small French town. The town has very charming ocean view. I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down,

28、 when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.Of course I like this little trip to France also because there are many great French restaurants. They offer the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, I have been benefited a lot from this trip to F

29、rance because I made friends with some gorgeous French girls. One of them even gave me a little watch as a souvenir of our friendship.注意一定要有两到三句转化句,也叫点题句,即在文中标注出的句子。扩展训练:1. Describe one object that is of special value to you and explain why it is of special value to you. Please include specific exam

30、ples and details in your explanation.2. Choose a teacher you like and explain why you like him or her. Include specific details in your statement.3. Everyone has a goal to fulfill. Whats your goal and explain why you want to fulfill this goal. Please include specific examples and details in your exp

31、lanation.(在看下面的参考答案之前,请自己先用转化原则处理一下上面的题目。这几个题目是袁老师精心收集的仿真题,仿真度可以达到90%以上,同学们要好好利用)参考答案:1. Well, the object of special value to me is a little watch. 点题,复述原题 the watch was designed for women and one of my French girlfriends gave it to me as a souvenir of our friendship. This little watch is of very sp

32、ecial meaning to me because it always reminds me of those days I spent in a beautiful French town located by the beach. My watch is deep blue, as blue as the charming ocean view on the beach. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when t

33、he ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.The most important, I made friends with some gorgeous French girls. One of them gave me this little watch as a gift. I cherish the watch just as much as we cherish our friendship.2.Well, the teacher I admire so much is a gorgeous French lady. S

34、he was from a beautiful French small town located by the beach. She has very charming deep blue eyes, as blue as the ocean view on the beach. I admire her so much because she is not only a teacher to me but also a very good friend. Last summer, she invited me to travel to her hometown. You know how

35、romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.Also, she brought me to some restaurants offering the best seafood such as lobsters and tuna fishes. Finally, she gave me a little watch as the souve

36、nir of our friendship.3. Ever since I was a kid, I had a dream to travel to France. My parents told me that there is a little French town located by the beach. It has very charming ocean view. They told me the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it ca

37、n ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.Of course I want to travel to this small French town also because there are many great French restaurants. They offer the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, there is a good chance to make friends with some gorgeous French girls.托福口语


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