1、INTERNET技术与组网工程课程设计报告(2009/2010学年第一学期第20-21周)指导教师: 班级:学号:姓名: 网络系统集成实践课程设计任 务 书一、题目:小型企业办公局域网络的组建与配置二、提供设备及技术参数:实验设备:文件服务器1台 通信服务器1台 打印服务器1台 工作站6台(网卡) 超五类双绞线若干,ARJ45头若干D-LINK交换机2台HP彩色绘图机(A1幅面)1台HP激光打印机(A4幅面)1台佳能彩色喷墨打印机(A3幅面)1台扫描仪(A4幅面)1台刻录机1台功能分区:(1) 模拟办公室-日常各种文本文件及表格的打印(激光打印机,A4幅面)。(2) 模拟设计室-日常各种图形文
2、件的打印(彩色绘图机,A1幅面),数码图片的扫描(扫描仪,A4幅面),彩色效果图的打印(彩色喷墨打印机,A3幅面)。(3) 模拟资料室-日常各项资料档案管理,包括图纸的电子归档,需要刻录机。(4) 其他需求-局域网共享访问INTERNET、接收发传真和电子邮件需要宽带上网设备(带传真、语音功能等)。三、目的和要求(1)了解局域网组建概念及一般知识;(2)了解局域网组建需要的设备;(3)掌握局域网的布局和布线基础制作;(4)掌握服务器的安装、管理与配置;(5)掌握工作站端的设置;(6)了解局域网改进要注意的事项及方法。(7)学会应用WIN2000 SERVER构建综合服务平台。(8)掌握互联网常
3、用接入技术和网络设置。(9)掌握路由交换及VLAN的配置。四、工作内容及工作计划:(二周)课程编号:2010/2011学年 第1学期指导教师: 课程名称:网络系统集成实践开课系 (部、中心):专业负责人(教研室主任):指导书:局域网设计与组网实用教程周时:2授课班级:07通信(1)(2)系(部、中心)主任:时 间实 践 内 容授 课 地 点指导教师日期周次星期时间1.1019一晚上局域网概述,局域网体系结构10#4141.1119二晚上以太网技术10#4141.1219三晚上VLAN和WLAN10#4141.1319四晚上实现局域网互连的协议,局域网间通信技10#4141.1419五晚上物理结
4、构和逻辑结构设计、网络安全设计10#4141.1720一晚上布线与设备连接、绘制网络拓扑图10#4141.1820二晚上路由器配置10#4141.1920三晚上VLAN的配置10#4141.2020四晚上Windows 2000服务器安装与管理10#4141.2120五晚上课程设计报告的文档编写、考核与答辩10#414五、考核办法:实践考核:由学生现场进行网络布线,并动手进行双绞线制作、双接互联、交换机和路由器、终端的连接与配置,然后进行组网并回答老师所提问题,目的主要是检查学生动手能力以及是否掌握所学知识。设计报告:提交题目所涉及的整个网络布线、相应组网过程、路由交换与VLAN的配置及WIN
5、2000 SERVER安装和管理的详细方案,并回答老师所提问题。成绩构成:课程设计报告50%,回答问题20%,综合布线与网络配置实践30%。成绩以五级制评定,分为优、良、中、及格、不及格。参考资料:1、局域网设计与组网实用教程,王宝智等编,清华大学出版社。2、计算机网络,谢希仁编著,电子工业出版社。3、局域网组建于Windows Server 2003的使用,张磊等著,高等教育出版社。4、网络布线与小型局域网搭建,朱宪花著,中国财政经济出版社。INTERNET技术与组网工程设计报告目 录一、题目:5二、目的和要求:5三、设计思路或方案:5四、局域网功能说明:5五、网络系统拓扑图:6六、路由交换
6、及VLAN的配置:7七、实验心得与体会:18一、题目:小型企业办公局域网络的组建与配置二、目的和要求:(1)了解局域网组建概念及一般知识;(2)了解局域网组建需要的设备;(3)掌握局域网的布局和布线基础制作;(4)掌握服务器的安装、管理与配置;(5)掌握工作站端的设置;(6)了解局域网改进要注意的事项及方法。(7)学会应用WIN2000 SERVER构建综合服务平台。(8)掌握互联网常用接入技术和网络设置。(9)掌握路由交换及VLAN的配置。三、设计思路或方案:1、局域网的建设思路局域网的建设是一项非常复杂的系统工程,局域作为一个特殊的网络应用环境,它的建设与使用都有其自身的特点。在选择局域网
9、文挡; INTERNET服务:学校可以建立自己的主页,利用外部网页进行学校宣传,提供各类咨询信息等,利用内部网页进行管理,例如发布通知、收集学生意见等。计算机教学,包括多媒体教学和远程教学;图书馆访问系统,用于计算机查询、计算机检索、计算机阅读等;其他应用,如大型分布式数据库系统、超性能计算资源共享、管理系统、视频会议等。2、设计的局域网络的总的功能在Internet以惊人的速度席卷全球之际,局域网成为电脑网络中的一个重要组成部分。所谓局域网就是把分布在局域不同地点的多台电脑连接,按照网络协议相互通信,以共享软件、硬件和数据资源为目标的网络系统。提供丰富的教育教学信息和资源是局域网的生命力。局
12、outer Con0 is now availablePress RETURN to get started.Routerenable /特权模式Router#config t /开始配置Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.Router(config)#hostname RouterA /命名RouterA(config)#interface e0 /e0接口配置RouterA(config-if)#ip address /ip地址配置RouterA(conf
13、ig-if)#no shutdown /开启%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Ethernet0, changed state to up%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Ethernet0, changed state to upRouterA(config-if)#interface s0 /s0接口配置RouterA(config-if)#ip address /ip地址配置RouterA(config-if)#no shutdown /开启%LINEPRO
14、TO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial0, changed state to up%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial0, changed state to upRouterA(config-if)#end /结束%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by consoleRouterA#copy running-config startup-configBuilding configuration.OKRouterA#config t /配置路由Enter config
15、uration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.RouterA(config)#ip route RouterA(config)#ip route route Configured from console by co
16、nsoleRouterA#ping /ping 测试!Type escape sequence to abort.Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:!Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/4/4 msRouterA#ping escape sequence to abort.Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to 172.16
17、.40.2, timeout is 2 seconds:!Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/4/4 ms/routeB/Router Con0 is now availablePress RETURN to get started.RouterenableRouter#config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.Router(config)#hostname RouteBRouteB(config)#interfa
18、ce e0RouteB(config-if)#ip address s0RouteB(config-if)#ip address s1RouteB(config-if)#ip address shutdown%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interf
19、ace Serial1, changed state to up%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial1, changed state to upRouteB(config-if)#interface s0RouteB(config-if)#no shutdown%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial0, changed state to up%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial0, changed state to upRouteB(config-if)#interfa
20、ce e0RouteB(config-if)#no shutdown%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Ethernet0, changed state to up%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Ethernet0, changed state to upRouteB(config-if)#end%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by consoleRouteB#copy running-config startup-configBuilding configurat
21、ion.OKRouteB#config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.RouteB(config)#ip route route Configured from console by consoleRouteB#show startup-configUs
22、ing 781 out of 32762 bytes!version 12.0service timestamps debug uptimeservice timestamps log uptimeno service password-encryption!hostname RouteB!interface Ethernet0ip address!interface Serial0ip address!interface Serial1ip address 255.
23、255.255.0no ip classless !line con 0line aux 0line vty 0 4endRouteB#config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.RouteB(config)#interface s0RouteB(config-if)#clock rate ? /需要配置时钟! Speed (bits per second) 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 56000 64000 72000 125000 148000 250000 50
24、0000 800000 1000000 1300000 2000000 4000000 Choose clockrate from list aboveRouteB(config-if)#clock rate 56000RouteB(config-if)#end%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by consoleRouteB#config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.RouteB(config)#interface s1RouteB(config-if
25、)#clock rate ? /需要配置时钟! Speed (bits per second) 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 56000 64000 72000 125000 148000 250000 500000 800000 1000000 1300000 2000000 4000000 Choose clockrate from list aboveRouteB(config-if)#clock rate 56000RouteB(config-if)#end%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by cons
26、oleRouteB#ping /ping测试! Type escape sequence to abort.Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:!Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/4/4 msRouteB#/routeC/Router Con0 is now availablePress RETURN to get started.RouterenableRouter#show st
27、artup-config% Non-volatile configuration memory has not been set up or has bad checksumRouter#config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.Router(config)#hostname RouterCRouterC(config)#interface e0RouterC(config-if)#ip address sh
28、utdown%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Ethernet0, changed state to up%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Ethernet0, changed state to upRouterC(config-if)#end%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by consoleRouterC#config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.RouterC(con
29、fig)#interface s0RouterC(config-if)#ip address shutdown%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial0, changed state to up%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial0, changed state to upRouterC(config-if)#end%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by co
30、nsoleRouterC#copy running-config startup-configBuilding configuration.OKRouterC#config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.RouterC(config)#ip route route route 172
31、.16.10.0 Configured from console by consoleRouterC#ping escape sequence to abort.Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:!Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/4/4 msRoute
32、rC#实现效果:A B C任意之间可以互通。 2、访问控制列表的配置RouterA#config t RouterA(config)#access-list ? IP standard access list IP extended access list IPX SAP access list Extended48-bit MAC address access list IPX summary address access list Protocol type-code access list DECnet access list Appletalk access list 48-bit M
33、AC address access list IPX standard access list IPX extended access list RouterA(config)#access-list10 ? deny Specify packets to reject permit Specify packets to forward RouterA(config)#access-list10 deny RouterA(config)#access-list10 permit any RouterA(config)#int e0 RouterA(c
34、onfig-if)#ip access-group 10 out 最后的结果是s0口ping主机C能够ping通,而主机C ping s0却无法ping通,如下图所示:3、交换机以及VLAN的配置:1. Create a VTP domain named routersim on the 1900A switch: k (form the main menu) en (and enter) en (and enter) config t config t vtp domain routersim vtp domain routersim 2. Press Ctrl+Z to go to ena
35、bled mode and type show vtp ot verify the VTP configuration. 2. Press Ctrl+Z to go to enabled mode and type show vtp to verify the VTP configuration. 3. Configure port 26 and 27 on the 1900A to trunk: 3. Configure port 26 and 27 on the 1900A to trunk: config t config t int f0/26 int f0/26 trunk on t
36、runk on int f0/27 int f0/27 trunk on trunk on 4. Go to the enabled mode and type the command show trunk A and show trunk B to verify the configuration interface 26 is port A and interface 27 is port B.Port 26 is used to connect to the 1900B switch and port 27 is used for the 2621 router connection.
37、4. Go to the enabled mode and type the command show trunk A and show trunk B to verify the configuration interface 26 is port A and interface 27 is port B.Port 26 is used to connect to the 1900B switch and port 27 is used for the 2621 router connection. 5. Add a VLAN to the 1900A switch: 5. Add a VL
38、AN to the 1900A switch: config t config t vlan 2 name Sales vlan 2 name Sales you can remove a vlan with the command no vlan x. For example,type no vlan 2. you can remove a vlan with the command no vlan x. For example,type no vlan 2. 6. Verify the VLAN by pressing Ctrl+Z and typing show vlan to see
39、all configured VLANs or show vlan 2 to see only vlan 2 information. 6. Verify the VLAN by pressing Ctrl+Z and typing show vlan to see all configured VLANs or show vlan 2 to see only vlan 2 information. 7. Go to the 1900B switch and type sho vtp.Notice that it is by default a VTP server. 7. Go to the
40、 1900B switch and type show vtp. Notice that it is by default a VTP server. 8. From 1900B type show vlan and notice only VLAN 1 is present. 8. From 1900B type show vlan and notice only VLAN 1 is present. 9. On 1900B configure int f0/26 to trunk. This is the 100Mbps connect to the 1900A switch: 9. On
41、 1900B configure int f0/26 to trunk. This is the 100Mbps connect to the 1900A switch: config t config t int f0/26 int f0/26 trunk on trunk on 10. Make the 1900B switch a VTP client in the vtp domain routersim.Go back to configuration mode: 10. Make the 1900B switch a VTP client in the vtp domain rou
42、tersim.Go back to configuration mode: exit vtp domain routersim vtp domain routersim vtp client vtp client 11. Verify the VTP information and that it found the domain by pressing Ctrl+Z and typing show vtp. 11. Verify the VTP information and that it found the domain by pressing Ctrl+Z and typing sho
43、w vtp. 12. Now,type show vlan and notice that VLAN 2 is present on the switch.Since the 1900A switch is a VTP server.the information was passed to the 1900B switch. 12. Now,type show vlan and notice that VLAN 2 is present on the switch.Since the 1900A switch is a VTP server.the information was passe
44、d to the 1900B switch. 13. By default.all ports are members of VLAN 1.There are four hosts on our physical network, two in network and two in network host configurations are as follows: 13. By default.all ports are members of VLAN 1.There are four hosts on our physical network, two in network and two in network host configurations are as follows: HostA:; plugged into 1900A, port 1 HostA:; plugged into 1900A, port 1 HostA1:; plugged into 1900B, port 2 HostA1: 172.16.10