1、 2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,如何分阶段做好项目质量管控,版本号:V1.0,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,开 工 阶 段,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,开
2、工阶段 _ 1 办公区,标准动作1,完成标准,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,开工阶段 _ 1 办公区,标准做法,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,开工阶段 _ 1 办公区,标准做法,检查表,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is sub
3、ject to change without notice,开工阶段 _ 2 售楼处,标准动作2,完成标准,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,开工阶段 _ 2 售楼处,标准做法,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,开工阶段 _ 2 售楼处,标准做法,检查表,2011 WANDA InstituteThe info
4、rmation contained herein is subject to change without notice,开工阶段 _ 3 监理单位招标,标准动作3,完成标准,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,开工阶段 _ 3 监理单位招标,标准做法,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,开工阶段 _ 3 监理单位
5、招标,标准做法,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,开工阶段 _ 4 方案审查,标准动作4,完成标准,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,开工阶段 _ 4 方案审查,标准做法,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to cha
6、nge without notice,开工阶段 _ 4 方案审查,标准做法,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,开工阶段 _ 5 开工许可,标准动作5,完成标准,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,开工阶段 _ 5 开工许可,标准做法,检查表,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information
7、contained herein is subject to change without notice,开工阶段 _ 项目质量管理文件汇总,案例分析,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,开工阶段 _ 项目质量管理文件汇总,案例分析,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,土 护 降 施 工 阶 段,2011 WAND
8、A InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,土护降施工阶段 _ 1 专家论证,标准动作1,完成标准,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,土护降施工阶段 _ 1 专家论证,标准做法,会议申请:发出专家论证会议申请;召开论证会:项目公司规划副总负责按照计划节点组织基坑支护、基坑支护施工方案、基础结构形式、主体结构形式专家论证会,论证会议规划院参
9、加,质量监管部参加;会议纪要报备:在专家论证会议结束1天后,项目公司将专家论证会议纪要、桩基正式施工图报质量监管部备案。,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,土护降施工阶段 _ 2 工程桩,标准动作2,完成标准,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,土护降施工阶段 _ 2 工程桩,标准做法,试验内容:工程桩单桩竖向抗
10、压/抗拔静荷载试验、工程桩低应变试验;试验结果报备:将试验报告报项目管理中心质量监管部,抄送计划部。,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,土护降施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,案例分析,回填土质量差,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,土护降施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,案例分析,基坑护壁脱落,2011 WANDA In
11、stituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,土护降施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,案例分析,混凝土护壁破损,出现塌方,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,土护降施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,案例分析,桩头淤泥未处理干净,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to c
12、hange without notice,土护降施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,案例分析,桩锚钢围檩不连续,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,土护降施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,案例分析,钢围檩不连续,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,结构/装饰装修/机电工程,2011 WANDA InstituteThe info
13、rmation contained herein is subject to change without notice,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 1 材料设备,标准动作1,完成标准,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 1 材料设备,标准做法,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without
14、notice,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 1 材料设备,标准做法,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,标准动作2,完成标准,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 2 考核,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 2 考核,标准做法,2011 WANDA Institute
15、The information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,结构偏差,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,梁柱核心区箍筋未加密,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject
16、to change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,梁底钢筋未绑扎,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,未设马凳,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段
17、_ 典型质量问题,钢筋原材报告造假,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,未设置剪刀撑,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,未设置剪刀撑,2011 WANDA InstituteThe info
18、rmation contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,未设斜撑,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,高大支模未组织专家论证,未编制方案,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject t
19、o change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,脚手架基础不稳,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,吊车上作业层,未论证,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程
20、施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,卫生间洞口未做防水加强,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,防水阴阳角未做附加层,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,出墙套管防水节点做法错误,2011 WANDA
21、 InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,顶板防水无保护层,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,幕墙龙骨积水锈蚀,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein
22、 is subject to change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,幕墙底部施工缺承重墙,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,幕墙保温防护不到位,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例
23、分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,化学锚栓质量保证书无日期,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,丙装单位未使用低烟无卤电缆,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,大商业装
24、修使用易燃材料,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,石材铺装质量差,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,结构/装饰装修/机电工程施工阶段 _ 典型质量问题,砌筑质量差,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information co
25、ntained herein is subject to change without notice,开 业/入 伙 阶 段,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,标准动作1,完成标准,开业/入伙阶段 _ 1 持有物业开业,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,标准做法,开业/入伙阶段 _ 1 持有物业开业,2011
26、WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,标准做法,开业/入伙阶段 _ 1 持有物业开业,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,标准做法,开业/入伙阶段 _ 1 持有物业开业,检查表,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change w
27、ithout notice,标准动作2,完成标准,开业/入伙阶段 _ 2 持有物业接管移交,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,标准做法,开业/入伙阶段 _ 2 持有物业接管移交,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,标准做法,开业/入伙阶段 _ 2 持有物业接管移交,2011 WANDA InstituteThe
28、information contained herein is subject to change without notice,标准做法,开业/入伙阶段 _ 2 持有物业接管移交,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,标准动作3,完成标准,开业/入伙阶段 _ 3 销售物业入伙,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,标
29、准做法,开业/入伙阶段 _ 3 销售物业入伙,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,标准做法,开业/入伙阶段 _ 3 销售物业入伙,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,标准做法,开业/入伙阶段 _ 3 销售物业入伙,检查表,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained h
30、erein is subject to change without notice,标准动作4,完成标准,开业/入伙阶段 _ 4 销售物业接管移交,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,标准做法,开业/入伙阶段 _ 4 销售物业接管移交,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,开业/入伙阶段 _ 典型质量问题,
31、顶层飘窗板未设防水层、无排水,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,开业/入伙阶段 _ 典型质量问题,石材断裂,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,开业/入伙阶段 _ 典型质量问题,门框变形,未防潮处理,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained h
32、erein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,开业/入伙阶段 _ 典型质量问题,淋浴间无密封条,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,开业/入伙阶段 _ 典型质量问题,卫生间门与淋浴器碰撞,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,开业/入伙阶段 _ 典型
33、质量问题,空调隔板无防水或无地漏,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,开业/入伙阶段 _ 典型质量问题,住宅室内PVC管无阻火圈,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,案例分析,开业/入伙阶段 _ 典型质量问题,木作拼缝明显,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information conta
34、ined herein is subject to change without notice,未完成标准动作的后果,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,未完成标准动作的后果,大庆,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,未完成标准动作的后果,济南魏家庄,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,未完成标准动作的后果,济南魏家庄,2011 WANDA InstituteThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice,国际万达 百年企业,