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1、1,听 力 理 解 技 巧,信号词,however,but,because,nevertheless I wish,I could等信号词往往是说话人的意图。同义词,在同一篇讲话当中有时为了避免重复,讲话人用不同的词或者词组表达一个相同的意思。在短对话中,听到什么,不选什么,正确理解选项的意思,一般来讲,尽管答案和听力材料意思相同,但两者表述往往不同。,2,听力考试当中的四种题目类型,小对话题目类型(Short Conversations)段落理解题目类型(Listening Passage)复合式听写(Compound Dictation)长对话(Long conversations),3,

2、听力应式技巧(短对话部分),数 字 计 算 题 计算所听到的数据,进行相加减。说话人说了好几个时间,让你区别 其中一个时间。,4,简短对话题型归类和应试策略(一)数字与计算题型:相关词汇与表达:more,less,ahead of schedule,delay,postpone,decrease,twice,double,a quarter,a half,one third,decade,dozen,fortnight 等.A)$1.40 B)$4.30 C)$6.40 D)$8.60 W:Here is a ten-dollar bill.Give me two tickets for to

3、nights show,please.M:Sure,Two tickets and heres a dollar forty cents change.Q:How much does one ticket cost?,5,例二:A)5:10 B)5:00C)4:30D)5:15M:I wonder if Christina will be here by five o clock.W:Her husband said she left home at half past four.She should be here at ten after five and a quarter past f

4、ive at the latest.Q:What time did Sue leave home?,6,例:A)600 B)1200 C)1000 D)550 M:Is this the vacuum cleaner you recommended?W:Yes,it is our regular$600 vacuum cleaner on swale today for$550.if you buy a pair,you can save another 50$for each.Q:How much will the man pay if he buys two vacuum cleaners

5、?,7,二)职业身份和相互关系1、常见的提问方式:Whatt the man/woman?What does the man/woman do?Whats the mans/womans job/profession?Whats the probable relationship between the man and woman?Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?,8,相关词汇和表达:1、营业员与顾客(shop assistant and customer)What can I do for you?/on sa

6、le/auction/out of style/ready made/receipt/discount/bargain check-out stand/size/color/fit/2、饭店服务员与顾客(waiter/waitress and customer)menu/seasoning/order/treat/go Dutch/steak/rare/bill/Dutch/Treat/reserve/appetizer/appetite/napkin/,9,3、图书管理员与学生(librarian and student)borrow/renew/library card/library c

7、atalogue/loan desk/due/overdue/fine/4、医生与病人(doctor and patient)Whats wrong?/What seems to be the symptom?/Whats the matter?/indigestion/stomachache/be operated on/give an injection/chest pain/feel worn out/gauze/tonsillitis/How long have you been like this/wards/prescription/ache/,10,5、空姐与乘客(airhost

8、ess and passenger)Take off/board/fasten seatbelt/land/depart/departure time/extinguish cigarettes/6、老板与秘书(boss and secretary)copy/make arrangement/make appointment/type letters/7、邮局职员与顾客(Postal clerk and customer)registered letter/postage postal code telegram parcel/package/send/regular mail/Express

9、 mail/postcard/stamp,11,例一:A)Husband and wife B)Father and daughter.C)Doctor and patient D)Teacher and studentW:Have you found anything wrong with my stomach?M:Not yet.Im still examining.Ill let you know the result next week.Q:Whats the probable relationship between the man and the woman?,12,例二:A)A

10、railway porterB)A taxi driverC)A bus conductorD)A postal clerkW:Excuse me,Sir,Im going to send this parcel to London.Whats the postage for it?M:Let me see.Its one pound and fifty.Q:Who is the woman most probably speaking to?,13,例三:A)Colleagues B)Husband and wifeC)Mother and son D)Employer and employ

11、ee W:John,what are you doing on your computer?Dont you remember your promise?M:This is not a game.Its only a cross word puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary.Q:What is the probable relationship between the speakers?,14,三、地点与场所题型:Where does the conversation most probably take place?Where are the t

12、wo speakers now?Where do you think this conversation most probably take place?Where is the man/woman going?Where is Mary now?,15,2、相关词汇和表达:Hotel:room service,double room;reservation,front desk,bathroom reception,single room room number,check in,suite,housekeepingRestaurant:menu,steak,order,salad,sof

13、t drink,dessert,soup,go Dutch,beef,mutton,rare,well-downLibrary:borrow,over-due,lend,fine,renew,catalogue,due,shelf,volume,16,Post office:mail,parcel,airmail,envelop registered letter,post,postageStore:size,fashion,color,cash,department,counter,check out,on sale,of the same price,bargain.Bank:open a

14、n account,draw on ones account,cash a check,current account,fixed deposit,interests,balance,17,Hospital(Doctors office):fever,pills,cough,tablet,headache,take medicine,stomachache,impatient office wards,surgical,physicianPlane:flight,seat belt,take off,land,extinguish cigarettes,boarding passSchool:

15、required course,elective,optional course,credit,quiz,transfer,gym,dormitory,semester,term,campus,lecture,degree,transcript,score,18,电话用语:May I speak to-The line is engaged.hold on hang on hang uphang off This is-speaking-on the line Id like to speak toI cant get through dial-extension operator-,19,例

16、一:At home B)At the riverside C)At the health center D)At his office.M:Hello,this is John Hopkins at the Riverside Health center,Id like to speak to Mr.Jones.W:Im sorry,Mr.Hopkins,my husband isnt at home,but I can give you his office phone number.He wont be back until 6 o clock.Q:Where does Mrs.Jones

17、 think her husband is now?,20,例二:A)In a bankB)In a schoolC)In a clothing storeD)In a barbershop.W:You seem very confident about the job interview,dont you?M:Ya,I feel ready for it.I bought a good suit in the clothing store.I had my hair cut.I have studied almost everything about finance and economic

18、s.Q:Where is the man probably going to work?,21,例三:A)At a booking office B)In CaliforniaC)On a busy street D)At an airportW:Can I help you,Sir?M:Yes.Can you show me the way to gate 9 for flight 901 to California?Q:Where does the conversation most probably take place?,22,四、因果关系类:He must meet his teac

19、her.He must attend a class.He must go out with his girlfriend.He must stay at school to finish his homework.W)John,do you want to go swimming with me today?M)Sure,but I cant leave now.I have an appointment with my professor at three oclockQ:Why cant John go swimming now?,23,例2:He doesnt enjoy busine

20、ss trips as much as he used to.He doesnt think he is capable of doing the job.He thinks the pay is too low to support his familyHe wants to spend more time with his family.W:If I were you,I would have accepted the job.M:I turned down the offer because it would mean frequent business trips away from

21、my family.Q:Why didnt the man accept the job?,24,五、态度与反应题型 常见的提问方式有:What does the man/woman think of-?Whats their opinion of-?How did the man/woman feel about-?How did the man/woman feel?值得提醒的是:有时对话中的另一方(第二个说话的人)并不直接说出自己的看法,而是用also,too,neither,either,so,the same来表明自己的态度。,25,例一:On the whole,she liked

22、 the film She didnt see the filmC)The film was very interesting.D)The film wasnt as good as shed expectedM:Did you like the film?W:Not particularly.I was rather disappointed.Id expected it to be much more exciting.Q:What can we learn from this conversation?,26,例二:A)He wishes to have more courses lik

23、e it.B)He finds it hard to follow the teacher.C)He wishes the teacher would talk more.D)He doesntt like the teachers accent.W:You took an optional course this semester,didnt you?How is everything going?M:Terrible!It seems like the more the professor talks,the less I understand.Q:How did the man feel

24、 about the course?,27,例三:A)The man went to the concert,but the woman didnt.B)The woman went to the concert,but the man didnt.C)The speakers did not go to the concert.D)Both speakers went to the concert.M:You didnt go to the concert last night either,did you?W:No,I had a slight headache.Q:What can we

25、 learn from this conversation?,28,(六)肯定与否定题1、常见的以否定形式表示肯定意义的结构有:cannot wait+不定式或can hardly wait+不 定式(急于,迫切希望)cannot 与much(或too,enough,sufficiently,over,(无论怎么也不为过)cannot help doing(禁不住做)cannot but do(不得不,必然),29,2、常见的以肯定表示否定的意义的有:have no choice/alternative but to do(除做外别无选择,非做不可)anything but(根本不);used

26、 to(过去常常,说明现在已不这样)tooto(太以不能式表示否定意义)preferto(该短语否定的是介词短语部分,would ratherthan(宁愿而不),30,例一:A)She is going to give up biology.B)She spends half of her time on biology.C)To her,biology is difficult,but math is not.D)To her,math is even more difficult than biology.M:What do you think of biology?W:Its give

27、n me a hard time,though it is not as difficult as math.Q:What can we learn about the woman?,31,例二:A)She is eager to know what the present is.B)She is not anxious to know what it is.C)She doesnt now what she is asked to wait for.D)She really doesnt care about the present.M:What did your parents buy y

28、ou for your birthday?W:I dont know.But I can hardly wait to see it.Q:What does the woman mean?,32,(七)计划与行动题型:A)Look for a more expensive hotel.B)Go to another hotel by bus.C)Try to find a quiet place.D)Take a walk around the city.W:I dont think we can find a better hotel around here at this time.M:L

29、ets walk a little further to see if there is another one.I just cant bear the traffic noise here.Q:What will the speakers most probably do?,33,2、A)Looking for a young lady.B)Looking for her wrist watch.C)Looking for a young gentleman.D)Looking for a woman wearing a wrist watch.W:Excuse me,sir,but ha

30、ve you seen a young Mister looking for his wrist watch?M:A young man,Madam?Q:Whats the woman doing?,34,3、某人提出去做什么。试题的选择项通常为动词 原形或动词不定式。解题时,要集中注意听清楚对话中第二个人的谈话,特别是谓语 动词。A)Go out to work B)Listen carefully to JohnC)Be calm and patient D)Do the easiest thingW:Im really angry at John.He never listens to

31、me.M:Take it easy,Alan.Things will work out.Q:What does the man advise Alan to do?,35,(八)推理判断题:A)Jane is looking for a summer job.B)Jane is packing for the summer vacation.C)Jane is counting up the days of vacation.D)Jane is eager to go home for the vacation.M:Is Jane looking forward to going home f

32、or the summer?W:She is counting up the days.Q:What does the woman imply?,36,例二:Go on with the gameDraw pictures on the computerReview his lessonsHave a good restW:Mark is playing computer game.M:Should he do that when the final exam is drawing near?Q:What does the man think Mark should do?,37,A)The

33、exam was easier than the previous one.B)Joe is sure that he will do better in the next exam.C)Joe probably failed in the exam.D)The oral part of the exam was easier than the written part.W:Listen to me,Joe.The exam is already a thing of the past.Just forget about it.M:Thats easier said than done.Q:W

34、hat can we infer from the conversation?,38,The man is usually the last to hand in his test paper.B)The man has made a mess of his midterm exam.C)The man has bad study habits.The man is a diligent student.M:Im exhausted.I stayed up the whole night studying for my midterm math exam.W:But why do you al

35、ways wait until the last minute?Q:What does the woman imply?,39,在对话测试中虚拟语气的使用:,If only had you listened to me.If I were you,I would surely do that.I wish I could help.I wish I had been there.If you had studied harder,you would have passed the Cet-4.,40,短文听力应试技巧1、在听短文前,考生应充分利用朗读 Directions的时间,快速浏览选择项

36、,尽 可能在有限的时间内全部浏览完。推测 每道题可能提出的问题。2、注意听段首句和段尾句。3、边听边看边选,“听到什么选什么”方法正 好与对话相反,主要针对具体细节信息。,41,1.A)They havent reached a decision yet.B)They have decided to go hunting bears.C)They want to go camping.D)They want to go exploring in the country.2.A)Susie B)Tom C)The Speaker D)the husband 3.A)They chased the

37、 bear away B)They stayed outside the tent and did nothing.C)They climbed up a tree.D)They put some honey for the bear to eat.4.A)He ate the honey B)He drank the beer.C)He chased the people away.D)He turned things upside down.,42,根据上下文及逻辑关系进行预测,14.A)The number of students they take is limited.B)They

38、receive little or no support form public taxes.C)They are only open to children from rich families.D)They have to pay more taxes.A)Private schools admit more students.B)Private schools charge less than religious schools.C)Private schools run a variety of programs.D)Private schools allow students to

39、enjoy more freedom.16.A)The church B)private schools C)Public schools D)the government,43,1.A)She sat back and relaxed.B)She decided to retire.C)She entered university.D)She worked out a new English programme.2.A)8 years B)20 years C)16 years D)30 years3.A)Bring a great deal of useful experience to

40、university.B)Improve human relationship in the university.C)Bring a fear of aging among young students on the campus.D)Improve the reputation of the university.4.A)She is learning English and Drama.B)She is learning how to teach minority students.C)She is learning how to teach majority students.D)Sh

41、e is learning to perceive not to judge.,44,A)She was found stealing in a bookstore.B)She caught someone in the act of stealing.C)She admitted having stolen something.D)She said she was wrongly accused of stealing.A)A book B)$3,000 C)A handbag D)A Christmas cardA)She was questioned by the police.B)Sh

42、e was shut in a small room for 20 minutes.C)The shopper around her insulted her.D)She was body-searched by the store manager.A)They refused to apologize for having followed her through the town.B)They regretted having wrongly accused her of stealing.C)They still suspected that she was a thief.D)They

43、 agreed to pay her$3000 damages.,45,1、A)children dont get enough education in safety.B)children are keen on dangerous games.C)the playgrounds are in poor condition.D)the playgrounds are overcrowded.2、A)They should help maintain the equipment.B)they should keep a watchful eye on their children.C)they

44、 should stop their children from climbing ladders.D)they should teach their children how to use the equipment.,46,They tend to stay within shouting or running distance of their parents.B)They should be aware of the potential risks in the playgroundC)They may panic in front of high playground equipme

45、ntD)They can be creative when they feel secure.,47,四、复合式听写应试技巧:“复合式听写”是一种综合能力测试,它对学生听的能力、书写能力以及单词(包括读音和拼写)、语法的熟练程度要求相当高。1、坚持听力训练,不断提高听力水平。2、熟练掌握并不断扩充词汇量。单词的记 忆必须做到准确,这样才能迅速地拼写 出来。平时背单词时应注意重音和音节。如:ar/chi/tec/ture,ar/ti/fi/cial,48,3、必须灵活运用并不断扩充语法知识。语法关系到写出的句子是否规范、合乎逻辑。4、在做“复合式听写”题前考生应充分利用朗读Directions的

46、时间,尽快浏览短文,以期对全文的中心思想有所了解,做到心中有数。在浏览短文时,尽可能提前推断S1至S7空格所填单词的词性以及S8至S10空格的大致句式。,49,5、特别注意文章中可能出现的现在分词和过去 分词。句子的时态也须当6、在听第一遍朗读期间,因为有了听音前的浏 览,考生可以适当地填写S1至S7的单词项和 适当作些笔记,主要记些句中的实义词,最主要的是抓住主、谓、宾,因为这些词是 组织句子的关键。7、培养边听边记的能力。记录时不必写全单 词,可以使用缩写、简写,甚至一些符号。,50,8、第三遍朗读时,应做好修补工作。核对要点内容,力求完整准确,尽 量减少语法及拼写错误。,51,52,给分标准:1.S1至S8每题0.5分。拼写完正确的单词给0.5分,凡有错不给分。2.S8-S10满分为2分,答出第一和第二部分内容且语言正确各得1分。3.没有答对问题得0分。,53,扣分标准:S8至S10题中凡有语言错误扣0.5分,如时态错误、结构错误,每题语言错误扣分不超过0.5分。2.S8至S10中所出现的错误如明显地属于拼写错误,不扣分。3.用汉语回答问题不给分。,


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