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2、漆机器人,自动扫雪洒盐机,路面新技术,超级性能路面玛蹄脂沥青碎石混凝土路面永久路面,混合料主要特点,严格的材料选择,旋转压密机和体积比设计,沥青性能分级,以天气为基础,PG 64-22,PerformanceGrade,Average 7-daymax pavementdesign temp,Min pavementdesign temp,The lower thenumber,the moreresistant tothermal cracking.,PG-22-28-34,集料特性,基本特性 要求coarse aggregate angularity(CAA)fine aggregate

3、angularity(FAA)flat,elongated particles(F&E)clay content(SE)来源特性 选择 toughnesssoundnessdeleterious materialspolish values,100,0,.075.3 2.36 4.759.512.5 19.0,Percent Passing,Sieve Size(mm)Raised to 0.45 Power,级配,控制点,100,0,.075.3 2.36 4.759.512.5 19.0,Percent Passing,control point,restricted zone,max d

4、ensity line,maxsize,nommaxsize,Sieve Size(mm)Raised to 0.45 Power,Marshall Method,19.0 mm,25.0 mm,37.5 mm,9.5 mm,4.75 mm,12.5 mm,AGGREGATE GRADATIONNominal Size:19.0 mm SMA&19.0 mm Superpave,Percent Passing,SMA,Superpave,19.0 mm Superpave,Insert I-70,I-70 Ndesign-96 19.0 mm SMAVTM-4.3,AGGREGATE GRAD

5、ATIONNominal Size:12.5 mm SMA&12.5 mm Superpave,SMA,Superpave,I-8312.5 mmPG 70-22 Binder,First 12.5 mm SMA,I-68,热压密和紧跟摊铺机!,特性比较,Rut ResistantDurableSkid ResistantReduced SprayReduced HydroplaningReduced Sound,SuperpaveSMA,Decision Points for using SMA as the Surface Layer,2000 ESALs per day 55 mph,永

6、久路面路面设计概念,永久路面路面设计概念,抗疲劳沥青基层:通过厚度使拉应变最小,永久路面路面设计概念,抗车辙上面层,集料颗粒摩擦互锁:轧制和粗颗粒沥青胶结料:高温性能和改性空隙率:现场4%-6%,永久路面路面设计概念,抗车辙上面层车辙试验验证现场加速试验,上开裂,华盛顿州永久路面,州际高速公路90号47%没有破坏27-33年;路面24公分;第一次罩面12年;第二次罩面13年。,厚度比较,性能试验,车辙仪,车辙仪试验结果,路面噪音,FHWA-Noise Abatement Criteria 67 dB(A)“this is not an absolute value or design stan

7、dard,only a level where noise mitigation must be considered”,The Decibel Scale,Hearing Threshold,Conversation,Pain Threshold,Discomfort,The Decibel Scale,Increasing the decibel level by10 doubles the noise intensity!,Conversation,Train,Chain Saw,隔音墙,Effective only for those in line-of-sight.,Do not

8、reduce noise atsource.,Effectiveness must justify expense.Cases:I-40,Knoxville:$25,000/homeI-285,Atlanta:Requirements of 69 dB(A)and 67dB(A),5dB(A)Nationwide(FHWA,1998):$1M/mile,隔音墙,Conclusions,“In general,when dense-graded asphalt and PCC pavements are compared,the dense-graded is quieter by 2 to 3

9、 dB(A)”,路面微观构造,67 dB(A),15 m,The Decibel Scale,A reduction of 3 dB(A)is like doubling the distance from the noise.,67 dB(A),30 m,-3 dB(A)=64 dB(A),Conclusions:“In general,when dense-graded asphalt and PCC pavements are compared,the dense-graded is quieter by 2 to 3 dB(A)”,A 3dB(A)reduction correspon

10、ds to:-doubling the distance-reducing traffic volume by 50%-reducing traffic speed by 25%,Conclusions:“Open-graded asphalt shows the greatest potential for noise reduction for passby noise.Reduction when compared to dense-graded asphalt ranged from 1 to 9 dB(A).”,A 9dB(A)reduction corresponds to:-a

11、reduction in traffic noise by almost 50%!,OGFCsReduce Noise and Improve Visibility,Noise ReductionOpen vs Dense Graded Mixes,Source:NCHRP 284,DOTs indicate a strong need for pavement noise control strategies.Proper selection of pavement surface is the best method to reduce noise from pavement/tire i

12、nteractions.,What Can Be Done?,OGFC is the quietest surface type.(Wayson,NCHRP Synthesis 268)SMA has also proven to be a quiet surface.(Wisconsin DOT,1993)Dense graded HMA surfaces are quieter than PCC pavements.(Hibbs and Larson,Report FHWA-SA-96-068,May 1996),Effect of Pavement Surface,Noise Makes

13、 News!,Families Near I-275 is lobbying the Michigan DOT forsound abatement.In 1999,MDOT rebuilt I-275 withconcrete.Residents contend the project has increasenoise levels.Levels have been registered upwards of90 decibels.Steve Phillips of Berkshire,England-based TRLLimited spoke about Englands 10-yea

14、r plan to install quieter surfaces on 60%of main trunk roads.The surfaces will be SMA or OGFC.,Summary,Highway noise is important to the public.Small changes in dB level are noticeable.Decrease of 9 dB(A)reduces noise by 50%Decrease of 3 dB(A)is like doubling distance,Summary,Noise walls can work,but:They are expensive.They dont work in all types of terrain.Source of noise is still there.Asphalt pavements can reduce noise at the source by up to 9 dB(A).,Hot Mix Asphalt,Summary,Asphalt pavements for noise reduction in order of effectiveness:OGFCSMADense-Graded HMA,PCC,


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