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1、 小学英语高效课堂导学案 授课年级三年级学科英语课型新授导学人张利平课题Lesson 1 Hello !授课时间课时一课时学情分析本课主要通过来自加拿大的Jenny 和Danny与来自中国的Li Ming的认识过程,让学生学会怎样用英语与人打招呼,怎样询问别人的名字及介绍自己的名字。重点难点重点:1、认识新单词三会(会说、会听、会读):hello / hi 你好2、掌握新句子:两会(会听、会说):Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?My name is _. 我的名字是_。难点:Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?My name is _. 我的名字是_。教学目标 A.

2、 知识目标: a. 认识三个人物:Li Ming 、Jenny Smith 、Danny b. 掌握新句型:Hello/Hi. My name is _. What s your name ? B. 能力目标:让学生学会怎样有礼貌地和别人打招呼,怎样来介绍自己,并能应用自己所学到的知识。 C. 情感目标:通过本课的学习,让学生知道怎样有礼貌地打招呼,做个有礼貌的好孩子教学准备 录音机 图片 教学方法情景教学法,跟读模仿,表演。 导 学 流 程教学环节时间 教学内容期望学生行为 备注Step1 Greetings51 Hello ,Hi.2 Hello/Hi,My name is _Try to

3、 understand what the teacher said and try to introduce their names to the class after the teacher .Step2 NewConcepts201. Whats your name ?My name is _2. T: Hi. My name is _.Whats your name ? D: Hello. My name is Danny . T: Whats your name ? D: My name is Danny. T: Oh. Danny. Hi. Danny.1 The teacher

4、tells the students how to introduce their names to others in English.2 Ss practice the dialogue again and again in class Step 3 Student Book101 Part 1 Whats your name ?2 Part 2 Lets sing3 Part 3 Lets act! 1 Play the tape,let the Ss read after the recorder.2 Play the song,Ss sing the song afterThe re

5、corder.3 Act the dialogue in pair or in team. Step4 Practice summary homework5Workbook Lesson 1Ss do Ex 1 and 2 in class .Others are homework.板书Lesson 1 Hello !Whats your name ? Hello Hi Li Ming Jenny Danny My name is _ . China Canada教学反思虢镇小学英语高效课堂导学案 年 级三年级科 目英 语课 题Lesson 2: Boy Girl and Teacher共 1

6、 课时,第 1 课时备课教师杨彩利备课时间2013 年9月学习目标1. Master the new words : teacher boy girl his her2. Understand and play the dialogue: - Whats his/her name ? - His/Her name is 3. Try their best to play the dialogue.重点 the new words: teacher boy girl his her教 具单词图片 人物图片 难点The difference between his and her导 学 过 程 .

7、 Review the content of the last class. . Let the children remember their English name. . Warm-up : 1. Let the children review two orders before the class.a. - Look at me !- shua! shua! shua!b. - Are you ready? - Yes! Yes! Yes!c. - Good afternoon!- Good afternoon!d. - Hello! Simon!- Hello! Miss Yu!.

8、Look at the picture on the page four and guess what they are doing .1. read the new words in high voice and low voice . “ teacher, boy, girl ”2. Play a game: read the new sentence one by one.“This is a teacher.”“This is a boy.”“This is a girl.”. Look at the picture on the page fiveand guess what the

9、y are talking . 1.Do some practice together.1. review the important content.a. New Words: teacher boy girl his herb. Sentence Pattern :n Whats his/her name ?n His/Her name is Li Ming/Jenny. Homework:Read the new words and the dialogue.授课教师修改或补充 训 练 检 测 题1. recognize the right words on the cards.2. R

10、ead and match.teacher boy girl his her男孩 女孩 老师 她的 他的 2. Play the dialogue one by one.n Hello! My name is . Whats your name ?n My name is ,Whats his name ?n His name is Li Ming .Whats her name ?Her name is Jenny.教后反思 虢镇小学英语高效课堂导学案 授课年级三年级学科英语课型新授导学人张利平课题Lesson 3 How are you ?授课时间课时一课时教学目标 A. 知识目标:1.

11、掌握三会词汇:book chair desk school2. 学会问候语“How are you? Im fine, thanks. ”。B. 能力目标:1. 能熟练演唱歌曲“How are you?”,演唱流利,发音准确。2. 会使用句子“Whats this?”来问自己不知道的东西,并能够用“Its a”回答。C. 情感目标:让学生礼貌的同他人打招呼和问候,做个懂文明讲礼貌的好孩子。重点难点教学重点 1. 新单词:三会(会听、会说、会认):book chair desk school注意:desk是指书桌或是办公桌,而在日常生活中常用的桌子要用table 2. 新句型:(会听、会说):W

12、hats this? Its a _. 这是什么? 这是_。How are you? Im fine. 你好吗? 我很好。教学难点: Whats this? Its a _. 这是什么? 这是_。教学准备 录音机,图片 实物 教学方法Ask and answer pairwork teamwork 导 学 流 程教学环节时间 教学内容 期望学生行为 备注Step 1Greetings51 Hello/Hi/Good morning / Good afternoon!2 Whats your/his /her name ?Answer the teachers questions in Engl

13、ish.Step 2101 sing a song “Whats your name ?”2 The teacher begins to chant with Ss.T: Hello S :Hi! T: Whats your name ? S :My name is _.T :Oh, how are you?S : Im fine. Thank you.3 The teacher explains “How are you ? Im fine ,thanks” in Chinese.4 Play a song “How are you ?1 Ss sing a song with the te

14、acher.2 Ss talk about the dialogue in pairs or teamwork,groupwork.3 Sing the song“How are you ?” Step 3201 Show some pictures or cards with school/book/chair/desk on it to the Ss .Ask:T: Whats this ?T and Ss :Its a _2 Practice the dialogue in pairs again and again.3 Play a game Part 41Some students

15、act in class.2 A student draws a pictures on the Bb. the others guess “Whats this?” Answer with “yes or No”. Step 451 Open the books,Go through Part 1 part3 and Part4 in Lesson32 Sing the song “How are you?”Ss read together.板书Lesson 3How are you ? Whats this ? school bookIm fine , thanks.How are you

16、? Its a _ chair deskIm fine. Thank you.教学反思 虢镇小学英语高效课堂导学案 年 级三年级科 目英 语课 题Lesson 4 Numbers 1 - 5共 1 课时,第 1 课时备课教师杨彩利备课时间2013 年9月学习目标1. Master the words : one two three four five The sentence pattern: (1) Nice to meet you . (2) How many?2. Understand and play the dialogues on page 9.3. Try to play the

17、 dialogues in this lesson.重点 理解名词单复数的变化教 具单词图片 人物图片 PPT难点Sentence pattern: How many?Nice to meet you .导 学 过 程 . Warm-up : 1. Learn some new orders .2. Let the students sing the song. “hello” .Revision:1. recognize the right words from many cards. 2. let some students play the dialogues in the Lesson

18、 3. . Teaching process:Step 1: How many ?1. show the letters cards and let the students learn to say the words.2. read the new words in high and low voice3. read the new words one by one.4. Play a game to remember the five numbers.Step 2: Learn to play the dialogue on page9.1. Guess what they are ta

19、lking about .2. Ask some students to play the dialogue. 3. Learn to chant: One book , two books, Three books , four . One two three four , Five books more .4 Let some students play the game. Learn to sing a new song. Homework: Do the practice of Lesson 5 on the exercise book.授课教师修改或补充 导 学 过 程3. Let

20、some students play the game. Learn to sing a new song. Homework: Do the practice of Lesson 5 on the exercise book.训 练 检 测 题1. recognize the right words on the cards.2. Read and match. One two three four five Book books desk desks chair chairs3.Play the dialogue with their partners. 教后反思 虢镇小学英语高效课堂导学

21、案 授课年级三年级学科英语课型新授导学人张利平课题Lesson 5 How many ?授课时间课时一课时重点难点1 Key words:pencil pen ruler crayon pencil box2 How many _ do you have? I have教学目标知识目标:1正确地听、说、读,用单词:pencil pen ruler crayon pencil box2明白句型How many _ do you have ?I have _.并能正确使用该句子。3 进一步掌握数字 one two three four five .能力目标:引导学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作、探究

22、等学习方式,培养他们合作学习的意识和自己解决问题的能力。从而促进学生实践能力的和创新思维的发展。使学生学会语言知识,感悟语言功能。情感态度价值观目标:关注学生的情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围。通过多样性的活动和教学评价,激励学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性,使学生在英语课堂中不断体验进步与成功,认识自我,建立自信,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。教学准备录音机磁带、教师用卡片和张贴画图片、单词短语卡片、奖励用的贴纸、实物、学生用小卡片。 教学方法Ask and answer ,speaking practicing acting 导 学 流 程教学环节时间 教学内容 期望学生行为 备注Step

23、 1 Greeting51 Sing a song:“How are you?” (老师和同学之间边握手边唱)2 Dialogue : T :How are you ?S :Im fine . thank you .And you ?T :Fine ,thanks.Nice to meet you .S : Nice to meet you too.3 老师随便拿起实物问:Whats this? (chair desk把书放在黑板槽里,以便引出新课)1 老师和同学之间边握手边唱2 配合老师对话。3 Students answer : Its a book/school /chair /desk

24、.设计意图:简单的问候以及歌曲的演唱,在课的一开始就给孩子们营造一种轻松愉快的课堂氛围,增进师生之间的情感交流,使学生进入一种自然的语言状态。并引出新课Step 2101老师随便拿起实物继续问:Whats this ?并和学生一起回答:Its a pencil /pen /ruler/ crayon /pencil box。2 Practice Part 2 in Lesson 51 Read every word after the teacher .2 Play games Part 21师生一起读 回答有助于学生尽快掌握单词。2 通过游戏使学生尽快掌握单词和句型Step 3201 师生通

25、过游戏和问答后,继续问“How many _do you have ?”Let the students guess its meaning,then tell them in Chinese.Finally answer “I have _ .”with the students.2 用卡片实物继续练习该句型,直到熟练为止。3 Read Part 3.跟读,回答,练习通过学生猜测意思,掌握学习英语的新方法,根据情景猜测句意。Step 451 Lets play .Part 4 in lesson 5.2 summary.做游戏进一步熟练掌握How many 句型。板书Lesson 5What

26、s this ? pencil pen ruler How many _do you have?Its a _. crayon pencil box I have _.教学反思虢镇小学英语高效课堂导学案 年 级三年级科 目英 语课 题Lesson6: Numbers 6 - 10共 1 课时,第 1 课时备课教师杨彩利备课时间2013 年9月学习目标1. Master the words : six seven eight nine ten 2. Revise the new word :boy girl teacher book crayon chair desk pen pencil ru

27、le pencil box重点动词的掌握教 具单词图片 PPT难点名词单复数的变化,动词的运用导 学 过 程 . Warm-up (2min): Sing the song. “How are you !” Greeting each other.Revision(2min): Answer to some questions.1 How many books do you have ?2 Whats this ? . Teaching process(35min):Step 1: (3min)(1) Let the Ss sing the number song and do the act

28、ion. (2)write the numbers (6-10)on the blackboardand read the number together.Step 2: Play the PPT and ask (5min)- How many chairs ? - six chairs.- How many books? - seven books.- How many rules ? - eight rules .- How many pens? - nine pens.- How many pencils? - ten pencils.Step 3: write the numbers

29、(10min)授课教师修改或补充 导 学 过 程 One two three four five six seven eight nine tenStep 4: Lets chant (2min) one and one is two; one and two is three; one and three is four; one and four is five;one and five is six; one and six is seven;one and seven is eight; one and eight is nine;one and nine is ten.Step 5:

30、 Do the practice on exercise book in Lesson 6 (8min)Step 6: Play a game(5min) Read the words of the song and do the action with the words.Step 7: Learn to chant(3min) “One two ,How are you ?”V. Homework: Do the exercises of Lesson 6 on Zi Yuan. 教后反思 虢镇小学英语高效课堂导学案 授课年级三年级学科英语课型新授导学人张利平课题Lesson 7 My f

31、riend授课时间课时一课时学情分析通过第一单元的学习,学生们经过听,说,读的过程有了一定的英语基础,本单元在此基础上将进行“写”的练习。重点难点Aa Bb Cc Dd的正确发音及说、认识、口头运用apple, book, cat, door 并且能够记忆这些单词。教学目标1、知识目标:学生掌握下列词汇A a 、B b、 C c、 D d 、book。练习并能认识下列词汇 apple、cat、dog。2、能力目标:学生能够理解并能口头应答下列句子,This is Wang Hong ,She / He is my friend .听懂英文歌曲 “Find a friend .”3、情感态度目标

32、:营造英语学习氛围,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。学生能够准确地发音,喜欢英语并愉快上课。帮助学生了解中西方文化的差异,拓展视野。教学准备单词卡片或实物、字母卡片、录音机教学方法合作探究 情景会话 导 学 流 程教学环节时间 教学内容 期望学生行为 备注Warming _up3Step 1 Greetings .T: Hello, boys and girls!S: Hello teacher!T: How are you ?S: Im fine, thanks.S: How are you ?/ And you ?T: Im fine, thanks.Step 2Now, lets listen

33、to a song“A B C”.There are 26 letters in English. Today well learn 4 letters “A B C D”1.Greeting the teacher together ,then ask and answer with some students .2. Sing the song “A B C” together设计意图: 通过字母歌让学生对26个字母有一个初步的感知,为本课的字母学习打下基础New concepts2010Step 1 Learn the letters “A B C” .T: Look, this let

34、ter is A. Read after me, please.S:AT: Its big letter “A”. This is small letter “a ”. Read after me.S: aT: Who can read it?(Ask some students to read it in class .)T: lets look, how to write it?(Write it on the blackboard) show me your finger, lets write it together.S: Aa(Write it with their fingers

35、.)T: look at me, this is A.(do action) can you ?S: Yes.T:(Show the card with an apple on )Whats this?S: Its an apple .(Teach “B C D in the same way .) Step 2 Chant T: We have learned A B C D, Lets make a chantA A A appleB B B bookC C C cat D D D doorS: A A A apple B B B book C C C cat D D D door(学生边

36、做动作边模仿)Step 3 Make a dialogue “ My friend T: lets Look at the card .Whats her name ? Do you know ? (Show the card with Wang Hong )S : No. T : Yes ,this is Wang Hong . Shes my friend . Lets recognize her .Her name is Wang Hong .Please say “Hello” to her .S : Hello ,Wang Hong . Nice to meet you .Step

37、4 Practice the dialogue in pairs or teams .1. Students read after the teacher again and again .Then write the letters with their fingers in the air .2. Chant together in high voice .3. Answer the teacher activity .1 通过卡片演示和教师形象化的肢体语言帮助于学生记忆字母,把字母和字母在单词中的发音紧密地结合起来,能使学生对字母有一个完整的认识 。2 通过卡片演示和教师形象化的肢体语言

38、帮助于学生记忆字母,把字母和字母在单词中的发音紧密地结合起来,能使学生对字母有一个完整的认识。3 通过歌谣的形式激发学生的兴趣,把枯燥的单词和字母变得“活”起来。4 创设机会,培养学生的合作意识,树立自信心。SummaryTrainingtest25Step 1 What did you learn today ?1 Aa Bb Cc Dd2 apple book cat door3 This is Wang hong .Shes my friend .Step 2Do Exercises of Lesson 7 in small Workbook1 Students answer what

39、they learned .2 Do exercises in groupwork, then show their answers to the class . 进一步巩固练习,加深记忆。Homework1 Copy the letters “Aa Bb Cc Dd”And “apple book cat door” 2 Do Ex of Lesson 7 in big workbook .课后强化。板书 Lesson 7 My friendAa_apple Bb_book Cc_cat Dd_door friend 朋友This is Wang Hong .Shes my friend .

40、教学反思虢镇小学英语高效课堂导学案 年 级三年级科 目英 语课 题Lesson 8 Letters共 1 课时,第 1 课时备课教师杨彩利备课时间2013年9月学习目标1.Master the letters :E F G H I J and the words: egg ,fish ,girl ,hand, ice cream ,juice . 2.learn to sing the song “ABC Song”3.Try to write the letters “E F G H I J”重点Master the letters :E F G H I J and the words: egg ,fish ,girl ,hand ice cream ,juice.教 具单词图片 人物图片 难点To write the letters correctl


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