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1、五年级英语(期末试卷)评价等级优良达标待达标在相应等级“”听力部分共二十分一、听录音,圈出你所听到的单词。(每小题2分,共10分)( ) 1.A aunt B uncle C cousin ( ) 2.A run B jump C sing ( ) 3.A shoes B socks C toes( ) 4.A red B yellow C blue( ) 5.A leave B come C arrive 二、听录音,选择你所听到的句子。(每小题2分,共10分) ( )1. A. Lets go on a trip. B. I love to go on a trip.( )2. A. Ma

2、y I go shopping? B. May I go to a hotel?( )3. A. A plane is fast. B. A bus is slow.( )4. A. We go Tianan men Square. B. We go to the palace Museum.( )5. A. At 6:15 in the evening on January twenty-eighth. B. At 6:00 in the evening on January twenty-ninth.笔试部分一、按要求完成下列题目(每小题1分,共6分)1 near 反义词_ 2. old

3、反义词_-3. sit down 反义词_ 4. that 复数_5. fast 反义词_ 6. same 反义词_ 二、选择正确的字母或字母组合,使单词完整(每小题2分,共10分)( ) 1. th_sand A. uo B. un C. ou( ) 2. ki_metres A. lo B. lu C. ln( ) 3. rest_rant A. au B. ua C. an( ) 4. sho_ing A. p B. pp C. pe( ) 5. mo_ning A. e B. u C. r三、选择最佳答案。(每小题2,共20分)( )1.Can you point _the cloth

4、es he need? A. to B. at C. in( )2.I dont like _pants. A. this B. that C. those( )3.How _pairs of socks do you have? A. much B. more C. many( )4.Thats my _shirt. A. like B. favourite C.love( )5.I cant unlock my _. A. suitcase B. clothes C. pants( )6. I love to go _trips. A. on B. to C. with( )7. Nort

5、h points _on a map. A. up B. down C. right ( )8. _ I go to Beijing? A. Can B. May C. Do( )9. What do they speak _ Australia? A. in B. at C. on( )10. My pyjams _lost. A. is B. are C. 四、 短语连句(每小题2分,共14分) 1. a pair of A. ready for 2. pack B. down 3. sit C. beside 4. get D. my suitcase 5. We are E. goin

6、g to the train 6. Stand F. shoes 7. I walk G. to the train五、连词成句并翻译。(每题4分,共20分)1 Weather Whats forecast the 2. now it is What time _3. favourite this my jacket is 4. trip a have good_5. goes on she bicycle to her work _注:后续纸张请按Ctrl+Enter组合键手工添加命题人:宝鸡石油小学 胡安娜参考答案及评分标准:听力部分一B.A.C.B.A二A.B.A.B.B笔试部分一1.f

7、ar 2. new young 3. stand up 4.those 5. slow 6. different二.C.A.A.B.C三A.C.C.B.A.A.B.B.A.B四1-F 2-D 3-B 4-A 5-E 6-C 7-G五1.Whats the weather forcast? 2.What time is it now? 3.This is my favourite jacket. 4.Have a good trip! 5.She goes to work on her bicycle. 命题意图: 本次试题的对象是五年级的学生,接受能力相对以前来说有较大的提高,所以我的试题以中等适度为主,主要考察学生后半学期学习的情况。包括日常生活中常见的单词,以及常用的句型。学习为主,兴趣为辅。题型很常见。


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