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1、小学六年级下学期英语期中期末考试卷附答案精选两套小学六年级下册英语期末测试卷附答案听力部分(40分)一) 单词辨音。(52分)( )1. A. Japanese B. Chinese( ) 2. A. Mount Emei B. Mount Tai( )3. A.American B. America( ) 4. A. centimeter B. meter( ) 5. A. actor B. artist二) 听音判断。(52分)( )1. Mei Lanfang was an actor.( ) 2. Li Bai was one of the most famous Chinese ar

2、tist.( )3. I will be a professor in the future.( ) 4. Whale is a kind of fish.( ) 5.My dog is lost.Im sad.三) 听问句选答句。(52分)( )1.A Im nervous. B Im ten .( ) 2. A He is a writer. B He was a writer.( )3. A Id like to go to Moscow. BI went to moscow.( ) 4. A Its in the north of China. B Its famous for the

3、 big ben.( ) 5. A There will be more peace and no wars on the earth.B I will be a writerin the future.四) 选词填空。(52分)1.What _(did,do)he do ?2.Its _(exciting,excited).3.Robots will do the _(homework,housework).4.My dog made my room a mess.Im _(hungry,angy)5.What language do people _(speak,say)there?笔试部

4、分(60分)一 、填字母,组单词。(52分)1. w_ A.ing B. ong C. eng2. invent_ A. or B.er C. ur3.pr_ d A. au B. ou C. oo4. h_vy A. ae B. ea C. ee5.sh_d A. oul B. ou C. ol二、判断划线部分读音是否相同。(52分)( ) 1. dictionary station( ) 2. long song( ) 3. dictionary station( ) 4 piece pie( ) 5. snow cow三、按要求写单词。(101分)1. they _(宾格) 2.woma

5、n _(反义词)3.one _(序数词) 4 .this _(反义词)5.I _(形容词形物主代词) 6 .her_(主格)7there _(同音词) 8 .hello_(近义词)9cant_(全写形式) 10 .bought_(原型)四、找出不同类的词。(52分)_1.A happy B sad C panda D proud_2.A fish B reptile C mammal D lion_3.A continent B Afica C South America D Asia_4.A inventor B ac ctor C singer Dcompose_5.A moon B cl

6、oud C sun D peace五 、选择。(101分)( )I.I will be an _in the future.A astronaut B professor( )2.Where did you go on summer vacation?A I went to Wuhan. B I want to go to Wuhan.( )3.How_is it ?150 tons.A heavy B tall( )4.Where will you live _ the future.A on B in( )5.Do you think _ ?A too B so( )6.Why is he

7、 famous _ ?A / B for( )7.His family moved back _ China.A to B in( )8.He was born _ 1864.A in B on( )9.Why is he famous _ ?A / B for( )10.Asia is the _ continent iin the world.A biggest B smallest六、阅读理解。(101分)Its time to go home now.Im in a bus on a rainy day.And a man with a dog gets on the bus.Its

8、a big dog and its feet are dirty.I dont want the dog to sit near me.But the man says to the conductor,”Oh,I pay for my dogs ticket.Can he sit here like other people?”The conductor looks at the dog and says,”Yes,sir.But like the other people,he must not put his feet on the chair.”( )1.Im going home _

9、now.A by jeep B by bus( )2.What do I see?A a dog B a man with a dog( )3.Why do the man and thd dog get on the bus?A Its a rainy day. B The dog can sit.( )4.I dont want the dog to sit near me. Because _ .A The dog is big B The dog is not clean.( )5.The conductors words mean _ .A The dog cant sit on t

10、he chair. B The dog must like a man .听力答案一) 1. A. Japanese 2. A. Mount Emei 3. A.American 4.B. meter 5. B. artist二) 听音判断(52分)1. Mei Lanfang was an actor.2. Li Bai was one of the most famous Chinese poets.3. I will be a detective in the future.4. Whale is a ki nd of mammal.5.My dog is lost.Im sad.三)

11、听问句选答句(52分)( )1.How are you ?( ) 2. What did he do ?( )3. Where would you like to go this winter vacation?( ) 4. A What is it famous for ?( ) 5. What will the future be like?小学六年级下学期英语期中考试卷一、选出下列单词所缺的字母,将其序号填在括号(10分)( )1. sm_ ll A. o B. a C. i( )2. h_ _ t A. ar B. ur C. er( )3. si_ e A. f B. h C. z(

12、 )4. d_ p A. ee B. ii C. rr( ) 5. f_ l A. ee B. oo C. eo二、按要求写单词(10分)1.foot(复数) 2.teeth(单数)3.old(反义词) 4.long(反义词)5.kilogram( 缩写) 6.taller(原形) _7.与相比较(英语) 8.think(汉语)_9.thin (比较级) 10.funny(比较级)三、找出下列短语的正确汉语,将序号填入前面的括号里(20分)( )1. have a fever A. 抹香鲸( )2. sperm whale B. 牙痛( )3. have a cold C. 因发笑( )4.

13、have a toothache D. 感冒( )5. laugh at E. 吃药( )6. see the doctor F. 别担心( )7. take some medicine G. 得流感( )8. have a sore throat H. 看病( )9. Dont worry I. 发烧( )10. have the flu J. 吼咙痛四、 选择正确的答句:将序号填入前面的括号里(10分)( )1.Whats the matter?( ) 2. How old are you?( ) 3. How heavy are you?( ) 4. How do you feel?(

14、) 5. How tall are you?A. Im 51kg.B. Im 13 years old.C. Im 164cm tall.D. I have a headache.E. I feel sick.五、选择合适的答案,将序号填入前面的括号里(20分)( ) 1.Mike is _ than Amy.A. heavy B. heavyer C. heavier( ) 2.Lilys bag is _ than Lucys.A. big. B. bigger C. biger( ) 3.How _ are your feet? I wear size17.A. small B . bi

15、g C. large( ) 4. monkey do you like?A. Who B. What C. Which( ) 5.My teacher is 160cm .A. long B. tall C. heavy( ) 6. My hands are bigger than .A. you B. your C. yours( ) 7. How is your pencil?A. tall B. long C. longer( )8.Li Ming is two older than Mike.A. years B. cm C. year( ) 9. I Size 16.A. put o

16、ut B. wear C. put in( ) 10. _ people are there in your class ?-45.A. How much B. How many C. How far六、连词成句(10分)1. tail, his, longer, is (.)2. heavy, how, are, you (?)_3. are ,How ,long ,your, arms (?)_4. Mike, stronger, is , than, brother, his (.)_5. matter what the is (?)_七、阅读理解:根据短文内容选择合适的答案,将序号填在

17、前面的括号里 (10分)There are three monkeys in the zoo. The brown monkey is stronger than the yellow monkey. The yellow monkey is taller than the brown one. The little monkey is yellow, too. Its the youngest. Its tail is 38cm long. It is only 40cm tall. The yellow monkey is 150cm tall. Ben is 160cm tall.( )

18、1.There are _monkeys in the zoo.A. two B. three C. four( )2. The _monkey is stronger than the yellow monkey.A. black B. yellow C. brown( )3.The little monkey is only_ tall.A.38cm B. 40cm C.150cm( )4.The little monkey is _than Ben.A. shorter B. taller C. short( )5.Ben is _taller than the little monke

19、y.A. 10cm B.120cm C.110cm八、阅读理解: 根据短文内容判断句子正误,正确的打“T”错误的打“F”(10分)Hello, Im a Chinese boy. My name is Mingming. Im 12 years old. Im 160cm tall and Im 45kg. I like drawing pictures. Every morning, I go to school with my good friend Dongdong. We go on foot. Dongdong is 11 years old. Hes 2kg heavier tha

20、n me. But Im 3cm taller than him. We study in Hong Qi Primary School. Lingling is my sister. Were in the same school. Shes one year older than me. She likes sports. She is taller and stronger than me. She loves me and I love her too.( )1.Mingming is older than Dongdong.( )2.Mingming is 163cm tall.( )3.Lingling is 2 years older than Dongdong.( )4.Dongdong is 2kg heavier than Mingming.( )5.Lingling is stronger and taller than Mingming.


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