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2、四中网校加自编4中等特殊问句和一般疑问句的区别20分钟一般问句和一般疑问句及答语的方法疑问词和一般疑问句问答掌握判断特殊问句和一般疑问句四中网校加自编5容易日常交际用语10分钟日常交际用语的衔接让学生多读课文一般情况的提问和做答。四中网校加自编6中等否定句和一般疑问句10分钟否定句和一般疑问句的转换要求让学生掌握转换规律在否定句和一般疑问句中一些单词需要的变化例如:some要变any等四中网校加自编 7中等Be动词,惯词,介词10分钟Be动词,惯词,介词的用法了解,掌握Be动词,惯词,介词主语,be动词的使用四中网校加自编 8偏难读懂整篇文章20分钟地点介词,答语的应用通读全文,了解文章大意国

3、和国籍的应用四中网校加自编 9中等利用所给单词组句,写小作文。20分钟句子的完整性的锻炼能写小作文在组词成句的基础上,组句成文。四中网校加自编 4、试卷内容小学六年级英语期末考试试题一从下列各组单词中选出划线部分中读音与众不同的一个,请将其标号写在题前括号中(共5分,每小题0.5分)( )1AbutBcutCput Dnumber( )2AsillyByesCyellow Dyear( )3AbadBpath Cfather Dfast( )4AdressBhelp CemptyDexcuse( )5Agood Bfood Clook Dclassroom( )6Awhat BwhereCwh

4、ichDwhose( )7Athin Bthis CmouthDthree( )8Ahungry BthankCmend Ddrink( )9Awhat BwatchCwaterDwant( )10AsockBso Cbroken Dthose二写出下列单词的相应形式(共10分,每小题1分)1yes(反义词)_2man(复数)_3no(完全形式) _4cannot(缩略形式) _5husband(对应词)_6teach(第三人称单数)_7rain(变成形容词) _8third(基数词)_9knife(复数)_10best(反义词)_三单项选择(共20分,每小题1分)1Jane is a pup

5、il _ Class Four.AinBofCat2Thanks for _ me.A. helpB. helpedC. helpingD. to help3English is _ useful language.A. aB. anC. theD. /4Mum,I am thirsty. _.AI want some waterBI want some riceCI want some fish5Shes American girl, and _ name is Mary White.A. myB. hisC. herD. its6I usually get up late _ the we

6、ekend.Aon Bat Cin7Jack is taller than _ the others.A. anyB. someC. any ofD. anything of8Please take _ the new pair of boots and let me try them _.A. up, inB. off, outC. out, onD. down, up9While I was getting _ the bus, Jack was getting _ it.A. on, toB. on, offC. off, toD. off, at10There are only _ b

7、owls on the table.A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few11The Changjiang River is one of the famous rivers in the world.A. inB. onC. forD. near12Im afraid there is _ coffee left; we have to buy _. A. some, anyB. any, someC. some, someD. any, any13Fish cant live _ water.A. upB. outC. withD. without14Mr.

8、Smith has _ children. The _ is a son.A. nine, ninthB. nine, ninethC. nineth, nineD. ninth, nine15The girl speaks English very well, so she and her teacher often _ to each other in English.A. talkB. tellC. sayD. speak16He is enjoying _ to one of Liszts pieces. A. listenB. to listenC. listeningD. list

9、enning17It gets _ and _ when winter comes.A. cold, coldB. colder, colderC. cold, colderD. colder, cold18This coat is mine. That one is _.A. herB. hisC. hesD. shes19Look! They _ a good time, _ they?A. have, doB. have, dontC. are having, areD. are having, arent20There are _ friends of mine in the room

10、. So I leave.A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few四情景交际(共20分,每小题1分)1_. Im in Class Five, Grade Six.A. What grade are you in?B. What row are you in?C. What class are you in?D. Where class are you in?2Are you Kate? _.A. No, it is.B. Yes, it isnt.C. No, Im not.D. Yes, you arent.3_? Shes eleven.A. How are

11、you?B. What are you?C. How old are you?D. Where are you?4Thank you, Tom. _.A. Youre welcome.B. Yes, it is.C. Thank you, too.D. Yes, they are.5Excuse me, whats the time, please? _ . My watch is at home.A. Yes, it is.B. Oh, it isnt my watch.C. Sorry, I dont know.D. OK, my watch is here.6May I phone hi

12、m now? _.A. Certainly, you may.B. Yes, you need.C. Certainly, you can.D. Yes, you might.7_. Two weeks.A. How long may I keep the book?B. How many may I keep the book?C. How much may I keep the book?D. How often may I keep the book?8初次见面,给别人正式介绍后,你应如何向对方打招呼?A. How are you?B. Whats your name?C. How do

13、 you do?D. Very well, nice to meet you.9你有事想请别人帮忙时,应说:A. Could you help me, please?B. Would you like to help me?C. Do you want to help me?D. Can you help me, please?10Shall we go to the park tomorrow? _.A. Excuse me.B. Thank you.C. Good idea.D. Very well.11Can I borrow your book?_.A. No, thanks.B. C

14、ertainly.C. No, you cant.D. Yes, I can.12Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the South Lake? _.A. I dont know.B. Why do you ask me?C. Im sorry. Im new here.D. Who knows?13Which one do you want, a big one or a small one? _.A. Yes, a long one.B. Yes, a short one.C. A long one, please.D. No, a shor

15、t one.14_. Im sorry.A. Sit down, please.B. Look at the blackboard.C. Dont write on the wall.D. Write your homework.15_?Can I borrow a pen, please? A. What do you wantB. What are youC. Are you writingD. What are you doing16你生日那天,别人向你祝贺,你应该说:_.A. All right.B. Thank you.C. Thats all right.D. Youre welc

16、ome.17当你想向别人借用一下字典时,你应该说:_.A. Give me your dictionary.B. Wheres your dictionary?C. I want to use your dictionary.D. May I use your dictionary?18当老师问:“Is everyone here today?”时,哪种回答才对?A. Yes, we do.B. Yes, I am.C. No, Tom is not here.D. I am on duty today.19Peter: Wheres my shirt? Tom: Is it a green

17、one? John: Look _. Tom: Yes. Thank you very much.A. Is that one?B. Here you are.C. I dont know.D. What is that?20Whats the date today? _.A. Today is Monday.B. Its a fine day.C. Its Ok.D. Today is April 5th.五情景会话,找出下列各题每句话的答案(共10分,每小题1分)( )1. My kite is in the tree. A. You are welcome.( )2. Do you sp

18、eak Chinese? B. Row Five.( )3. What day is today? C. I cant find my watch.( )4. Its time for school.D. OK.( )5. Thank you. E. Hes my friend.( )6. Whats the time? F. They are white.( )7. Please give them to me. G. Its Monday.( )8. Whos that boy? H. Dont worry. I can get it.( )9. What color are the sh

19、oes? I. Yes, a little.( )10. What row is Mary in? J. OK. Lets go.六将下列句子改为否定句和一般疑问句:(共24分,每题4分)I将下列句子改为否定句和一般疑问句:1These apples are sour. _2The pupil has got a pair of scissors. _3There are some giraffes in the jungle. _4He goes home at four oclock in the afternoon. _5She can climb the mountain. _6. I

20、t is a pencil._七完型填空(共18分,每小题1分) (一)Learning How to SwimDuring summer holidays, my good friend Chuanchuan _1_ I went to join a swimming class. Before _2_ only knew how to dog paddle, I like a dog falling into the water and trying to swim.At the swimming class, my teacher told _3_ how to do the crawl

21、. For the crawl we had to breathe on _4_ the left and the right sides. After that, my teacher taught us how to do backstroke. For swimming backstroke, we _5_ needed to go back in a circular motion. My teacher always demonstrated the backstroke first before teaching, then we followed _6_.Sometimes, o

22、ur teacher let us play a game called“catch the ring”. This was how we played it: someone took a rubber ring and threw it into the water, then _7_ dived down in the water and brought it back up to the surface. We _8_ played happily.Now I know how to swim!( )1. A. orB. and C. both D. all( )2. A. I B.

23、meC. us D. My( )3. A. we B. our C. us D. I( )4. A. bothB. all C. either D. neither( )5. A. armsB. arm C. eyes D.ears( )6. A. she B. heC. his D. her( )7. A. usB. our C. me D. we( )8. A. all B. eitherC. neitherD. both(二)This _1_ my room. It is a _2_ nice room. The window _3_ big and the walls _4_ whit

24、e. Near the window there is a red desk. It is for me. _5_ the desk, there are some books and _6_ pencil-box. _7_ the back wall there are some pictures and _8_ map of China.There is _9_ bed. It is near the door. There is a chair behind the bed. There is a box and a pair of new shoes _10_ the bed.( )1

25、. A. are B. am C. is D. be( )2. A. muchB. very C. tooD. now( )3. A. isB. areC. am D. /( )4. A. are B. is C. be D. /( )5. A. onB. on C. in D. under( )6. A. a B. twoC. some D. at( )7. A. InB. ForC. On D. At( )8. A. / B. an C. aD. some( )9. A. anB. aC. notD. the( )10. A. in B. at C. underD.from八阅读理解(共1

26、1分,每小题1分)(一)Jack came to China three years ago.He is an Australian boy. His parents are now in China, too. They are teachers. They teach English. Jack is now in No. 2 Middle School. He is a student. He works very hard. His parents work in No. 8 Middle School. Jack is my good friend. Last Sunday he c

27、ame to see me. We went to swim in the river near my house that day.1Jack is _.A. AmericanB. AustralianC. EnglishD. Canadian2Jack and his parents are _ now.A. in AmericaB. in ChinaC. in CanadaD. in Australia3His parents teach _.A. in the same schoolB. in a different schoolC. in No. 2 Middle SchoolD.

28、in No. 18 Middle School4Jack is in _.A. No. 2 Middle SchoolB. No. 8 Middle SchoolC. No. 18 Middle SchoolD. No. 20 Middle School5Jack came to see me _.A. last SundayB. last MondayC. last ThursdayD. last Saturday6I _ with Jack that day.A. went to the shopB. went out at the cinemaC. went out to play fo

29、otballD. went to swim(二)The Garage Is Full of SnowIn the morning Mr. Smith comes into the garden at the back of his house. He sees so much snow in the garden. Mr. Smith wants to take his car out, so he asks a man to clean the road from his garden to the gate. He says to the man. “Dont throw any snow

30、 on that side, it will damage the flowers in my garden; and dont throw any on the other side for it will damage the wall. And dont throw any into the street, or the policeman will come.” Then he goes out.When he comes back, the path is clean. There is no snow on the flowers on the wall or in the str

31、eet. But when he opens the garage to get his car out, he sees: the garage is full of snow, the snow from the path, and his car is under the snow!1. In the morning Mr. Smith finds _ is full of snow.A. his gardenB. his garageC. his houseD. hid car2. He wants a man to clean the road. He _.A. doesnt lik

32、e snow at allB. likes the clean roadC. wants to take his car out of the garageD. often asks the man to do something3. Where does Mr. Smith tell the man to throw the snow in the garden? _.A. On the flowersB. Into the streetC. On the wallD. We dont know4. He opens the garage _.A. and takes his car out

33、B. and finds it is full of snowC. and finds there is no car in itD. and takes snow out5. Where is Mr. Smiths car? _A. Under the snow from the road.B. In the street.C. Near the road.D. In front of his house.九小作文(共6分)根据词语提示,写一段话,不少于5句。词语提示:twelve;middle school;student;No.8 Middle School;Zhengzhou;Clas

34、s 3;Grade 1;English and Chinese;much.5、试卷答案一1. B 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. B二1no 2men 3number 4cant 5wife6teaches 7rainy 8three 9knives 10worst三1. A 2. C 3. A 4. A5. C 6. D 7. C 8. C 9.B 10. D 11. A 12 .B 13. D 14. A 15. A 16. C 17. B 18. B 19. B 20. C四1. C 2. C 3. C4. A5. C 6. C 7. A 8. C9. A10. C 11. B12.

35、 C13. C 14. C 15. A 16. B17. D18. C 19. A 20. D五1. H 2. I 3. G 4. J 5. A6. C 7. D 8. E 9. F 10. B六Whens, on, birthday, days, have, birthday, idea, like as, Id like, How about, like, playing, like playing, too, go, play football, there are, here, public signs, mean different, does, means, off, grass, look after, clean, Theres, over there, does, mean, means, new, play football, the ball, pass, me.1. 对 2. 错 3. 错 4. 错 5. 对七(一)1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. D 8. A(二)1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. B 10.C八(一)1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. D(二)1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. A九略


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