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1、小学六年级毕业英语复习资料一、复习点拨:1、 字母表:要求能够按照顺序默写字母表(大小写),书写正确、规范。 书写口诀:大写字母占两格,上格、中格不顶格,小写字母看清格,书写注意占满格(t , f 除外)。2、字母的笔顺。大写字母C G J L O S V W Z 9个字母书写时笔尖不离开纸面,都必须一笔写成。大写字母B D K M N Q R T U X Y, 书写时都是两笔完成。大写字母A E F H I 5个字母书写时都是三笔完成。小写字母除f i j t x 5个字母书写时是两笔完成外,其余小写字母都是一笔完成。3、元音字母:要熟练掌握五个元音字母:A, a, E, e, I , i

2、, O , o , U, u.4、按发音分类。能够按照字母的发音将它们分类,含有相同音素的字母归为一组。主要题型有:选出一组字母中的不同类的一个,按发音将字母分类。(1)A: A H J K (2) E: B C D E G P T V (3) I: I Y (4) O: O(5) U: U Q W (6) R :R (7) F : F L M N S X Z 5、字母的大写(1)英语中句子首字母要大写。(每句话开头的那个字母要大写) 比如:Whats your name ? My name is Li Le . What colour is it ? .(2)人名中的名和姓的首字母要大写。比

3、如:Snow White , Monkey King , Santa Claus , Wang Ting.(3)国名、城市名的首字母要大写。比如:China , Canada , Hong Kong , Macao , America , Australia , France ,New Zealand , Japan, Britain .(4)语言及民族的首字母要大写。比如:English (英语) , Chinese (中文)(5)职务或称呼的首字母要大写。比如:Mr Brown , Miss Zhang .(6)专有名词的首字母要大写。比如:Mount Fuji , Big Ben , t

4、he Eiffel Tower , the Great Wall , the White House.(7)表示我的字母“I”无论在什么情况下都要大写。( 8) 星期要大写。Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday , Sunday .(9)月份要大写。January , February , March , April , May , June , July , August , September ,October , November , December .6、字母的缩略词A.M(a.m.) 上午 P.M.(

5、p.m.)下午 OK 好,行 WC 厕所PRC 中国 UN 联合国 UK 联合王国(英国) TV电视 ID身份证 Tel 电话 CCTV中国中央电视台 ABC基础知识WTO世界贸易组织 RMB人民币 WHO世界卫生组织二、单词分类汇总1、学习用品(school things)pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 pencil case铅笔盒 rule尺子 book书bag包 schoolbag书包 eraser橡皮 pencil sharpener卷笔刀 story book故事书 notebook笔记本 Chinese book语文书English book英语书 math book数学书 work

6、book 练习册textbook 课本2、人体(body)foot脚 head头 face脸 hair头发 nose鼻子 mouth嘴 eye眼睛ear耳朵 arm手臂 hand手 finger手指 leg腿3、颜色(colours)red红 blue蓝 yellow黄 green绿 white白 black黑 pink粉红purple紫 orange橙 brown棕4、动物(animals)cat猫 dog狗 pig猪 duck鸭 rabbit兔 horse马 elephant大象ant蚂蚁 fish鱼 bird鸟 eagle鹰 snake蛇 mouse老鼠squirrel松鼠 kangar

7、oo袋鼠 monkey猴 panda熊猫bear熊 lion狮子 tiger老虎 fox狐狸 zebra斑马 deer鹿giraffe长颈鹿 goose鹅 hen母鸡 turkey火鸡 lamb小羊sheep绵羊 goat山羊 cow奶牛 donkey驴 shark鲨鱼 whale鲸5、人物(people)friend朋友 boy男孩 girl女孩 mother母亲 father父亲 sister姐妹brother兄弟 uncle叔叔;舅舅 man男人 woman女人 Mr.先生 Miss.小姐 lady女士;小姐mom妈妈 dad爸爸 grandm(外)祖母 grandpa(外)祖父 aun

8、t姑姑;舅母cousin堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹 son儿子 daughter女儿 baby婴儿 kid小孩 classmate同学 queen女王 people人物 robot机器人、职业(jobs)teacher教师 student学生 doctor医生 nurse护士 driver司机farmer农民 singer歌唱家writer作家 waiter男服务员 waitress女服务员artist艺术家 engineer工程师 policeman(男)警察 player 运动员shop assistant店员 fireman 消防员 postman 邮递员 cook 厨师、食品 饮料(f

9、ood & drink)rice米饭 bread面包 beef牛肉 milk牛奶 water水 egg蛋fish鱼 tofu豆腐 cake蛋糕hot dog热狗 hamburger汉堡包meat肉 chicken鸡肉 fruit salad水果沙拉 soup汤 ice冰ice-cream冰淇淋 Coke可乐 juice果汁 tea茶 coffee咖啡breakfast早餐lunch午餐 supper晚餐 dinner正餐、水果 蔬菜(fruit & vegetables)apple苹果 banana香蕉 pear梨 orange橙 watermelon西瓜 grape葡萄 li

10、tchi 荔枝 bean豆 pea豌豆tomato西红柿 potato土豆 peach桃 strawberry草莓 cabbage卷心菜 carrot 胡萝卜、衣服(clothes)jacket夹克衫 shirt衬衫 T-shirt恤衫 skirt短裙子 dress连衣裙 jeans牛仔裤 pants长裤 socks袜子 shoes鞋子 sweater毛衣coat上衣 shorts短裤skirt 裙子hat(有沿的)帽子cap便帽tie领带 scarf围巾 gloves手套、交通工具bike自行车 bus公共汽车 train火车 boat小船 ship轮船 car小汽车 taxi出租车 jee

11、p吉普车 van小货车;面 包车 plane飞机11、杂物(other things)window窗户 door门 desk课桌 chair椅子 bed床 computer计算机 light灯 picture图画;照片 wall墙壁 floor地板football足球 present礼物lamp台灯 phone电话 sofa沙发 shelf书架table桌子TV电视key钥匙 lock锁 photo照片knife刀 fork叉 spoon勺子 chopsticks筷子pot锅 gift礼物 toy玩具doll洋娃娃 ball球 balloon气球kite风筝box盒子 umbrella伞vio

12、lin小提琴 yo-yo溜溜球nest鸟窝 hole洞toothbrush牙刷money钱 medicine药12、地点home家 room房间 bedroom卧室 bathroom卫生间 living room起居定 kitchen厨房 classroom教室 school学校 park 公园 library图书馆post office邮局 cinema电影院 bookstore书店 farm农场zoo动物园 garden花园 study书房 playground操场teachers office教师办公室bathroom卫生间 art room绘画教室computer room计算机教室

13、music room音乐教室 supermarket超市13、课程(courses)Chinese语文 , art美术 , computer计算机 , music音乐 ,English 英语,science科学 , PE体育 , maths数学 .14、国家 城市 (countries & cities)China/PRC中国 America/USA美国 UK联合王国 England英国 Canada加拿大 Australia澳大利亚 New York纽约 London伦敦 Sydney悉尼 Moscow莫斯科 Cairo开罗 Hong Kong 香港15、气象cold寒冷的 warm

14、温暖的 cool凉爽的 snowy下雪的 sunny晴朗的hot火热的 rainy下雨的 windy有风的 cloudy多云的16、景物(nature)river河流 lake湖泊forest森林road公路 house房子building建筑物 rain雨 cloud云 sun太阳 mountain山 sky天空 rainbow彩虹 wind风 snow雪17、植物(plants)flower花 grass 草 tree 树rose 玫瑰 leaf 叶子 sunflower 向日葵lily 百合花 carnation 康乃馨18、星期(week)Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二

15、Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四Friday星期五Saturday星期六 Sunday 星期日 weekend周末19、月份(months)Jan.(January) 一月 Feb.(February)二月 Mar.(March) 三月Apr.(April) 四月 May 五月 Jun.(June)六月 Jul.(July) 七月 Aug.(August) 八月 Sept.(September) 九月 Oct.(October)十月 Nov.(November) 十一月 Dec.(December)十二月20、季节(seasons)spring 春 summer夏 autu

16、mn秋 winter冬天21、方位(directions)left 左 right 右22、患病(illness)have a fever 发烧 have a cold 感冒have a headache 头疼 have a cough咳嗽23、数词(numbers)one一 two二 three三 four 四 five五 six 六 seven七 eight八 nine九ten十 eleven十一 twelve十二 thirteen十三 fourteen 十四 fifteen十五 sixteen十六 seventeen十七 eighteen 十八 nineteen十九 twenty 二十t

17、hirty三十 forty四十 fifty五十 sixty六十 seventy七十 eighty八十ninety九十 hundred 百first 第一 second第二 third第三 fourth第四 fifth第五 eighth第八ninth 第九 tenth第十 eleventh 第十一 twelfth第十二 twentieth第二十24、形容词(adj.)big大的 small小的 long长的 tall高的 short短的;矮的 young年轻的 old旧的;老的 strong健壮的 thin瘦的nice好看的 sweet甜的happy高兴的sad伤心的 good 好的 bad 坏

18、的 fine 好的great 很好的 heavy 重的 new 新的 fat 胖的right 对的 hungry 饥饿的 cute逗人喜爱的 little 小的 beautiful 漂亮的pretty 漂亮的cheap便宜的 juicy 多汁的 helpful 有帮助的 high 高的 easy 简单的25、介词(prep.)in在.里 on在.上;在.时候 under在.下面near在.的附近 behind在.后边 next to 与.相邻 over在.上面 in front of 在.前面 beside在.的旁边26、代词(pron.)I 我 we 我们 you你;你们 he 他 she她

19、 it它 they他(她,它)们 my我的 our我们的 your你的;你们的 his他的 her她的 its它的 their 他(她,它)们的27、动词(V.)play玩;踢 swim游泳 fly飞 jump跳 run跑 climb爬 eat吃 sleep 睡觉 like像;喜欢 have 有;吃 live居住 teach教 go去 study 学习 learn 学习 sing 唱歌 dance 跳舞 do homework 做作业 watch TV 看电视read books 读书 water the flowers 浇花 sweep the floor扫地clean the classr

20、oom打扫卧室/房间 make the bed 铺床 set the table 摆饭桌 do the dishes洗碗碟have breakfast 吃早饭 have dinner 吃晚饭have supper 吃晚餐 go to school 上学 have English class 上英语课get up 起床go shopping 买东西 play the piano 弹钢琴fly a kite 放风筝 plant trees 种树 draw a picture 画画 make a phone call 打电话listen to music 听音乐 ride a bike 骑自行车 p

21、lay football踢足球meet 见面 welcome 欢迎 thank 谢谢 love爱 work 工作 drink 喝taste 尝 smell 闻 look 看 guess 猜 help 帮助show 展示use使用 clean打扫 open 打开 close 关上 put 放 read 读 write 写paint 绘画 tell 告诉ride 骑 stop停 wait 等 find 寻找 drive 驾驶 fold 折 send 寄 wash 洗 shine 照耀feel 感觉到think 思考meet 遇见fall 落下put on 穿上wear 穿go home 回家 go

22、 to bed 上床睡觉play computer games 玩电脑游戏do housework 做家务go to the cinema 去看电影 go skating 去滑冰 go swimming 去游泳go to the park 去公园 go to the zoo 去动物园(二)句型专项归类汇总1、 肯定句:是指用肯定的语气来陈述的句子,如:Im a student.She is a doctor.He works in a hospital.They are good friends .2、否定句:含有否定词或表示否定意义词的句子,如:Im not a student.She is

23、 not (isnt) a doctor.He does not (doesnt) work in a hospital.They are not (arent )good friends .I do not (dont ) like science .注意:否定句主要是在肯定句的基础上加上了否定词 “not”。有动词be的句子则“not”加在be后面,可缩写成“isnt,arent”,但am not 一般都分开写。没有动词be的句子则要先在主要动词的前面加上一个助动词(do,does,),然后在它后面加上“not”,你也可以把它们缩写在一起如“dont , doesnt , )。小学六年级英

24、语毕业复习资料第一部分 重点句BOOK 1Bye-bye.Goodbye . Song long .Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you ,too .Nice to see you again .Who are you ? Im Mr. Tiger .How do you do ? How do you do ?How are you ? Im fine ,thank you .Good morning . Good afternoon .Good evening . Good night .How old are you ? Im thirteen .Hap

25、py birthday to you . Thank you .Merry Christmas . Merry Christmas . (Same to you .)Happy New Year . Happy New Year . (Same to you .) BOOK 2Welcome to China . Im from China .Happy Womens Day . Thank you .Whats your name ? My name is Sunny . What day is today ? Its Sunday .Hows the weather ? Its sunny

26、 .Wheres my ball ? Here. Over there .May I come in ? Come in , please .How many rabbits ? Ten .Can you fly ? No, I cant .Can you run ? Yes, I can .BOOK 3Where are you from ? I am from America . Where is she from ? She is from France . Where is he from ? He is from Japan . Happy Teachers Day . Thank

27、you .Whats this ? Its a dog .Whats that ? Its a cat .What a cold day ! What a hot day !Mid-autumn Festival .Do you have a kite ? Yes , I do . No, I dont .Does he have a plane ? Yes , he does . No, he doesnt . Whats 20 plus 40 ? Its 60 .Whats 60 minus 40 ? Its 20 .Do you like football ? Yes , I do .

28、No, I dont .BOOK 4Whats her name ? Her names Rose .Whats his name ? His names Le Le .What time is it ? Its eight oclock .How about playing basketball ? How about going to the park ? Lets go to school . Lets watch TV .Are you happy ? Yes , I am . No , Im not .Yes , we are . No, We arent .What do you

29、like ? I like tea .What are these ? They are bees .What are those ? They are birds .Whats your favourite season ? I like spring .Where are you going ? I am going to the zoo .We are going to the cinema .There is a goldfish . There are some hippos .When is your/her/his birthday ? Its in May .BOOK 5Who

30、se book is it ? Its my book . Its mine .Its your book . Its yours .Its his book . Its his . Its her book . Its hers .I have music on Friday .Who is your English teacher ? Mr . Jiang .What subject do you like best ? I like PE best .Why do you like art best ? Because its magic .Why dont you like maths

31、 ? Because its hard .What are you doing ? Im watching TV.Where is the Eiffel Tower ? Its in France .Is this juice ? Yes , it is .Is that juice , too ? No, it isnt . Its tea .Is it Mount Fuji ? Yes, it is .Whos the man ? Hes my uncle .Whos the boy ? Hes my brother .Whos the man in the purple ? Hes my

32、 father . Whos the woman in the pink ? Shes my mother . What is your father ? He is a farmer .What is your mother ? She is a nurse .BOOK 6What are you going to do ? Im going to do my homework . What are they going to do ? They are going to read books . Why do you love foxes ? Because they have soft

33、fur .Where do you live ? I live on the earth . Where do they live ? They live in England . Where do bears live ? They live in forest . What do you wear ? I wear a skirt . So do I . What do you wear in spring ? We wear jeans . What season is it ? Its summer .When is summer ? Its from June to August .

34、 What colour is spring ? Its green .What is the date today ? It is September 1st . How much is the skirt ? Its 50 yuan .How much is it ? Its thirty yuan .Can I help you ? I want an ice cream .Here you are . Thank you .Let me cut the cake . Let me clean the room . BOOK 7Where is the music room ? Its

35、on the third floor . What would you like to drink ? Id like some juice . Where is the classroom ? Its beside the teachers office . May I have a rest ? Yes ,of course .May I have a look ? Yes , please .Clean the bedroom , please . All right . OK . Can I help you ? Yes, please water the flowers .This

36、is a tomato . This is not a pumpkin .These are tomatoes . These are not pumpkins . That is a witch . That is not a ghost . Those are witches . Those are not ghosts . BOOK 8What do you do ? I am a nurse .What does your mother do ? She is a farmer . What does your father do ? He is a worker . How is i

37、t ? Its hot .Which dress is better ? The green one . My pencil is shorter than yours .I feel hungry . Youd better eat some bread . I feel terrible . Youd better not eat too much . Whats wrong with you ? I have a headache . Whats the matter with you ? I have a cold .第二部分 语法一、名词(一)普通名词:1、下列名词指的是人。farm

38、er , waiter, cook, teacher, fireman 2、下列名词指的是动物。deer, cat, bear, horse, eagle, peacock 3、下列名词指的是地方。school, beach, zoo, playground, cinema 4、下列名词指的是事物。basketball, watch, kite, football, pen, ruler (二)专有名词:专有名词指的是特定的人,地方或事物。专有名词是以大写字母开头的。1、下列都是人的名字。Sunny, Rainy, Windy, Cloudy, Snow White, Miss White ,

39、Monkey King 2、下列是部分国家,它们也是专有名词。China , America , France , Japan , Canada 3、下列是城市和都市的名称。Beijing, Hong Kong , Chongqing, Chengdu, New York4、下列是著名建筑物的名称。Big Ben , the Eiffel Tower , the White House , the Great Wall5、下列是星期和月份,这些都是专有名词。Sunday , Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday

40、. January , February , March , April , May , June , July , August , September , October , November , December .6、下列是节日名称,它们也是专有名词。Childrens Day , Mothers Day , Christmas , Teachers Day ,Womens Day , New Years Day , the Spring Festival (三)名词还有可数名词和不可数名词的区别。可数名词:一般可以以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西。如: a banana , a

41、bird , three mice , four foxes , five geese , six men , seven women , eight children 不可数名词:一般不能以数目来计算,不可以分成个体的东西。如: rain , oil , hair , salt , fur , wind , snow , fish , rice , tea 可数名词的复数形式:(1)绝大多数的名词的复数形式是在后面加S,构成。如: grape-grapes , apple-apples , boy-boys (2)以s ,x,ch,sh结尾的名词,加es.box-boxes , fox-fo

42、xes , watch-watches ,witch-witches , peach-peaches (3)以f或fe结尾的名词,多数变f或fe为v,再加es。如: leaf-leaves , wolf-wolves .(4)以辅音字母加y结尾的词,变y为i,再加es。如:city-cities , story-stories , country-countries一些不规则的名词的复数形式:child - children , man - men , woman-women ,mouse -mice , foot -feet , goose -geese ,tomato-tomatoes ,

43、 potato-potatoes .二、代词。1、人称代词。fifty , fifty- , sixty , sixty-,.seventy, seventy- , eighty , eighty- , ninety , ninety-, one hundred , two hundred , three hundred , ., one thousand .2、序数词:表示顺序的词称为序数词。first , second , third , fourth , fifth , sixth , seventh , eighth , ninth , tenth , eleventh , twelf

44、th , thirteenth , fourteenth , fifteenth, sixteenth , seventeenth , eighteenth , nineteenth , twentieth , twenty-first , twenty-second , twenty-third , twenty-( fourth , fifth , sixth , seventh , eighth , ninth) , thirtieth ,thirty-first .四、冠词。冠词用在名词前面,帮助指明名词的含义,本身不能单独使用。英语中的冠词有a , an , the 。1、不定冠词a

45、 / an .如:a boy , a girl , a cat .特别要注意用an的。an apple , an orange , an egg , an ice cream , an artist , an engineer, an elephant2、定冠词 the .(1)用于单数可数名词前,表示整体或类别。如:The bird is very beautiful . The dog is black and white .(2)用来表示世界上独一无二的事物。如:the sun , the moon , the sky , the earth , the world .(3)常用于含有普通名词或形容词的专有名词前。如: the Great Wall , the White House , the Eiffel Tower 五、形容词(比较级)short-shorter long-longer tall-tallercheap-cheaper cold-colder old-olderyoung-younger small-smaller rich-richer strong-stronger smart-sma


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